
Perfect Discus Fish Companions

Commenting on the addition of other fish to Aquarium Discus, you find that there are almost as many views on this subject, as there Discus guards. It is, however, some species that are commonly known as good friends for Discus.

The idea of this article is not to take part in the discussion - but to make a number of issues to your attention - and help you do your own research.

First - a Discus fish tank is just that! A Discus Fish Tank! So what does this mean? This means that your focus should be on ensuring that you keep your Discus happy in terms of water temperature and water quality, and you add the fish will be happy to live under the same conditions.

Secondly, the Discus is by nature very shy, and they do not like tyrants! You should never add more big fish in your aquarium size Discus that threaten their position as "kings of the aquarium." Or if you add aggressive types of fish in your aquarium Discus.

Last but certainly not least, Discus fish eaters are slow, if you make a mistake if you introduce soon as the fighting to eating their food in their tank. Also - do not add fish that are normally friendly - but into a frenzy at feeding time.

Below is a list of species by many guards Discus are regarded as good friends:

Tetras (Cardinals, Red Nose, lemon and Congo)

Clown Loach


Plecos (Bristle nose and Clown)

Once again - if you decide to introduce other species to your Discus Fish Tank - make sure you do your research thoroughly, and you keep your aquarium conditions perfect for Discus Fish.