
Deciding Between a Saltwater Aquarium or a Freshwater Aquarium

If you're looking for, to a certain degree of style and beauty to your home or office after an aquarium can do this. There are so many things that can be done when it comes to an aquarium as the centre of your institution, and it is the perfect way to combine the room decor and the company have a pet in your room.

Of course, if you use the search function in an aquarium, there is a lot of things to consider. Many people choose to implement a freshwater aquarium on a salt water aquarium searches without really into the benefits and disadvantages of both. In all actuality, if you have a nice solution for your needs and Aquarium Looking for a good investment, you should definitely a view in salt water aquarium. While people tend to go freshwater direction due to the fact that it is a much cheaper alternative, the beauty and diversity that a salt water aquarium offers is not easily surpassed.

Tropical Fish

In a salt water aquarium, you have much more variety to choose from as far as tropical fish. Blue Tang, Clown Fish, Fish Hawk, Fantail File Fish and more - are all from the choice, you can choose from when it comes to tropical fish in your aquarium. The tropical fish, you can choose from are bright and colorful and lively-all the things you need in an aquarium to help you feel better about your space and more alive. The fish, you can sign in a salt water aquarium are much more exotic and beautiful than anything else, a freshwater aquarium could house.


If you are not a motivated person interested in the aquarium maintenance, with a salt water aquarium is a bad idea. However, if you are interested in your fish and you want them to a healthy environment to live with salt water aquarium can be relatively easy to administer. There are several ways that you have to go about cleaning a salt water aquarium, as they require different supplies and a degree of dilution of water, fresh water tanks. Whatever the case, while the maintenance of a salt water aquarium is more work than the care of a freshwater aquarium, although the chances are much greater.

There is nothing like a beautiful tropical saltwater aquarium to your own. If you are in the market for something new, something beautiful and valuable to a specific item to your home or office a salt water aquarium may just be right for you. Be sure you have all the different fish and wildlife medicine, you can from your salt water aquarium and you will wonder why you ever as with a regular freshwater aquarium in your room.

Salt water aquarium wins on freshwater aquarium

In terms of overall spending decor, beauty, and the large variety of tropical fish can in a salt water aquarium, a salt water aquarium wins hands-down over a freshwater aquarium. But as they have a larger effort require more maintenance and efforts, you may have a fresh water aquarium for a carefree start into the world of tropical fish. In any case, an aquarium definitely adds a touch of personal character to a home or office environment.

With Thousands Of Types Of Tropical Fish Available - How To Choose?

Types of tropical fish - How to choose?

I like tropical fish. They are very beautiful creatures. A properly maintained pool can provide hours of relaxation and entertainment provided to choose the right type of tropical fish that are available. Here are some questions to ask.

What types of tropical fish and play together?

There are many tropical fish that are aggressive. Choose your color of the fish could be a disaster. Make sure when you buy fish, you buy compatible species. If you get an aggressive fish, make sure you can minimize potential damage. For example, if you intend to buy a lot of small fish, keep in mind that placing a large aggressive fish in the reservoir May turn your small fish in the diet of fish, certainly not what you intention. Will you save sea anemones in your tank? If you do, make sure you have fish who like to swim in and around them without being stunned. Also, as those colors thorny shrimp? I love them, they are really interesting. They can be destructive little critters, so be careful in the choice of law. Keep in mind that you need a large tank if you are going to mix lots of cash because the tightening adjustment, more fighting. You do not want your beloved fish fighting each other and ripping each other's members and fins off.

Temperatures different for different types of tropical fish?

Yes it's true. Different types of tropical fish have different needs temperatures of growth "Make sure you do not choose tropical fish that have particularly high or particularly low temperature. The fish you choose must be compatible in terms of temperature. When in doubt, do your homework before going to the store to look.

Incompatible types of tropical fish - c. saltwater to freshwater

The first choice you have to do if you are going to have a freshwater or saltwater tank. Overall, it is easier to maintain a reservoir of fresh water. In this way, you do not have to worry about the tank salinity. The reason most fans do business with tropical fish saltwater is because there are many beautiful varieties that are simply not available if you go the way of fresh water.

Let me conclude by saying that our article just scratched the surface of our subject. There are enough types of tropical fish there to do all amateur happy. Choose your fish carefully to ensure years of pleasure and satisfaction. To learn more about this fascinating hobby, please visit our site that has lots of free articles on tropical fish.

5 Tropical Fish Ailments

Tropical fish are beautiful, and it's a fact! They are ideal pets if you do not have much free time as they need not walk and does not scratch furniture. But there are tropical fish facts and advice you need to know before you buy your first aquarium.

Tropical fish makes a

Most people start with a very small aquarium without realizing that they will soon become addicted. Before too long they are back to the animal another store a purchase the next size.

Tip: Do not buy the smallest aquarium you can find - May and you lost your time and money while the store pet owner will love you.

Tropical fish made two

Tropical fish are classified according to their nature. As humans, some are lonely and biting the head of someone who comes too close, as some only their own species and do not mix too well with others, and some are friendly, outgoing, love and spend time with someone who comes their way.

