
Freshwater Aquarium Fish are Good Choice for Beginners

If you have come to the conclusion that you'd like to create a tropical fish aquarium to enjoy yourself and your family so you will probably need some guidance in how to get started. If you have never had an aquarium before, so it is advisable to start off with freshwater aquarium fish, because they are easier to fit.

Freshwater aquarium fish, in contrast to their bright and flashy cousins of the saltwater variety, can be a good experience for people who have never cared for fish before. Saltwater aquarium tanks can be quite challenging to create and maintain properly. Therefore it is strongly recommended that those new to fish keeping, look first at starting with freshwater fish. When you have been able to handle the challenges of keeping freshwater fish alive and their aquarium in good order at this point you may want to expand your horizons and fish hold branch out into saltwater aquarium realm.

In the end, it does not matter what kind of aquarium or tank that you choose for your freshwater aquarium fish, as regards the care and maintenance is concerned. But if you can not keep to a regular, weekly schedule for cleaning and maintenance of the tank, then maybe you should not even bother to create an aquarium.

In addition, you will also have to monitor your tropical fish tank on a daily basis. You must be sure that water is always properly balanced for your freshwater aquarium fish, and that a proper and pleasant temperatures are constantly maintained. The other daily task, you must remember to perform is to ensure that your fish are receiving the correct amount and type of food as needed.

Once you have determined that you will be able to keep up with regular maintenance of freshwater aquarium fish, so you can start to decide on what kind of fish you want in your tropical aquarium. The tropical fish tank, as you choose must be large enough so that it can accommodate the number and types of fish that you plan to buy. Over surface of a tropical fish tank can be a fatal mistake, because it can cause polluted water tank and can lead to diseased fish. Before you make your final decision, be sure to ask how big the fish will be chosen by maturity, which may vary widely depending on the species. A newbie to fish keeping might want to start with a 10-20-gallons of tropical fish tank and fill it with the smaller and heartier freshwater fish varieties.

To maintain a healthy environment for your freshwater aquarium fish, you must also have a quality water filtration system, a reliable heater and some nice aquarium decorations
and accessories. When setting up your freshwater tropical aquarium, be sure to choose a location in the house, where light and temperature can be controlled so that it remains constant. And remember that when your tropical fish tank is set up and filled, it will be very heavy, so make sure it is on solid footing with floor coverings, which can handle the load.


Goldfish Breeding, Part 2

Fry Development

In the previous article we talked about fish farming laying of the first through 2 -3 months. This article will focus on the development of 3 - 6 months of age.

When goldfish reach the age of 3 months, about 2 to 3 culls have taken place. The initial culling is carried out to remove the fish that have obvious deformities, or do not meet the general requirements race. The slaughter of these steps can be given to people who want to fish, pet, children in the neighborhood, or humanely destroyed. I prefer to give fish, and there appears to be a market of people who would like fish. This process usually takes a little longer, but makes people happy and save fish.

By the age of three months, body and style finnage begin to take their final form. Color will begin to take shape, and although the metal fish can take up to a year for staining to occur. Characteristics of the race (as head of growth, eyes, etc.) will begin to develop.

A fourth slaughter must be carried out at about 4 - 5 months to select the fish to be raised by the deadline. On a clutch of several hundred to several thousand fish, no more than 5 - 10 fish should be maintained for final grow-out. There are several reasons for this low percentage of fish that are selected for grow-out. The main reason is space, it is simply not enough space to raise all the fish are spawned. If not given enough space, the fish will not grow to optimal size. The second reason is the food: raising a large number of fish requires a lot of food. The third reason is water quality, proper maintenance of water is difficult face of big fish. The last reason is genetic: Most fish will have some sort of defect or undesirable feature to display.

By the age of six months, fish are much race variety, but not all the characteristics of the variety will be fully developed yet. Finally, the fish look like their parents.

Goldfish Breeding, Part 1

Each year, as the days lengthen in spring, yellow maturity begin the process of egg production in females, and milt in males. Many of these changes are increasingly triggered by daylight and warmer water temperatures. The availability of increased food production in the form of bloodworm and mosquito larvae, if the goldfish live outdoors adds to the evolution of fish.

The changes that occur in goldfish include swelling of the general female, the eggs begin to grow, and the appearance of small bumps, or "root" on the edges of the pectoral fins, and the slip covers for men.

In warmer climates, May goldfish outdoor begin spawning at the end of April, but in most other areas, red fish begin spawning in May or June. In many cases, fry without apparent indications, especially if the fish are kept in a pond, and a mixed population. For fish kept in aquariums, the signs are present, if the fish is observed.

