
Tips For Buying Tropical Fish

Before you go out and buy some tropical aquarium fish you must take into account a number of factors. You want the best fish you can so I'm sure you'll agree that it is important to study what to do and to learn what to look for when you go to the pet shop to buy your fish.

I'm going to talk to you today about how healthy and colorful fish that you can create a beautiful aquarium. Here are a few things you should look for:

1 Look for fish to the front of the glass in the search in the tank. If a fish on the back hides or ornaments then that the fish does not intend to be a good buy. The fish must swim around freely and without any problems.

2, If his place, look for fish that are quick to feed. These fish will grow larger, have more color and be healthier in general. The others who take some time before you begin to feed smaller fish that are likely to be bullied by the others.

3, Do not buy dark or very light colored fish. These fish have a risk of a disease or were under stress and may not be long when it was moved to your aquarium.

4, If buying livebearers sure the females are not heavily pregnant. These fish are very stressed, however, when moved and can often die as a result. Instead, look for medium-sized females who do not have a big round bump.

5, Ask assistance and do your research on fish before going to hold together and if they are compatible. Make sure you do not mix peaceful fish with a very aggressive fish.

6 Make sure you only buy a few fish at a time. Do you buy all your fish at one time will your tank and the excess supply of ammonia problems that could lead to deaths.


Getting Your Tropical Fish Home

Dus nu je hebt gekocht sommige tropische vissen. Je hebt gemaakt dat je hebt geselecteerd gezonde vis en je hebt je huiswerk gedaan om ervoor te zorgen dat de vis die je bij je draagt samen gaan.

Uw vissen moeten zijn verpakt in een plastic tas met zuurstof en vervolgens in een donkere zak of polystyreen box te houden de warmte inch

Je moet proberen en kopen van vis niet langer dan een paar uur weg. Vis kan duren dan 24 uur indien verpakt recht, maar hoe langer je houd ze op doorreis hoe meer stress gaan ze door. Je moet proberen te houden en stress tot een minimum te beperken om ervoor te zorgen dat de vis blijft goed.

Als je ze mee naar huis moet je vlotter de zakken in het water en open vervolgens de tassen op. Dit zal ertoe bijdragen dat gelijk de temperatuur tussen het water in de tank en het water in de tas. U moet ook blijven toevoegen kleine stukjes tank water aan de tas. Voeg een klein beetje en laat vijf minuten voor het toevoegen van nog veel meer. Dit zal helpen acclimatiseren de vissen aan het water chemie van de tank en zelfs de pH en hardheid van het water uit.

Na dit te doen voor ongeveer 20 tot 30 minuten dan kunt u zachtjes laat de vis in de tank en laat ze zwemmen uit de tas aan hun eigen. Dan moet u laten staan, met het aquarium licht gedurende de nacht. Dat vermindert stress omdat de vissen kunt zien waar ze zijn er zwemmen en omgeving en ze zullen ook zien dat er geen roofdieren rond.

Je moet niet voeden ze voor ongeveer 24 uur om hen te laten bezinken en daarna weer in de komende dagen slechts spaarzaam feed. Het zal nemen ze een paar dagen om te wennen aan de bak en het voederen.

Het is een goede techniek om de kleinste en zwakste vis voor de eerste tank. Hiermee wordt voorkomen dat pesten in het aquarium tussen de vissen. Volg deze houdt om de stress van uw nieuwe tropische vis tot een minimum te beperken. Dit zal ertoe bijdragen dat de vis sneller bezinken en uiteindelijk ertoe leiden dat u minder stress.

Tropical Fish Tank First-Timers, An Introduction

Possession of your own aquarium is fun, and I have been keeping my own love for many years! There is more than 60 million of us "fish" worldwide, and if this is a hobby which you're interested, it's worth a little time to learn how it is all about before you start.

