
Understanding the Media in Your Aquarium Filters

Media is the plural of medium in terms aquatic relates to the flow of water through a suitable material to affect or modify the water. In other words, filtration, and without waste matter and quickly establish lack of water, turning it into a deadly cocktail of chemicals.

The media are classified into three categories, mechanical - biological - chemical, each with its own work to do. Mechanical filter materials such as wire filter (woolen synthetic) of foam or sponge, are very good at removing debris floating on water, a term called polishing.

And the clear water, its primary function, when used in multi-room filters, is to prevent biological environments of obstruction. Organics will to some extent on the mechanics of media as water passes through it. Because of the nature of their work mechanical media require regular cleaning.

Biological or bacterial media should be very good surface. This is where the microscopic bacteria live, and they take up residence in the millions of tiny holes available to them in the media.

Moss (especially for aquarium use, non-toxic) can be used in this application because of its large size, and water easily passes through the supply of the bacterial colony with fresh oxygen and nutrients, Indeed, many filters rely on foam as the main medium.

There are many products available claiming very high surface areas, such as biotic rock, ceramics and media fritted glass for example. These products are extremely porous, hence the large area. If they were to be stabilized, they would not work very well, but the surface would be enormous.

Some claim to have the surface the size of a tennis double, from a pack-liter. Bacteria are very small and colonize all they can cling to, so tired of everything that will act as a medium, even the gravel in your tank.

Chemical media is the last stage of filtration, chemicals that the media will change the quality of water by reaction and adsorption. Carbon is the most popular medium chemical filter, and is very good to remove pollutants of freshwater and marine aquariums, or rainwater before it is used in your aquarium.

Unlike mechanical media, which can be washed and reused, or biological media that will last as long as it is colonized by bacteria, carbon becomes saturated and must be renewed. Failure to renew carbon can lead to the pollutants it is collected fall and be released into the water.

Phosphates and nitrates can be removed with various resin-based media, while the zeolite, another popular chemical filtration media, removing ammonia from fresh water, and the release of sodium less harmful.

Unlike carbon, which must be discarded when used up, washing zeolite in salt water, it can recharge, which hunt ammonia and replaced by more sodium. To keep the nitrification process work effectively, aquarium good hygiene must be respected, which means regular maintenance, keeping gravel clean, remove debris and uneaten food.

Do not overeat or surplus, it is inviting problems. The aquarium is a closed environment, using artificial means to survive, and if the media becomes clogged it will dramatically reduce the area available for colonization, and significantly slow down ammonia and nitrite consumption, which in turn lead to stress in your fish and outbreaks of the disease.

Evaluating the pH of Your Water for the Aquarium

When considering a new aquarium of hardness and pH of your tap water is the first thing you must evaluate, once you know the characteristics of your water supply, you can choose fish that would be adapted your water conditions. Otherwise, you will need to adjust the chemistry of tap water to meet the requirements of the fish you choose.

The pH refers to the power of hydrogen, and is measured on a logarithmic scale from 0 to 14. As you noticed May pH is closely linked to the hardness of water, generally a higher concentration of salts, means a higher pH and a lower concentration of salts, a low pH.

A pH of 0.0, the most acidic, represents a normal hydrogen ions (H).

A pH of 7.0, is neither acidic nor alkaline and regarded as neutral by having an equal number of hydroxyl and hydrogen ions.

A pH of 14.0, the highest alkaline solution is a normal hydroxyl ions (OH-)

You would need a thorough knowledge of basic chemistry to understand the true meaning of pH in water, and I have no diploma in this area, too, for our purpose we will define acidity and 'alkalinity in terms of number of ions in the water.

If there is an excess of hydrogen ions (H), then water is said to acid, on the other hand if there is an excess of negatively charged hydroxyl ions (OH-), then the water is alkaline.