Tip: Check if you buy tropical fish are non-fish community, semi-aggressive or community fish.

Tropical fish made three

There are certain types of tropical fish, you should buy when introducing a new reservoir. You must be sure to buy fish that robust levels of ammonia and nitrate in your tank before evening fluctuate over time, not all tropicals can survive these changes.

Tip: Make sure you know that your equipment before you buy your first fish. If the trader is not an expert, search reference books and forums on the Internet for the best types of tropical fish robust start.

Tropical fish made four

Some Dainty, delicate and fragile looking tropical fish can grow very large very fast! This means another trip back to the shop for pets where the owner will greet you rubbing their hands in joy.

Tip: To find out exactly how your great growth potential purchase before buying.

Tropical fish five

Aquariums need equipment such as filters, pumps and heaters. Filtration systems to help maintain the fine ecological balance needed in your aquarium fish to grow. They are available in three different types.

Tip: Do not buy your filtration system before knowing what are the fish into your aquarium. You have a choice between either a chemical, mechanical or biological filter after a discussion with an expert who would be the best for your tank.

Nothing is more soothing after a stressful day of relaxation and get lost in the graceful, colorful and calming world of beautiful tropical fish, and armed with these few tropical fish facts and advice on this world of colors could soon be a part of your life.


Freshwater Tropical Fish - 4 Must-Have Tips When Buying Your First Freshwater Tropical Fish

How do you choose a tropical freshwater fish? Well, we have a few tips that really save time and trouble. I love texts, which are in top form, so do not hesitate to read this text and print it out and take it to your favorite pet store. Without further ado, here are some types of fresh fish tips:

The size of the fish questions.

Most of the tropical fish that are available are not fully grown. Some of the different types remains the same size, while other species receive much greater. You want to make sure that your tank is big enough for your fish, especially if they are the type that they are much bigger. If you are unsure about the type, the best thing in your tank you'll want someone to talk, the knowledge about the different types of freshwater tropical fish.

What will the tropical fish diet?

Not all of these species have the same diet. Some of the fish live, eat food, some eat frozen food, eat some cereal and some are something to eat. It is important to know what kind of food that you eat fish, because you must be willing to invest time each day to ensure that they are precise quantities of various food fish. If you are going to get more than a fish, it is recommended that the tropical fish eat the same fish feed.

How good is your fish get along together?

Believe it or not, any kind of fish has its own personality, and some of them are aggressive, many species have a reputation as bullies. It is important that you are tropical fish that are compatible personalities. This will prevent that they are always in the embassies with each other and wreaking havoc with your tank.

What will the tank of water temperature set?

Freshwater tropical fish, not all come from the same region. This means that for any other type of tropical fish in the tank, the temperature will be different. Be sure that you fish, is probably in the same temperature range, because you can only create a temperature in your tank.

As you can see, there are more than meets the eye in the selection of your tropical freshwater fish. Tropical fish have many needs and not all tropical fish play well together. Are some of the planning and research in advance and you have happy, long fish. Remember not to buy fish as an impulse buy, you and your fish May regret it. For more information on tropical freshwater fish, please take the time to visit us. Thank you for reading and good luck.

Temperature For Freshwater Aquariums

The name Tropicals, puts too much emphasis on the idea of a high temperature, for all fish species. There are a number of them who are not from the tropics, and a small number of them who come from the tropics, did not originate from hot water in particular.

It is understood that the majority of exotic aquarium fish, may be cold water, and rightly so, because the fish can get sick easier, and secondly, many of them are not prosper in the higher temperatures, because they need more oxygen than water can carry.

Placing them all in the water around 80 degrees, is not the kind that Aquarius think, who likes to high temperatures. The only thing you must not believe, is that each species has an exact degree of heat. Most of them have a tolerance of at least 10 degrees and can withstand 5 degrees change by more than 8 hours without injury.

Regarding individual species is concerned, is difficult to put fish in the hottest and most consistent places, the resistance and those in the cooler places. I think a lot of unnecessary worries and expenditure is given to try to keep aquariums or aquarium rooms within 2 degrees of a fixed point.

The nature does not provide such an environment, and it was observed that fish are stimulated by a change in temperature. The aquarium should not be too concerned about the variation between heat at the top and bottom of the aquarium. The change in the waters is considerable, but the fish seem to handle without difficulty. They can choose what level in the water they love.

Everything boils down to this: The average of exotic aquarium fish is pleased to an average temperature of 72-76 degrees. Sometimes, you do not let the temperature drop-down menu below 70 - degrees, and if it does it would not be bad, but raise the temperature more quickly. Taking the temperature above 8o degrees is fine, as long as their is enough oxygen in the water.

The breeding of most fish, means increasing the water temperature above 80 - degrees. If, causes uncontrollable, the temperature drops low of 60 degrees or 50 degrees, the thing to do is bring it slowly to about 80 degrees and keep it there for 24 hours or more.

