
How to Care For Koi Fish - The Right Way

These multi-colored beauty is unlimited time to look forward to the Family. Love, cyprinus Carpio, a common variety of colorful carp. The fish was surprised that love and luxury watches. Love to reach more than 18 inches in a few years and grow to 3 feet in length.

Love is the durability of fish from Japan. Koi goldfish live longer and larger, some weighing 40 pounds or more. These fish have an average life expectancy of 20 years. The report is hundreds of years of love and life. Fish with bright colors, including the display of orange, yellow, white, red, and black. You can search for love. Fantail, DOREPUFIN and a long tail.

For love to know how to take care of it, you have to consider what factors need to know the pond in terms of design, pond size and depth, and the construction of a pond before you build His love fishpond. Oriental design of the Koi pond and Japan's popular. Features such as waterfalls and fountains, as well as attractive. A pond measuring 10 × 10 ft recommended maximum of three love to hold fish. Love more than required and a deep pond fish. Love is not to fill up the pond large enough to require a swimming in the area. Smooth rock is hurt when starting from the bottom of the pond. Love also called 'rabbit in the River'. Each of women, thousands of eggs a season layout.

The most important part to ensure the highest quality stocks may not understand the power of love to use the pond. To maintain the pond free of debris on a regular basis to keep. To reduce the risk of water quality problems, pumps and filters used in the system. Use pond water heater to prevent the wounds, disease, and guard against changes in temperature. Without heating, falls to the bottom of the pond and remain inactive.

Love is fed up with daily. Pellet has a special love to supply food to the fish. Food is love, balanced nutrition, fish and float to the surface to encourage. Also, enjoy a bit different. Often, love to eat. Peas, lettuce, and watermelon. Love is aware that feeding the people gather around feeding times. And can be trained to take food in your hand.

Take extra precautions for the safety of fish against wild animals. Motion to the net and fish detectors to protect from harm. Love the bright colors of severe disadvantage against the predator. Raccoons and cats, foxes, badgers and hope that they love to make a meal of fish.

Love is some of the world's most colorful fish. They are a symbol of Japan's love and friendship. Love is believed to bring good fortune to von shui in Chinese or Spanish culture. Delighted to receive hundreds of years of love to know how to take care of.