
Five Important Things To Keep In Mind While Choosing Your Fish

Here are five important points to keep in mind when you choose your fish: --

1. Check the health status of fish carefully. If you are careful enough, you can check to both visible and intrinsic health conditions of fish. First, you must observe the body of the fish. Pay attention to the scales and fins. Scales should be shiny and smooth, while the fins should not have cuts or bites. If there is a fuzzy growth on the bodies of fish, it is best left alone. Also check the areas under the eyes of a witness of health. Some fish would not look bad, but they could have the internal conditions. You can tell if a fish is either too slow and spend more time in the tank, or if it is hyperactive and keeps darting across the reservoir in a kind of frenzy.

2. You must then verify the nature of the fish and its compatibility with other fish in the tank. Do not select the fish fight with many other fish in the tank. They will be difficult to maintain because they hurt themselves often, and you will not be able to fish in the tank with them. Also check if the fish is becoming increasingly docile fish with another of its own species in the reservoir, preferably of the opposite sex.

3. Ask the store about the size of the fish can reach. You must take into account the size of your aquarium here. The equation is to maintain an inch of the size of fish per gallon aquarium space. You should not consider that the current size of the fish, but we must see how big it will when it becomes an adult.

4. The fish are temperamental little creatures, and most of their time depends on water temperature, they are kept in You should ask the store on the nature of living fish, whether it Water is tropical or temperate water fish. This will give you an idea of what kind of temperature, you should keep in your tank.

5. Finally, you must select fish based on what they eat. Fish have different eating habits and some of them are very fussy when it comes to eating. You must ensure that the food is your fish is readily available, and that this will not be very costly. You will also need to keep food for your fish always in stock.

The five factors on which you can base your shopping for fish. By adopting these factors, there is less chance that you can go wrong in your selection of fish.

Keeping Your Tropical Fish From Getting Sick

Did you know that your tropical fish can get sick just like you can? They do not share the same illnesses that we have, of course but when your fish gets sick he feels just as bad as you do when your sick.

What Makes Aquarium Fish Sick

While a lot of factors can make your fish fall ill, most veterinarians attribute health problems to stress! Stress has a way of making the immune system less effective whether it be in humans or fish. When your fish are stressed, they can not fight of infections as well.

How Tropical Fish Can Get Stressed

Your aquarium fish can get stressed out pretty easy. Any change in their tank environment and especially putting them in a new tank can really stress them out! That's why there are so many procedures in preparing a fish tank, adding something new or fish moving to a new location. You also must keep the tank clean water with frequent water changes. Taking care of your fish tank and properly will reduce stress and keep your fish healthy.

Signs That Your Fish Is Sick

One key sign is that your fish may seem a bit listless and not his usual self. You might also notice him breathing funny, or fungus or patches on the scales or fins.

Making Your Aquarium Healthy Again

Now that we know the cause of most fish illnesses - that is, stress, we can work to reduce it as much as we can. That means feeding the fish appropriate food, maintaining a clean aquarium, quarantining new fish, and reducing abrupt movements around the tank. You can also try to figure out what your fish stressed out by watching their behavior when you introduce new things into the tank. Perhaps that new plant is not good for them? Or maybe a new piece of fish or decor just tips the balance too much.

If you can provide a habitat that is closest to the fish's natural environment this will be the least stressful for them. If you can make your aquarium an optimum home for your fish, they will reward you with vibrant colors and many years of enjoyment.


Koi Fish Illness

It is a toss what poses the greatest threat to your Koi pond. If predators are in first place, the disease rank very closely.

All types of fish are subject to disease, like all life forms. Despite the fact that the Koi fish is a fish relatively robust, as are all carp, they are always sensitive to a wide range of issues. Knowing what these are and how to recognize is the first step towards its prevention and cure. The most important thing is to recognize that stress is a factor that contributes to most of the Koi pond fish disease.

When you talk about stress in fish, it has a different meaning when you talk about it as a human condition. It is not so much that the fish are concerned, but it means that something is out of harmony in their environment. Many of the factors causing stress in fish are environmental in nature. These include high levels of ammonia or low oxygen levels. Dirty or contaminated water could be a stress factor.