The best way to keep an aquarium at the right temperature, with a heater. Égalise ventilation at the high and low temperature. The most asked question is, 'What size water heater is required for a capacity gallon? "This can not be answered intelligently without knowing the amount of cold to overcome. A general rule is 2 watts for raising each gallon of 5 degrees above ambient temperature. I prefer conservative size of heating units, so if a thermostat is not working, not fish fry.

It's Alright for fish to swim in warm water cooler in your aquarium, but its evolution quite different from a reservoir to another, which could vary the temperature of several degrees, either up or low. This is something that should not be done. The effect May not be apparent at once, but it is rarely escaped. It usually covers the "shaking" or "shimmies," Ichthyophthirius (ick), fungus or a general decline of descent. Changes should be made within 2 degrees of temperature. You should check the thermometers, because they can be cut as much as 4 degrees.

Ailments of tropical fish

Yes, tropical fish sick just like other pets, and in May it be a time you need a veterinarian to check your fish or a phone to consult. The veterinarian you take your cat or dog in May do not know much about fish. The time to find out if it treats the fish is now, before your tropical fish get sick and need its services. If your veterinarian is not up to date on fish diseases, ask for a referral. Do not get caught on a weekend or holiday with a sick fish and not a call.

Some of the most common diseases in tropical fish are as follows:

1. Constipation. A fish that is constipated will not move much and it is likely to remain at the bottome of the aquarium. You will notice her belly is swollen. Constipation is usually caused by eating too much or bad food.

2. Swim bladder. With this condition your fish will not swim in a normal way. It will be swimming on its side, upside down, or a strange position. This may be a side effect of constipation, a bruised swim bladder of mishandling or fighting. Swim bladder can also be a bacterial infection he picked up because the water in his aquarium is dirty.

3. Kidney bloat. It is also sometimes called pinecone disease because the scales stick and your fish look something like a pinecone. The disease is caused by fluids establishment and can be caused by dirty water or other body or failure.

4. Tumors. They present themselves as lumps or bumps and May in some cases resemble a light bulb or warts.

5. Exophthalmus. The causes eyes to bulge, thus giving the disease the most common name of the pop-eye. The cause of the usual pop-eye is an aquarium unclean.

Some fish are contagious diseases and some are not. For more security, at the very early signs of disease, remove the sick or diseased perhaps fish from the aquarium. Thoroughly clean the aquarium and call the veterinarian. It is possible that he can give suggestions to make that call.

Remember, good nutrition for your tropical fish and properly maintaining your aquarium will keep the happy and healthy and make calls to the veterinarian unnecessary.


Caring For Your Freshwater Tropical Aquarium Fish

So you want to have your own freshwater tropical aquarium fish, but do not know where to start? Fortunately, I then explain what steps you must take to set up an aquarium and choose a species of fish, to adapt to the environment you have.

There are two types of tropical fish, and they are salt-water tropical fish, fresh water and tropical fish. Here I will explain how to set up a tank with freshwater tropical fish.

Aquarium Cycling

Before your pet tropical fish in your aquarium, fish tank must go through a phase known as aquarium cycling. It is important that this phase is before your fish in your aquarium, otherwise you can run in a variety of problems. I know it can be tempting to view it directly and immediately in your fish into the tank once there's water there, but hang in for just a moment!

The nitrogen cycle is the first sentence of aquarium cycling, free and involves all the water excess nitrogen that before the water is considered fit for animal life. Sounds a little complicated? Do not worry. Your best way to the water in your aquarium, so that you can tropical fish in it is by planting your tank. This includes putting a lot of nice sea plants in your containers, which will help to rid of nitrogen and water suitable for your fish to swim in.

The next thing you need is a filter that is able to absorb foreign materials and particles from the water, to ensure that it remains fresh and recycled every time. You can also choose to buy an air stone, which in addition to your air filter. In this way, your fish tank, with various effects bubble.

With regard to the actual selection of your fish tank, tank should do, unless you want your aquarium at a certain species of tropical freshwater fish. Speaking to a pet shop owner is a good idea how they can help you an aquarium tailored to your needs.

In regard to the selection of the actual types of freshwater tropical fish, you must ensure that some species do not get along with each other. It is not unusual that some types of bullying, or even eat other species. The last thing you want to do is spend a small fortune to acquire the rarest and most exotic of freshwater tropical fish with them eaten by some tropical fish breed antisocial not think they are as beautiful as you!

Once your aquarium is setup, and you have selected what kind of fish you want in your tank, all that remains is literally putting them! Do you think that the feeding patterns and lighting can affect the way your fish live and behave. Be aware of potential fish diseases, and good and bad types of forage fish that feed specific types of tropical fish.

African Lake Cichlids - Lake Malawi

Lake Malawi is part of the East Africa Rift Valley system (meaning it is located in the rift in East Africa caused by plate tectonics African cut in half) and east located in southern Africa. It is the ninth largest lake in the world and the third largest in Africa with an area of nearly 29600 km. It lies between the countries of Malawi, Tanzania and Mozambique. The lake is often called the lake Nyssa as there is still a debate between neighbouring countries. Lake Malawi is composed of a large basin, which lies about 506 km long and 75 km wide at the widest point. The lake is the maximum depth of 700 m and has an average depth of about 292 m. Lake Malawi is unusual because it does not have tides or currents.

