Different Types of Aquariums
Aquariums have something to offer people. They are not just there to simply make space. Aquariums offer to bring people closer to a unique environment that can be found under water. People may become out of spectators at an under-performing on a small scale. With aquariums, people will be able to know how the fish live, how they interact and ask the beauty of the magnificent creatures of the underwater world.
The makeup of an aquarium is a combination of several elements. Apart from fish, plants will also be partly to create a better environment submarine. Other elements such as water, soil and rocks should go together to create an ideal environment for its occupants, who are the fish. Armed with these general principles, people May be able to create aquariums suitable for different kinds of fish. But not all aquariums are similar.
Different types of aquariums are in place for different types of fish. This is to ensure an ideal environment that is as close as the wild fish to be stored in it. The different types of aquariums are usually identified with respect to the nature of the environment created. And to reflect this fact, aquariums are generally divided into two main groups, temperate and tropical aquariums.
Temperate aquariums, often called the cold-water aquariums, are those put in place when the water temperature is maintained at about 5 to 25 degrees centigrade. The ideal temperature of the water is the same as in levels in the natural environment. Although these types of aquariums are not heated, may be a little difficult to establish that the room temperature will be just below 15 degrees centigrade.
Tropical aquariums are the types of aquariums that aim to recreate an underwater environment usually found in areas between the Tropic of Cancer north of the equator and the Tropic of Capricorn in the south. It is in the region where the water temperature varies from only a few degrees in one year. It is in this kind of environment as fish and plants indigenous to the region can be raised with each other.
In aquariums, it can create an environment that is either fresh or salt water. May tropical aquarium home a splendid variety of fish and plants in May, but harder to manage than the temperate aquarium
How To Set Up a Great Betta Fish Aquarium
If you are serious about your care Betta fish so it is important to establish a large aquarium Betta. Although fish can live in a small bowl or jar should do better and be happier with more space. The problem with setting up an aquarium is that many people believe that it is difficult or expensive process. Fortunately for you the fish you get is very easy to take care of. Here are the things you will need to make a happy home Betta!
1. Take a small aquarium. They did not need much space, so do not worry about a large aquarium will take expensive than your entire computer. A single Betta would be perfectly happy in an aquarium 1.5 gallons, which can usually be purchased for $ 10.00 or so and are not larger than a Shoebox. Be sure to rinse your aquarium before being put in place. Department stores can be dusty! Do not worry about using soap, unless there is an obvious reason d '. If you can not really be sure you have all rinsed before your Betta fish goes in. They do not life soap!
2. Install your filtration system. On a small tank like this, it need not be a great filter, be sure to check before buying. There should be a reservoir recommendation on the size of the package to make sure they match. A good filter will help keep your water clean and airy so you do not need to change the water almost as often. Do not get too big as a filter, it can keep your Betta properly swimming, which will focus on implementation.
3. Get clean gravel. If you know what color you plan to get Betta, you can coordinate your gravel color with the color of your fish! Avoid Sharp, jagged gravel, as Bettas will spend some time near the bottom. The gravel will be really strong to tear their fins. You'll need about one pound of gravel per gallon tank size. It does not hurt to rinse the gravel, either.
4. Add plants. There are all kinds of options as far as real, plastic or silk plants. Until you clean the plants and they are all sweet they are fine. Make sure you get plants sweet without jagged edges such as plants, like gravel can damage the blades Betta. Real plants obviously take more precautions, but can be beautiful.
5. Add distilled water treated. Tap water can be full of all kinds of chemicals that can be harmful to fish. In distilled water and then conditioning (get water conditioning from your local pet), you'll be giving your fish much healthier environment.
6. The shell in place for a couple of weeks. This step is optional, but it helps the tank to go. When you have a new reservoir of micro-organisms that accumulate in the filter and gravel are not there. They take some time to go. Until they get a foot of the tank will not filter and a reservoir of maturity. Let the tank for a couple of weeks without putting in your Betta will ensure a good home for your Betta.
There are six simple steps to build a low-cost home happy your Betta fish that did not take over the entire room. With a little preliminary, you can give your Betta a pleasant place to call home, both for them and you.
1. Take a small aquarium. They did not need much space, so do not worry about a large aquarium will take expensive than your entire computer. A single Betta would be perfectly happy in an aquarium 1.5 gallons, which can usually be purchased for $ 10.00 or so and are not larger than a Shoebox. Be sure to rinse your aquarium before being put in place. Department stores can be dusty! Do not worry about using soap, unless there is an obvious reason d '. If you can not really be sure you have all rinsed before your Betta fish goes in. They do not life soap!