Other conditions causing stress are easier to control. Manipulation causes excessive stress fish as a result of overcrowding in the pond. Even factors as two many sharp edges inside the pond could be a factor. The stress in this case is the result of injury to fish contact with the edges. Parasites and bacteria will benefit from the injury to infect fish. Thus, stress may be defined in the world of the Koi pond as any condition that promotes the spread of the disease.

The main agents causing the disease are bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic. With only one or two exceptions, all bacterial infections are secondary to stressors. Bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics. The issue nodular viral infections on raw fish and there is no real treatment except to remove scratch and hope for the best. Fungal infections are almost always the result of a secondary problem on the site of an old injury. Fungus can also attack the eggs of Koi fish. The parasites, as the famous Ich, are also possible.

Almost all bear some fish parasites, but they usually put in place a degree of resistance to them. Of course, in the presence of stress, this resistance is lowered and the fish become more sensitive. It can not be stressed enough that the less stress your Koi are exposed, the less chance they fall ill.

Fish Tanks For Sale - A Tank for The Fish

Keeping fish as pets is an enjoyable experience. It is also a less laborious than keeping most other types of pets. However, in order to maximize the experience that you have to be established from the moment you decide to buy fish.

Select the right fish thank fish tanks offered for sale is the second most important decision in maintaining fish as pets. The most important decision is, of course, the selection of fish, but fish comes second tank.

Aquarium will also be a focal point in the room in which it is located. They work as beautiful as decorations for homes and offices. These are still important reasons for choosing an aquarium correctly from fish tanks for sale.

You can find varieties of fish tanks for sale both online and offline. It is important that, before deciding to buy, do research online among the fish tanks for sale. This gives you an idea about the type of features and size of each type of fish tank for sale offer. More importantly, it will give you an idea of comparative prices of fish tanks for sale. You should also check the reviews and other information provided by Web sites that meet the fish pet ownership. In this way, you would not be completely destitute when checking the fish tanks for sale.

Another important consideration that buyers of fish tanks forget to inquire in advance is how to transport the aquarium is made. You should ask the seller to thank offering fish for sale if the tank will be delivered to your home and if it will cost extra. Remember that, despite appearances transporting an aquarium can be boring business.

You must also inform persons of the aquarium for sale if they install the tanks. Fish tanks practical need plumbing and electricity for their water and air filtering systems. Some fish tanks for the sale of these items pre-installed so all you have to do is plug in the connectors. Others require professional installation.


Do You Really Need a 55 Gallon Fish Tank?

Many people often want to purchase a 55 gallons fish tank without first determining if they really need one. There are a few things you should consider before putting out the extra money for a larger tank like this. First you should determine if you have room in your home for such a large tank. Next you will need to determine how many fish you intend to put in the tank and how much room they need. This will go a long way to determine if you need to get this size tank or could just stick with the smaller tank.

Most fish tanks 55 gallons, or aquarium, take up a large portion of floor space. This could be a deciding factor for you at the time of purchase. The normal 55 gallons tank will take up about twelve to fifteen square feet of space in your home and depending upon the kind of stand you get to hold the tank, maybe much more. Many people make the mistake of getting this larger tank because they could get a great deal on it. They take the tank home and realize it is much larger than they originally thought it was, and they have no room for it. This leads people to get frustrated and sometimes take the tank back to the store. Make sure you measure your tank properly and find adequate space for it in the desired location of your home.

The size of a tank you need will depend greatly on what type of fish you want to put into it. Many species of fish need more room to swim around or are much larger than most, and require the larger tank to accommodate them. However, there are equal amounts of fish that do not need the space and would simply get lost and harder to see in a tank of this size. Make a list of the types of fish you are looking to purchase and find out what size tank they all need to live healthily. This will ensure you will not waste your time and money on a 55-gallon tank that you did not need.

Why Betta Fish Make Great Pets

A pet can go a long way towards improving the quality of your life. Pet ownership has been proven to relieve boredom and stress, decrease blood pressure, improve mood, and provide a purpose in life. Human beings are social animals and by their nature enjoy having something to care for.