Table pH is logarithmic, meaning that a change in pH 7.0, for example, a pH of 6.0 is a tenfold increase in acidity, or ten times more hydrogen ions (H) concentration. To give a more powerful example:

pH 8.0 is 100 times more than the alkaline pH 6.0 or 100 times more than the negatively charged hydroxyl ion (OH-).

It is necessary to maintain a stable pH, and in the right range, to maintain the health of tropical fish and colorful.

As a general guide, spawning fish such as Tetras, Angelfish, and Rasbora prefer a pH of 6.5.

While on the lives of species such as Mollies, Swordtails, guppies and thrive at a pH of 7.5.

When maintaining a mixed community of tolerant species in the aquarium you could have the pH to a neutral pH of 7.0

Too acidic or alkaline conditions in the aquarium and fluctuations of pH should be avoided, it will cause stress for your fish, and environmental stress leads to reduced resistance to disease, poor fish color and lack of appetite.

All changes to the pH of your aquarium water must be carried out slowly over a number of days to avoid stressing your fish. A minimum pH of 6.5 is reasonable; filters are less effective below this level due to reduced growth and survival of bacteria nitrification.

Species requiring a pH lower than 6.5 should have frequent water changes to prevent the accumulation of nitrogenous waste. As I mentioned earlier, pH is closely linked to the hardness of water, if your pH is high, it is likely that your water is rich in calcium bicarbonate, a buffer pH, and acts against the process aimed at changing the pH.

For this reason, I use a pH commercial, which sets the pH to a fixed level. He then held the buffers or pH level and the fight against the pH bounce (ordinary adjusters that temporarily changes in pH, and water can quickly return to its previous state, we know what the pH bounce).

Unfortunately, there are a number of processes that occur naturally in the aquarium that can threaten to change the pH ideal that you provided for your fish. The filters task of breaking toxic waste ends in the formation of nitrates, which are a salt of nitric acid and exhaust can buffer the pH and cause sudden drops in pH.

This can be avoided with regular changes of water (which are part of regular maintenance anyway), which will dilute nitrates, it will be more effective when combined with cleaning of any buildup of debris in the substrate.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is introduced into water by the respiration of fish, among other things, that when dissolved in water it forms carbonic acid (C2CO3), it also can add to a drop in pH. Good ventilation and circulation assist in the elimination of CO2 in the atmosphere and reduce its effect on pH.

The surface of an aquarium must be wider than deep, it is giving a larger area for a volume of water, which helps evaporation of the effect of unwanted elements, and is also very beneficial to the process of absorption.

The two elements, hydrogen and oxygen are chemically bonded together and are not easily released. Therefore, the fish can not use oxygen that is in water molecules. Water is able to dissolve many substances, and oxygen is no exception.

Oxygen is constantly absorbed from the air, the water and circulates through it. Fish use of dissolved oxygen in water through gills, then excrete carbon dioxide from their waste through their gills to water. In this way gills are comparable to the lungs.

Ventilate your water with air or other stones after an air pump, or through the venturi an internal power filter or head of the help in the process of oxygenation, the more for bubbles to the surface is the best opportunity of oxygen being absorbed by them.

However, this is only part of the process, the slow rise of bubbles are also able to carry the waste gases, like carbon dioxide expelled from your fish to the surface and the atmosphere, which reduced its effect on pH.

3 Secrets for Happy Goldfish

Did you know that many goldfish are born black and not gold? Goldfish are by far the most popular pet fish, and they do not require special diet as tropical fish, and easy maintenance. BUT, or many fish die regularly from the owners ignorant, who do not spend time learning how to keep their pets happy. Here are 3 secrets to make your gold fish live long:

1. Food: This is where most people make mistakes. Goldfish are very messy as they do not have the stomach to produce large quantities of ammonia, which is excreted into the water through the gills. Directly overeating increases the pollution of water toxicity. Goldfish You can buy food at any store for pets and it is cheap. But good nutrition is essential, otherwise you can easily kill more than food. They can go up to 3 weeks without food, it is enough to feed about 5 small pellets every two days. Also, do not eat bread as it expands on contact with water.