Spawning takes place early in the morning, usually just before sunrise. Spawning activity appears to be triggered by several factors, including: rain on the day preceding the spawning and a drop in water temperature a few degrees, partial water changes and a full or nearly full moon.

Spawning generally last several hours, and thousands to tens of thousands of eggs are laid, depending on the size of the female. Eggs are generally very small, round and sticky. Please see table below taken eggs in an aquarium interior, to get an idea of the size and remove shape.Please adult fish after spawning, if you want more babies. Adults eat fish eggs (and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) after a spawn. Baby fish, once admitted, will not be eaten by fish red at maturity. Fish generally recognize babies once they reach ½ "to 1" in size.

The eggs hatch usually from 4 - 7 days, depending on water temperature. The fry are very small at the time of hatching, and food for the first 3 -5 days in the yellow bag attached. At hatching, and for a period of about two weeks after hatching, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia remains committed to the surface where the eggs were laid, or near the water surface. As their swim bladder begins to operate, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia will start swimming at different levels of the aquarium.

After the fry have depleted their yolk sacks, you should start to feed their food. Start foods can include: newly hatched brine shrimp, boiled egg yolk and infusorians. For people who have an outdoor pool, food can supplement the food that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is in the pond. For those who have housed the fish in an aquarium, food will be provided by the owner.

After a few weeks, crumbled flake food, small fry food, freeze-dried crumbled into the blood, daphnia and brine shrimp can be fed to fishing. During the early development phase, feed the fish several times a day (perhaps 3 - 5 times a day) in small quantities. It is important to monitor water quality and make regular water changes, as certain foods (especially egg yolk) can lack of water.

Metal fish begin to color, which is to change the nature of the green, 2 - 3 months. For nacreous mat and fish, colors tend to deepen as the fish mature. More nacreous Matte fish and start out with a white color, with reds, blacks, oranges and blues developing age fish.

If you are raising fry breeding or show, you should select the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia that meet characteristics that you have established in your breeding. Fry with deformities such as missing fins, tail tripod (in the case of two varieties tail), and other physical defects can be eliminated or given starting at 6 - 7 weeks. The practice of selecting fish with certain characteristics, is known as the "slaughter".

A second slaughter may occur at 8 - 10 weeks and will focus on color and adherence to high standards. 3rd slaughter may be done 3 months, when most fish will begin to meet the special races, such as growth of the head, eyes, development, pearl and scales. It is not uncommon for only 5 - 10% of a rogue to stay third after the slaughter. While some people oppose the idea of giving fish spawn or slaughter, goldfish will not thrive in crowded conditions. The practice of reducing the population size is necessary for goldfish development and quality.

That approach fish 2 - 3 months of age, try to feed a larger percentage of live animals, frozen or freeze-dried food. Increasing the protein content in food is necessary for growth and head pearl scales in particular. Avoid food supply floating, which, while good for koi, and not very useful for red fish, especially the double-bodied fish tail. Continued feeding of food because the floating goldfish to ingest large quantities of air, May and disturb fish balance. Sinking pellets or granules of food can be fed at 2 -3 months as a supplement to live or frozen foods.

For those interested to make their own food, several goldfish food recipes are available, both online and GFSA (Goldfish Society of America) articles. Books such as The Goldfish Guide by Matsui also included revenue home.

A final culling can be achieved in six months, which will be conducted to select fish to grow and survive the winter. This selection will be based on a combination of compliance with standard guidelines, color and overall confirmation. At the end of the 4th slaughter, it is likely that only 1 - 2% of laying remain, and that the fish selected will be exceptional.


Adding Angelfish To Your Freshwater Fish Tank

Angelfish are beautiful and graceful - a great addition to any aquarium, but you must be careful that you do not put them in a fish tank that is that they do not get along. Although these fish seem peaceful and quiet, they can be mildly aggressive and might tend to eat smaller fish!

A member of the Cichlid family, Angelfish come in many varieties and colors. They can be a bit fragile when they are young, but as they grow older, they can pretty tough. You want to keep, in groups of six or more, but if only two or three is not a good mix and you may find that the stronger the weaker bullies a fish, but if you see them in large schools they should be fine.

You need a large aquarium for these fish, or 29 liters or more, depending on how many fish you want total coverage. Make sure you have gravel that at least 1 / 4 "thick. You'll have to keep the temperature of the tank between 70 and 82 ° F so be sure your Angelfish mix with other fish that thrive in this temperature. Make sure your tank is at least 24 inches deep - the deeper the better and the deeper you aquarium, the greater your fish will grow. Some angel fish have been reported to grow as large as 12 inches.

