
Routine And Regular Maintenance for a Successful Aquarium

The secret of success fishkeeping should be routine and regular maintenance. The simple tasks will prevent fishkeeper are grappling with problems and ending up with a disorder unhealthy environment for fish to live Once created, your aquarium will require a minimum of time and effort to keep the research attractive and its inhabitants healthy and colorful.

On a daily basis:
- Crustacean
- Check the water temperature
- Check the numbers of fish and behavior
- Remove debris such as uneaten food, dead leaves (if planted), etc.
- Check filters are operating OK
- Check the air pumps are operating OK.

On a weekly basis:
-Test the quality of water if necessary, carry out a partial change of water
- Prune plants (if planted)
- Clean shelf condensation.
Every 2-3 weeks:
- Change part of water (approximately 20-30 percent)
- Clean filters
- Clean tank
- Remove algae from the front glass
- Check plants need thinning (if planted)

It is not necessary or even wise to completely empty and clean an aquarium. Regular partial water changes are much more beneficial in that fish and plants remain healthy.

Adding fresh water will dilute the pollutants that May be present, such as nitrates, and it is better to proceed with a major cleanup of the aquarium, especially the removal of debris and uneaten food from the gravel.

It is recommended that all electrical aquarium be extinguished before performing maintenance which means putting your hands in water! It is also useful to have a couple of tissues ready to wipe your hands as you dive in and out of the water.

It is best to remove all the rocks in the aquarium first, so that the gravel is easier to clean, to place them in a bucket of water out of the way (any buckets and other equipment should be set aside to use only the aquarium to prevent pollution of the aquarium).

A gravel cleaner can be used to clean gravel in depth, without clouding the water too. Siphon dirty water in a bucket held specifically for the job and then dispose of water in an appropriate place, such as the garden.

Regular cleaning gravel also ensures that this is not clogged with debris, which is essential if a undergravel filtration system is working effectively. Filter sponges, or pre-filter media, should be washed in old aquarium water only, not tap water, chlorine in tap water would destroy the beneficial bacteria present their only enough to wash them free of obstructions debris.

With the water level reduces, you can take this opportunity to clean the elements in the aquarium deems necessary, and remove any May that algae have developed on the front glass. (I use a washing-up sponge for this, the type with a nylon scrubber on one side, an old toothbrush is also useful for cleaning jobs).

You can leave the rear and sides for a more natural, and for loving algae fish on the grater. Place any rocks in the aquarium before filling with fresh water. Fresh water must be treated with dechlorinator and the temperature of the existing aquarium water, which can then be siphoned into the aquarium.

When the tank is filled, replace the cover and lid, wipe off glass with a damp cloth, no detergent or cleaning! Spend all your equipment on his back and verify that it is working. That's all there is to it, but it regularly will save a lot of misery and you have an aquarium to be proud and not one you'd rather hide.

Feeding Your Fish

A good test is to sprinkle some food in the water and wait a few minutes. If the fish have eaten all the food in days, you're feeding them enough. If they eat food in less than a minute, add a little more during the next diet. Similarly, if the fish take more than two minutes to consume all foods, add a little less next time. Fish have small stomachs the size of their eyes - keep that in mind every time you feed them.

Sometimes it may be difficult to feed your fish less often, especially if they seem hungry. Overeating is a big problem and can lead to poor fish. Resist the temptation to feed your fish on a whim and will be happy to swim for a long time to come.

Supercharger has the potential to cause problems with your tank as well. Uneaten food breaks down and starts to rot quickly in the warm waters of your aquarium, resulting in deteriorating water and filter blocking premature. Overfed fish also produce more waste, exacerbating the problem. The filter becomes inefficient and maintenance problems are just around the corner.

Do not assume that the scavenger fish in your aquarium will clean up the excesses of food - because this is rotten food is always off limits, even for scavengers.

It is important to understand that the quantity of food requires a fish (and how often they need to be fed) depends on the species. Each fish is different. For example, predators eat large quantities at a time and then spend hours or days to digest food, while omnivores and scavengers are always on the lookout for small particles of food during the day. Nocturnal that eating fish at night.

Keep in mind that small fish need frequent feeding and can not miss a feeding more than one day. Fish adults without health problems, however, may take several days or weeks without eating anything. If you have money, invest in an automatic fish or purchase of power supplies holiday. These blocks are designed to dissolve in increments over a long period of time, slowly releasing food in the aquarium.