2. Water: Goldfish need a lot of room and heavy filtration. This is not even think of a small tank 5 gallons as they show in advertisements - is the best way to kill your pet. Keep the container free of aggressive fish. For best results, have a reservoir which will hold at least 50 gallons of water per fish.

3. Temperature: Unlike tropical fish, Goldfish are cold water fish, and are able to survive temperatures between 10 to 25 degrees Celsius. They are vulnerable to sudden changes in temperature, and could die from shock to be immersed in significantly colder or warmer water than their bodies are accustomed to. Higher temperatures, following rapid growth, so you must match the temperature of food and water in the tank.

These are the most common errors. You should learn more if you seriously goldfish as pets. With good care, they can live up to 15 years.


How Much Should You Feed Your Pet Fish?

If you feed your fish the biggest thing is not too much of them sit on your substrate at the end of a feeding session. If, in your case, you have food floating around and sit on the substrate, and your fish are no longer eat, then you are eating too much. One of the easiest things to change if your pet food aquarium fish, make sure that the food is comparable to the size of your pet fish mouth. For instance, if you have small fish like guppies, platys, mollies, neons of all kinds, fish in these sizes it just does not make sense to feed them a flake size of a quarter now does.

If you do have fish along these sizes then your Flake, the size of a dime or so. Once you past the first hurdle, that's how big your food should be, then comes the next hurdle, how long you should feed them for a feeding session. As I assess this, I will see how much food the fish can eat without it hits the substrate. So, if your diet your fish and the food is easy to reach the substrate immediately eaten, then you get in a good condition. After I wrote this little test, as close to the substrate food can fall before you eaten then I will wait about 30 seconds before more food. This is so that the fish can get things in the mouth so that, if there is more food in the water they can eat them all before they fell in love with the substrate, where, if not eaten pollute the water in the tank.

The Different Types of Aquariums

At one time a son or daughter would like a pet. Given that these individuals do not know anything about responsibility, the best animal to get, which is cheap and poses no risk that much is a fish. In this spirit, everyone can pick one of the pet. You will notice that there are hundreds of species available and there are also different types of aquariums to choose.

First pet owners who will probably get one or two fish is placed in a fish bowl. This should ideally take at least two gallons of water that can be transferred from a plastic pot. This type of aquarium does not have a filtering system. In addition to feeding fish, twenty percent of the water must be replaced twice a week to prevent ammonia poisoning to kill those who live inside. An old coffee can be used to cover the start to prevent these small creatures jump.

If children have shown a good job of taking care of fish and they are bigger, it is time to move to a larger container. They are better known as the cool water aquariums and they come with a filtering system. These come in different sizes and the rule of thumb is that a fish measuring feet should be equivalent to one gallon of water. If there are still two fish measuring 3 feet each, it is better to get five or 10 gallons aquarium since compensation must be paid when they continue to do more.

There is also such a thing called a hot water tank. The only difference is that it is a heating up, and it requires more maintenance of those who want to take care of fish. Flakes or granules can be given as food, but those who have an appetite can be given blood worms.

Fish owners have to clean the tank every two weeks or once a month. The reason is that the waste from the fish can not be controlled to some extent before it begins to darken the glass. This means that you should buy a net to get the fish on a temporary basis. When everything is cleaned, it can be placed in the aquarium where they can swim happily.

Starting Up a Gold Fish Aquarium

There are many reasons to keep a gold fish aquarium. Your child may be looking for a first pet and a gold fish seems like the right choice or maybe you just like gold fish. No matter what your reason is, it is important to know how to make a healthy environment for your new gold fish.

This will ensure that your gold fish will have the best chance for survival. Not taking the time to learn about setting up your gold fish aquarium can cause your fish to end up sick or maybe even die. Having this knowledge will help you to set up your new gold fish aquarium and give you much more enjoyment and pleasure in the process.