2. Install your filtration system. On a small tank like this, it need not be a great filter, be sure to check before buying. There should be a reservoir recommendation on the size of the package to make sure they match. A good filter will help keep your water clean and airy so you do not need to change the water almost as often. Do not get too big as a filter, it can keep your Betta properly swimming, which will focus on implementation.
3. Get clean gravel. If you know what color you plan to get Betta, you can coordinate your gravel color with the color of your fish! Avoid Sharp, jagged gravel, as Bettas will spend some time near the bottom. The gravel will be really strong to tear their fins. You'll need about one pound of gravel per gallon tank size. It does not hurt to rinse the gravel, either.
4. Add plants. There are all kinds of options as far as real, plastic or silk plants. Until you clean the plants and they are all sweet they are fine. Make sure you get plants sweet without jagged edges such as plants, like gravel can damage the blades Betta. Real plants obviously take more precautions, but can be beautiful.
5. Add distilled water treated. Tap water can be full of all kinds of chemicals that can be harmful to fish. In distilled water and then conditioning (get water conditioning from your local pet), you'll be giving your fish much healthier environment.
6. The shell in place for a couple of weeks. This step is optional, but it helps the tank to go. When you have a new reservoir of micro-organisms that accumulate in the filter and gravel are not there. They take some time to go. Until they get a foot of the tank will not filter and a reservoir of maturity. Let the tank for a couple of weeks without putting in your Betta will ensure a good home for your Betta.
There are six simple steps to build a low-cost home happy your Betta fish that did not take over the entire room. With a little preliminary, you can give your Betta a pleasant place to call home, both for them and you.
How to Look After Goldfish in an Aquarium?
Goldfish live healthily and comfortably outside the ponds and in the interior of the aquarium. Keep the fish in a goldfish bowl is not a good idea. The goldfish are more comfortable and healthy in an aquarium. The live fish or even twenty years and the length of about 12 inches. How to deal with goldfish which pushes the fish in a bowl? Over the surface is recommended for good oxygenation to the success of keeping goldfish is possible that goldfish aquarium.
How to deal with health goldfish in an aquarium? The water required for each fish is about ten to twenty gallons. The aquarium tank size and capacity is selected with the number of fish that live there. A hood above the aquarium is necessary for the goldfish tend to jump out of the water surface.
Kit water test is necessary that action on chemicals and pH of the water.How to care for goldfish without maintaining a balance of nitrate and other chemicals? Tap water is not paid directly to the aquarium. Solutions to remove the harmful effects of chlorine and other chemicals are added to tap water and then poured into the aquarium. How to deal with fish healthy and prosperous reds? Drinking water and environmental protection of the aquarium is very important to maintain healthy red fish and keep goldfish happy.
Used as a gravel layer bottom of the tank allows good growth of bacteria goldfish is healthy. The toxic Poops the goldfish and food uneaten form sediment at the bottom. How to care for goldfish, which creates many unsafe water? The pumps are used to eliminate unwanted sediment without removing the gravel. A clean environment is much more important for fish breeding red. How to deal with goldfish in removing unwanted materials in the water?
The filters are used to eliminate toxins in the water on the red aquarium fish. Natural Plants help a healthy environment for goldfish. Goldfish like to hide behind things, it is recommended to use decorations with a lot of holes that help fish hide. Tank cleaning once every four weeks. Quarter of the tank water is withdrawn and the new drinking water the same temperature the same amount is added every seven days.
How to deal with health goldfish in an aquarium? The water required for each fish is about ten to twenty gallons. The aquarium tank size and capacity is selected with the number of fish that live there. A hood above the aquarium is necessary for the goldfish tend to jump out of the water surface.
Kit water test is necessary that action on chemicals and pH of the water.How to care for goldfish without maintaining a balance of nitrate and other chemicals? Tap water is not paid directly to the aquarium. Solutions to remove the harmful effects of chlorine and other chemicals are added to tap water and then poured into the aquarium. How to deal with fish healthy and prosperous reds? Drinking water and environmental protection of the aquarium is very important to maintain healthy red fish and keep goldfish happy.