For most home aquariums, however, timing Feed should not be complicated. Feeding the morning and evening by sprinkling of food on the water surface so that all fish have a chance to eat. In the former alternative is to ask a friend or neighbor to care for your fish when you're away from home.


What Fish Can I Put in My Freshwater Fish Tank?

Il ya littéralement des centaines d'espèces de poissons qui peuvent prospérer dans un réservoir de poissons d'eau douce. Le type de poisson et la quantité sera à vous et ce que vous cherchez à accomplir avec la citerne. Tout le monde sait qu'il ya beaucoup de poissons qui ne vivent dans des réservoirs d'eau douce et doivent être évités.

Il existe de nombreuses sortes de poissons qui peuvent ajouter à votre réservoir de poissons d'eau douce. Bon nombre de ces poissons sont très colorés et certains peuvent être très coûteux. Un employé à un animal de compagnie ou de poisson magasin vous aidera dans le choix du poisson à acheter. Goldfish et guppies sont populaires mais vous pouvez choisir d'obtenir un peu amateur. En version bêta ou Cichlidés africains sont plus rares mais bien nécessaire d'ajouter la couleur et la valeur de votre réservoir de poissons d'eau douce. Il est commun conviction qu'il n'est pas sain pour le poisson à overcrowd votre réservoir.

Les experts disent que la règle est d'avoir un seul poisson pour 4 gallons d'eau de votre réservoir est titulaire. Cela donnera à chacun des poissons de la marge nécessaire pour la baignade et à leur permettre de se sentir comme ils ont leur propre territoire. Certaines espèces de poissons peuvent être assez agressif et ce sera de les soulager quelque peu la pression pour faire valoir eux-mêmes sur les autres poissons. Quel que soit le type de poisson que vous choisissez, vous devriez être en mesure de remplir vos poissons avec la couleur ou de la variété que vous recherchez.

La plupart des gens savent que tropicales ou poissons de mer ne devraient pas être placés dans un réservoir d'eau douce. Ces poissons ont besoin de différents choses pour prospérer. Si vous êtes incertain quant à ce type de l'eau un poisson besoins, consulter un employé de magasin de poissons ou la recherche du poisson en ligne. Cela vous empêcher de gaspiller votre argent sur les espèces qui ne vont pas bien dans votre réservoir de poissons d'eau douce.

Choisissez judicieusement vos poissons, et vous devriez être en mesure de remplir votre réservoir avec le poisson d'eau douce que vous voulez. Assurez-vous que suffisamment de poissons pour leur donner la chambre dont ils ont besoin et en aucune façon mettre tropicaux ou de poissons d'eau salée dans votre réservoir de poissons d'eau douce.

The Basics of Fish Tank Maintenance

Owning an aquarium full of beautiful tropical fish can be very pleasant. Many people say that watching fish is a great time for relaxation and beauty of life, it provides the house is very satisfactory. The fish make outstanding pets as they not take the time to care and do not require application of your time. One thing that is necessary and that thought is the maintenance and care of the fish tank. Fish Tank maintenance is a very important part of tropical fish ownership.

When performing maintenance aquarium, it was felt that it is better to remove fish from the tank. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is preferable to leave the fish in the tank when cleaning the tank or changing water. The fish will be stressed when hunting them around the tank and then put them temporarily in a different environment.

During the interview aquarium you do not need to remove all the water anyway. You can delete a quarter to half the water and then replace it with clean water. It is preferable to pure water without chemicals such as chlorine in the tank.

Many owners realize Aquarium maintenance too aquarium. It is generally not a good idea to clean the tank that often. Many people still remove the tank; gravel included, and clean it thoroughly. The problem is that it removes the good bacteria that fish need to stay healthy. If the aquarium is sunny and too dirty, then you should consider getting better filters and ensure that water is becoming quite well oxygenated.

Few things can contribute to the maintenance and aquarium. During feeding your fish can lead to water becomes cloudy and polluted. The fish will be tempted to eat more and could die as well.

Fish Tank maintenance is something that you should not do much good. The more you have to do to clean the tank then you most need to examine the effectiveness of your filters and oxygenation system work. Ideally, you want the fish tank to become a self-sustaining system and not one that you are responsible for the maintenance aquarium all time.

Fish Tank maintenance is not something that should be borne by the aquarium owner. You must have very rarely clean the aquarium as well as in the kind you find the right balance and the system will continue naturally.