So what is an aquarium? In the simplest terms, it is a transparent container where you can keep, nurture, observe and enjoy live fish. The gold fishbowl with a few fish in the counts, but what most people mean when they talk about the aquarium, a large aquarium (usually rectangular) with different kinds of fish and aquatic life in balance with each other.

There are two types of aquarium environment - fresh water and salt water. Fresh water is definitely easier for people who are new to the hobby, as the salt water (or "sea") tanks take up a lot of attention and skills to the fish alive.

So your next step is likely to find out which types of fish you want. If you're lucky, you have fishy friends you can ask questions, but that even a trip to your local pet store or specialty fish store, you get a lot of good advice from the sales clerks. Tell him that you are a beginner, and you want to look at freshwater fish, and they give you lots of choices! Show a fish that talks to you will tell you what temperature your tank should be, and start some sort is probably easiest.

Then I get a good book on basic aquarium care, and read it before you get started!

Then start collecting your tank and equipment. You want to find a sturdy tank that is large enough for your room to add fish as your experience grows. Practical home aquariums range from about 11 liters (3 gallons U.S.) can reach about one cubic meter (300 U.S. gallons) in size.

You need gravel, or another substrate for the bottom of the tank. You need a filtration system, the removal of waste and phosphates from the water, stove and a cooler or mechanism to maintain the temperature of the water right. You may need an air pump oxygen into the water, depending on your tank setup. Also ask about a small chemical kit for measuring and correcting the pH balance in the water.

You want to examine the plants, rocks, and other "aquarium furniture" that goes into the tank. Choose carefully, because the wrong materials can be harmful or even toxic to your fish!

Get your tank up and make sure the water temperature and pH balance is correct BEFORE you go back to the store to get your fish! If you've done everything correctly, your fish will be healthy and happy, and you have an exciting new hobby to learn and love!


Difficult Fish In Your Fish Tank

I wanted to talk a little about the fish that might look tempting in the store, but should probably be avoided by beginning aquarists. All these fish have their good points, or fish stores would not stock them at all, but it is best to be a little more experience before these additions, or setting up a new tank for them.

If I start with goldfish, you're going to say: "What? Goldfish are difficult? Since when?" Well, they certainly can be if you try to bring in a tropical aquarium with other fish. First of all, goldfish like colder water than other tropical freshwater fish, and try to compromise on a temperature will fish both groups unhappy. Secondly, goldfish are DIRTY - they add too much ammonia and other waste water for a delicate biological filtration setup deal, and will require you to do much more tank inspection and maintenance if you do not want a disaster your hands. In short, get them their own tank and you're ready to go.

Mollies are sweethearts, and very social, but they tend to do well in water that is a little more broke (that is, salt) than any other tropical fish like. Like the goldfish, they will be happier in a reservoir that was created specifically for their needs. The creation of a brackish water tank is a very interesting process for the dedicated hobbyist, but again, not the best first stop for beginners.

A discus is a beautiful fish, but they can be very expensive, which means that every newbie's mistakes that you make in water management, maintenance or overcrowding will be very expensive for you. I recommend the cheap place Angelfish, which are similar in shape and a little hardier.

Birchirs are nice, but you must remember that they each eat smaller fish they can catch up. Unfortunately, a birchir can grow fairly quickly, and fish that were not "minor" when he might soon agree in danger. These boys are also known for jumping from the tank.

The plecostomus is a lovable and hardy bottom feeder, but they also grow faster, and they will outgrow the standard 40 - or 55-gallon tank long before you're ready to start a larger one. Bala sharks and also Hatchet Fish can grow to 10-12 centimeters long before you know it. With all the fish it is important to learn the maximum size will grow and the rate of growth, before you set your money.

Many people would not consider a fish as a "real" pet, but keeping tropical fish is an enjoyable hobby for families around the world. It is also very suitable for the person who is allergic to fur stills, but would like some kind of business at home. If you're a complete beginner then start with a goldfish would be your best start, but if you want a little more of a challenge than tropical fish are the way to go.