Used as a gravel layer bottom of the tank allows good growth of bacteria goldfish is healthy. The toxic Poops the goldfish and food uneaten form sediment at the bottom. How to care for goldfish, which creates many unsafe water? The pumps are used to eliminate unwanted sediment without removing the gravel. A clean environment is much more important for fish breeding red. How to deal with goldfish in removing unwanted materials in the water?
The filters are used to eliminate toxins in the water on the red aquarium fish. Natural Plants help a healthy environment for goldfish. Goldfish like to hide behind things, it is recommended to use decorations with a lot of holes that help fish hide. Tank cleaning once every four weeks. Quarter of the tank water is withdrawn and the new drinking water the same temperature the same amount is added every seven days.
Exotic Zebrafish May Help Cure Some Cases of Blindness
British researchers have studied how the zebrafish has a large supply of adult stem cells to regenerate their retinas.
Basically, with almost all diseases of the eye, it is a pity neurons. The retina is the part of the eye that sends messages to the brain, and damage to the retina is to be the reason why most cases of sight loss. Researchers have successfully grown and tested in rats, adult stem cells, such as those found in zebrafish, which develop into neurons in the retina.
The University College London Institute of Ophthalmology estimates that these adult stem cells of zebra fish can be injected into the eye as a treatment for diseases such as macular degeneration, diabetes-related blindness, and glaucoma (Limb, Astrid 2007).
These researchers seem to be the aim of these experimental treatments for humans within 5 years.
Apparently, these types of cells have been grown easily in the laboratory, and they hope to eventually have stem cell banks and have cell lines available to the general public. As for transfusions of blood, a person must be typed for a certain type of cell line.
On the whole, very interesting and progressive research and treatment.
What would it be to find your view? Or to discover sight after a lifetime of blindness? What a wonderful gift to humanity!
The zebrafish has 2 common names: Zebra Danio, and zebrafish
They are the family Cyprinidae
There are 2 kinds of zebrafish, one of which is a variety of fresh water, the other is a saltwater species in the genus Pterois the family Scorpaenidae.
The type of freshwater is a classic example of aquarium fish, and is native to Asia (Eastern India from Calcutta to Masuilpatam).
Basically, with almost all diseases of the eye, it is a pity neurons. The retina is the part of the eye that sends messages to the brain, and damage to the retina is to be the reason why most cases of sight loss. Researchers have successfully grown and tested in rats, adult stem cells, such as those found in zebrafish, which develop into neurons in the retina.
The University College London Institute of Ophthalmology estimates that these adult stem cells of zebra fish can be injected into the eye as a treatment for diseases such as macular degeneration, diabetes-related blindness, and glaucoma (Limb, Astrid 2007).
These researchers seem to be the aim of these experimental treatments for humans within 5 years.
Apparently, these types of cells have been grown easily in the laboratory, and they hope to eventually have stem cell banks and have cell lines available to the general public. As for transfusions of blood, a person must be typed for a certain type of cell line.
On the whole, very interesting and progressive research and treatment.
What would it be to find your view? Or to discover sight after a lifetime of blindness? What a wonderful gift to humanity!
The zebrafish has 2 common names: Zebra Danio, and zebrafish
They are the family Cyprinidae
There are 2 kinds of zebrafish, one of which is a variety of fresh water, the other is a saltwater species in the genus Pterois the family Scorpaenidae.
The type of freshwater is a classic example of aquarium fish, and is native to Asia (Eastern India from Calcutta to Masuilpatam).
Adding Koi To Your Pond
Koi are a wonderful addition to your backyard pond. It is relaxing to watch these graceful fish gliding slowly through the water. To live long and healthy life, koi need just as much care as any other pet. Koi live an average of 25-35 years, although some have lived much longer. If you want to provide the proper care and environment for your fish, you need to do some research.
Make sure you do your research before you go to buy your koi. Read through books on koi care, browse the Internet, and consult with koi experts.
Before you buy your fish, your pond needs to be properly prepared. It has to be big enough for the koi to swim around. A minimum of 1000 gallons, and 18 inches deep is recommended. The koi also need a quiet corner that they can retreat to. It is also advisable to have a number of hiding places for the fish so that they can avoid predators, such as racoon, or your neighbor's cat. The pH of the water should be between 7.5 and 8.5. Make sure that the filter has been running for a while, and that the beneficial bacteria in the pond have had a chance to establish themselves. These bacteria are important for maintaining the chemical balance of your pond once you add the fish.