What to Know Before Setting Up a Gold Fish Tank

If you configure a pool of golden fish, be sure to remember that the golden fish need more space than other fish. Ten gallons tank that is rectangular will work best. Keep in mind that the golden koi fish can get larger and generally do better in ponds.

The gold fish tank must be kept away from direct heat or sunlight and should not be anywhere near a cold draft. Sons or bosses may frighten your fish, it is important to keep the container away from stereos or things that make a loud noise. This can make your fish swim erratically in the tank or fish. Do not insist on fish by pressing the glass.

Be sure to use a stand that is solid for your aquarium gold. Whoever is made for the reservoir is generally preferable.

A heater is not necessary for your gold fish. The lights help add dimension to the tank and the colors are more fish. Lights should be in place for at least four hours but not more than ten hours. Do not turn the lights on what suddenly will focus on the fish. The fish do sleep, so it is good to get on some kind of timetable. They have no eyelids, and if the lights are not, they sleep better. Choosing a fluorescent light will ensure that you have more light and less heat.

Make sure you use a good filter for gold in your aquarium. Ten gallons tanks really need a system that has undergravel Powerhead. If you add a filter outside the system, it will help to purify and clean water because they use carbon and fibrous materials.

If you decorate your tank, do not put in objects as they can cut fish. Be sure to rinse everything before you put in the tank. Choose plants that are different in size will make your aquarium or look more natural and give your fish a place to hide.

Perfect Discus Fish Companions

Commenting on the addition of other fish to Aquarium Discus, you find that there are almost as many views on this subject, as there Discus guards. It is, however, some species that are commonly known as good friends for Discus.

The idea of this article is not to take part in the discussion - but to make a number of issues to your attention - and help you do your own research.

First - a Discus fish tank is just that! A Discus Fish Tank! So what does this mean? This means that your focus should be on ensuring that you keep your Discus happy in terms of water temperature and water quality, and you add the fish will be happy to live under the same conditions.

Secondly, the Discus is by nature very shy, and they do not like tyrants! You should never add more big fish in your aquarium size Discus that threaten their position as "kings of the aquarium." Or if you add aggressive types of fish in your aquarium Discus.

Last but certainly not least, Discus fish eaters are slow, if you make a mistake if you introduce soon as the fighting to eating their food in their tank. Also - do not add fish that are normally friendly - but into a frenzy at feeding time.

Below is a list of species by many guards Discus are regarded as good friends:

Tetras (Cardinals, Red Nose, lemon and Congo)

Clown Loach


Plecos (Bristle nose and Clown)

Once again - if you decide to introduce other species to your Discus Fish Tank - make sure you do your research thoroughly, and you keep your aquarium conditions perfect for Discus Fish.


Arowana Care - 3 Extremely Useful Arowana Tank or Arowana Aquarium Tips

Arowana Arowana tank or aquarium is an important ingredient in the life of your Arowana fish. So you want to make sure that your tank or aquarium is appropriate for your fish.

Below is 3 tips on care Arowana entitled to your aquarium fish.

1. Tank size

Make sure your tank is adapted to the size of various Arowana. A 200 gallons or 750 liter aquarium is a minimum size recommended, but it can go smaller if your Arowana fish is small.

2. Protects tank

Yes, it is important because Arowana can jump up to 2 meters or more than 6 feet. This means that these adults Arowana fish are strong and want to have a strong coverage to prevent them from skipping your Arowana tank.

3. Reservoir water temperature

- Since Arowana are tropical fish, you want to keep them comfortable in their tropical habitat. You can do this by maintaining water temperature between 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Buy a tank digital thermometer to measure temperature. This will help you keep track of your tank water temperature all the time.

- Arowana water tank is preferably maintained at a pH of 6.0 to 7.0. Check your water tank regularly to maintain the health of your Arowana fish. Your fish can be susceptible to diseases or become so low that they do not live with water sauitable pH level.

-You are also asked to change about 10 to 20 per cent of the water when the aquarium Arowana need new water. Your Arowana fish could go into shock if you replace the water more than advisable, which could be fatal to your Arowana fish.

These tips are only guides. I recommend you learn more about your Arowana fish referring to Arowana experts. One way to do is buy a few books on Arowana fish care of yourself. I am sure this will add more knowledge on how you keep your Arowana fish healthy.