Unfortunately, our modern life does not always make a traditional pet keeping easy. Dogs and cats are great but there's a lot that goes with them. They need to be exercised, cleaned up after daily, take up a fair amount of space, and eat a lot of food. A great lower-maintenance pet choice is a reptile or fish.

The problem with reptiles is that they just are not much fun. For the most part they lie around and do not really interact with you at all. They also usually require expensive heating components and can smell bad if not taken care of frequently.

Fish combines the low maintenance of reptiles but can add so much more to your life. They're bright, colorful, and are moving around all of the time. A beautiful fish can be like a flower in your permanent home.

Even with the ease of many fish require big, complicated tank set-ups. That's one of the great things about the Betta, or Siamese Fighting Fish. In addition to being beautiful, Bettas are fairly hardy fish that do not need a large space or water flow.

Some great features about the betta are:

- They come in a variety of vibrant colors and shapes end. They are a beautiful fish sure to captivate your attention.

- They survive well in captivity. With proper care a betta will be just fine. Some fish are very difficult to keep healthy, but not the betta.

- Bettas do not need nearly as much space as other fish. Since they're comfortable in stagnant water, a small tank with a bit of airflow will be fine for them. I do recommend a small tank over the tiny bowl they come in so you do not have to change their water daily, but the tank can still be a lot smaller than what other fish need.

- They're amazingly friendly and animated. Bettas will soon learn to recognize their handler and "dance" around when they see you. They're happy to follow your finger around and play games for you.

When you look at the small cost of the fish, food, and set-up along with the bright colors, ease of care, and great interaction they make the perfect first pet for children. Kids love the pretty, animated betta fish and can learn responsibility while caring for them.


Where Can I Find a Builder for My Custom Fish Tank?

If you have a single application for an aquarium, May you do not know how to find someone who can build it for you. There are many things that go in creating the perfect custom aquarium for your home or business. May you be better served in search of the Internet to find a supplier who can work closely with you during the process.

A quick Internet search for a product manufacturer aquarium will provide hundreds of choices. These businesses will be able to handle any request you, and you allow entry to create the perfect project. Since many fish tanks need custom tailor stands or aquariums, it is essential to the project, you are able to provide the manufacturer with all measures will need your tank. Several times, when you use a manufacturer located far away, you will be responsible for providing the dimensions and measures to help them.

Custom aquarium manufacturer reputation must be investigated before giving your project. You would be advised to check with the Chamber of Commerce hometown of the company to see if they can trust. Since a custom aquarium can be very expensive, you want to be sure your builder will finish the project up to your standards. You must also be sure to use a manufacturer who has extensive experience in fish tanks and includes the structural elements that go into it. The weight of the tank itself or the size and location of its location could cause unique problems that the manufacturer will have to resolve.

The Internet has proved to be the best source for finding a custom aquarium manufacturer. Be sure to review some of these sites to make sure you get the best aquarium measure at the best price. You should be able to raise prices without having to compromise on quality.

Beautiful Your Tropical Aquarium With Decorations

When it is time to begin setting up your new tropical fish tank and embarking on your new hobby as a keeper of fish, one of the first areas that many people think about is the aquarium decoration. Embellishing your new aquarium fish with decorative touches is not only aesthetically pleasing, but it has some very practical aspects as well.

Aquarium decoration takes time to properly arrange in the tank because with it, you can create hiding places for the fish as well as natural borders. This makes the aquarium more like a natural environment. Having hiding places is helpful so that the fish are able to have a good place to rest or to simply separate itself from the tropical fish tank community.

Creating natural borders with a unique aquarium decoration can help to control the aggression of some fish in a tropical aquarium. When it is time to introduce new fish into the aquarium, you should rearrange one or more of the decorations in the tank so that old territories are broken up. This will make the older aquarium inhabitants less territorial and give the newly introduced fish a chance to stake claim to their own territories within the tank.