It is always best to shop for your koi at a specialty store. Be sure too look for healthy fish with clear eyes, no missing scales and erect purposes. Many variables affect the price of the fish, including size, pattern, shape, and availability.T Younger fish are usually a lot less expensive than the older and larger fish. Younger fish, about 3-4 inches long will probably cost less than $ 10. Older fish, 22-24 inches long can range from $ 1200 and up, occasionally ranging up to $ 10,000. Butterfly koi are more expensive than regular koi due to their long flowing purposes.
Be sure to add fish to your pond gradually. If you put in too many, the bacteria will not be able to handle all of the fish waste, and the chemical balance of the pond will be thrown off. Start with just one or two fish, and then after a week or two, go ahead and start adding a few more. Because of their metabolism is slower in the winter, it is best to buy the fish in cooler weather if possible. Koi do just fine in cold water, but you should avoid rapidly fluctuating temperatures. Even though koi are a warm water fish who prefer water temperatures of around 78 - 80 degrees F., they are capable of surviving in freezing cold temperatures and water over 86 degrees F. Deeper ponds are also preferable, so the water underneath the ice would not freeze. If you live in an area where the pond will freeze over, be sure to use a floating heater to keep a hole in the ice.
When the weather changes for the warmer, their metabolisms will speed up. Feeding of koi is quite easy by just feeding them koi pellets which are found online or at a pet store. Make sure to feed them twice a day. With some training, it is even possible to teach koi to eat out of your hand. When the weather and the water temperature start to cool off, you want to gradually reduce the amount of food that you feed the koi. When the water temperature drops to 50 degrees, then you should stop feeding them altogether until spring, when the water warms up again.
Koi will add a brilliant splash of color to your pond. And properly cared for, they will be in your pond for a long time, and provide years of enjoyment.
Make sure you do your research before you go to buy your koi. Read through books on koi care, browse the Internet, and consult with koi experts.
Before you buy your fish, your pond needs to be properly prepared. It has to be big enough for the koi to swim around. A minimum of 1000 gallons, and 18 inches deep is recommended. The koi also need a quiet corner that they can retreat to. It is also advisable to have a number of hiding places for the fish so that they can avoid predators, such as racoon, or your neighbor's cat. The pH of the water should be between 7.5 and 8.5. Make sure that the filter has been running for a while, and that the beneficial bacteria in the pond have had a chance to establish themselves. These bacteria are important for maintaining the chemical balance of your pond once you add the fish.
It is always best to shop for your koi at a specialty store. Be sure too look for healthy fish with clear eyes, no missing scales and erect purposes. Many variables affect the price of the fish, including size, pattern, shape, and availability.T Younger fish are usually a lot less expensive than the older and larger fish. Younger fish, about 3-4 inches long will probably cost less than $ 10. Older fish, 22-24 inches long can range from $ 1200 and up, occasionally ranging up to $ 10,000. Butterfly koi are more expensive than regular koi due to their long flowing purposes.
Be sure to add fish to your pond gradually. If you put in too many, the bacteria will not be able to handle all of the fish waste, and the chemical balance of the pond will be thrown off. Start with just one or two fish, and then after a week or two, go ahead and start adding a few more. Because of their metabolism is slower in the winter, it is best to buy the fish in cooler weather if possible. Koi do just fine in cold water, but you should avoid rapidly fluctuating temperatures. Even though koi are a warm water fish who prefer water temperatures of around 78 - 80 degrees F., they are capable of surviving in freezing cold temperatures and water over 86 degrees F. Deeper ponds are also preferable, so the water underneath the ice would not freeze. If you live in an area where the pond will freeze over, be sure to use a floating heater to keep a hole in the ice.
When the weather changes for the warmer, their metabolisms will speed up. Feeding of koi is quite easy by just feeding them koi pellets which are found online or at a pet store. Make sure to feed them twice a day. With some training, it is even possible to teach koi to eat out of your hand. When the weather and the water temperature start to cool off, you want to gradually reduce the amount of food that you feed the koi. When the water temperature drops to 50 degrees, then you should stop feeding them altogether until spring, when the water warms up again.
Koi will add a brilliant splash of color to your pond. And properly cared for, they will be in your pond for a long time, and provide years of enjoyment.