Fish Tank Pump - the Heart of the Tank

If you have an aquarium, an aquarium pump is also a necessity. Find the fish tank pump that is good for you may be difficult if you are not familiar with the industry. In most cases, when you buy an aquarium, you'll pump aquarium. This makes things much easier because you are assured that everything will be compatible, and you put everything in place properly. But if you're in the market for a new aquarium pump or your aquarium did not come with one, you should seek advice from a professional. The professionals are among the pet shops and popular knowledge is invaluable.

An aquarium pump is that the air is at your fish. Without a pump, there would be no air circulation in your tank, making it uninhabitable for your fish. As you can see, an aquarium pump can be considered as the life blood of your tank. If your pump stops working for any reason, you need to replace him as soon as possible. It is often useful to have an aquarium pump on hand in case of emergency. That way, if something happens, you will be able to exchange them quickly, keeping fish healthy, hydrogen peroxide. Fish blowing air into the water and if your pump fails, the fish do not seem to live.

Find an aquarium pump that works with your tank can be made by visiting your local store for pets. They need large amounts of stock options, and will be able to provide a pump that match your current set up. Make sure you know the specifications of your tank, so that the pet store employee can in the right direction. Most fish tank air pumps are universal, but to ensure that it is always helps to have as much information on hand as possible. Information such as size and capacity gallons are needed to adapt to pump your aquarium.

Buy fish tank pump is very important. Without a pump, the fish would not be able to get the oxygen they need. Always remember to check your aquarium pump during your maintenance checks. Also regularly check the pump every time you take the time to look at your fish.


Algae Bloom in the Aquarium and How to Avoid It

The bloom of algae is the result of an excess of nutrients in the water from the aquarium, it is also a consequence of too much light. This is not necessarily attributed to lighting aquarium, but may also include the room light and direct sunlight.

It is freely floating plankton single cell algae growing at a phenomenal rate, which turns water green, often referred to as "green water". The cause is always the same, excessive light and nutrients (nitrate), often over uneaten food and food. Nitrate to obtain a reading to confirm it.

Each time a new aquarium is put in place a number of cycles to occur, some you probably know, such as the nitrogen cycle. However, a cycle of phosphorus also occurs, which May be stimulated if the phosphate buffer are overexploited when excess nitrates are present, by adding a phosphate carrier in the aquarium filter, the situation has worsened.

Running water changes can improve the situation to some extent, however, if measures are not taken to remove nutrients and / or excessive light that are causing problems, changes d Water offer little help in the long term. Spores algae grow in water rich in nutrients, a bloom of algae can become so serious that the contents of an aquarium can disappear into the green water.

Algae are a form of plant life and consume oxygen during the night. If the algal bloom is serious, adequate oxygenation must be provided during the period of fires at night time, it is possible for an algal bloom serious drain the tank of oxygen.

Thus, if algae are a form of plant life will be right in thinking that must be exactly the same conditions as plants to survive, ie light and nutrients. It is to get rid of the algae, you need to remove the things it needs to survive.

Dying organic matter will create just the right nutrients that algae need to survive, so that the filter must be flushed more frequently during an algal bloom, eliminate some of the decomposition of matter. Installing a larger internal filter in the aquarium will go a step further to address the problem.

Other possibilities that can help rid the problem include vacuuming gravel of all debris, the reduction of light in the aquarium and reduce the length of time it is on. Do not feed over the aquarium, fish eat the amount of food that fills them.

Live Daphnia are tiny crustaceans that are a favorite food of fish. If you can find a supplier of live daphnia and get them into the aquarium, they will eat your green water in no time, so if the fish do not eat daphnia first. Live plants are always a good option because they absorb nutrients that green algae otherwise grow on.

In summary, the only way to prevent or resolve an algae bloom is controlling excess nutrients.

Have You Ever Thought About Putting a Fish in Your Turtle Tank?

Many people think to put a fish with their turtles in the same water tank. The problem is that if you put the turtle in an aquarium or if you put a fish in a turtle shell.

If you put a turtle in the aquarium some care problems turtle may appear:

- First a tank of fish in general do not have an area which is vital for the tortoise.
- The fish are small pets that usually do not need a very high water levels. But the turtles are bigger and have to swim easily. Accordingly, the level of water in an aquarium might be low for a turtle.
- In the aquarium filtration is generally inappropriate for a turtle if the water could get dirty very quickly.
- If you put a turtle in an aquarium at the end of turtle, it will eat the fish.
- It is good for the fish to provide many plants so they can swim around or hide. But the turtle will not eat all the plants in the reservoir.