The lake is quite hot, with a high temperature of about 72o and with a surface temperature of 75 - 84o. The reason for the 9o F temperature fluctuation is that Lake Malawi is far enough south of the equator to experience final seasonal variations in temperature. The pH is between 7.7 - 8.6, GH varies from 4-6 DH, and KH varies from 6-8 dH.

There are several cichlid major habitats in the lake. The first is the sandy shore is around 70% of the coast. Some plants live in this area, but not much. Haps peacocks and use it as their habitat. The second area is the rocky shore which is the remaining 30% of the coast. Here, there is no vegetation and boulders are stacked on each other. The rocky areas tend to be where the banks have a strong fall. Mbunas that make their habitat (hence the name which means "rock-dweller"). The third area is the river mouths and areas near the coast which are very vegetation. These areas tend to be deep and can also be quite muddy. Finally, areas in deep water ranging from 30 m to 250 m deep are inhabited by some of the biggest predators cichlids.


What is the best food for fish for my fish?

There are several types of foods that help you give your fish just the right amount of nutrients. This will allow the fish in the pond to grow the perfect size and be as healthy as possible. All these foods can be bought easily and cheaply. It is important to find the perfect food for your fish pond, so you can maintain a healthy and well basin population for future seasons.

Nishikoi Pond Foods will give them a proper balance of nutrients. You can get several types of foods that are the mark. For example, if you have the most smaller fish and want to feed them more often, you can buy the Staple Nishikoi small pellet. The plea Pellet can be powered by a slightly larger fish or slightly larger groups of fish. If you have many different types of fish in your pond, you will find May they have different dietary needs, you can feed Nishikoi Pond Cocktail. This diet may be good for all types.

It is also Tetra Pond Foods. They are for goldfish and Koi. They come in several varieties, including Tetrapond Sticks, and Tetrapond Pellets. The pellets coming either small or medium varieties. The sticks are good for food in the long run, or if you have bigger fish that would eat more. The poles also encourage socialization among fish. The pellets are for those who need to eat their own food and small balls again in the diets of smaller fish more often, while the average pellets can be used in feed bigger fish, or with one more time between feedings.

For your Koi pond, you want to be sure you feed them the right types of food. Laguna fact is that food for goldfish and Koi. These foods can be good because often a pond will be several of these two varieties of food and simple food can make things easier for you. King British Foods fish pond also several varieties that are good for these two types. Again, this marks a floating sticks, which you can eat in your pond. There are particularly useful if you go away for a few days, as you can leave several sticks on the water. The British King brand also includes the variety of foods, and the Ultimate Koi food. These foods may be exactly what you want when it comes to ensure that fish in your pond are well fed.

Omega Pond Pelletsare also good foods because they are specially designed for those who live in ponds. This means that food is designed to provide your exact nutrients that they may need.

A good point to note! A very good food to have when you expect to go on vacation is Tetrapond holiday, which will provide your fish with all the nutrients they need while you are away.

Also, Tetrapond a Wheatgerm Sticks that can help your fish to grow.

Aquarium Plants - Artificial Vs Real

Nothing makes an aquarium look better then aquarium plants. The big question is it better to use real or artificial aquarium plants. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

Real plants absorb aquarium fish waste, which makes the tank easier to clean. They also add additional oxygen to water and the reduction of algae. But the fish are likely either to eat or to uproot. Of course, it gives you more work in the maintenance of your aquarium. Remember that you want to enjoy your tank will not work on it. The largest live with aquarium plants is lighting. Most experts recommend fluorescent lighting A good rule is several reservoirs your ability to 1.5 and get the amount of artificial lighting required to give your own power. For example, 10 gallons 1.5 times tank means you need a system of fifteen watts. Do not overlook the advantage of indirect lighting from the outside. It is preferable not to use a filter of gravel under live with aquarium plants that these filters can affect plant growth.

Artificial plants on the other hand are handy when your fish eat your real plants. Fish May still uproot plants, but it can be helped by buying your plants artificial mats. These carpets look natural and give a beautiful appearance of your aquarium. There are two types of artificial aquarium plants, plastics, which have improved in recent years, or silk. In my opinion the best choice is silk they look more natural in the way they move through the water several times and you can not know if the plants are real or not. To avoid having to clean your artificial plants I recommend get a little algae eating fish such as red-tailed black sharks. It's always good to reduce the work you have to do for your tank, after everything that you want to enjoy your fish tanks do not work constantly on them.

Whatever the type of plants you choose remember that you want to be able to view the tank as a whole, as well as to clearly see the fish. So make sure you save your biggest plant in the rear means plants in the middle and your plants short at the front.

What You Need To Know Before You Buy A 100 Gallon Fish Tank

They need to know these things before you buy your 100 litres Aquarium:

• What types of fish?

• Is it a fresh water or salt water tank?

• What types of stoker or filters do you need?

• accessories and decorations?