The first thing you should do is to visit several different pet stores in your area. If they specialize in fish, that is even better. Be sure to check out all of the different size tanks, air pumps, filters, and gold fish foods that they have available. Asking lots of questions from the staff in a good fish store will help you to figure out what aquarium set up is right for you.

When doing this, take into account the size goldfish that you are buying. When you get the tank home, you will undoubtedly have many questions and if you have developed a good line of communication with the store who sold your gold fish to you, they will be willing to help you to set your gold fish aquarium in the best way.

Take plenty of time to set up your new tank. Bring home the tank and set it up. Fill it with water and let it set up long before you bring the new fish home and add it to the tank. It needs time to acclimate itself for approximately two weeks before you add fish to it. Doing this will help to give the gold fish aquarium good balance, chemically and temperature wise. When your gold fish aquarium is ready, it will be safe to bring the new gold fish home. Then you will know that the environment is safe and healthy.


Betta Fish Care - Free Guide

Betta fish are considered some of the deepest fish you can buy, but is it really true? Yes and no. It is true that Betta fish are quite solid, but it is a somewhat false rumor. They got their reputation because they can live in some of the dirty water cloud and there. The reason is because they have the opportunity to obtain oxygen from the air due to an organ in their body. In fact, Betta fish are much like any other exotic fish you need to take care of them expeditiously.

I composed this short guide to help owners of Betta fish care for their Bettas. If you head this advice, you should have a happy, healthy Betta fish living in your home.

Betta fish care free guide measures

     1. The first thing you want to do once you've selected your fish is to bring a new house. Ditch the pot at the store which is completely ridiculous! You want to live in a closet all your life? Ok, if you want to look for something to a minimum 1-gallon range. This allows your new family member of the swimming room. Now, I saw a lot for these houses as a great vases etc. You can get ideas for Internet search for Betta fish tanks. Many photos are available.

     2. Next you want to stock the house with a few items to give the impression that the house of your Betta. Think in terms of tank accessories that will be end-friendly. Why? As you have probably learned Bettas tend to have long, beautiful fins that can easily touch things, getting caught and tear. So what do you want to watch things are as smooth as pebbles, rocks to the bottom. Soft plant or two depending the size of the tank. Perhaps a little question that sits on the floor of the tank does not take Betta fins. May you also want to color coordinate the tank and its accessories to the room you will be in. Betta

     3. Filling and replacement of water is essential for successful Betta Fish Care. If you use the recommended minimum size of 1 gal, you can replace about a third to half the water once a week without serious questions. If you do this, then about once a month, it is good to completely clean the tank. The reason is the establishment of fish feces on the bottom of the tank. You want to get rid of all that set up for obvious health reasons.

     4. Important: If your tank is less than 1 gallon, then you'll clean more often ... keep that in mind!

     5. Food is essential for the proper care and Betta fish. There are two schools of thought here. The first is to feed your newest member of the family's regular food for fish from a container. This is perfectly fine. The other is to feed your fish live food such as brine shrimp and bloodworms. These can be picked up at your local store for pets. The second option presents obviously a much more realistic for your fish for food, but one of them is good. It is more a matter of personal choice and budget. Another option is to mix the two methods. This is a little variety in your life that Betta is always good.

     6. Very important: Do not buy two Bettas and placing them in the same tank. This is the ultimate no-no. They will fight and will not be pretty. The only time you never have two Bettas together is for breeding, and even then it is for a short period in a controlled environment. If you go to the purchase of two or more Bettas for your children, be sure to explain how important this is. Bettas are very territorial. In the real world, if a Betta accidentally in another through the territory, they usually can not swim, but a reservoir turns into an area of more than one fish.

