Thus, the decision is made, you will keep tropical fish. You've read everything you can find on the hobby and you're all Fired Up ready to begin. You have been purchased and you new aquarium, you have at home and found a suitable location for it, and you are seeking and finish the job, can not wait to see everything in place.

Do not be tempted to put in water in your aquarium again!
Do not rush things, patience is a virtue in this hobby, it is better to take all day to put things, to dive into rush things and to find something wrong and begin to have again to make it right. Although in reality, it will be more like half a day.
Follow these steps and you will find things easier in the long term.
If you've decided on a undergravel filtration system to the undergravel plates and tubes raise now. This is a fairly simple job, you May to reduce some of the plates to make it a worthy of your aquarium, but there's nothing complicated there.
Gravel should be washed thoroughly before it goes into your aquarium (it will be full of dust). Put a little at a time in a bucket of water and run through it from the tap or pipe at the same time, stirring and shaking gravel, it takes some time to get any dust on the gravel, so be patient, it is worth it if you do not want a mess cloudy when you put water in the aquarium. When water goes from the gravel and then it's OK to put in the aquarium.
In theory, you should take the gravel tracks so that the back of the aquarium at the front, this aid debris to accumulate in front of the aquarium when it is up and running, this which makes it easier to clean. In fact, I think the gravel does not stay that way, it finds its own level. However, you should aim at a depth of about two to three inches (5 to 8 cm).
Set the heater aquarium to about 76F (25C) and place it on the back of the aquarium glass at an angle of 45 degrees, close but not touching the gravel. It should be placed near an output filter, or there is a movement of water, so the heat can be distributed around the tank. Do not plug it yet! Aquarium heater must be immersed in water before being lit, irreparable damage could be caused.
ATTENTION an aquarium heater is hot enough to burn when the grave and not in the water.
Powerhead can now be placed on top of the guaranteed student at the aquarium provided with hooks or suckers. Do not connect in Powerhead! They need to be submerged, they are cooled and lubricated by water, and dry operation can cause irreparable damage.
Internal filters can be placed either side of the aquarium, or back, just insert the media in the filter chamber and attach the filter of a glass with the brackets provided or suckers. As with Powerhead not connect again!
If you decided to use an external filter instead of the above options, you can set it up now, according to the manufacturer's instructions. The characteristics of these filters May differ slightly from one to another and according to each manufacturer, but they all work basically the same, the pickup location of the strainer in the aquarium.
Place all air features (air stones, etc.) in the aquarium, and use the tube out of the tank to the air pump. Unless you use a check valve (non-return valve) to the airline, it is important to have the air pump higher than your water level, water could siphon back on line otherwise.
Rocks should be washed carefully and gently placed in the aquarium, no longer do this kind is heavy, and avoid the risk of reversal, you might consider liaison with the aquarium seals, do not forget to let dry the sealant before putting any water in the aquarium.
Bogwood Mopani and wood are very attractive pieces of scenery, (do not forget to soak the bogwood for at least one week before use), try a little aquascaping using wood and / or Rockwork form of terraces rather than a flat extent of gravel. This kind of scene can be beneficial in hiding the equipment you put in the tank.
If you want to use artificial plants instead to live among them; they look quite natural and do not require regular size, you can now put these in the aquarium. Try to position your plants so that the largest of those at the back and shorter forward, creating a beautiful effect and help hide the equipment, as well as a natural part of your fish.
You're finished with a number of plugs on the back of your tank, use a multi-socket to plug in the block and make sure you keep the wiring away. But remember not to connect any of the equipment in the power before putting water in the aquarium.
So now that you liked you build your aquarium, the next task is to put water in.

Do not be tempted to put in water in your aquarium again!
Do not rush things, patience is a virtue in this hobby, it is better to take all day to put things, to dive into rush things and to find something wrong and begin to have again to make it right. Although in reality, it will be more like half a day.
Follow these steps and you will find things easier in the long term.
If you've decided on a undergravel filtration system to the undergravel plates and tubes raise now. This is a fairly simple job, you May to reduce some of the plates to make it a worthy of your aquarium, but there's nothing complicated there.
Gravel should be washed thoroughly before it goes into your aquarium (it will be full of dust). Put a little at a time in a bucket of water and run through it from the tap or pipe at the same time, stirring and shaking gravel, it takes some time to get any dust on the gravel, so be patient, it is worth it if you do not want a mess cloudy when you put water in the aquarium. When water goes from the gravel and then it's OK to put in the aquarium.
In theory, you should take the gravel tracks so that the back of the aquarium at the front, this aid debris to accumulate in front of the aquarium when it is up and running, this which makes it easier to clean. In fact, I think the gravel does not stay that way, it finds its own level. However, you should aim at a depth of about two to three inches (5 to 8 cm).
Set the heater aquarium to about 76F (25C) and place it on the back of the aquarium glass at an angle of 45 degrees, close but not touching the gravel. It should be placed near an output filter, or there is a movement of water, so the heat can be distributed around the tank. Do not plug it yet! Aquarium heater must be immersed in water before being lit, irreparable damage could be caused.
ATTENTION an aquarium heater is hot enough to burn when the grave and not in the water.
Powerhead can now be placed on top of the guaranteed student at the aquarium provided with hooks or suckers. Do not connect in Powerhead! They need to be submerged, they are cooled and lubricated by water, and dry operation can cause irreparable damage.
Internal filters can be placed either side of the aquarium, or back, just insert the media in the filter chamber and attach the filter of a glass with the brackets provided or suckers. As with Powerhead not connect again!
If you decided to use an external filter instead of the above options, you can set it up now, according to the manufacturer's instructions. The characteristics of these filters May differ slightly from one to another and according to each manufacturer, but they all work basically the same, the pickup location of the strainer in the aquarium.
Place all air features (air stones, etc.) in the aquarium, and use the tube out of the tank to the air pump. Unless you use a check valve (non-return valve) to the airline, it is important to have the air pump higher than your water level, water could siphon back on line otherwise.
Rocks should be washed carefully and gently placed in the aquarium, no longer do this kind is heavy, and avoid the risk of reversal, you might consider liaison with the aquarium seals, do not forget to let dry the sealant before putting any water in the aquarium.
Bogwood Mopani and wood are very attractive pieces of scenery, (do not forget to soak the bogwood for at least one week before use), try a little aquascaping using wood and / or Rockwork form of terraces rather than a flat extent of gravel. This kind of scene can be beneficial in hiding the equipment you put in the tank.
If you want to use artificial plants instead to live among them; they look quite natural and do not require regular size, you can now put these in the aquarium. Try to position your plants so that the largest of those at the back and shorter forward, creating a beautiful effect and help hide the equipment, as well as a natural part of your fish.
You're finished with a number of plugs on the back of your tank, use a multi-socket to plug in the block and make sure you keep the wiring away. But remember not to connect any of the equipment in the power before putting water in the aquarium.
So now that you liked you build your aquarium, the next task is to put water in.
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