• What kind tank

• Do You Need A Fish Tank booth or cabinet?

• How much is it all going to cost?

All of the above questions need to be answered before you buy your fish tank-100 gallons. I will try to give you a rough idea of what you need to know, but professional advice from your local store is the best advice I can give.
A 100 gallons aquariums are a little more expensive than the smaller tanks but they give you a lot more options in choosing which and how many fish you want in him. They must also decide in what form filling and whether you want it made of glass or acrylic? Another factor to consider is that of where they are positioned in your home, and so they need a stand or cabinet at home? LS useful additional space for houses, where space is limited and a 100 gallon fish tank should be fairly large cabinet, but would some much-needed additional space.

Fresh or salt water?

The most important thing in choosing your fish is to first decide whether your 100 gallon fish tank is a freshwater or saltwater aquarium. Freshwater aquariums are cheaper and easier to maintain, while saltwater fish tanks need more attention to detail as you need to concentrate on the pH of the water and therefore more expense in the purchase of chemicals.

What fish?

Aquariums are a blank canvas, void until you fill it with a variety of fish and decorations, and the bigger the tank, the bigger the screen, so you go and buy more or bigger fish. The type of fish you put in your 100 gallons aquarium all depend on whether or not you have a fresh water or salt water tank? The best freshwater fish, catfish and Oscars whereas saltwater fish include a variety of fish cushions, Lion Fish, moray eels, and seahorses. Make sure that you are given advice on what types of fish, eels, anemones, etc., which together, as some fish again with the other and can not live in certain water.

Filter, accessories, cabinets Etc.

The accessories that your place in 100 gallons aquarium will also depend on whether you want a freshwater or saltwater tank. Do you want to place artificial or real-life plant in your tank? What types of decorations are best for the species that you make in your aquarium? Filter and heater combinations must also be tackled as well as biological and chemical factors. Advice is necessary if you are on a hobby of this size, but it will help you with a very relaxing pastime that is the envy of your friends.


How Do I Keep My Aquarium Clean?

It is a known fact that an aquarium own offer the best habitat for fish and other water creatures that you might have. In this perspective the best way to keep a clean aquarium is not only have the right equipment for cleaning, but also knowledge on how to do.

For some patients, they just go on cleaning the aquarium with harsh and household cleaners, actually, this is not a good idea. Keeping the filter pump water clean and in good condition is a key to a clean aquarium. Replace the filter and the length of time it should be used is often displayed on the packaging. You must be sure that the filter is replaced when it is necessary to clarify sparkling water.

Web site "superstores" offer aquarium-cleaning products and filter replacement for many regions of the United Kingdom. By making a simple search, you can find ultimately these websites via the Internet.

Although some aquariums are big enough, they still need to be kept clean. The glass must be cleaned and ornaments inside should be taken and cleaned at least once a week. In this way, it does not allow any type of algae build. The plastic aquariums the best way to maintain the cleanliness of them is to make sure they are cleaned every three to four days. The air pump, if you use it properly, not only oxygen for fish but also the flow of water does not sit in one place. It is a little movement that water is cycled through the pump and through the filter, if water is recycled in a sense.

However, changing the water on a regular basis has been proven to offer a fish longer life and the aquarium much better. Depending on the actual size, if possible, rocks or beads at the bottom of the tank must be flushed to the occasion. And yet, depending on the size and type of fish it might not be an option. In some situations, depending on the quantity of fish in the tank and how easy it is to remove the fish, there are water purifiers available for sale in addition to modifying the water. When these treatments are added to water, in most cases, water must stand for a few minutes to allow the treatment to be effectively absorbed or combined in the water. If not, it could harm your fish. It is therefore a good idea to read and follow all instructions contained ultimately when to do it.

Maintaining an aquarium own should not be a difficult task. If you like fish and watch mesmerizes you, then you already know that fish like to swim in a clean environment. According to statistics fish are basically sound and when the right products for cleaning are used, and filters and other elements are used properly and replaced in good working condition.

Temperature freshwater aquariums

The name Tropicals, puts too much emphasis on the idea of a high temperature, for all fish species. There are a number of them who are not from the tropics, and a small number of them who come from the tropics, did not originate from hot water in particular.

It is understood that the majority of exotic aquarium fish, may be cold water, and rightly so, because the fish can get sick easier, and secondly, many of them are not prosper in the higher temperatures, because they need more oxygen than water can carry.

Placing them all in the water around 80 degrees, is not the kind that Aquarius think, who likes to high temperatures. The only thing you must not believe, is that each species has an exact degree of heat. Most of them have a tolerance of at least 10 degrees and can withstand 5 degrees change by more than 8 hours without injury.

Regarding individual species is concerned, is difficult to put fish in the hottest and most consistent places, the resistance and those in the cooler places. I think a lot of unnecessary worries and expenditure is given to try to keep aquariums or aquarium rooms within 2 degrees of a fixed point.

The nature does not provide such an environment, and it was observed that fish are stimulated by a change in temperature. The aquarium should not be too concerned about the variation between heat at the top and bottom of the aquarium. The change in the waters is considerable, but the fish seem to handle without difficulty. They can choose what level in the water they love.

