
What Makes Fish Healthy In Aquarium?

Many fish diseases can be avoided by your healthy fish in the first place, but an important factor that can have a negative effect on the immune systems of fish is stress. Stress is responsible, or linked, and many fish deaths is a common problem, as many believe, aquarist. Stress can be caused by the number of the factors in the aquarium, and these can be found below.

Causes and symptoms of stress

It is obvious that factors can cause stress to aquarium fish, such as aggression by other fish and overcrowding, but there are also invisible causes such as poor water quality or the wrong water. To check for signs of stress with a test kit, a clear idea of how the system is in operation. Secondly, use your eyes to look for signs of rapid movement Gill, reluctance to feed and a change of behaviour.

Treatment of stress

Some water conditioners contain aloe vera or herbal extracts and have been shown to reduce stress, especially if the introduction or the transport of fish, but usually the cause of the stress must be removed when the fish to recover.

Avoid stress

True research of the species that you and consider eventually their size and long-term compatibility. If you soft-water species with hard-water species, for example, one or none of the species are really happy in the long term, causes stress.

Seemingly small factors, such as with the light on for too long, vibrations from loud music or inappropriate hideouts and retreats, many kinds of stress.


Once you have verified that stress is not a factor in your tank, you can focus on the long-term health of your fish. Proper diet of aquarium fish can do wonders for their health, and a well-fed fish can of course fight many diseases. Also, be sure to follow the instructions below, if you feed your fish.

* Feed branded goods food, manufactured by reputable companies. Take your time to research so that you know that you are feeding the right kind of food, such as algae wafers for algae eater, for example.

* Small fish feed and often little, because they have a fast metabolism

* Large fish feed more substantial meals less frequently

* Keep food fresh and, if possible, do not buy in bulk dry food, because they already have lost much of its nutritional value.

* Remove all uneaten food immediately, since they decompose and adversely affect the water quality.

* Enter a varied diet of fresh, dry and frozen food to your fish wherever possible, as this is the interest for the fish as well as optimal nutrition.

Water quality

A good water for your fish Paramount and is crucial to their long-term health, so remember, with the following rules

* Choose a sufficiently large filter in order to allow for the future growth of your fish.

* Never wash biological filter media under the tap, because all the good bacteria will be lost and toxic ammonia will increase.

* Select maintenance regime, such as changing 25 percent of the water tank twice a week, and stick to it.

* Enter the right type of water for your fish, such as soft water for the South American species.

Fish Stocking

The incorrect storage may have disastrous consequences for your fish and its long-term effects on health, so that the following points when you choose your fish.

* Only buy fish that you are sure you can adequately house. Some fish grow to huge, and it is easy to underestimate, if you are buying.

* Non-stock fish too much. It is tempting to try to create a visual display with so many different fish as possible, but this can lead to growth disorders, parasitic infestations, oxygen deprivation and a very heavy burden on your filter.

* Hold shoaling fish in groups to hold and lonely in their own fish.

* The right lighting conditions for the fish at any time - some are sensitive to unusual or bright light, and this can cause stress.

* Stock slowly compatible with fish from the beginning. Not always with robbers prey fish, even if you buy, when they are young.

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