Deciding Between a Saltwater Aquarium or a Freshwater Aquarium
If you want to add a certain level of style and beauty to your home or office, an aquarium can do. There are so many things that can be done when it comes to having an aquarium as the heart of your decor, and is the ideal way to combine room decor and the company have a pet in your room.
Of course when you're looking for an aquarium, there are many things to consider. Many people choose to set up a freshwater aquarium on a saltwater aquarium without really looking into the advantages and disadvantages of both. In all reality, if you're looking for a beautiful aquarium solution to your needs and you're looking for a good investment, you should really look into a saltwater aquarium. While people tend to go freshwater management because it is a much cheaper alternative, beauty and variety which have a saltwater aquarium offers is not easily surpassed.
Tropical Fish
In a saltwater aquarium, you have a lot more variety to choose from as far as tropical fish go. Blue Tang, Clown Fish, Fish Hawk, FANTAIL Filefish and more - they are all selections that you can choose when it comes to tropical fish in your aquarium. The tropical fish that you can choose are bright and colorful and lively-all the things you need in an aquarium to help you feel better in your living space and more. The fish that you can have in a saltwater aquarium are much more exotic and beautiful than anything a freshwater aquarium could house.
If you're not motivated person interested in the maintenance aquarium, a saltwater aquarium is a bad idea. However, if you're interested in your fish and you want to have a healthy environment to live, have a saltwater aquarium can be quite easy to manage. There are some ways you have to go on cleaning the saltwater aquarium because they require different supplies and some dilution of the water reservoirs of fresh water which do not. However, while taking care of a saltwater aquarium is more work than caring for a freshwater aquarium, even if the rewards are much greater.
There's nothing like having a beautiful tropical aquarium saltwater your call. If you're in the market for something new, something beautiful and useful to add an element to your home or office aquarium saltwater May be just the thing for you. Remember to click on the various fish and wildlife that you can choose for your saltwater aquarium and you wonder why you ever thought of having a freshwater aquarium in your room.
Saltwater aquarium wins over the freshwater aquarium
In terms of the whole decoration, beauty and variety of tropical fish, you can have in a saltwater aquarium, a saltwater aquarium wins hands down over an aquarium d 'Freshwater. But since then, it will take more work and maintenance, you May want to consider a freshwater aquarium to help you get started in the world to have tropical fish. In both cases, an aquarium certainly adds a touch of your personal character of a home or office.
Of course when you're looking for an aquarium, there are many things to consider. Many people choose to set up a freshwater aquarium on a saltwater aquarium without really looking into the advantages and disadvantages of both. In all reality, if you're looking for a beautiful aquarium solution to your needs and you're looking for a good investment, you should really look into a saltwater aquarium. While people tend to go freshwater management because it is a much cheaper alternative, beauty and variety which have a saltwater aquarium offers is not easily surpassed.
Tropical Fish
In a saltwater aquarium, you have a lot more variety to choose from as far as tropical fish go. Blue Tang, Clown Fish, Fish Hawk, FANTAIL Filefish and more - they are all selections that you can choose when it comes to tropical fish in your aquarium. The tropical fish that you can choose are bright and colorful and lively-all the things you need in an aquarium to help you feel better in your living space and more. The fish that you can have in a saltwater aquarium are much more exotic and beautiful than anything a freshwater aquarium could house.
If you're not motivated person interested in the maintenance aquarium, a saltwater aquarium is a bad idea. However, if you're interested in your fish and you want to have a healthy environment to live, have a saltwater aquarium can be quite easy to manage. There are some ways you have to go on cleaning the saltwater aquarium because they require different supplies and some dilution of the water reservoirs of fresh water which do not. However, while taking care of a saltwater aquarium is more work than caring for a freshwater aquarium, even if the rewards are much greater.
There's nothing like having a beautiful tropical aquarium saltwater your call. If you're in the market for something new, something beautiful and useful to add an element to your home or office aquarium saltwater May be just the thing for you. Remember to click on the various fish and wildlife that you can choose for your saltwater aquarium and you wonder why you ever thought of having a freshwater aquarium in your room.
Saltwater aquarium wins over the freshwater aquarium
In terms of the whole decoration, beauty and variety of tropical fish, you can have in a saltwater aquarium, a saltwater aquarium wins hands down over an aquarium d 'Freshwater. But since then, it will take more work and maintenance, you May want to consider a freshwater aquarium to help you get started in the world to have tropical fish. In both cases, an aquarium certainly adds a touch of your personal character of a home or office.