Most people opt for salt water fish because there are more choices and typically more colorful freshwater fish then, and it is much easier than with a reef aquarium
. There is also an aesthetic appearance of maintaining a tropical aquarium in your house, because you get to design and decorate your tank. Tropical fish do not tie you down to a lot of the costs after you set up in the aquarium and buy the fish, it costs you about $ 25 per year to feed a fish. But what most people appreciate the most is that you do not have to walk them, wash them, groom them to play catch with them or they are in for check-ups.

But that does not mean you can just your fish in an aquarium and walk away. Tropical fish more concern than a plant, you must know how to water, cleaning the tank, and what to feed them. A little research will help you keep your tank free of algae blooms and the snail infection. An absolute necessity for a tropical fish tank heater, and you can also search for a tank thermometer as very useful. The most commonly used stove for aquariums is a submersible heater, which you must position where it will circulate the most water, so it can spread from the heat. The thermometer must also be under water because they are usually more accurate and if you keep tropical fish as the temperature of the water tank is of the utmost importance.

As with any new hobby or endeavor, it is important to learn about the needs of different species of tropical fish before you invite them to your house. But with a little advance planning and preparation, you will soon come to realize that keeping fish as pets can be very pleasant and fun to do!


Fish Tank Supplies: Your Buying Options

Have you recently decided that you want to buy an aquarium, which will be used for displaying a collection of your fish? Whether you are interested in owning tropical fish, saltwater fish, or even freshwater fish, an aquarium is an important part of keeping fish. That is why, when it comes to the purchase of an aquarium, a lot of thought and attention should be placed on your purchase.

Although it is important to focus on the kind of aquarium that you would like to buy, it's not the only thing you have to investigate. In many cases you will see that the fish tank accessories that you choose are just as important as the aquarium that you want to buy. In fact, there are few fish that can not live a long and healthy life without some aquarium supplies. These fish tank normally also aquarium lighting, heaters, aquarium chillers, and filtration systems. It is also important to note that additional aquarium supplies may be vital for the survival of your fish, but are often dependent on the fish in question.

If you are not familiar with the aquarium supplies or accessories that you may need to purchase, you are advised to a bit of research. The purchase of a fish hold resource guide or a standard Internet search should produce informative results. Depending on the aquarium manufacturer or supplier that you are interested in doing business with, they should also be able to help you with what you should or should not buy for your new aquarium.

Talking about buying fish tank supplies, when it comes to making your purchases, you'll see that you have a number of different options. In the United States and around the world, for that matter, there are a large number of individuals and companies that specialize in selling aquarium fish tank supplies and accessories. In fact, there are so many different people and companies that you may have a hard time deciding whom to do business with. If your decision easier, you are advised to the advantages and disadvantages of each of your options. This may help to decide whom to purchase your aquarium supplies from one of the easiest decisions you will ever make.

As previously mentioned, aquarium supplies can be purchased from suppliers or manufacturers aquarium tank. Fish tank manufacturers are individuals or companies that really the aquarium that you want to buy. A large number of these individuals and companies not only specialize in the construction of tanks and aquariums, but also extra aquarium accessories. When these accessories are not developed by the aquarium manufacturer in question, the manufacturer probably partners with another company to give you easy access to the aquarium supplies you may need to make your aquarium a safe haven for your aquatic friends.

In addition to the aquarium manufacturers, suppliers aquarium usually have a collection of aquarium supplies available for sale. These suppliers, in a way act as a middle man. They buy their products directly from the manufacturer and then they turn around and sell them for you. Fish tank suppliers often give you the largest selection of aquarium supplies and accessories to choose from. This is often because they tend to do business with multiple manufacturers, not just one. For an even greater selection of aquarium supplies and accessories, you are advised to shop online, but if that is not an option, your local pet supply store or aquarium supply store may have want you need in stock.

Whether you make the decision to purchase your aquarium accessories and supplies directly from a manufacturer or a retail storefront or online, you are advised to choose with whom you do business with carefully. Doing business with a respectable company like Tenecor, helps to ensure that you make a purchase of the quality of fish tank supplies that your fish need and deserve to have.

