Your fish must be interested in the food you offer them, and should not hesitate to consume easily. Indeed, all my fish come to the surface when they see me approach the tanks with their food.
The most important thing to do is not feed too. The more food fish eat the more waste they produce, this May's obvious, but when combined with any uneaten food which is probably more to the left of the food too, it creates a problem.
All of these wastes will be on the aquarium floor, and begin to decompose, in turn produce the pollutants that fish can not tolerate, and could ultimately lead to fatal accidents. Simply put, the easiest way to tank is mismanagement by overeating.
Another important factor is diet, it is a fact that poor diet is responsible for a fish unable to fight disease. If a fish is to live a healthy life, it must have a well balanced diet.
There was a time when the dry food were used only by necessity, because his rank can not be assured. Even now, modern food flakes are too often ignored or dismissed as less than a complete diet. It is also surprising that many books seem fishkeeping take a skeptical view of dry food.
There is no need for this negative attitude. Today, it is not too difficult to provide good quality food flakes, most foods are now indisputable flakes of origin, they are scientifically developed, and are undoubtedly a complete diet .
Food trade have progressed to the point now most species can live life on a varied diet of high quality dry food. Indeed, if it is not readily available in the range of staple foods flakes, today fishkeepers it would be a big problem to feed their fish.
There are also great benefits with dry food, they are always available, they can be easily stored, which saves on regular trips to buy, but it should be noted that the vitamin are limited shelf life, vitamin content is generally guaranteed until the best before date, it will be on the container.
On the other hand, minerals and trace elements, have a long shelf life and are not affected by prolonged storage. The risk of diseases or pests introduced into the aquarium with food is completely eliminated with dry food.
It should be remembered that all fish can not prosper if the animals of the same scheme. For example, you would not think to feed a cat with lettuce leaves, or a rabbit with steak, it is the same with fish. Some species of fish need a vegetable, while some live in need of food, on the other hand, there are species that do well when fed on both.
Meat eaters are considered carnivores
Eating vegetables are considered herbivores
Fish that eat a diet, ie a bit of both, are regarded as omnivores
Mud eaters are regarded as Limnivores
There are many types of dry foods, such as tablets, sticks, granules, chips, and flakes of course, and others. All these dry food can be purchased in various compositions, depending on the type of fish you want for food.
For example, I use platelets sinking algae, plants or tokens, for my PLECOSTOMUS (primarily herbivores, even if they eat worms various etc), and the surface of food, such as my Gourami, are fed on a snowflake high quality food, while at the same time, my Green Terror (Cichlid generally Carnivore) likes to eat the algae and the snowflake wafers, as well as live food.
So there is a wide choice of foods available for your fish, make the best of them and keep your fish healthy, happy and colorful.
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