The best way to keep fish and turtles all is introducing fish in a special place for the turtle. Using this method, you will not have any problems care tortoise. So do a good turtle shell and configuration and then the fish. The turtles eat fish, but if you add at least 20 fish, they will probably survive for a year.

There are advantages to having fish in the tank turtle:

- You'll never have to feed the fish. They usually eat left on food in order not to be expensive to keep.
- You can examine the fish in your tank turtle as a kind of monitor water quality. You may think that if the fish are healthy water in the turtle shell is quite acceptable.
- The turtle in the fish tank can become a good emergency food for your turtles.
- Most of the turtles in captivity is not enough water to swim and not enough exercise. But with fish in the tank does not bother you more.

This is not a bad idea to keep a fish with a turtle turtle in a water tank.


A General Approach to Feeding Tropical Fish

There is more to food than just fish to put food in the aquarium. Not only will you find enjoyable, but it will also give you an overview of each fish behavior. In time to come, you will be able to identify differences in behavior, which could indicate a possible health problem or aquarium.

Your fish must be interested in the food you offer them, and should not hesitate to consume easily. Indeed, all my fish come to the surface when they see me approach the tanks with their food.

The most important thing to do is not feed too. The more food fish eat the more waste they produce, this May's obvious, but when combined with any uneaten food which is probably more to the left of the food too, it creates a problem.

All of these wastes will be on the aquarium floor, and begin to decompose, in turn produce the pollutants that fish can not tolerate, and could ultimately lead to fatal accidents. Simply put, the easiest way to tank is mismanagement by overeating.

Another important factor is diet, it is a fact that poor diet is responsible for a fish unable to fight disease. If a fish is to live a healthy life, it must have a well balanced diet.

There was a time when the dry food were used only by necessity, because his rank can not be assured. Even now, modern food flakes are too often ignored or dismissed as less than a complete diet. It is also surprising that many books seem fishkeeping take a skeptical view of dry food.

There is no need for this negative attitude. Today, it is not too difficult to provide good quality food flakes, most foods are now indisputable flakes of origin, they are scientifically developed, and are undoubtedly a complete diet .

Food trade have progressed to the point now most species can live life on a varied diet of high quality dry food. Indeed, if it is not readily available in the range of staple foods flakes, today fishkeepers it would be a big problem to feed their fish.

There are also great benefits with dry food, they are always available, they can be easily stored, which saves on regular trips to buy, but it should be noted that the vitamin are limited shelf life, vitamin content is generally guaranteed until the best before date, it will be on the container.

On the other hand, minerals and trace elements, have a long shelf life and are not affected by prolonged storage. The risk of diseases or pests introduced into the aquarium with food is completely eliminated with dry food.

It should be remembered that all fish can not prosper if the animals of the same scheme. For example, you would not think to feed a cat with lettuce leaves, or a rabbit with steak, it is the same with fish. Some species of fish need a vegetable, while some live in need of food, on the other hand, there are species that do well when fed on both.

Meat eaters are considered carnivores

Eating vegetables are considered herbivores

Fish that eat a diet, ie a bit of both, are regarded as omnivores

Mud eaters are regarded as Limnivores

There are many types of dry foods, such as tablets, sticks, granules, chips, and flakes of course, and others. All these dry food can be purchased in various compositions, depending on the type of fish you want for food.

For example, I use platelets sinking algae, plants or tokens, for my PLECOSTOMUS (primarily herbivores, even if they eat worms various etc), and the surface of food, such as my Gourami, are fed on a snowflake high quality food, while at the same time, my Green Terror (Cichlid generally Carnivore) likes to eat the algae and the snowflake wafers, as well as live food.

So there is a wide choice of foods available for your fish, make the best of them and keep your fish healthy, happy and colorful.

Tropical Fish - White Spot

Tropical fish


White spot is probably the most common disease that tropical fish are subject, and is believed to be causing more deaths than any other disease. Most - if not all - aquarists will encounter white spot (also known as PCI) at least once or twice during their career / hobby.

What is it?

White Spot is a unicellular, ciliate protozoa. In English, this means that a single-celled parasite organism, which propels itself in water through use of cilia, or filament-like hair. Mature adult cells are 0.5 - 1.0 mm, and are usually clearly visible to the naked eye.

White spot is a parasite. He lives under the top layer of skin and scales on your fish, eating skin cells and cause cellular minute breaks. The white spots which result from these ruptures are the basis of the name of the parasite, and ultimately what will kill the host (fish).

