
What You Need To Know Before You Buy A 100 Gallon Fish Tank

They need to know these things before you buy your 100 litres Aquarium:

• What types of fish?

• Is it a fresh water or salt water tank?

• What types of stoker or filters do you need?

• accessories and decorations?

• What kind tank

• Do You Need A Fish Tank booth or cabinet?

• How much is it all going to cost?

All of the above questions need to be answered before you buy your fish tank-100 gallons. I will try to give you a rough idea of what you need to know, but professional advice from your local store is the best advice I can give.
A 100 gallons aquariums are a little more expensive than the smaller tanks but they give you a lot more options in choosing which and how many fish you want in him. They must also decide in what form filling and whether you want it made of glass or acrylic? Another factor to consider is that of where they are positioned in your home, and so they need a stand or cabinet at home? LS useful additional space for houses, where space is limited and a 100 gallon fish tank should be fairly large cabinet, but would some much-needed additional space.

Fresh or salt water?

The most important thing in choosing your fish is to first decide whether your 100 gallon fish tank is a freshwater or saltwater aquarium. Freshwater aquariums are cheaper and easier to maintain, while saltwater fish tanks need more attention to detail as you need to concentrate on the pH of the water and therefore more expense in the purchase of chemicals.

What fish?

Aquariums are a blank canvas, void until you fill it with a variety of fish and decorations, and the bigger the tank, the bigger the screen, so you go and buy more or bigger fish. The type of fish you put in your 100 gallons aquarium all depend on whether or not you have a fresh water or salt water tank? The best freshwater fish, catfish and Oscars whereas saltwater fish include a variety of fish cushions, Lion Fish, moray eels, and seahorses. Make sure that you are given advice on what types of fish, eels, anemones, etc., which together, as some fish again with the other and can not live in certain water.

Filter, accessories, cabinets Etc.

The accessories that your place in 100 gallons aquarium will also depend on whether you want a freshwater or saltwater tank. Do you want to place artificial or real-life plant in your tank? What types of decorations are best for the species that you make in your aquarium? Filter and heater combinations must also be tackled as well as biological and chemical factors. Advice is necessary if you are on a hobby of this size, but it will help you with a very relaxing pastime that is the envy of your friends.