Daphnia are small crustaceans, and are sometimes called water fleas, even if they are not really fleas at all. They can be found in ponds in spring and summer and are often sold in stores water. They do not have much food value, fish, but their love, and your fish will certainly keep fit around the capture of hunting them.
Bloodworm are the larvae of midges and are highly nutritious, they can be found at the bottom of ponds and even small puddles. You've seen May as a small red wriggling worm-like creatures about half an inch (1.3cm) long, which holds almost any quantity of water.
Tubifex to live in the muddiest and sales conditions, it seems surprising they are recommended in May as food for all. However, it is a popular choice when it comes to treatment of fish, although fish should not be fed too much or too often with tubifex because of the high albumin (protein) content.
The earthworms will provide an excellent food, and are full of albumin, which makes them suitable for large fish, such as large Cichlids. One of the reasons why they are not used as often as you might think, is that they should be cut up before giving them to fishing.
You can try your local fishing for these Otherwise, if you get your own, be sure to clean freshwater. Before they can be fed to your fish you put in a box and leave enough time for them to clarify their intestinal tract of sand, keep them moist.
There are many fish whose sole or main diet consists of vegetable foods. Many catfishes belong to this category, as well as some Livebearing species, and some Carps and minnows. You will find that these types of fish are particularly fond of algae, and especially some catfishes, can be seen often grating on objects in the aquarium, and even the aquarium glass itself, where algae grew .
Until this algae is not out of control, it can be left in the tank for the fish to feed on. However, the fact that it is not out of control, therefore not in great abundance, means that you should give your fish plant additional materials to supplement their diet.
There are a variety of vegetables are foods that fit your feed fish, possibilities include lettuce and spinach leaves, which must be blanched (briefly boiled) before feeding your fish, slices of cucumber , Peas and, of course, there are a number of excellent dry food available, which include all the ingredients for the vegetarian fish.
There are certain foods that May was not considered by newcomers to the hobby, which do not fall under the category of normal commercial rates or pet fish, for example, meat, other fish and crustaceans. These foods could be considered as solid foods and fish, including large Cichlids, do like having to eat solid foods.
The feeding your fish of high quality live and flake food etc is always recommended, but occasionally you can try small pieces of beef heart (without fat), pieces of mussels or shrimp, and pieces of fish, if you encounter any fish to a meal, then cook, cut a piece out of your fish, they love it.
If you're a fisherman, it is wise not to feed the fish with your fish that you take natural water bodies, bringing the risk of introducing diseases into your aquarium. A few simple rule is that you need; eat freshwater fish with salt water fish, salt and fish feed water with freshwater fish.
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