How should I enter in my tank?

White spot is usually presented to a tank and new, infected fish or plants. It may also emerge apparently without warning in a reservoir intact.

When this happens, it means that the body has been present for some time but has been dormant (hibernating), and some new momentum - stress, or a change in water temperature -- has caused to wake up and stay active.

The original cells of the body itself to join a host (the weakest, the oldest, or diseased fish in the tank), usually in the gills or plates in the balance.

After about a week of parasitism, the now mature organism (mature Ich cells are called trophozoites) stands out fish and settles on a new surface: usually, a plant or ornament.

It will then form a capsule on itself (called a cyst) and will remain dormant - at least in appearance - for about a week. During this period of time, the cell inside the capsule is furiously dividing: by the time these seven days are up, only one cell has become approximately 1,000 new organisms.

These "daughter cells" will then break loose and swim freely in the reservoir, attaching to new fish - and the cycle begins again.

White spot is highly contagious and is evolving very rapidly. 100% mortality is expected if nothing is done about it.

What can I do?

Prevention is obviously the best remedy:

* Make sure never to buy healthy fish from a reputable breeder own

* Make sure the reservoir from which your fish: does it look to be in a state of cleanliness? The plants are healthy and flourishing? Does the gravel clean sediment and dust? Is the water warm and well-conditioned?

* Check the fish, too - and not just those that you purchase, but all fish in the tank. Beware of those who are "hiding" (under rocks and behind ornaments), because it is a classic symptom of an infected fish. Make sure that no witness display are those of white spots

* Wash all the ornaments you buy or gravel before placing in the reservoir to ensure that all cysts are dislodged

* Quarantine new plants and fish for a week before adding them to your tank

* Never clutter your tank, because it will focus on fish (which is a major contributor to the outbreak of white spot, and in part dictates the severity of the epidemic)

* Regularly check your fish for white spots. The sooner you detect it, the less impact the disease will have on your tank.

What if it is too late for prevention?

If you already have a home in your tank, relax - May it be a serious illness, but at least it is easy to cure!

The most common and easy to use, the method of healing is the state through the use of salt aquarium.

Parasites are less tolerant of salt than fish, so adding extra salt kills all Ich bodies with no adverse effects on fish themselves. Make sure you follow the instructions on the package (salts aquarium must always come with clear instructions) and make sure before you use it you do not salt intolerant fish in the tank as Neons, Cardinals, Lights glow-or-less scale Catfish, which are easily burned by the salt.

A second alternative is to use a chemical called malachite green. It is an effective way to treat Ich, but unfortunately the chemical is toxic to humans (and most plants and snails, be sure to remove these before starting treatment). Always use gloves when administering the chemical - and because it is teratogenic (ie that night fetus), pregnant women should stay far away.

All you have to do with malachite green is remove carbon from the filter, and add the appropriate amount (as instructed) to the water tank. It usually takes about 4-5 days to kill all cells Ich - a good rule of thumb is to continue to use until a couple of days after the last white spot has disappeared from fishing. 10 days is typical to the use of malachite green: do not forget to put the carbon filter to remove all traces of the persistence of treatment, and give him one or two more days before putting the snails and plants back in.

UV light is also an effective treatment: You can buy the tank filters animal with small UV lights inside. The light kills parasites in the capsule before they attach to the host.

The transfer method is effective but time: you have to move all fish every day in a new reservoir with clean, hot water conditioning. It takes about 7 transfers every day (hence, a week) for all parasites behind. The only drawback is that the fish (and often the aquarium!) Getting stressed by the process, leaving them more susceptible to other diseases. Fish already affected by the white patch is sometimes die during the transfer process because their bodies can not handle the stress.

Recommended Reading

For a compendium of information on all the problems that tropical fish are subject to take a look at Katy tropical fish - a complete guide. You learn how to keep your fish happy, healthy and beautiful, how to keep your aquarium with professional standards, how to solve health problems when they occur, and learn valuable insider tips and tricks to keep your search spectacular aquarium.