     7. Another word on Betta reservoir management. Placement is important. Be sure to place your tank or a bowl in a place that allows frequent displayed by you and your guests. Betta fish have been known to put on a show from time to time when people are near the tank. May you see them swim and jump around quickly, or just look back to you is always fun. They could follow you around and (in their pool of course).

     8. This leads to another Betta fish care for the coverage of your tank. These guys are known to jump from the tank, bowl if they can. There are two ways to prevent this. Do not fill the tank and a bowl all the way to the top if you have not covered. Or, cover up.

     9. Cleanliness is important to Betta fish care, so be sure to remain above that. When you notice left on food in your tank after about 30 to 45 minutes of food. Go ahead and shoot it with a net. This helps eliminate bacteria / fungal growth.

    10. It is better to feed your Betta several times throughout the day in small quantities. They are not big on large meals a day concept.

Betta Fish Care is a fairly simple if you know the ins and outs. This free guide is very basic, but should get you started.

Aquarium Fish Species

The aquariums are beautiful but at the same time, they will give you some work. Why? There are several techniques you need to know to maintain the safety of the aquarium. The only good think that fish is you do not need a big budget or a large amount of space.

There are many factors to consider before you go shopping for your fish tank. You need to think about the size of the tank and the size of the fish get. In addition, you need to know if the fish will agree with each other.

Freshwater fish are easier to treat and to work for a great beginning.

Saltwater tanks are more difficult to maintain.

There are many types of exotic fish. Believe it or not, there are many intelligent fish that can even recognize you.

In addition to the size and compatibility, you must consider what kind of diet your fish will need.

There are many kinds of fish, you can buy, but you need to talk to an expert. This person may make recommendations to you and your situation. Also be sure to research before starting the process to go into a store for pets and harvesting of fish. It is better to find before the end of time exactly what kind of fish will work best for you and your family.

Having an aquarium is a great joy for children and is also a way for them to learn the responsibility of a pet.

Buying Fish

I used to the tropical fish shops and admire the residents - to frighten, to the "experts" what all the different species of fish were and what you must do to start ... it is nothing like little feeling of being an expert. Or worse still nonsense about a so-called experts!

You really need to take your time researching questions to ask before you shop. There are many shops aquarium with employees, know very little about fish, not on your decision solely on the advice ... and make sure that you take a look at the fish itself.

The following are some basic guidelines to consider when purchasing new fish:

• How does the big fish?

• There may be small, but they will eat all of them, if it for adults?

• Is it a territorial - or will be happier in a group?

• Is he dealing with the current fish in your tank?

• Is your tank on the right temperature?

• Are your water conditions correct?

• Can you provide the right food for them?

The things to ask and look for:

• Ask where the fish comes from, the answer is usually you get an idea of how much the staff actually know!

• Is the memory of a quarantine tank, if not wary - or ask where quarantine tank. Generally, this indicates that the fish are maintained ...

• Take a look at the aquarium plants, they are well run?

• Make sure they catch the fish you want, or even better catch it yourself!

Remember that the key to success is to keep your tank in balance satisfied, stress-free fish, so you will not be tried in purchasing an incompatible types jut because you think it is attractive - you will definitely regret .

Try not to make too many fish to your tank at once - and always check that the fish are healthy before they buy. Sometimes it may be difficult to be patient, especially if the dealer has a kind of fish that you really want, but take your time!


Have You Got Aquarium Problems?

You love your aquarium. It is a beautiful place. They have spent much time and money in them and the last thing you want to lose that investment. That is the reason why I write this article. There are a few problems Aquarium You have to understand to a healthy environment. If you know about these common problems and Aquarium, they soon you will see a very happy person and enjoy your aquarium for many years to come. Here is a lighted the most common problems Aquarium:

1st Lots o 'Snails

2nd Nasty, ugly algae

3rd Too much for dinner

4th Increased levels of chemical

Let me explain further ...

