
Aquarium Fish Care- All About Start Up

Okay, so you've decided you want to own an aquarium. Great! Everything you need to do is go to the pet store and pick from a tank and the most beautiful fish in the store, and you're ready to start right? Wrong! Startup of an aquarium is a process. It takes time and patience. If you are a beginner, it is recommended that you start with a few hardy freshwater fish, but did not buy the fish just yet. You need to set up the first aquarium. Most retailers will sell an aquarium tank in the form of a kit. This takes the guess work out of purchasing.

In order to get your tank ready, first rinse the tank with clean tap water. Rinse the gravel and substrate, too. If you have a filter under gravel, place it in the bottom of the tank. Next cover the filter with about two to three inches of gravel. Fill the tank approximately one third of the road filled with water that is de-chlorinated. The next step is to add all the plants and decorations in the tank. Check with your dealer about the details for adding live plants. Some live plants must be anchored, while others may be left free floating. Then connect the air pump and filtration system, and filling the tank the rest of the way. Finally, put the lid on the tank and let him cycle for one to two days before adding any fish in the tank.

Watch the tank for clouds and controlling the temperature and pH of the water. If everything is clear you might have a few hardy fish. It is important to choose fish that can withstand high levels of nitrites and ammonia, because these levels are always high in a new tank due to the nitrogen cycle. Debris in the tank of fish excretion products help generate the good bacteria that is necessary in order for fish to survive. Since there are no fish in the tank this will take some time. Usually it takes about four to six weeks. Once you've bought fish, let them float on the surface of the tank in the bag for about fifteen minutes. The goal is for the fish to be acclimated to the temperature of the water in the aquarium. Add the fish in the aquarium with a net and a bucket. Not pour water from the bag in the aquarium. The water from the bag can throw off your perfectly regulated water, as well as the introduction of new bacteria to the aquarium. Look at the fish carefully for signs of stress. Stress causes disease in fish. Monitor their activity levels. Inactive fish or fish hang out near the surface of the aquarium gives stress. There is a tension coat that can be used, as the symptoms of stress do appear. Wait anywhere from one week to one month before the introduction of a new fish for the aquarium, so the existing fish to be acclimated to their new environment.