How To Look After Your Fish Aquarium

The purchase of an aquarium fish seems an easy task, however, is tropical and saltwater fish need special care and attention to live a happy life.

The first thing you need to decide whether you're planning on keeping fresh water or salt water fish. General freshwater fish are much easier to keep, so if this is your first fish aquarium I would advise a freshwater aquarium would be a good place to start.

You need to make sure you're not too much food to your aquarium fish, research the nature of the fish before you keep throwing too much or too little food, adding too much food can be harmful to your tropical fish, because they can eat, also adding too much food can pollute the tank.

After a balanced diet is essential for aquarium fish, I would not recommend that you buy fish food in small bags or containers instead of bulk buying, this is because over time the vitamin content will gradually decrease, so that the data your fish in optimum condition and as fresh as possible to buy smaller bags and store them in a cool, dry place.

Something that is introduced into your aquarium fish should also be well cared for and monitored, it is important to the water in the tank clean by checking for parasites, fungi and bacteria.

While maintaining an aquarium with fish is an ongoing task certain fish can lighten the load, it is worthwhile to invest in fish scavenge, because they clean the tank for you, however, it is important to investigate the nature of the fish you buy to ascertain if they can live peacefully with other fish that live in your tank.

It is perhaps a good idea to get a daily and weekly monthly 'to do' list, so you can be sure that you have all the necessary controls on the control of temperature, lighting and food.

Toxic and dangerous products can be caused by the degradation of proteins, investing in a protein skimmer can be very effective, a protein skimmer removes impurities and residue from the aquarium and will be purifying the water.

Never keep your tank in direct sunlight, this will be the growth of green algae make your tank unattractive and difficult to understand. After an aquarium in direct sunlight will also cause the water temperature to rise making it more difficult to control

The bigger the fish the easier it ill be spent on maintaining a stable temperature of the water, with a larger tank will also give the fish more room to move, he is also very important to them in many places to hide, believe it or not they have more places to hide the less they will hide.

If you can keep on top of maintenance you are sure of a clean and happy tank.


Fish Tank Cleaning Supplies You May Need

Have you recently bought yourself a new aquarium? If so, then there will be a time when you need to clean your aquarium. When that time comes, and there is no doubt that the case is, you know how you can go on to properly clean your aquarium? If not, then you are urged to become familiar with common fish tank cleaning supplies, including many that you can find.

When it comes to familiarize yourself with fish tank cleaning supplies, there are a number of important factors that you'll want to take. Two of these factors are extremely important. First and foremost you want to make sure that the kind of aquarium that you have. Secondly, you'll want to make sure that you have the kind of fish that you have, for example, you have saltwater fish, tropical fish, or freshwater fish? Although there are some universal cleaning supplies that can be used for all the different aquariums, you'll want to check before selecting a particular product or cleaning equipment, if you do not want your fish to jeopardize tank and its contents.

Although there are some cases you may need certain fish tank cleaning products or equipment, there are many cleaning products that are sometimes regarded as universal. One of them is floating magnets. Floating magnets are known as a safe, convenient and easy way to remove tank debris, such as algae, from the walls of your aquarium. While floating magnets can be used for a wide range of different aquariums, you are urged to the kind of aquarium that you have in mind. When it comes to buying floating aquarium magnets, you will see that magnets intended solely for glass aquariums and others who are only intended for acrylic aquariums.

Scrapers are still a lot of cleaning equipment that you may need to buy or want to think about the purchase. Scrapers, such as floating magnets are used to remove algae from the sides of an aquarium. Scrapers can be difficult to achieve algae or algae that did not make his way into magnets. For larger aquariums, you should be able to buy scrapers with retractable handles. Scrapers, such as fish tank with magnets, designed for both acrylic aquariums and glass aquariums. If and when you decide to purchase an aquarium scraper, it's important to keep the scraper in question. While a large number of scrapers are designed for glass and acrylic aquariums, some scrapers that only safe to use with glass aquariums. To protect your acrylic aquarium, you need to consider carefully what you buy.