Angelfish are not that difficult to feed and they do not really need any special food. You can give them the floating flake food that you find in any pet store and must be replaced in some freeze dried blood worms. If you want to give them a treat, try a few live brine shrimp or black worms, but be sure to select worms that are in good condition. Although the aggressive Angelfish is mild, there are many other fish that may very well get along in the tank with them. Large Tetras (not the small neons) and Silver Dollar fish get along great as do Sword and Mollies Tails Platies. You'd better not Guppies in your Angelfish Angels do tend to eat them. Other fish that you can include in the tank include Gouramis, Clown Loaches, Bala Sharks and Giant Danios.

Although easy to care for and quite tough, Angelfish may be the victim to other fish that want to run their long fins. In addition, they are susceptible to a common aquarium disease "hole in the head, the disease manifests itself as a wound to the head and fish spreads alarming eventually killing the fish.

If you treat your Angelfish right, do not overcrowd the tank, make sure you regular maintenance, feeds him well and keep the tank at the proper temperature of your fish can live for 10 years!

Having a Freshwater Fish as a Pet

Aquarium and fish, they say, are the best additions to the household that can contribute to a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. It makes the possession of a fish a good decision.

However, sometimes it is better to slightly more than a goldfish. Sometimes it pays to exotic fish as pets, better yet, make it exotic freshwater fish.

Exotic Pet freshwater fish

Exotic fish to the water creatures that are not found on the spot or country. They come from other countries in assorted locations, usually come from Africa, Asia or South America. They can penetrate to the vicinity incidentally through legal or illegal drugs.

Fresh water on the other hand, means that the exotic fish is not completely out of the brine or the sea. It is easier to swear a freshwater fish as salt water is heavier to achieve and maintain.

Here are a few other things to consider:

1. There was lawful legal issues to take note of. Some fish are not admissible as a pet because of their nature or a threat to humans.

They could belong in the carnivorous species and their introduction to the waters will be a major threat. Even though they are reserved in the aquarium, they are not acceptable to be in captivity or under the control of the cosmopolitan citizens.

Some exotic fish, while non-vegetarian, are also regarded as threats to the water system. They can substantially change the census of the population. This is not good for the narrow environment.

2. Please remember specific needs also to the needs of the fish. They must be reserved in aquariums that are large enough to the species. The water must be properly cleaned and treated. They must also be fed evenly.

3. Owning a commitment of exotic freshwater fish also means that commitment. They must be preserved and complete examination of. Even if they too exuberant or difficult to monitor, they should be treated equally.

It is criminal to begin with exotic fish in enclosed waters. Thus it is best to ask for assistance from a local shop or an aquarium of the authorities.

4. Pick a grout There are hundreds of exotic freshwater fish to desire. Pick one, depending on their flush or look. Take the message also of other functions, such as the exclusive home requirements and feeding their lifestyle. Also, the age and the advance factors. They should correct costume of the requests and the capacity of the household.


People have different reasons to own a pet fish, especially the exotic freshwater print. The beauty mesmerized me. Some, like the exotic reason. There are many reasons to be done. Net owners are responsible for security and reimbursement of the community.


Bring Home an Exotic Freshwater Fish Pet

and fish, they say, are the best additions to the household that can contribute to a serene and calm atmosphere. It makes the possession of a fish a good decision.

Sometimes it is better to slightly more than a goldfish. Sometimes it pays to exotic fish as pets, better yet, make it exotic freshwater fish.

Exotic Pet freshwater fish

Exotic fish refer to the water creatures that are not found at the place or country. They come from other countries in various locations, mostly come from Africa, Asia or South America. They may participate in the locality, either through legal or illegal means.

Fresh water on the other hand, means that the exotic fish is not taken from the salt water or sea. It is easier for a freshwater fish as salt water is more difficult to access and maintain.

Here are a few other things in mind:

1. Legality There are legal matters to take note of. Some fish are not allowed as pets because of their nature or the threat to humans.

They were among the carnivorous species and their introduction to the waters will be a great danger. Even if they are kept in the aquarium, they are not allowed in temporary custody or under the control of the ordinary citizen.

Some exotic fish, although not carnivorous, are also regarded as a threat to the water ecosystem. They could materially alter the balance of the population. This is not good for the local environment.

2. Attention also needs specific to the needs of the fish. They should be kept in aquariums that are large enough to the species. The water must be properly cleaned and treated. They should also regularly fed.

3. Owning a commitment of exotic freshwater fish also means that commitment. They must be maintained and cared for. , Even if it too much or difficult to handle, they must be properly treated.

It is illegal to introduce exotic fish in local waters. Thus it is best to ask for assistance from a local aquarium shop or by governments.