Everything boils down to this: The average of exotic aquarium fish is pleased to an average temperature of 72-76 degrees. Sometimes, you do not let the temperature drop-down menu below 70 - degrees, and if it does it would not be bad, but raise the temperature more quickly. Taking the temperature above 8o degrees is fine, as long as their is enough oxygen in the water.

The breeding of most fish, means increasing the water temperature above 80 - degrees. If, causes uncontrollable, the temperature drops low of 60 degrees or 50 degrees, the thing to do is bring it slowly to about 80 degrees and keep it there for 24 hours or more.

The best way to keep an aquarium at the right temperature, with a heater. Égalise ventilation at the high and low temperature. The most asked question is, 'What size water heater is required for a capacity gallon? "This can not be answered intelligently without knowing the amount of cold to overcome. A general rule is 2 watts for raising each gallon of 5 degrees above ambient temperature. I prefer conservative size of heating units, so if a thermostat is not working, not fish fry.

It's Alright for fish to swim in warm water cooler in your aquarium, but its evolution quite different from a reservoir to another, which could vary the temperature of several degrees, either up or low. This is something that should not be done. The effect May not be apparent at once, but it is rarely escaped. It usually covers the "shaking" or "shimmies," Ichthyophthirius (ick), fungus or a general decline of descent. Changes should be made within 2 degrees of temperature. You should check the thermometers, because they can be cut as much as 4 degrees.

Find the right size aquarium Home

There are three main goals that you must keep in mind when it comes to finding the right size home aquarium.

The first objective must be respected, it must be visually attractive and good coordination with the decor of your home.

The second objective is that it should be functional.

Finally, the third objective is that it should give good results both for your own needs and those of fish and other sea life that you are inside housing. The main factors that you need to do is review the size, shape, location, materials and type of water that you intend to use in your aquarium. All these factors are essential to find the home aquarium and will be based on your needs and those fish you buy.

When it comes to finding the right size home aquarium, it is important that you understand first and foremost that large is always better. Larger tanks are going to have more appropriate filtration systems and filtration systems mean fewer requirements for maintenance. Small aquariums which do not have their own filtration systems can get dirty much faster and it will take a lot more cleaning and maintenance over time with no real end in sight. The fish are going to live longer and in better health in large tanks with filtration systems effective than fish housed in small tanks. You also need to review the size and number of fish living in the reservoir. Larger is better here because the more space you have for your fish, the happier and healthier, they tend to be. As a general rule, is one inch of fish per gallon of water. So if you are housing 3 "tropical fish, you can safely house about 8 fish in a tank 26 gallons.

The shape of an aquarium is another consideration to be done, because it has an impact on the size of the aquarium and in the house where it can be placed. Larger aquarium are rectangle, thus limiting the places where they can be accommodated because they take quite a bit of wall space. On the other hand, some major aquariums are made to fit into corners or to be rather large and wider than they are ideal for tight spaces and places where there is not much horizontal space , Corner, but where space or vertical space is in abundance.

If wall space is rare, there are many options for aquarium to you. Think of choosing a smaller aquarium, which extends over a counter or the top of an entertainment centre. Aquariums can be integrated into heads, coffee tables, kitchen cabinets, and even in the tops of bars or other furniture, so there is no reason why you can not find an aquarium that suits you. If you want an aquarium that fits perfectly with the decor of your home, there is absolutely no reason why you can not find one.


Why You Shouldn't Over Use Your Fish Food

One of the worst things you can do when care for fish in an aquarium is to overfeed. There are two reasons why more than feed the fish in your aquarium is a bad thing, but we will examine two of the most popular.

First, the fish tend to eat what they can find, hungry or not. This is particularly true for goldfish, who tend to eat just what was available, even if they eat too much in the process. As a result, many fish can develop health problems as a result of more than overeating and eating. If you want to keep your fish healthy for a long time, it is essential that you put into serious consideration in the amount you are feeding. Do a little research on fish for your aquarium or tank. How much food are they supposed to eat? Betta and goldfish are known for over eating. Other fish also overeat if given the chance. We are not under the power advocates here, but rather how much learning is just enough food and constant at all times.

The second reason why more than feeding your fish is one of the worst things you can do to the health of your aquarium should be common sense. Most eat fish as much waste they produce in their turn. This excess waste is underway to make the tank sale. Any excess food is not eaten and processed by the fish is also underway to create other waste in the aquarium, and it is completely unnecessary. Not only the waste has a negative effect on the chemical composition of your aquarium, but it can also jam your filtration system, which will only allow your aquarium to become less and less healthy fish your companions. Your fish count on your filtration system to keep the water in livable conditions. When the chemical composition of the aquarium is compromised, the fish may become sick or die.