If the aquarium that you recently purchased was an acrylic aquarium, you may need to purchase an acrylic aquarium scratch repair kit. Although you may not necessarily associate with cleaning repairs, you should, especially when it comes to acrylic aquariums. A scratch on an acrylic aquarium, but even a small, can change the way you think about your aquarium. Therefore, it is recommended that you look at an acrylic aquarium scratch repair kit at hand to have, just incase. If you accidentally scratch your acrylic aquarium when cleaning it with one hand to scratch acrylic aquarium supply kit that can identify scratches and have your aquarium again looking for new in no time.

Gravel is still a vacuum tank cleaning product you may want to examine closer. Fish tank gravel vacuum are ideal for all aquariums that gravel soils and because most do this piece of cleaning equipment can be perfect for you and your new fish tank. With an aquarium gravel vacuum your aquarium and gravel, without separation of content. A gravel vacuum can be distinguished from other aquarium aquarium gravel rubble. Owning an aquarium gravel under pressure on tank cleaning is the best, it will save time and tends to eliminate some of the many burdens associated with cleaning a fish tank. Most aquarium gravel vacuum are safe to use with glass aquariums and acrylic aquariums.

Setting Up An Aquarium Fish Tank

An aquarium fish tank can bring the beauty and splendor of tropical freshwater fish or in your home or office, and if you follow sound fish keeping principles in setting up your tank when you years of enjoyment.

Planning your aquarium

A visit to your local pet store or breeder fish specialist will help you decide on the type of fish you want in your new aquarium fish tank. The staff at the store will also help you decide on the proper size tank for the space and all necessary equipment and accessories you need.

However, not all fish buy, but still! You need to fix your tank before you introduce any fish.

The first step is to thoroughly clean the tank. Not skip this important step, but only because the glass of the aquarium looks clean. Use a mild detergent in warm water to scrub the tank. Rinse the tank thoroughly to remove all traces of debris and detergent. Rinse the tanks cleaned several times with fresh water to ensure that no traces of detergent left behind.

Also clean all equipment used in your new aquarium fish tank and rinse thoroughly. Even a small amount of detergent residual water can kill your fish is not cut corners on the rinse process. Gravel should be rinsed under running water until the water runs clear. Plants can be stored in a bucket of water while you clean your aquarium.

Even a small aquarium fish tank is heavy - one gallon of water weighs about 10 kg - so your new tank will require a firm stand. There are special aquarium stands available that will provide a solid basis, although a small aquarium can sit on another item of furniture. Use a layer of polystyrene tiles between the tank and stand on a few bumps.

When setting up your aquarium try to avoid them in direct sunlight, which will cause algae to grow in the tank. Remember this will be located near an electrical outlet so many items of tank equipment require a power source.

Now you can fill your tank and check for leaks. Let the water for several hours and confirm that the tank is not leaking and then drain the tank.

If you are using an under-gravel filter place it in the tank to follow the instructions first, then add the gravel, stacking them a bit higher on the back of the aquarium to give the impression of distance within the tank.

Half of the tank to fill with water. Ideally use dechlorinated water, or add chlorine remover in the recommended dosage. Place a saucer in the tank on top of the gravel and pour the water gently on the dish. This will create minimal disturbance of the gravel.

Then install the filter and heater if you will use. For an indoor aquarium freshwater aquarium heater is a rarely needed. Tropical saltwater fish will usually require a heater to the necessary temperature. If you use a stove, you must also install a thermostat in an easy-to-read location.

Now your aquarium decorations. That would include backing photo, rocks or other ornaments on the bottom of the tank. Make enough shelters with the use of stones and other decorations. Your fish will be delighted with a shelter from time to time. You can also install plants to be buried in the gravel at the moment. Floating plants can be added when the tank is full.