4. Pick a grout There are hundreds of exotic freshwater fish to choose from. Choose a color or their appearance. Note also other functions, such as the specific requirements of their habitat and feeding habits. Also wary of the age and growth factors. These should be tailored to the needs and opportunities of the household.


People have different reasons to own a pet fish, especially the exotic freshwater type. Some are mesmerized by the beauty. Some, like the exotic factor. Many reasons can be held. Net owners are responsible for the safety and usefulness of the community.

Goldfish Varieties

Goldfish have been bred in China somewhere between 1000 and 1500 years, and were then exported to Japan and Korea, where more livestock led to an increase in the number of varieties available. For the top amateur goldfish, body types, finnage and unique characteristics of goldfish may seem useful to defy classification.

Several years ago, the Goldfish Society of America (GFSA) has developed a classification system for goldfish. This system distinguishes the fish into three broad categories on the basis of the tail and dorsal fins type. These three categories are:

• Simple tail fish with dorsal fin

• Double tail fish with dorsal fin

• Double tail fish without dorsal fin

Of these 3 categories of fish, the GFSA recognized in the following varieties of goldfish.

1. Simple tail with the dorsal fin

• The goldfish

• Comet goldfish

• Shubunkin

2. Double tail with the dorsal fin


• Ryukin

• Pearlscale

• Veiltail

• Eye Telescope

• Oranda

3. Double tail without dorsal fin

• Lionhead


• Bubble Eye

• heavenly

There are several other fish that could fit into these categories, such as Tosakin and Wakin, but they are not considered sufficiently abundant to recognize as a race at that time. The GFSA will probably consider adding new varieties as their popularity rises.

A general understanding of goldfish characteristics is useful, before a detailed examination of varieties is started.

1. Scalata - Four basic types occur in Scalata goldfish: metal mat, and Pearl nacreous Scale ..

a. Metallic - Has a bright, reflective surface, like a metal object, hence the name metal. The shiny appearance is caused by the presence of guanine in the scale.

b. Matte - Balance who are not reflective layer guanine, leading to a dull or non-appearance of reflection.

v. Nacreous - A type of range that combines the characteristics of the metal mat and scale patterns, often in uncertain proportions, causing a mixture of reflection and non-reflective scales on a fish.

d. Pearlscale - an inlay on each scale fish, causing at seem to have a small dome in the center. In the best specimens, beadwork occurs on the body of the fish, and surrounds the entire fish completely.

2. Color - Goldfish come in a number of distinct colors, including combinations of colors. Goldfish common colors are: red, orange, white, black, blue, chocolate brown, yellow, red and white, black and red, black red and white calico (a combination of colors, including red, white , Black and blue).

3. Eyes - Goldfish have several types of eye, as follows:

a. Normal eye types

b. Telescope eyes - eyes that are mounted atop a cone-shaped protrusion on both sides of the head.

v. Celestial eyes - Similar to a telescope with red eyes but the eyes are pointing upwards at the end of the "telescope" of

d. Bubble Eyes - the eyes of a bubble with red eyes are actually considered normal type. The particularity of this fish is the large, fluid-filled bag that forms on each side of the face directly in front of the fish.

4. Queue types - Goldfish have a lot of variation in the caudal or tail fin, as indicated below.

a. Simple tail - The most common type of tail, which is moderately forked and rounded at the edges.

b. Comet tail - more than the single variety tail (about 2 - 3 times) with a fork, and the tail tips.

v. Shubunkin type tail (mainly in the Shubunkin Bristol) - a long tail, similar in size to the tail of comet type, but with the edges rounded tail, which tend to break the tail on board, causing the tail to consider more complete than the comet.

d. Double tail - a tail that has two distinct components or lobes, and is not attached 2/rd3s along its length, and has rounded edges tail. The size of double tail can move 2/3rds the length of the body to double the length of the body, depending on the variety goldfish.

e. Lionhead RANCHU or tail - Similar to the double tail, but is allowed to separate. In general, double the tail or RANCHU Lionhead is ¼ to 3 / 8 of the length of the body.

f. Tosakin tail a variation on the twin tail, where the tail is not only joined, but rounded edges, producing a type appearance in the curlicue tail of a fish.

g. Jikin tail - apparently similar to the Rancho Lionhead or tail, and forming an X shape when looked behind, because of the angle of the tail is attached to the caudal peduncle.

h. Veiltail - An amendment of the variety to double tail, in which the tail is 2-1/2 to 3 times the length of the fish, and where the fork is non-existent, producing a tail of a line of hence the name "veil" tail.