Setting Up An Aquarium - A Guide To Starting A New Aquarium Or Fish Tank
The first decision you have to do in setting up your first aquarium, which is fish tank size you want. I recommend at least 10 gallons tank, although the greater will be easier for a beginner. Things at the bottom of the tank is called substrate. You probably want is gravel or sand. This is mostly a matter of what you think looks better. You'll need a filter. For a smaller tank I recommend a lock on the back type power filter. You'll also need a heater. The general rule is 5 watts per gallon, but can be a little more than you need if you're in a warmer climate.
The lighting that comes with your aquarium is enough unless you want to grow plants. Planted fish tanks are very nice, but can be difficult to take for a beginner. I recommend you start with one tank of fish, and miss planted tanks if you're interested in them.
Before filling your tank, you need to rinse your substrate, and dechlorination your water. Once done, the installation of the tank with the substrate, filter, heating and lights and let it run like that for about 24 hours to test for leaks or malfunction of equipment. Once that is done, you can start your tank cycling. This can be done either with fish, or you can make a fishless cycle. Fishless A cycle is done by adding an artificial source of ammonia in the tank to start the nitrogen cycle. Once you see the cycle is finished, you can slow the stock tank. A general guideline on how many fish you can keep is one inch of fish per gallon of water. Remember, referring to the full maturity of fish size, to plan the future.
The lighting that comes with your aquarium is enough unless you want to grow plants. Planted fish tanks are very nice, but can be difficult to take for a beginner. I recommend you start with one tank of fish, and miss planted tanks if you're interested in them.
Before filling your tank, you need to rinse your substrate, and dechlorination your water. Once done, the installation of the tank with the substrate, filter, heating and lights and let it run like that for about 24 hours to test for leaks or malfunction of equipment. Once that is done, you can start your tank cycling. This can be done either with fish, or you can make a fishless cycle. Fishless A cycle is done by adding an artificial source of ammonia in the tank to start the nitrogen cycle. Once you see the cycle is finished, you can slow the stock tank. A general guideline on how many fish you can keep is one inch of fish per gallon of water. Remember, referring to the full maturity of fish size, to plan the future.
Water Chemistry of the Aquariums
Betta fish is a better bet than pet goldfish. Most children have this experience with goldfish in a few days: Moby is found floating at the top of the cup, then gets a one-way visit to the toilet plumbing system. This rapid disappearance occurs because goldfish do not like to be kept in a bowl. However, Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, think the bowls are large homes.
In bowls of water is rapidly misconduct and a lack of oxygen, and that is where goldfish starts to fail, says Dave Taub. He owns Aquarium Contemporary Design Coral Springs, Florida But Betta fish are different, says Taub, who has been farming for 14 years. They have a lung as organ called a labyrinth that allows them to come to the surface and breathing. (Taub Betta fish known to be kept in everything from pickle jars candlesticks.)
But Betta fish are not lined Siamese fighting fish for their ability to combat water pollution - because they fight each other. In the wild, they live in rice cakes in the countries of the Far East, like Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia. They carve small territories and defend at all costs. You are a fish to murder if you add a Betta fish in a bowl containing already have one.
Betta fish are available in many stores pet $ 3 - $ 5. They are the size of a typical red fish, although their delicate fins to make them appear larger. They come in a kaleidoscope of color combos, including shades of blue, green and red. Not great swimmers, they are gently fan the contents of the water with graceful fins. Their diet consists of a combination of at least two of the following: live or frozen bloodworms, mosquito larvae frozen, dried brine shrimp for commercial food fish Betta. (These foods are available in many stores for pets.)
Fancy aquariums May be a reservoir of dreams, but without fanfare bowl fish are the new trend.
We're not talking goldfish, but Betta fish, otherwise known as the fight against the Siamese fish.
They come in deep jewel-tone colors, exotic showy fins and have to breathe the air off the top of the water, according to Garrett Young Golden Fish & Leash in Arlington. Bettas, like the goldfish, can exist in bowls or tanks without air pumps. With Bettas, however, familiarity breeds contempt. "You can only have one bowl by Betta," warned Kim Jetton Fish & Pets in Arlington. "They will fight each other until one of them dies."
Bettas can live serenely separate very long, some as long as six years. Most Bettas are made by their owners forget to add the chemical chlorine remover whenever the bowl of water is changed.