Now, it is important that you understand how to choose the correct amount of food for your fish. You should be feeding your fish everything they can consume up to about 3 minutes. If you have low fish feed or fish shy, you should see how much they can eat up about 15 minutes, and that this amount feed every day. May Your fish respond to food as if they are dying of hunger, but it does not necessarily mean they are underrepresented. Fish beg for food in the same way that your dog or cat beg for table scraps, so you must not let it deter you follow set guidelines with regard to their diet. Fish are not large stomach and did not need that large quantities of food. As long as they eat their food in 3 minutes or 15 minutes depending on your fish, you're probably on track with their feeding schedule.

Using The Right Fish Tank Equipment

Are you new to the art of owning fish? Having your own aquarium fish is a fascinating hobby that you learn a lot about nature, but the key to good care of fish is to use the right fish tank equipment. To keep fish alive and in their optimal state of health, you should consider producing an environment that mimics what they are used as closely as possible. This means that their water, temperature and environment must match what they are all accustomed. It also means that using the right equipment aquarium is absolutely essential if you want to keep your fish healthy and give them the quality of life they deserve.

Using the right fish tank equipment all the means of implementation of the following pieces of equipment in your aquarium established:

      * A good filtration system.
      * A water heater.
      * A thermometer.
      * The aquarium plants or Airstone.
      * The right decor.

Filtration is a necessary part of keeping your aquarium properly equipped. Filtration pulls the water through, filtering out impurities, waste and other bits and release of clean water in the aquarium. Not only does it that the fight filter your aquarium, but you must make sure you use the filter media law as well. Most filters use charcoal to purify the water before releasing it in the aquarium, without waste and debris.

Heater - Most tropical and salt water fish prefer warmer waters. Goldfish are generally happier than to be in cold water, but if you want to keep your tropical fish happy, keep them warm. Most heaters for aquariums are set up so that they can click on when water needs a higher heat. Make sure you also installed a thermometer inside your aquarium so you can ensure that the proper temperature is reached at any time. Different species of fish have different temperatures, so keep that in mind when setting your water heater.

The aquarium plants and Airstones - These two pieces of equipment are not necessarily essential to the health of your fish, but they are pleasant and useful additions. Plants and airstones both introduce oxygen in the water while the fish and do not need to breathe the air we breathe, they need the oxygen in water to survive. Airstones release oxygen in water using bubbles, and of course plants produce oxygen as part of their normal life cycle. Thus, although not absolutely necessary, these accessories are additions still worthwhile to your aquarium.

Scenery - Some people would tell you that the scene is not an essential part of any aquarium, but some fish may require. For example, African Cichlids are aggressive fish that occupy territories in an aquarium. If you plan to house many Cichlids in the same aquarium, giving them different territories and borders is a good way to prevent them from harming another. Under another essential aspect of the aquarium, but it still makes sense if you want to create a haven for your fish.

Types of Freshwater Aquarium Fish

Freshwater aquarium fish are much more easily than saltwater fish, so they want to take care of the aquarium to add to your home or office, who are freshwater aquarium fish is a wise choice. Tanks can be stored in a variety of the potential size of a large aquarium of a small bedroom, a large reception area. Freshwater aquarium fish are more flexible filtration requirements. Most commercial fish food to eat.

The most popular:

Guppies prefer water temperature is about 22? c (72? F) to reproduce. After childbirth, women's concept is within a few hours to prepare. Guppies in a wide range can also live well. Guppies-bred, natural colors because there are many, many years, the growth and weak domestic Guppy. As a result, guppies, and sometimes death after 2-3 days.


Angelfish, gouramis, and DOWAFUNAMAZU (Corydoras) can also work well, though at least angelfish, looting and a very small fish, such as neon tetras. Angelfish are considered by many the most beautiful fish in the reef-associated with it. Many members of the family, known scientifically as pomacanthidae, growth is too large to small and medium-sized aquarium home.


Tetra is very good nutrition and regular freeze-dried or dried food and is active now and then, some frozen Brine shrimp. Tetrahymena, teardrop-shaped ciliate (Fig. 4), moving along the outside of the host. Tetrahymena body exists on the surface of the low number (less than 1 biological low-power consumption five fields) are probably certain important.


Tips to Increasing the Lifespan of Your Beta Fish

In this article, my own research, I discovered the basic advice to keep your fish Beta as long as you can. It is important that each owner fish Beta read and recognize those needs. The advice in this article are critical Betta your life. And they all play an important role in increasing their lifetime.

Believe me, when you first get your Betta, you'll be everywhere do your own research on all aspects Beta fish life. Make sure you follow this advice because they are useful.

1. Betta fish must always be maintained only if the tank size is small, if it is cluttered and your fish Beta become claustrophobic. No matter what, man Beta fish must always be kept in various fish tanks. Male fish Beta battle for territory and May sometimes lead to death if the tank is too small.

2. Make sure that your fish are in a relaxed environment. Do not let water be too high because it can stress their small fins. Their fins are very sensitive because of their size.

3. Like humans Beta needs a certain type of entertainment in their lives (so they do not depressed), you must provide them with silk plants to hide behind. They also enjoy some beautiful ornaments especially those sparkling (those they enjoy very much). Ornaments help Betta so that when they are alone, they are not so bored.