5. Head growth - Some varieties of goldfish, including Oranda, Lionhead, and RANCHU have a growth on the head known as the "wen". This growth looks like a raspberry, and causes a particular appearance, like a lion's mane, view of the fish. Several varieties of head growth are recognized.

a. Goose head - growth mainly limited to the top of the head, with little or no "wen" occurring on the cheeks or lid.

b. Tiger Head - Head growth that appears on top of the head and cheeks of fish.

v. Lionhead - Full head of growth, which appears on top of the head, cheeks, and seal.

6. Dorsal fin characteristics - the fin located on the back of the fish is known as the dorsal fin. Some varieties (RANCHU, Lionhead, heavenly, and Bubbleye), the dorsal fin is not present. The backbone-less varieties can be sub-divided into RANCHU and Lionhead profile type of back.

a. RANCHU profile in the back, back slightly arched, until it reaches the caudal peduncle, when he strongly angles down and answered queuing at an angle of 45 degrees.

b. Lionhead profile in the return type (which is also shared with the heavenly and Bubbleye), the rear is much more right than the RANCHU, and joined the queue at an angle which is much less severe than in the type RANCHU Tail-.

7. Other characteristics of growth of goldfish. Goldfish have been selectively bred for growth characteristics over the centuries. A partial list of these features below.

a. Narial bouquets - a tuft of growth type series on the narial (nose) of fish, which in specimens fully developed like a leader of the pom-pom.

b. Pearlscale - an inlay on each scale fish, causing at seem to have a small dome in the center. In the best specimens, beadwork occurs on the body of the fish, and surrounds the entire fish completely.

v. Out-turned lid - with a fish fillet plates become more, so that the gills are revealed.

8. Characteristics of body shape - Body shape features are varied between types of goldfish, and are difficult to classify briefly, since the shape of the body can vary within the same variety (for example, Oranda May and have a FANTAIL Veiltail or conformation).

a. Streamlined body shape - this form is on the common goldfish, Shubunkin and Comet varieties. This is the basic form torpedo common to most types of fish.

b. FANTAIL form - This form of the body is more egg-like, and produces a rounded profile in fish. This body type is commonly seen in the FANTAIL, some varieties of telescope Oranda some bodies (especially on the Cap Rouge), some Pearlscales and on the bubble and the heavenly eyes.

v. Veiltail Body Type - this body type is similar to the Ryukin without the hump on his back. It is more rounded than the FANTAIL, body and the depth is about ¼ to 1 / 3 deeper than the traditional FANTAIL. Such a body is found on some telescopes, some Oranda, Pearlscale, Veiltails, and some ribbon tails.

d. Lionhead or RANCHU Body Type - A very rounded body type, with a depth that is ¼ to 1 / 3 higher than the variety Veiltail. The body seems Chunky. Especially in the field of caudal peduncle, which does not flare up at the meeting of the tail as in most fish, but more like a body part.

About the author: Peter is a member of the American Association Goldfish, and is certified judge goldfish and koi judge candidate. He is the author of Spike's Guide Goldfish, and frequent articles on the goldfish and koi. Please visit the website at AGA http://www.americangoldfish.org for more articles on the goldfish.


Responsible Care For Freshwater Fish Aquarium

Freshwater fish are perhaps the easiest fish to ensure in comparison with saltwater species because they are usually hardier fish. A basic condition aquarium
set up will be required. You need a tank, some rocks or underground line bottom of the tank. You will also need a filter, and some relief
. The choice of fish, it is absolutely necessary to ensure that the fish are compatible. Not only do they need to work on water temperature and pH, but they have similar requirements. Try to ensure that the fish are relatively the same size. It has been said that if a fish is small enough to fit in another fish his mouth, that's usually where it ends. So do not be discouraged if this happens. Even fish that are housed together for a number of months are known to disappear sometimes.

Freshwater fish should be fed twice daily. Feed only a small amount that can be consumed within the first two to five minutes. About nutrition is a common mistake by novice fish hold. Any excess food should be lifted with a net if possible, so will the debris and dirt quickly tank. Water must be regulated and tested weekly. Any differences in P.H. , And the temperature of the water should be corrected immediacy to minimize stress caused by the fish. Stress is important because it leads to disease in fish. It is important to monitor the activities and the general welfare of the fish in an aquarium. The signs of stress will be fairly clear. Slowly move or a apathy looking fish will stress coat that can be purchased from a local pet store. Try to avoid overcrowding the tank. This should help to reduce the amount of stress caused by the fish.

Change approximately one third of the water in the aquarium at a time, because such changes will result in the least amount of disturbance to the fish and other inhabitants. This will be done every two to three weeks. Use either a bucket or to siphon water from the tank. Try removing any loose debris or floating at the moment. By adding the new water to the aquarium, make sure that within about two degrees from the tank water. The sides of the aquarium should be scrubbed regularly to remove an algal building. Also be careful not to disturb the fish. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling the aquarium. Finally, check the manufacturer's recommendation on filters and change them accordingly. Filters collect any fish waste or left over food. They can not function unless they are clean.