Put the filter and heater and ensure that they work for filling the tank to the top with dechlorinated water. This starts the process of the tank, that cycling is the process of removing excess ammonia from the tank.

Ammonia is a problem in setting up a new tank as the bacteria that breaks down ammonia is not present. Over several months beneficial bacteria (nitrosomonas) will develop in the tank. The bacteria are toxic ammonia into nitrites. Because of the time it takes for the beneficial bacteria to develop in the tank, it is recommended that you do not introduce fish for at least two weeks after setting up your tank.

When you're ready to add fish to your new tank would get there but a few at a time. You bring them home from the store in a plastic bag filled with water. Float this bag, still closed, at the top of the tank to the temperature of the water in the bag matches the water temperature of the tank. This may take several hours. No hurry. When the water temperatures are the same, you can undo the bag carefully. Let the fish swim in the bag by itself before removing the bag.

Watch where you fish for several days or even several weeks to ensure that they are healthy before adding more fish. Take your time to fish and you give the biology of the tank to adjust to the new fish and the waste they produce.

Always purchase your fish from a reputable supplier to prevent the likelihood of introducing diseased fish in a tank. Never add plants or fish from wild fish in an aquarium - the micro-organisms and bacteria in fish from the wild can be deadly to fish in an aquarium!

The establishment and maintenance of an aquarium tank is a commitment of both time and money, but will reward the dedicated aqua rosary with years of enjoyment.


Aquarium Care for the Freshwater Gupp

Guppies are perhaps the most popular type of freshwater fish to keep in an aquarium. Luckily, they are fairly easy to keep as well. Guppies are hardy fish that can adjust easily to minor fluctuations in water quality. However, do not allow these fluctuations to become common practice, as they do cause some stress to the fish. The water temperature in an aquarium for guppies should be kept between two SEVENTY AND EIGHTY two degrees. The P.H. level should be kept between 7.0 and 8.2. As you can see these specifications are much more forgiven than those for certain tropical or marine fish. Guppies mature quickly and usually only grow to be about one and a half to two inches long. There small bodies and feathery fan like tails add a lot of interest to the tank. They are just fun to watch.

As with any type or aquarium, there are three basic components to caring for the fish. Diet is very important. Guppies should be fed very small amounts as often as three times a day. Guppies will eat just about anything, but their main diet should consist of frozen foods or Flake. This should be Regarded especially when there are baby guppies in the tank, because guppies will eat their young. The next most important feature to caring for any fish is appropriate water regulation. The specific temperatures are listed above, but it is also important to make frequent water changes. Usually every one to two weeks, depending on need. If the water starts to smell or become cloudy, this is a good indication that it is time to change the water. If water changes are made gradually, meaning change approximately one third of the tank at a time, then there is little disruptions made to the fish.

Last on the list for keeping fish healthy is to keep them happy. Try to recreate their natural environment. It is recommended to keep a variety of plants in the aquarium for guppies to seek refuge. There should be about one to two inches or substrates in the bottom of the tank. Colored rock or dead crushed coral make a nice addition to the aquarium, and may help to make the fish feel more at home.

A few varieties of guppies are the fantail, Flag Tail, Spade Tail, Delta and the Round Tail Tail. The names of all of these different types of guppies focus on the tails because they are so remarkable and unique. The tail itself is usually about one third of the size of the whole fish. It is possible to mix guppies with other varieties of fish. However be careful when mixing because, guppies are targeted as easy prey due to those fancy tails. Guppies wide very quickly, usually about every three to four weeks. They will inter widely amongst themselves, so the aquarium could very quickly become filled with many different varieties of color. It is very feasible to have an attractive aquarium without having any other fish at all. If you do not want to the species Intercultural wide, simply keep them in separate tanks.