4. Beta come from places like China, Thailand and Vietnam which means they had a good dose of darkness. So you want to make sure you allow your fish a good dose of darkness and too much sun can cause stress to your Beta which is not good for their lifetime.

5. A major factor for improving your fish life is the right to maintain the water temperature (78 degrees is perfect). I advise you to get a filter and thermometer and check frequently. It is very important because Betta lived in ponds and streams, it would be difficult on them to spend the temperature so keep right.

6. While this may sound silly and simple believe me when I say that, but there have been accidents at the Betta jumps of the tank. So remember to keep your tank covered. Try to leave some air supply so they do not die because they also use oxygen (duh). You can do this by punching holes in or leaving a crack at the summit.

Now this is not a direct effect but there have been some incidents on the type of water you fill up your aquarium. Some people reported having their fish are dying because they were able to fill their tanks with tap water. Thus, after some of my own research, I discovered that instead of using tap water that can be healthier and more (for a better life) if you use real water source or any other filtered water and a couple of Aquari-Sol drops.

Betta fish are very good fish and can have a lifespan of up to 2-3 years. There are a lot of information on the Internet (Google) and with the proper research, you can become an expert Betta.

Understanding Unusual Fish Behavior

Have you ever watched your fish as they swim in your tank and wondered why they do things they do? While no one may be why some fish do all things that do, experts do agree on the meaning of a few fish behaviour. As a fish owner, you can better identify and understand these behaviors, the happier and healthier you can make your pet fish.

Hiding in the Tank

Many fish have to hide and, therefore, it is not always a cause for concern. Some fish are naturally shy and as a refuge for other fish. Similarly, a fish that has recently increased May kids tend to hide with her children to protect them. If you have recently introduced the fish to your tank, it May also have a tendency to hide until he became comfortable with his environment. On the other hand, some fish seclude themselves if they suffer from the disease. Therefore, you should look at the colour of fish and the overall behavior in order to make certain conceal is not part of a larger problem.

Hanging Out in Lower

Some fish are also found at the bottom of your tank. Catfish and other types of fish commonly sedentary stick near the bottom of the tank, it would not be considered unusual behavior of these fish. In addition, sleeping fish tend to stay near the bottom. If your fish is not resting and if it is not a sedentary species, however, remain near the bottom of the tank can be a sign of illness. In this case, it is better to quarantine fish until you can be sure he is healthy.

Drifting Along

Most fish swim with a goal rather than simply along the drift. If your fish habitually swim around and suddenly appears to be drifting aimlessly, it is likely bad. If only one or two fish are adrift, is a sign that they suffer from a disease. If all of your fish are adrift, on the other hand, it could be a sign that there is a problem with your tank. Make sure you take lots of oxygen in the tank and check the water for cleanliness and proper chemical balance.

Flashing an Itch

Another behavior of your fish engaging in May is called a flash. This behavior is characterized by rubbing against objects in the aquarium and, suddenly, swimming away in a semi-mode. Fish tend to engage in flash when they feel itching, which may be a sign that the fish is suffering from external parasites. In this case, you must apply medication to water to solve the problem.

The better you understand the behavior of your fish, the more you can provide them with care. The key is to recognize that the behavior is unusual for your fish and to seek ways to mitigate the problem that is causing the strange behavior to occur.

How Many Fish Will My Aquarium Hold?

Do you have a new aquarium? If so, you must have a plan on how you are going to fill it with these beautiful fish.

Before you can see exactly what fish you want, you need to find out, many inches (or centimeters) of fish in your new aquarium.

The fish is naturally more space for swimming and set up their territory in a larger aquarium, but more important than the size of the aquarium is the shape and proportions of the tank. A long, flat fish tank is more than a short deep tank, even if they are exactly the same amount of water in each.

The reason for this is that the oxygen content of the water depends on how easy it can be delivered. The only place this can be done, where the air meets the water, which on the surface of the container so that the larger the area, the more oxygen available. Even the carbon dioxide that the fish must breathe from the water, and this also happens on the surface.

Also, the capacity of an aquarium, you must multiply the length of the aquarium by the depth to the water surface. For example, if your aquarium is 24in (60cm) long by 12in (30cm) deep, the answer is 288in2 (1800cm2).

The next thing you need to know is how many inches (or centimeters) of fish can be accommodated, and that will depend on what kind of fish.

Tropical Fresh Water Fish - 12in2 per inch body length

(75cm2 per cm body length)

Cold water freshwater fish - 30in2 per inch body length

(187.5cm2 per cm body length)

Tropical Marine Fish - 48in2 per inch body length

(300cm2 per cm body length)

Also, in our example tank over you could fit:

24-inch (60cm) of fresh water Tropical Fish

10 inches (25cm) of fresh water Cold Water Fish

6-inch (15cm) of the Tropical Marine Fish

To calculate the number of Customs (or centimeters) of your fish, measured from the mouth to the start of the tail, and do not forget that the fish you see in stores are usually young people and are not fully grown, you need to the size they are!

Get this right and you are on the way, with a successful aquarium.