Introduce hardy fish to a new tank. The fish are at higher nitrite levels that are present in a new aquarium. Choose fish such as danios, barbs, gouramis, and live media. Do not exceed three to four small fish per week. Acclimation times vary by species, so check with your dealer for adding any other new fish.

Things To Look At Before Buying Tropical Fish Tanks

The following is a short list of things to look before buying tropical fish tanks. Go through this list can save you a lot of money or effort (or both).

So, can directly into:

     1. What is the fish you want to keep?

        In absolute terms, most important decision before you consider something else. This affects the size and shape of the tank type of equipment you need.

     2. Compatibility and care of these fish

        It is very important to research the fish you want to keep correctly. The best way would be to buy a good book on tropical fish. The size of adult fish would determine the size of the tank and habits and care to tell you what equipment you need and how to set up the aquarium.

        This will also give you the opportunity to see if the fish would be compatible. If care or the requirements are too different, or their temperament is wrong, you should not keep them together.

     3. Determine space

        How much space do you have in your home? What bigger the tank, you can customize? Determine where you want the fish tank and see how much space is there. Include the space between the wall and the tank cord, tubes, etc. ..

     4. Determine your budget

        How much money can you spend? Remember that money to buy a tropical fish tank and all necessary equipment, fish, plants, decorations, etc. If this is your first aquarium, keep in mind that this is a happening Meanwhile you can decide not to prosecute.

     5. Select equipment

        Go to a local supplier, and discuss what is needed for the installation you need (which is based in part on the fish you want to keep). Get Prices for all that you need (including the aquarium) - preferably more than one supplier, so you can find comparisons.

     6. Evaluate your budget against the constraints of space

        How does your budget compare the cost to the previous step? Can you get a tank large enough for the fish you want to keep, which still fit into the space? If the configuration is too expensive, or space for small, watch your fish selection again. Are there any fish that is causing a problem? If you can remove one type of fish to adapt the rest in the space you have, how badly do you have your heart as fish? Make sure all the fish you chose are available in your area. See if there may be a different place, you can adjust the tank, or if you can increase the budget.

     7. Purchase equipment

        Once you have set your budget, space and selection of fish, you can go ahead and buy the equipment. Do not buy a fish yet!

     8. Set your tank

        Once you have all the equipment, you can start its implementation. If this is the first time you are doing this, expect to spend a few hours on this.

        Once everything is set up, fill the tank of fish with water and let it rest for a few days to ensure that equipment is functioning properly and that nothing is leaking. This also dechlorinates water.

     9. Select starter fish

        Select a few fish from your original list that is rustic, small and inexpensive. You do not want to select 1 "of fish for every gallon of water, but you can determine according to their current size - This is the only time you space required based on the size of the fish. The reason is that the fish will not increase significantly in 4-8 weeks as the tank is cycling.

    10. Cycle of the tank

        During this 4-8 week, you must be especially diligent and patient. Make sure you're not overeating and you do regular water changes. For this period, not to add more fish!

    11. Keeping the tank

        Feed and fish out all day, Check the filter regularly, change 10-15% of your water per week (and scrub for algae at the same time). Check all your other appliances, pipes, fittings, lights, etc. at least once a month. And most importantly, enjoy your tropical aquarium!

Now that you have a good idea of what to look for before you start, I hope you have a tank that can live with and enjoy for a long time.


The Right Sized Aquarium - Which Size is Right For You

The old adage that says, the greater is better for aquariums. Large volume of water is always better when it comes to keeping live fish in a glass box. Although it is not impossible to successfully keep fish in a small space, there is a greater margin of error with a larger reservoir. One thing to consider when buying a larger pool is the cost of operating a larger filter and moving a larger amount of water volume.

Consider the purchase of ten gallons of freshwater aquarium. May the tank itself costs about 15 U.S. dollars, the power filter $ 20 U.S., the heater (where keeping tropical fish) 12 United States dollars, ten pounds of sand and gravel $ 12 U.S., water conditioning U.S. $ 10 net, cleaning sponge and a lid adds another U.S. $ 15. So for ten gallons tank, expect to pay about 80 U.S. dollars without light!

Compare that to a breakdown of costs 50 gallon freshwater aquarium. May the tank itself costs about 70 U.S. dollars, filter about 70 U.S. dollars, the heater $ 20 U.S., 50 pounds of sand and gravel for $ 40 U.S. United, water conditioning $ 12 U.S., net sponge cleaning and 8 U.S. dollars, and generally comes with a lid. Thus, for a 50 gallons tank without light, expect to pay $ 220 U.S..