For tropical fish that are primarily cave dwellers, they especially need to have some elements of aquarium decoration that will create places for them to get away from other fish. Tank decorations that create crevices, caves and holes are particularly important for these kinds of fish. Also, fish that are accustomed to being in heavily populated waters also enjoy having aquatic plants to use for hiding and shielding themselves.

Plants are one type of aquarium decoration for your tropical fish tank that play a bigger role in the tropical aquarium than simply adding beauty. Aquarium plants are able to bind carbon and they OXYGENATE the water, helping to keep the water in better condition for the fish. Plants that are in the aquarium habitat also make use of organic waste, essentially as fertilizer, and this helps to get rid of these potentially harmful components from the aquarium water.

There are many involved in keeping fish who use sensitive aquatic plants as part of their aquarium decoration and which actually act like aquatic "canary in the mine." If there is a sudden problem with the quality of the water in the tropical fish tank, the plant will die. This will warn the aquarists that there is a problem so that it can be handled before any harm comes to the fish.

Most of the time aquarium decoration items are made of natural materials such as wood, rock or coral. Such natural items, arranged properly, help to make the tropical fish tank look as natural as possible. A tropical aquarium can actually be very much like a small slice of the real habitat for the species of tropical fish you have selected. Some aquarium enthusiasts even go so far as to research the actual habitats of their fish and then try to replicate the look and feel in their tropical fish tank, by adding plants and rocks that come from specific fish habitats.

In addition to the type of aquarium decoration that brings a sense of nature into the tropical fish tank, there is also a huge array of aquarium decorations that would not be found in natural fish habitat settings. For instance, you can add fantasy sea monsters, shipwrecks, buried treasure chests, Egyptian pyramids, statues and temple ruins to bring some interest and variety for the aquarium viewers.


Cichlid Fish Care

The cichlid fish has a very colorful appearance which makes them one of the most popular fish to own. Their care is not that difficult but they do have requirements that must be adhered to in order for them to be healthy.

Most cichlids come from Africa, but they are also found in Central and South America. They are found in many different kinds of waters, such as rivers, lakes and ponds. There are many different cichlid species and many different color variations.

In your cichlid tank, you must provide places for them to hide, such as large pieces of driftwood or rock caves. If you have a large species of cichlids, it is best not to put plants in their aquarium because they tend to dig up substrate materials. Other species, like the angelfish and discus prefer a planted tank.

Most cichlids like to be in water temperatures in the mid seventies. The Discus species prefers slightly higher temperatures. The staple food of your cichlid's diet should be a large flake food, but you should also feed many different types of live and frozen foods. It's good to have variety in their diet. If you have a large cichlid, it can even be fed crickets and earthworms.

Cichlids are very territorial which makes them aggressive. You must watch out for this aggression. If you have a mating pair, the male will usually drive away the female after mating. There needs to be somewhere for her to hide or else she can be killed. Because they are so aggressive, you should only keep them with other large fish that can stand up against them.

If you carefully select the fish, cichlids can be kept in a community tank. Dwarf cichlids work extremely well for this. They can be kept together pretty easily with schooling fish like characin. If you keep cichlids in a tank together just make sure there is enough room for them to claim their own territory.

Large cichlids should only be kept with fish of the same size and temperament as themselves. Do not keep any large with a small cichlid fish because they will probably make them a meal.

If you decide to breed cichlids, you need to realize that there are two different types of breeders. Substrate brooders lay eggs out in the open on a surface or hidden in a cavity. They will fan the eggs to increase oxygen supply and after they hatch, the fish will look after the young until they are eating on their own and free swimming. After that, the parents will still protect the young against predators. The parents will be extremely aggressive during this time.

The other type of breeder is called a mouthbrooder. They put the eggs and larvae in their mouths. They keep them in their mouths until the young are free swimming. Most mouthbrooders stop looking after the young once they are free swimming, but others do continue to care for them by letting them go back into their mouths when there is danger.

Cichlids fish are really fun to own. There are so many different kinds of cichlids and some of the colors are truly stunning. Before you get cichlids, just try to do as much research about them as you can.