Aquarium Care for the Freshwater Guppy

If you're planning for the purchase of an aquarium, you'll want to make sure that your fish remain healthy and the only way to ensure this is by cleaning the tank regularly. Many small shops do not carry everything you need so you might want to visit a larger store, the larger stores have many more items in stock for you to buy. The aquarium is the origin of the fish live in and must be maintained for the welfare of the fish.

Before even setting up your tank decide what kind of fish you keep going, some people do not have much time on their hands and so little maintenance cold or easy to manage tropical fish are the best ways to go, for people with a lot more time and a higher degree of involvement, there are many varied species to chose from, including the easiest to provide fresh water fish to beautiful and fascinating marine fish.

Unfortunately rushing to the pet store and picking of the finest, most colorful and interesting looking tropical fish is not the best way to balance the tank. Some people have synthetic rock and decorations for aquariums.

If you think about buying a saltwater fish for your tank you need to take it out first and make sure that the fish you can buy live in the area with the other fish. The first step to your aquarium is this creation and this is only the beginning. After the aquarium is set make sure that a lot of adjustments, some of the adjustments, the temperature of the water, food and lighting, plus you must take into account the objects and decorations you in the tank.

An aquarium that is a salt water tank to mimic the ocean, the salt water must be the same salinity and the environment is very similar. Once you have your tank up and running without problems, you can enjoy the salt water tank and the fish.

Lighting is just as important as filtering the light mimics the day and night so that fish think they are in their natural habitat. The choice of a salt water tank and filtration systems and that can be a very confusing process, because there are so many to choose from. One of the most important things to remember is that filtration is very important in taking care of your tank.

For freshwater fish you may be able to get by without one. Many people think that it is easy to care for a freshwater fish, but in reality there is much work is involved. At the time, you must clean your freshwater tanks, they must be clean, so you'll have to remove the fish and put them somewhere else for the moment.

When presenting the aquarium the gravel will sit at the bottom, which makes the tank much more interesting and gives a more real feeling is. Fish tank gravel can be purchased in person or colored models.

There are many tanks of various sizes and shapes, in choosing the tank for your house to make sure the tanks size fits and it will not stand in the way or accidentally knocked over.


Aquarium Fish Care- All About Start Up

Okay, so you've decided you want to own an aquarium. Great! Everything you need to do is go to the pet store and pick from a tank and the most beautiful fish in the store, and you're ready to start right? Wrong! Startup of an aquarium is a process. It takes time and patience. If you are a beginner, it is recommended that you start with a few hardy freshwater fish, but did not buy the fish just yet. You need to set up the first aquarium. Most retailers will sell an aquarium tank in the form of a kit. This takes the guess work out of purchasing.

In order to get your tank ready, first rinse the tank with clean tap water. Rinse the gravel and substrate, too. If you have a filter under gravel, place it in the bottom of the tank. Next cover the filter with about two to three inches of gravel. Fill the tank approximately one third of the road filled with water that is de-chlorinated. The next step is to add all the plants and decorations in the tank. Check with your dealer about the details for adding live plants. Some live plants must be anchored, while others may be left free floating. Then connect the air pump and filtration system, and filling the tank the rest of the way. Finally, put the lid on the tank and let him cycle for one to two days before adding any fish in the tank.

Watch the tank for clouds and controlling the temperature and pH of the water. If everything is clear you might have a few hardy fish. It is important to choose fish that can withstand high levels of nitrites and ammonia, because these levels are always high in a new tank due to the nitrogen cycle. Debris in the tank of fish excretion products help generate the good bacteria that is necessary in order for fish to survive. Since there are no fish in the tank this will take some time. Usually it takes about four to six weeks. Once you've bought fish, let them float on the surface of the tank in the bag for about fifteen minutes. The goal is for the fish to be acclimated to the temperature of the water in the aquarium. Add the fish in the aquarium with a net and a bucket. Not pour water from the bag in the aquarium. The water from the bag can throw off your perfectly regulated water, as well as the introduction of new bacteria to the aquarium. Look at the fish carefully for signs of stress. Stress causes disease in fish. Monitor their activity levels. Inactive fish or fish hang out near the surface of the aquarium gives stress. There is a tension coat that can be used, as the symptoms of stress do appear. Wait anywhere from one week to one month before the introduction of a new fish for the aquarium, so the existing fish to be acclimated to their new environment.