At the outset, it seems more attractive to buy ten gallons tank, but that is where most people make the mistake. With such a small volume of water, the temperature within ten gallons aquarium can fluctuate dramatically with the outside temperature. This is very stressful for the fish. So what tends to happen is that people will buy ten gallons tank, and save $ 140 U.S., but then end up buying $ 140 U.S. a replacement value of fish . Or worse, frustration sets in, and ends the tank at the next garage sale.

A greater volume of water will help to stabilize the temperature changes during the summer months and changes of water. In general, if only 5-10 percent of the water is changed within 60 gallons tank every 2 weeks, the fish tend to do well and parasites do not take over the tank. However, with a small tank 10 gallons at 5-10 percent water change could potentially have a devastating effect on the chemistry of the tank. A small change of water has the ability to change temperature more than 5 degrees Fahrenheit, which will focus on fish and cause disease. Once the contract of fish disease, it is also easier to handle in a larger container.

Medicines in the 50 gallon fish tank will allow accurate dosing than drugs. When the processing of fish in a small reservoir the quantity of chemicals to be added must be carefully measured and double-checked before being poured into the tank. A miscalculation could prove fatal results. However, this miscalculation could go unnoticed in a large tank. This does not mean that drugs should be measured when added to a large tank. It is easier to treat fish in a tank with more water, but if the guidelines are followed, the fish can recover, whatever the size tank they are in.

In a large tank, obviously, big fish can be kept where they have adequate room to swim and develop. A big fish can be kept in a small tank, but the fish grow to the size of the tank. If the shell is smaller than the maximum size of the fish, the fish grow deformed with an internal malfunction. Needless to say, it is much better for the fish to the pair of fish size to the size of the outbreak. People should not take German bergers in boxes suitable for Yorkshire terriers, and similarly Oscars should not be kept in 10 gallons fish tanks! A reservoir the size of an adult Oscar would 36in x 18in x 16in. In a tank the size of the fish has the ability to run comfortably. The adage that 1 gallon water tank is necessary for 1 inch of fish is not true. The keeper fish must take into account the total mass of fish. Ten inches of neon tetras does not mean 10 inches because the circumference of the Oscar Oscar is much more important than Tetris. Thus, when choosing the tank to choose, research, the maximum size of the fish you want and buy a tank where fish can turn around comfortably.

Taking Care of Fish Habitats

Habitats for fish

     1. Choose carefully the size aquarium. A 10 gallons tank is a good size to begin with, if the largest reservoir, the easier it is maintenance. Keep the fish population within reasonable limits. Allow at least one gallon of water per inch of fish, an expert said you should have one big fish or towing or three small fish in the 10 gallons tank.
     2. For the aquarium you need a hood with a light, a heater, a thermometer, filter, air pump, valve of a gang, the airline pipes, gravel, a fishing nets, water conditioning, and food.
     3. To set up the tank: (1) rinse with tap water, (2) mounting subfilter gravel and put it in the reservoir, (3) Rinse the gravel (but not with soap or detergent) and add to the tank; (4) set up the air pump, the airline connect the air tube on the rod filtering and band valve; (5) Pour water and to water conditioning (in the amount suggested on the package); (6) set up the heater, but does not connect for 15 minutes.
     4. To introduce the fish: the place plastic bag containing the fish on top of the tank water for several minutes. Then open the bag, but leave the fish in it for a few more minutes before removing.
     5. About one fifth of the water should be changed once a month.

Fishbowl for freshwater fish Nontropical

     1. Fishbowl fish are not easier to care for fish in aquariums of tropical fish freshwater, but the initial investment is less.
     2. You can buy bowls of pint-size to two gallons.
     3. Water is at room temperature, so that you can not raise goldfish or the fight against the Siamese fish.
     4. Siamese struggle against the fish must be raised alone. You can put a goldfish in a small bowl until three in a major.
     5. Change water twice a week. The night before the change, the new water sit so the chlorine dissipates.

General Dos and Don'ts

     1. During the first months, test the water every day after that, every week. The water temperature of about 74F, works for most fish.
     2. Do not put the aquarium in direct sunlight; use a fluorescent light on the tank.
     3. Do not overfeed fish. Feed once a day, only the amount of food they eat in about 30 seconds. Otherwise, food and fish waste are beginning to fall and creating toxic by-products. You can buy slow-release tablets for feeding times when you're outside.
     4. If the fish get sick, take them to the facility. Take small fish in a half-filled jar of mayonnaise. Take big fish in a trash can liners half full of water in a bucket of five gallons; breathe in some air bags. Take a sample of the water tank (3-4 oz.).