Breeding Fish Can Be A Rewarding Part Of Your Hobby

Fish is a wonderful pet to have around, especially if you want to have a touch in the tropical decor of your home. If you have a few fish and you want more, you probably should consult information on farmed fish. It is difficult to describe the feeling you get when you see these brand new baby fish swimming around your tank for the first time. This article examines some tips to help you get started in the right direction.

As you check all the different fish tanks at a pet store May you notice that some fish along with each other better than others. This could be a good type of fish to try your hand at breeding. Talk to the pet store to see how much trouble the fish of your choice will be to reproduce. Some types of fish are easy to reproduce, while others May be more difficult.

If you want to be a good breeder fish of all conditions of the tank must be as close as possible to right you can get. The temperature of the water and nitrogen must be correct. If your levels are not correct this will tend to stress the fish that it will be difficult for them to reproduce successfully. When the fish lay eggs, the process is called spawning guards and men fish, eggs often. You may be surprised by the number of fish from these eggs.

Talking to the owner of the facility will help you know what types of food to feed two babies and adult fish. Most of the time flake food works well for freshwater fish, but you must keep the small flakes. Live shrimp as food May be good for certain species of fish, but you need to know what kind of feeding your fish well before starting to raise fish.

Do your homework and get all the information you need before you start fish farming. Talk to your local store pet owner about anything you can think and ask many questions and your success rate is much higher.

Farmed fish can be one of the most rewarding you can do with your hobby. Start and begin to slow and right before you know you'll get a lot of new fish in your tank.


Freshwater Rays - Excellent tankmates for Arowanas

Looking for an interesting second tank for your "lonely" Arowana? The freshwater stingrays are one of the most fascinating reservoir suitable mate options. Benthic their habits and their environment and power requirements make them ideally suited to sound additions Arowana tanks.

Ray History and Features

Rays belong to the Chondrichthyes class and are completely cartilaginous. They are mostly round, wide, flat fish. Freshwater rays come in a variety of sizes and can vary from 10 inches to over 3 feet! The departments most commonly kept by aquarium owners are members of the Potamotrygonidae (or "P") family. These typically reach about 18 inches and fit well into a tank Arowana.

The vast majority of the accessible freshwater ray fans hail directly from the River Amazon. They sport an interesting range of models that can hide the funds along the river. Spots, scribbling, rosettes, and circulars, pebble, as patterns are some of the most beautiful and intriguing patterns shelves.

Freshwater rays have a strong mouth parts that allow them to eat a variety of crustaceans and shellfish. They also possess a characteristic "tail skid" up to twice their size in length. These are appendices which are barbed at the end and function of venom glands. The rays of "Sting" (all of appendix) is whipped to referral under the speed of distress. Even small or baby rays can inflict painful stings toxic with their tail. Venomous bites are normally replaced every month, and we must take care to remove and throw even venomous bites carefully dropped.

Rays are not aggressive by nature, and their tail Stingers are really seen as a defense mechanism. Rays tend to live in the bottom of a tank and attract little attention from the surface Arowana housing. If a Arowana disrupt a radius, however, the damage to both is likely to result. Housing or a larger radius adult, as opposed to a young, small specimen is desirable. The size of the largest rays May deter Arowana from approaching him.

Caring rays in the aquarium

Prefer freshwater rays very clean, well-filtered water tank. The attention required by Arowana in terms of quality of water usually ensures rays flourish as a reservoir their peers. They prefer a temperature and pH in line with that of arowana, and even enjoy many of the same food. Rays thrive on a diet with live food such as farm raised earth, blood worms, shrimp, and pieces of fish. As the rays hiding in the sand or fine gravel, but it is not necessary for their well-being. Tank decorations such as rocks and driftwood are not even necessary to their advantage.

Unlike Arowana, UV healthy should adapt quickly to their new environment. Precautions must be taken during the period of acclimation as the rest Arowana disinterested in radius. At the first sign of any difficulty, to remove the radius of the tank!

Rays require some special considerations to ensure optimal health:

• The rays are scaleless fish and can not tolerate that the majority of fish unless the injected drugs

• PLECOSTOMUS and other Sucker-mouth fish May suck the protective coating of slime rays, causing injuries and even death

• Heating can inflict burns to a radius of the disc. To avoid injuries, a barrier of protection should be placed on heating, regardless of location.

