
How To Deal With New Tank Syndrome?

New Tank Syndrome is the name of the all too frequent problem of storage of a newly established aquarium with too many fish too quickly. Toxic ammonia and nitrite build, because there are not enough friendly bacteria in the tank to reduce consumption and that the waste produced by the fish. The fish that are in the aquarium may be lethargic and their food, and in the worst case, the inmates die if levels continue to rise and is not resolved.

How can I prevent that new tank syndrome

New Tank Syndrome can best be avoided by following the advice here. When you set up the aquarium, use a liquid dechlorinating or tapwater air cleaners remove chlorine and chlorine from the tapwater. Chlorinated tapwater is not only harmful to fish, but also prevent the construction of all types of bacteria, including those who encourage you to colonize your filter. Once the tank is filled with water, turn off the filter and let it run continuously for the future. In this way, make sure that friendly bacteria begin to multiply and in the filter media within a few days.

Let the aquarium without fish for at least a week and add some filter bacteria liquid in the tank, follow the instructions on the bottle. This additional millions of bacteria in the aquarium, and they will contribute to the reduction of waste, if the fish are added. Select hardy fish, such as Platies and danios, and add only a few per week. It is tempting to many fish at a time, but this way the bacteria can multiply levels in a healthy rate and thus the gap between the amount of waste will be controlled by the fish.

Feed only small amounts once a day for the first few weeks. This is good for a few small fish and prevents that large quantities of food from uneaten pollute water. Remove all uneaten food or dead fish immediately with a clean net, as they soon break up, leading to overcapacity ammonia in the water.

Not maintain or clean the filter media for the first four weeks after installation, because this may disturb the development of bacteria.

New Tank Syndrome FAQs

Q: How do I know if my tank is through new tank syndrome?

A: Use a test kit to read exactly how much ammonia or nitrite is in the tank water. Anything above zero will lead to stress and discomfort to the fish.

Q: What can I do to get rid of it?

A: Stop feeding the fish for a day or two, this will lead to less waste production. Add some filter bacteria liquid in the tank to promote the filter capacity to the waste. If the fish die, then carry out a 50 percent water change every day until the levels are significantly lower, to test the water to monitor the quality.

Q: Can I add fish, while I have a new tank syndrome?

A: No. The newcomers are still vulnerable to the high ammonia and nitrite levels and may die within a few hours will be made available to the tank.

Q: Are there any hardy fish, the best suited to deal with new tanks?

A: Yes, danios and Platies are known for their toughness and tolerance of nitrite. Neon Tetra and tiger barbs are not. Dianos are the best choice for thanks to less than 6 weeks old because of their toughness and their ability to do so even in the less than perfect conditions for an immature tank.