Aquarium problem # 1 - Many o 'Snails

Since snails breed as the small pox will find out over time an increased number of them live in your tank. This crazy little critters can fertilize their own eggs and even with itself Procreate. This strange behavior makes them appear seemingly overnight. Do not get me wrong some snails are good. They do this a few problems in the aquarium bay. They act as little pool vacuum eat all the dead and decaying stuff lying around - yum. How do you control the major rapprochement? Simple - add loaches that your tank. They eat the little boys and their peoples.

Aquarium problem # 2 - Nasty Ugly algae

I know you hate this one. It is a little creepy aquarium problem lurks and mocked each time you try to get rid of. There is slime brown algae, blue-green algae, brown algae, water and green hair algae. All are equally abhorrent. Knowing the cause of this algae help you decide on the proper treatment. The slim-brown algae is a lack of ammonia in the water. The blue-green stuff is the result of cloudy water. And the green hair algae and water are directly related to an excess pressure of nitrates and nitrites.

# 3 aquarium problem - too much for dinner

Ever hear the words "He eats like a fish"? Well, the reason why we say that is because fish do not know when to say when. Dump the whole container with food in the water and the fish will eat and eat and eat. This could kill the little darlings. Also overfeeding fish can lead to an imbalance in nutrients in the tank. All that food they miss are finally sink to the bottom of the tank and into the gravel makes for a real situation chaotic. So what to turbid water and you guessed it blue-green algae - Yeah, the circle of life!

Aquarium problem # 4 - Increased levels of Chemical

The most commonly occurs when you use only your new tank. Above "new tank syndrome" You begin to see fish die mysteriously adapt, while the levels of ammonia and nitrite in the tank. A simple cure for this is to balance the tank slowly and give him time to adjust to changes. You can also try something like Algone for the treatment of water. Algone is the right nutrient imbalances and clear turbid water.

Tropical Fish Sales - Be on the Lookout

Maintaining a tropical aquarium can be a very expensive test. Those who began and kept an aquarium include the cost of maintenance supplies and fish to occupy it. Time and money go hand in hand when it comes to the interview in question. If these two things are not in your life an option could be a carnival goldfish in your head. If these two points are not a problem for you if a tropical aquarium fish can be more beautiful to your home or office. Add the beauty and distinction to another dull space. It is not always necessary to spend a fortune on fish and supplies but if you keep an eye on sales. These sales are not uncommon and you can save a fortune when you find a good one.

Be friendly with tropical fish owner

Where would you go in search of tropical fish from the sale of your local aquarium store. Make friends with the store is a good idea if you want to know when sales are good will happen. Make conversation with the store with you as a tropical aquarium owner and you want to buy some fish from his shop, but you wonder if there are sales happening now or in the future, and if it there, make a request to be informed of the sale in advance by mail or newsletter if these services are offered. It never hurts to ask, and if the owner wants your business, it will be more than willing to give you information.

Tropical fish sales in the nickel ads

There are many free publications out there that very often the list of tropical fish in sales. Your saver penny or nickel are added just a couple. Shops and private parties often use these materials for the registration of sales and you can save a lot of money simply looking for sales here. Your local newspaper classified ads are also an excellent place to look for sales. It does not take long and can be very fun looking through these publications while sipping your morning tea or coffee.

Tropical fish sales on the drive by

Keep an eye on you when you drive past the street in your local store aquarium. Several times, they will not announce a sale of fish on the exception of a sign on their window. Money is always a wonderful thing, especially when it comes to the high costs until the holding of an aquarium. Tropical fish sales are the way to go for storage on fish and supplies.


How To Deal With New Tank Syndrome?

New Tank Syndrome is the name of the all too frequent problem of storage of a newly established aquarium with too many fish too quickly. Toxic ammonia and nitrite build, because there are not enough friendly bacteria in the tank to reduce consumption and that the waste produced by the fish. The fish that are in the aquarium may be lethargic and their food, and in the worst case, the inmates die if levels continue to rise and is not resolved.