Easy Ways of Setting Up an Aquarium

Quand la réflexion sur un passe-temps de poursuivre, de nombreuses personnes se tournent vers la lecture ou l'écriture, ou probablement la poursuite d'un nouveau sport. D'autres encore pourraient se tourner vers de maintien des animaux de compagnie. Mais même lorsque les animaux sont en cause, rarement les gens ont à choisir les poissons, la plupart d'entre eux choisissent d'avoir des chiens ou des chats ou même les lapins. Bien que les poils des animaux de compagnie et Crystal sont très thérapeutique, cela ne diminue pas le fait que les poissons peuvent égalité cet effet. Ainsi, si vous êtes indécis à acheter si ce lapin blanc ou de conserver certains mignon poisson, mieux lire cette première.

Lorsque vous voulez avoir des poissons dans votre maison, ce qui est la première chose que vous devriez prendre en considération? Bien sûr, les poissons d'origine! Aquariums venir dans de nombreuses variétés et elles viennent avec différents accessoires. Voici les plus communes, mais des conseils utiles à la mise en place de nouveaux animaux de compagnie de votre "maison:

1. Avant peniche dans le magasin le plus proche pour animaux de compagnie, assurez-vous de savoir de quel type de poisson que vous voulez garder dans votre aquarium. Une autre chose à considérer est, mon choix de poissons qui vivent ensemble ou vont-ils manger les uns les autres? Savoir ceux qui peuvent vivre en symbiose.

2. Préparer l'aquarium avec tous les autres équipements que vous allez utiliser. Il est fortement recommandé que vous démarrez avec une sous filtre de gravier. Aussi, assurez-vous de fournir suffisamment de lumière en plaçant une lampe fluorescente sur l'aquarium en plastique haut de la page. Un chauffe-eau et une pompe à air sera également nécessaire achats.

3. Dès que vous avez l'aquarium (alias l'aquarium), n'oubliez pas d'essuyer la propre grâce à l'eau douce et éponge. Essuyez-le sécher.

4. Montez votre choix de l'arrière-plan. Soyez créatif. Assurez-vous de mettre à la conception qui correspondent à tous les autres accessoires et équipements (et de votre humeur, aussi!).

5. Préparez-vous à mettre le réservoir sur son stand. Dès que vous êtes décidé sur l'endroit où afin de mieux profiter de votre aquarium, le niveau à la fois le réservoir et le stand. D'être sûr que le réservoir est loin de la lumière directe du soleil, ce qui augmenterait considérablement la croissance des algues.

6. Si vous avez acheté un undergravel filtre, assurez-vous de le placer dès que vous avez mis en place le réservoir sur son stand.

7. Ensuite, mettre deux tubes ascenseur (c'est le moment où vous utilisez une pompe à air) dans leurs supports. Si vous avez un chef du pouvoir au lieu d'une pompe à air, puis un tube ascenseur serait suffisante.

8. Mettez dans le gravier. Assurez-vous de laver le gravier de manière approfondie avant de les mettre po

9. Il est maintenant temps de mettre dans l'appareil de chauffage et de la pompe à eau. Assurez-vous de placer la pompe à eau au-dessus du niveau de l'eau (pour des raisons de sécurité).

10. Pour commencer, vous pouvez commencer la pratique d'un réservoir mis en place en utilisant les plantes en plastique, le bois et la pierre décors au lieu d'utiliser le «vrai» immédiatement. Obtenir un «sentiment» de la manière de maintenir un aquarium équilibré. Si vous êtes audacieux, vous pouvez alors choisir d'avoir des plantes vivantes et de véritables pierres. Maintenant il est temps de mettre en place tous à l'intérieur du réservoir. Rappelez-vous que les plastiques flottent une fois que vous avez mis dans l'eau il ne faut donc pas être consterné de voir leur flottant tout autour. Pour éviter cela, assurez-vous qu'ils sont alourdis par de gravier.

11. Mettez dans l'eau, mais le traitement de l'eau ne doit être ajouté quand le réservoir est plein.

12. Vous devez être prêt à tester votre mini-monde marin. Il est hautement préférable de tester l'aquarium pour un couple de jours avant d'acheter le poisson qui sera en elle. Une fois le réservoir est bon fonctionnement, il est temps d'ajouter dans votre choix de poissons.

13. Se félicitant de la maison de vos animaux de compagnie ne s'arrête pas votre engagement dans leur maintien. En fait, tout vient de commencer. Soyez patient dans les deux prochaines semaines que ce test sera de savoir si vous pouvez commencer le processus de cycle.

Maintenant que vous avez créé votre nouveau passe-temps, il est temps de s'asseoir, se détendre et profiter de la vue. Vous cherchez dans votre nouveau animaux de compagnie aurait un effet apaisant sur vous qui balayer les heures, voire des jours que vous avez passé dans la mise en place de nouveaux animaux de compagnie de votre "maison.