How Fast Do Goldfish Grow

Many owners aquarium goldfish often wonder the size and how fast it will grow goldfish.
Goldfish growth depends on factors that will influence their rapid growth. Among the factors that influence growth directly are:

1. How clean water is for your Goldfish?

2. What is the size of the environment, Goldfish Bowl, an aquarium or a pond?

3. What kind of food are you feeding your fish?

4. The (DNA) of goldfish parents passed on to their offspring.

How quickly grow goldfish is really a difficult question to answer really. As stated above, these factors will influence the growth potential of your goldfish. For example, how clean the water is impacts how they will quickly grow. If the water is too bright and lack of algae and food to eat. Second, if water quality is not followed by maintenance on the causes of stress that their impact goldfish May the desire to eat. If they do not eat, they do not grow, thus becoming slower then normal.

The environment or home for your goldfish plays an important role on the speed of goldfish grow as well. For example, if you put your fish in a bowl, it will not grow as much as it would if it was in an aquarium or garden pond. The environment plays a major role in the growth goldfish. Goldfish will only grow to the size of their environment in which it can handle. In addition, the more space a goldfish will increase the size of your goldfish and will not delay their growth. When goldfish aquariums have big tanks or it will grow in less maintenance for you much happier and fish. Another reason goldfish grow faster in large environments, there is more food is readily available to eat. There is always food in an aquarium to eat fish for red especially in the ponds. Fish will grow rapidly because of the abundance of algae to eat and to live as microscopic animals and insects to feed on. Goldfish have essentially a buffet at any time they want with the quantity of food they find to eat living in ponds. They grow quickly and if the water is green as pea soup or they are grown in the mud ponds. You will see your goldfish rapid growth.

The goldfish food you diet plays a role in their development. If you want your goldfish to grow quickly consider feeding a wide variety of foods. Also strong growth in food and will maximize the growth of your fish. You can also feed several times a day, just make sure they eat all the goldfish food you give them within 2 minutes while others lay uneaten food as water your fault. The food you eat play a role in their development.

So to really answer the question "How Fast Do Goldfish growth" really too many factors to really respond. Genetics also plays a role in this too. If you look at some people today, some are scarce, some are large, medium, small, high and short. Everyone develops differently and the same goes for goldfish. For example, I'm 6'4 "while my parents are like 5'6" so I grew larger. Usually, if you come from a large family, you have older children who arrive mostly through DNA passed on to children. So goldfish genetics and DNA sometimes have an impact on the rapid growth goldfish too. Really a question with no real answer, but certainly things people can do to grow faster by doing several things. Greatest thing that will quickly develop your goldfish is to give them the place they deserve do not limit your fish to go small reservoirs and the more you'll largest goldfish too.

Why Betta Fish Make Great Pets

An animal can go a long way towards improving the quality of your life. Pet owners has been proven to relieve boredom and stress, decrease blood pressure, improve mood and provide a purpose in life. Human beings are social animals and by their nature, enjoy something with dependents.

Unfortunately, modern life does not always to keep a pet traditional easy. Dogs and cats are great, but there is much that goes with them. They need to be exercised after daily cleaning, take a fair amount of space, and eat great food. A great choice for low maintenance pet is a reptile or fish.

The problem with reptiles is that they are simply not much fun. For the most part, they are around and are not really interact with you at all. They also generally require expensive heating component and can smell bad if it is not supported frequently.

Fish combine low-maintenance reptiles, but can add much more to your life. They are bright, colorful and moving around all the time. A beautiful fish can be like a flower in your home.

Even with ease to require a lot of fish, shell complicated set-up. This is one of the great things about the Betta, or Siamese fighting against Fish. Besides being beautiful, Bettas are robust enough that the fish do not need a large space or the flow of water.

Some features on the Betta are:

- They come in a variety of colors and shapes end. They are a beautiful fish sure to captivate your attention.

- They survive well in captivity. With proper care Betta will be fine. Some fish are very difficult to keep healthy, but not the Betta.

- Bettas do not need nearly as much space as other fish. As they are comfortable in the water, a small shell with a little air circulation will be well for them. I do recommend a small tank on the small bowl, they come in so you do not have to change the water every day, but the tank can be much smaller than the other fish need.

- They are amazingly friendly and lively. Bettas will soon learn to recognize their manager and "dance" around when they see you. They are happy to follow your finger around play and play for you.

When you look at the low cost of fish, food, and putting up with the bright colors, for ease of care, interaction and they are the first pet ideal for children. Children love the beautiful, lively Betta fish can learn and care while responsibility for them.