Freshwater Tropical Fish - Mollies And Guppies

Er is een grote variƫteit van zoetwater tropische vissen die u kunt toevoegen aan uw aquarium, maar mijn twee favorieten zijn Mollies en fancy guppies. Deze vissen zijn livebearers zin dat in plaats van tot eieren, zij geven de geboorte aan een heel klein beetje vis en ze zijn in feite vrij eenvoudig is om te paaien, zelfs voor een beginnende aquarist.


Een Molly is een grote vis voor een beginner hobbyist. Deze vissen zijn vrij stevig en zal tegen tegenspoed en voorwaarden goed dus als je een fout maakt kunt u ook een goede kans dat u voor het overleven. U wilt er zeker van zijn dat je beschikking hebben over ten minste een 15 liter tank en je hebt een goede kachel, omdat deze vissen zoals de temperatuur tussen 70 en 82 ° F.

Er zijn twee algemene types Mollies te kiezen uit de Sail fin en de korte vinnen. Meeste wat vindt u een korte vinnen Mollies - de Black Molly en het goudstof Molly op uw huisdier te slaan. Dit Sail vinnen zijn veel groter dan een opvallende vorm, maar zijn moeilijker te verzorgen.

Mollies kan worden gevoed met het reguliere vlok voedsel dat je kunt vinden in de vissen slaan, maar je zou willen nadenken over het mengen in een vriezer gedroogd bloed wormen en zelfs het gooien van een paar zwarte wormen of twee voor een traktatie. Als je klaar tank niet veel van algen moet u ook een aanvulling op hun dieet met spirulina vlokken.

Wanneer Mollies houden is het belangrijk dat er meer vrouwtjes dan mannetjes. andere vis die zal bestaan naast goed in een aquarium met mollies de Plecostomus, Swordtails, Keizervis, Corydoras, meerval, Silver Tip Tetras, Serapes Rode en de Zwarte Rokken.

als het daarvoor de juiste omgeving en zorg Mollies kunnen groeien tot vijf centimeter lang en live naar vijf jaar oud.

Fancy Guppies

De mannelijke fancy guppy is mooi met een lange staart stromende licht komt in een verscheidenheid van prachtige kleuren - goud, greens, blues, Rood, zwart. De vrouwelijke, aan de andere kant is vrij gewoon in de komende grijsachtig bruin. Veel mensen houden van de guppy is een zoetwater tropische vissen en te houden tanks met meerdere exemplaren in hen die echt maximaliseert de schoonheid van hun kleur als ze zwemmen in een school.

Wanneer u van plan bent in bezit hebben, of misschien zelfs de fokkerij, imaginair deze vervolgens je wilt er zeker van te zijn een grote tank genoeg om hen genoeg ruimte is in een goede kachel als ze het leuk vinden om tussen 78 en 82 ° F.

Over het geheel genomen guppies zijn redelijk eenvoudig te houden dat u kunt ze voeren drijvende vlok voedsel aangevuld met pekel ingevroren wilde vaart of de vriezer gedroogd bloed wormen.

U wilt houden twee keer zoveel vrouwen als mannen in uw aquarium. U kunt ook houden Neon Tetras, ghost garnalen, glas vis, gouramis, dwerg kikkers en meerval. Gezien de juiste voorwaarden guppies kunnen groeien tot ongeveer 2 cm lang en leven ongeveer drie jaar.

Beide mollies in guppies zal het beter doen als u een beetje zout van de zee aan uw zoetwatervis tank - net een eetlepel voor elke 5 liter zouden moeten doen. Je zou kunnen houden hen in een aquarium samen maar net te weten dat de grotere mollies kan een aanval op de guppies.