How can I prevent that new tank syndrome

New Tank Syndrome can best be avoided by following the advice here. When you set up the aquarium, use a liquid dechlorinating or tapwater air cleaners remove chlorine and chlorine from the tapwater. Chlorinated tapwater is not only harmful to fish, but also prevent the construction of all types of bacteria, including those who encourage you to colonize your filter. Once the tank is filled with water, turn off the filter and let it run continuously for the future. In this way, make sure that friendly bacteria begin to multiply and in the filter media within a few days.

Let the aquarium without fish for at least a week and add some filter bacteria liquid in the tank, follow the instructions on the bottle. This additional millions of bacteria in the aquarium, and they will contribute to the reduction of waste, if the fish are added. Select hardy fish, such as Platies and danios, and add only a few per week. It is tempting to many fish at a time, but this way the bacteria can multiply levels in a healthy rate and thus the gap between the amount of waste will be controlled by the fish.

Feed only small amounts once a day for the first few weeks. This is good for a few small fish and prevents that large quantities of food from uneaten pollute water. Remove all uneaten food or dead fish immediately with a clean net, as they soon break up, leading to overcapacity ammonia in the water.

Not maintain or clean the filter media for the first four weeks after installation, because this may disturb the development of bacteria.

New Tank Syndrome FAQs

Q: How do I know if my tank is through new tank syndrome?

A: Use a test kit to read exactly how much ammonia or nitrite is in the tank water. Anything above zero will lead to stress and discomfort to the fish.

Q: What can I do to get rid of it?

A: Stop feeding the fish for a day or two, this will lead to less waste production. Add some filter bacteria liquid in the tank to promote the filter capacity to the waste. If the fish die, then carry out a 50 percent water change every day until the levels are significantly lower, to test the water to monitor the quality.

Q: Can I add fish, while I have a new tank syndrome?

A: No. The newcomers are still vulnerable to the high ammonia and nitrite levels and may die within a few hours will be made available to the tank.

Q: Are there any hardy fish, the best suited to deal with new tanks?

A: Yes, danios and Platies are known for their toughness and tolerance of nitrite. Neon Tetra and tiger barbs are not. Dianos are the best choice for thanks to less than 6 weeks old because of their toughness and their ability to do so even in the less than perfect conditions for an immature tank.


How To Breed Guppies?

If you ask most people how to breed guppies, their answer is usually some guppies addition to a tank and wait for them to reproduce. True enough, that was a summary of how you want to breed guppies. I'm going to list some step-by-step method if you do not agree with what I said, feel free by e-mail me. The steps are as a general guide to produce guppies, so that they may not work well if you Zuchtschau fish.

Step 1: Get a 10-gallon tank. (5 gallons minimum size, anything bigger is better)

Step 2: cycle of the fish tank with less cycle to avoid ammonia or nitrite spikes in the future. This process takes sometimes. About 6 weeks.

Step 3: Add a tablespoon of salt aquarium before cycling. And continue to add salt, every time you do water changes or increasing water. (1 coffee spoon per 10 gallons, if you have a larger tank)

Step 4: Add a few floating plants in the tank these serve as a hideout for the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Java moss can be added as well. It served as a good hiding place.

Step 5: Before the guppies into the tank, make sure that the water in the right conditions. The water temperature should be between 19.0 - 29.0 ° C (69 - 86 ° F) and the pH value should be reading PH 7.0-8.5.

Step 6: Add 1 plug on 3 females of guppies into the tank. A 10 gallon tank is 2 to 6 men women.

Step 7: If you find most of the women are pregnant, move the men back to their tank. It is a dark marker near the anus of the female when she is pregnant.

Step 8: After 1 week, such a move, certainly not pregnant back into their own tank.

Step 9: Wait about 2-3 weeks more. So 1 week + 2-3 weeks will be about 3-4 weeks in advance of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is born.

Step 10: At this point of time, the female stomach is very big, and you will be able to see the eyes of babies around the gravid spot.