Choosing Fish For You New Aquarium

Choosing Fish For You New Aquarium
 The second factor is time in between acquisitions. You do not want to throw five new fish into your tank because it will destroy the equilibrium of your tank's current bio system. Even in the beginning, you only want to put one or two new fish in your tank at a time, adding new ones at two to three week intervals until you are satisfied.

The third factor is mood. You do not want anti-social or territorial fish in your tank because they will take over that cute little castle at the bottom of your tank and forge swords in it. That is to say, they will kill your other fish! Also important is that fish species grow at different intervals. Usually large fish eat small fish, so if you have species that grow very large and are predatory and others that do not, expect your small ones to become food. Also, just because a fish species is not generally aggressive, keep in mind that some fish are mavericks and are either territorial or aggressive tendencies despite normal species. Make sure you ask your dealer before acquiring a fish what is its provision or you may be adding an evil fish that will make your nice friendly fish lives a nightmare experience.

Diet is another factor that you should take into consideration. If you are not going to have coral in your saltwater aquarium, then you should get coral eating fish. There are some species that are naturally hungria than others, and providing for their special dietary needs may cause a disruption in the balance of food you need to add to the tank, leading to the early demise of other fish in your tank, or to that species if its food is taken by others. This can also lead to fish becoming defensive towards one another, which leads to war!

Set-up type compatibility is also a key factor in deciding on your fish tank and other livestock. There are some fish only suited for fish tanks, some for fish only with live rock, or reef tank system and you are going to want to ensure that you acquire the right species to survive with your setup, or your fish will either survive or not become defensive, and go to war!

The bottom line here is organization. Working with your local pet dealer and doing your research to understand what fish go together and what do not fish, along with understanding the correct progression for increasing the amount of saltwater fish in your tank will all go a long way towards providing both you and the fish a peaceful habitat for you to enjoy and for the fish to live in.


Fish Ponds and the Importance of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide

In each garden pond or even a simple recirculationg water, you find the life of any kind.

In this article I want to talk about what happens in garden ponds normal throughout a period of 24 hours. If you understand these basics will be a long way to make your exercise more of your pond.

Think of a pond as a collection of living creatures, fish, plants, algae, frogs, bacteria and tiny insects. All these breathe like you and me and all need oxygen (almost all). All these flora and fauna exhale carbon dioxide. Think of your pond as breathing oxygen during the day, and breathing out carbon dioxide into the night.

Carbon dioxide in a water pool the results of a number of sources, including:

1. decomposition of waste generated at the bottom of the pond

2. by breathing pond inhabitants .... fish, insects, plants, algae

Of course, all of us think first and foremost of oxygen in the pond water as essential and, of course, this is true. Carbon dioxide is also critical. The oxygen and carbon dioxide also work in concert with each other.

In simple terms as carbon dioxide increases in a pond when oxygen levels tend to decrease. This follows a natural tendency. From dawn to dusk (day) levels of oxygen in the pond increase and decrease again from dawn to dusk (night).

Carbon dioxide concentrations in water act in the opposite direction - falling during daylight hours and rising during the night. Oxygen levels are at their highest at dusk and carbon dioxide levels are highest at dawn.

Beware proliferation of algae in ponds

Dawn is the critical moment in a pond. If something goes wrong, it is often just before the first traffic light, because at this stage, the level of oxygen dissolved in water of the pond will be a minimum.

Often, people are waking up to find dead fish ... and ask what happened? These deaths could be associated with very low oxygen levels coincided with high levels of carbon dioxide. When the ponds are full of algae suspension of such problems are more likely to occur.

If there is a very small amount of algal bloom in the pond, you will find oxygen and carbon dioxide will not change significantly between early morning and late afternoon. On the other hand dense pea soup water type May showed variations important.

Impacts on the season oxygen in the water.

The first thing to realize is that oxygen concentrations are highest in winter because the water is fresh. Because oxygen concentrations are high supplemental oxygen is not so quickly exhausted during the night. The plant and animal life has also slowed significantly which means they require less oxygen.