Feeding Tropical Fish on Dried Foods and Flake

Un poisson doit avoir tous les ingrédients dans son régime alimentaire pour vivre une vie saine. Ces ingrédients comprennent entre autres: vitamines, minéraux et oligo-éléments, ainsi que des graisses, fiber, protéines et glucides.

Le calcium et le phosphore peuvent être trouvés dans les farines de poisson, qui est un important ingrédient dans les flocons de poisson; ces deux éléments sont particulièrement importants pour le développement d'un poisson osseux du squelette. Pas toutes les denrées alimentaires sont conçus comme un aliment de base. Certains aliments, tels que: les daphnies séchées, bloodworms, ou tubifex vers, ainsi que de vivre et les aliments congelés ne sont pas nécessairement contenir toutes les vitamines et les oligo-éléments.

Ils sont beaux à compléter une base de l'alimentation, mais ne devrait pas être la seule nourriture que vous nourrir de vos poissons, sinon vous serez confrontés à des problèmes alimentaires en développement par le biais de carences de ces éléments. Ces problèmes peuvent être corrigés par l'alimentation régulière avec un niveau élevé de qualité des aliments en flocons.

Les principaux fabricants de sécher le poisson aliments ont formulé leurs flocons d'ingrédients naturels, qui comprendra des matières végétales, donc il y aura des quantités suffisantes de tous les oligo-éléments importants.

La plupart des fabricants d'afficher une liste des ingrédients ainsi que d'un typique analyze sur leur emballage, vous devriez chercher cette étiquette lors de l'achat de nourriture pour vos poissons. C'est que les aliments sont étiquetés comme complet d'une alimentation équilibrée que vous avez besoin de chercher.

Le analyze typique d'une bonne qualité des aliments en flocons pour une alimentation, c'est-à-dire que les poissons comme un régime mixte (Omnivore), doit se lire quelque chose comme:

Protéines de 35 pour cent
Fat 2 - 5 pour cent
Fiber 3 - 8 pour cent

Le analyze typique d'une bonne qualité des aliments en flocons pour poissons carnivores, c'est-à-dire mangeurs de viande, il faut lire quelque chose comme:

Protein plus de 45 pour cent
Fat 3 - 6 pour cent
Fiber 2 - 4 pour cent

Le analyze typique d'une bonne qualité des aliments en flocons, ou d'une plaquette de comprimés ou de type de nourriture pour poissons Herbivore, c'est-à-dire les végétariens, il faut lire quelque chose comme:

Protéines de 15 pour cent
Lipides 1 - 3 pour cent
Fiber 5 - 10 pour cent

Cependant, vous sera difficile de trouver poussé la nourriture en flocons avec un faible teneur en matières grasses comme guide de ces chiffres. Ainsi, vous aurez à faire des compromis entre les flocons qui sont aussi bas que possible la teneur en matière grasse, de trouver que vos flocons de poissons prendra facilement, et de se prononcer sur un produit que vous êtes heureux avec.

Comme avec tous les animaux, les matières grasses est très malsain, d'autant plus pour les poissons. Je suis sûr que vous êtes au courant de ce qui se passe à la graisse quand il fait froid, il se transforme en un solide. Voyez-vous mon point? Les poissons sont des animaux à sang froid!

Par conséquent, la graisse qui est consommé par les poissons coaguler plus facilement et entraîner des dépôts de gras dans les tissus, ce qui cause la dégénérescence des organes internes comme le foie. Je ne serais pas trop préoccupé par mon alimentation des poissons avec des flocons d'une réputation bien connu fabricant.

Comme dans la plupart des aliments, soit animale ou humaine, il ya peu d'indiquer la manière dont les aliments riches en vitamines. Il est généralement une liste de vitamines, de substances sur l'étiquette, mais, en règle générale, ne veut pas dire grand-chose à une personne normale lire.

Cela dit, Je me sers de flocons séchés et les aliments pour environ vingt-cinq ans, et mes poissons ont toujours été animé, coloré, et en bonne santé. Mon expérience montre, avec confiance, que vous pourrez fournir à vos poissons avec secs, flocons et des aliments qui ont une quantité suffisante de toutes les vitamines, les minéraux et les oligo-éléments, ainsi que tous les autres ingrédients qui sont nécessaires pour une base de l'alimentation .