Step 11: Check after a few hours to see whether the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is born. Make sure enough hideout was (floating plants and Java moss), otherwise they will be eaten by the mother. Move the women who have already given birth back into their own tank. Some of the fry can be eaten, since not all female guppies gave birth in the same time. But enough hideout will be the lost.

Step 12: Feed the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in powder form with flakes. Use a sponge filter with low power. Otherwise the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia could get sucked into the filter. Can even try to cover the tights with more than precauison.

Step 13: 30-40 percent of the water is changed, the per week to keep the water clean. If the need to change more water per week is recommended.

Step 14: When the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia reached a reasonable size, about 1 / 3 of adults, you have successfully reproduced guppies and sell them away. Make sure that your plans to get rid of the fry are before you even step 1.

The Colorful Koi Fish

Koi fish are carp that have been raised by the Japanese for a long time, and are particularly high in Japan for their color. They are known to be a docile fish. Koi fish is a great hobby. They are quite entertaining as fish and hiding in different things in your pond whatsoever between plants or "drag" the pump.

These are regarded as valuable and live a long period, they are not red but are a different species of carp, and are found in almost all Chinese and Japanese garden where there is a pond. They are regarded as some of the most beautiful ornamental fish in the world. They are also a little relaxation to watch and appreciate if you realize at the time or not, and are part of the ancient Chinese culture, and that is where the concept of Yin and Yang is a native. Koi fish are grown for ornamental reasons.

Japanese and Chinese gardens are generally considered quite often life; paths, ponds, stones, rocks, bridges, pavilions, stones ... There are also plants of course, but not as much as in Western gardens. Koi fish are regarded as some of the most beautiful ornamental fish in the world. Would originated in Persia, they are more closely associated with China.

Koi fish are now grown in Candaba not only for its aesthetic beauty but also for its great potential income in dollars, and are omnivorous and are not particularly picky about what kind of koi food and sometimes they have little or fresh lettuce vegetables you may have it. Koi fish are omnivores, they eat a variety of animals and plants. Most foods manufactured koi available on the market today are nutritionally balanced to keep a koi healthy and happy. They are particularly high in Japan for their color. A prize example, can be valued in the range $ 100000. These fish are grown for ornamental reasons. The breeding of them became popular among rice farmers in Japan. They are generally thought to swim to flow against the tide, symbolizing the strength and individualism. Koi fish is in fact a variety of common carp.

They are really jewels of life in your garden pond and really make your garden pond come to life. Koi fish are regarded as valuable and live a long period, they are not goldfish, there are several varieties of koi.


The Motoro Ray

Potamotrygon motoro is a freshwater stingrays belongs to the family of potamotrygonidae. It's distribution is thorough and includes South America, Uruguay, Paraguay-Parana, Orinoco and Amazon river basins. It is about 39 centimeters and requires a large tank in adults. They thrive in a pH 5.0 to 6.0 and a DH is not greater than 10 Since it from a tropical climate, it is best at temperatures of 75 - 78 ° F.
They are the fine aquarium specimens, as long as you keep the water right and parameters have enough filtration. Because of their size, when selecting a tank for them to attach greater importance to the bottom of depth, that is, if the rays will spend most of their time.
The motoro ray is the most commonly cultivated species of stingrays, it is also the most popular stingrays in the ornamental fish trade. These species reach sexual maturity to a relatively small size, about 12 cm. For this reason, that is easier motoro bred in the aquarium at home than any other types of stingrays that mature in 18 inches or greater.
An important consideration in mind is that all freshwater stingrays species can grow to a large, full size when grown. A freshwater aquarium stingrays should never be less than 50 gallons, since they will soon outgrow smaller aquariums. The growth rate for freshwater stingrays depends on how often and how much they are fed and the water quality. When a well-maintained aquarium with optimal nutrition, a freshwater stingrays reach maturity in about 3 years.