When fish in ponds without fountains or waterfalls indifferent May consider in winter due to carbon dioxide levels to be excessive, but this is normally associated with long-term calm dull day - in these circumstances, there is no natural wave action to allow oxygen transferred to water. The problem quickly sorts itself when wind and bright weather.

In summer, water may contain much less oxygen and plant and animal life (algae) is also growing because of higher temperatures with more nutrients in the water associated with nutrition fish. Living organisms are more carbon dioxide in a potentially catastrophic situation of low oxygen. Then the fish die of suffocation.

You can measure the quantities of carbon dioxide, but not recommended.

pH and carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide dissolved in water to form carbonic acid with a pH less than 7 if the pH will tend to fall when carbon dioxide is high. This is what happens during the night with a reversal during the day.

There is some fairly complex chemistry involved here that I'm going to ignore stress that the pond pH should ideally be around 7.0 to 8, but do not panic if it is 8.5.

In practice, this means that measuring pH can give erroneous results highly dependent time the sample is taken. If you do like to measure the properties of water can do this on an ongoing basis at the same time every day and keep a graphical representation of results so you can monitor developments. Individual results can be very misleading.

Aeration of ponds

I recommend that all ponds should be aerated using a simple fountain or waterfall at least. Many pondkeepers use an air pump with stones air. Another alternative to adding oxygen to the pond water is to use a venturi.

The aeration basin water reached two things that are both very good for pond water and fish:

1. Increase oxygen levels

2. Carbon dioxide is "blown" out of the water which tends to raise the pH levels.

Remember what Nigel Caddock, one of the best UK koi keepers is very committed to say. There should be 3 things in a pond: water, fish and air. Add plants to the list.

Aeration also protects against algae and dying - when they die they rot and release carbon dioxide using the resources of oxygen in the water.

In summary, it is difficult to over-aerate a pond aeration and has all the advantages serial keeping fish. The disadvantage is the cost of a ventilation pump. All top koi ponds air bubble as well as their filters.

Deeper without waterfalls and ponds or fountains as the means to create or mixture outstanding during periods of calm could be more prone to problems of carbon dioxide.

Aeration and mixing of water (waterfalls) are the most effective methods to control the potential of carbon dioxide problems.


Do not be too concerned, but beware make algal blooms (green or brown cloudy water), especially in summer and especially during periods of calm and when there is no waterfall, fountain or aeration. Installing a fountain of water or at the very least, if you keep fish in a pond garden.

Remember the best way to prevent the proliferation of algae is with a UV light.

Spice Up Your Tank With Fancy Goldfish

There is a wide variety of fish red choice, but if you want to add to your collection goldfish, you should consider fancy goldfish. This article provides the bulk of care for red offal.

The duration of fancy goldfish may be three to six inches, depending on the particular species. These fish are double-finned tail. Their fins can be short or long. In most cases, the types of fancy goldfish are Sarasa, pearl scale, Finland, shubunkin, Oranda, bubble eyes, butterfly, FANTAIL, ryukin and Lionhead.

You can feed a lot of fancy goldfish in the same way as any other food fish species red. Fish flakes and pellets are a great fancy goldfish food choices. In addition, you can mix in some peas, fresh zucchini or romaine lettuce to add variety to your goldfish for food. They also eat animals, such as freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex worms, larvae of mosquitoes, and daphnia. When feeding your fish, make sure you do not overeat, which could save your goldfish at risk of disease.

Looking for red fish usually swim in the middle of the aquarium. That is why they were classified as middle swimmers. When buying a goldfish fancy, make sure you have already or will soon purchase several other fish he can share with a tank. These can be any other case, as long as the species is known to agree with the goldfish.

Track your fancy goldfish is very important as you want to be vigilant about signs of possible disease. Symptoms include gold-colored spots, red lines or white spots on your goldfish of the skin. In addition, goldfish who continually scratching their bodies against rough surfaces such as rocks, or have spasms Gill could be bad. You must have your goldfish treated immediately if you notice any signs of illness.