
Information for the New Pet Fish Owner

Ownership of fish

Most of us are familiar with the joy and excitement of a pet can make in our lives. Whether a dog or a spider, a parrot or a rodent, a pet is a friend who is always a pleasure to have. Like many others, ownership of fish is also an incomparable experience. It is a joy to watch a beautiful aquarium with fish swimming around, and get a glimpse of the lives of these magnificent creatures.

The detention and care for fish can be a difficult experience, especially at first. As much fun as an aquarium with live fish can bring you, it needs a lot of vigilance and attention to get to this point where you and your pet are happy and settled.

Before obtaining the fish house, there are some things you should keep in mind as they are essential to the success of your business

The first is to buy fish a beautiful house. The style of the aquarium depends on your personal preferences, just make sure that the aquarium has a good solid and stable stand. Place the aquarium so you have easy access for cleaning the tank. Avoid direct sunlight and near air conditioning vents. Then you'll need a good filtration and ventilation configuration mechanisms. Match the capacity of filters with the estimated number of fish, you have in your aquarium.

Before the arrival of inhabitants of conditions must be as close as possible optimally. Be sure to chlorination of water, if it is chlorinated for human use. This can be achieved by aeration of the water through activated carbon or by adding some sodium thiosulfate water. It is important to have a reservoir operation set up at least 24 hours before arrival to let people settle conditions a little.

The next and probably the most important issue regarding the ownership of fish, without a doubt, the fish go?

There are two broad categories, freshwater and saltwater fish. In general, the idea is that having a saltwater fish is more delicate than go for a freshwater fish; reason is that the survival of fish in an aquarium depends on the type of conditions that they are held and it is a bit more difficult to imitate the ocean of the river. Secondly, they are more expensive than the variety of fresh water which increases the degree of risk to your initial investment. Once you've blocked it, then you may want to be in business for salt water.

Unless the whole exercise is to obtain species of marine life, being fresh water fish would probably be a better idea for beginners. When you go to the pet store to find your own little "Nemo" keep a few things in mind:

- The purchase of a consignment of fish at once, especially when you are introducing your aquarium fish should be avoided. More fish will be more difficult to maintain optimum conditions. Maintenance of all different levels, such as pH and ammonia under control could become a challenge. This, in turn, may increase the risk of early float in your tank.

- Make sure the fish you choose has been in the shop for at least a few days. The purchase of a fish that is already under stress after being transported to the workshop will give you a fish much emphasis on your hands.

- It is very important to try to keep stress levels low when you take the fish home store. Ask a bigger bag and ensure that all of the race is over for your new boyfriend as soon as possible. Fish said normally stays near the surface, do not eat well or hide under a blanket. Stress can also be caused by injury or aggression from other fish, lack of oxygen in the tank or less than optimal conditions or illness.

- Select the type of fish with great care. But even if the fish is considered the easiest freshwater fish to work with, there are many other options open. It is interesting to note that all fish does not agree. Some fish hang with their own nature, while others are happier with other species and tend to become aggressive towards their own. Ask some questions before buying about who is who can save you a lot wrong with it.