Filter Media is the method employed in a filter to clean the water of an aquarium. Several types of filter media are available, and each is considered with a particular type of system. Some of the different types of filtration media:
* Synthetic Wool - A wool cotton floss as positioned as the last layer arrangement in your filter to clean water. Because of its excellent structure, he choked until very quickly and is convenient to use as a first filter for automatic or organic colonization.
* Sponge - These conventional foam pads are cheap and easy to maintain. They are available by changing the grades to enable automatic or biological filtration. The sponges are also regularly used outdoors filters to separate different filter media.
* Carbon - This is a highly permeable material. It is effective only for a short time before the need for replacement. Carbon should be used in special circumstances such as the obligation to get rid of drugs, a new aquarium establishment of discoloration or water. It should be positioned as the last layer filter in your arrangement.
* Ceramics Rings - The measure almost half an inch long, ceramic rings mainly to the provision of automatic filtration. They act effectively as a filter to trap large particles and waste should be used in the first stage filtration.
* Fritted glass - At the same time as the common aquarium gravel can give successful mechanical and biological filtration, its application is limited due to its low surface contrast with the volume it occupies. Fritted glass, a gravel-like substance, is much more capable than others, it has a huge surface that allows massive colonies of bacteria to grow. Fritted glass must be placed after the crucial automatic filtration media.
In bowls of water is rapidly misconduct and a lack of oxygen, and that is where goldfish starts to fail, says Dave Taub. He owns Aquarium Contemporary Design Coral Springs, Florida But Betta fish are different, says Taub, who has been farming for 14 years. They have a lung as organ called a labyrinth that allows them to come to the surface and breathing. (Taub Betta fish known to be kept in everything from pickle jars candlesticks.)
But Betta fish are not lined Siamese fighting fish for their ability to combat water pollution - because they fight each other. In the wild, they live in rice cakes in the countries of the Far East, like Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia. They carve small territories and defend at all costs. You are a fish to murder if you add a Betta fish in a bowl containing already have one.
Betta fish are available in many stores pet $ 3 - $ 5. They are the size of a typical red fish, although their delicate fins to make them appear larger. They come in a kaleidoscope of color combos, including shades of blue, green and red. Not great swimmers, they are gently fan the contents of the water with graceful fins. Their diet consists of a combination of at least two of the following: live or frozen bloodworms, mosquito larvae frozen, dried brine shrimp for commercial food fish Betta. (These foods are available in many stores for pets.)
Fancy aquariums May be a reservoir of dreams, but without fanfare bowl fish are the new trend.
We're not talking goldfish, but Betta fish, otherwise known as the fight against the Siamese fish.
They come in deep jewel-tone colors, exotic showy fins and have to breathe the air off the top of the water, according to Garrett Young Golden Fish & Leash in Arlington. Bettas, like the goldfish, can exist in bowls or tanks without air pumps. With Bettas, however, familiarity breeds contempt. "You can only have one bowl by Betta," warned Kim Jetton Fish & Pets in Arlington. "They will fight each other until one of them dies."
Bettas can live serenely separate very long, some as long as six years. Most Bettas are made by their owners forget to add the chemical chlorine remover whenever the bowl of water is changed.
Filter Media is the method employed in a filter to clean the water of an aquarium. Several types of filter media are available, and each is considered with a particular type of system. Some of the different types of filtration media:
* Synthetic Wool - A wool cotton floss as positioned as the last layer arrangement in your filter to clean water. Because of its excellent structure, he choked until very quickly and is convenient to use as a first filter for automatic or organic colonization.
* Sponge - These conventional foam pads are cheap and easy to maintain. They are available by changing the grades to enable automatic or biological filtration. The sponges are also regularly used outdoors filters to separate different filter media.
* Carbon - This is a highly permeable material. It is effective only for a short time before the need for replacement. Carbon should be used in special circumstances such as the obligation to get rid of drugs, a new aquarium establishment of discoloration or water. It should be positioned as the last layer filter in your arrangement.
* Ceramics Rings - The measure almost half an inch long, ceramic rings mainly to the provision of automatic filtration. They act effectively as a filter to trap large particles and waste should be used in the first stage filtration.
* Fritted glass - At the same time as the common aquarium gravel can give successful mechanical and biological filtration, its application is limited due to its low surface contrast with the volume it occupies. Fritted glass, a gravel-like substance, is much more capable than others, it has a huge surface that allows massive colonies of bacteria to grow. Fritted glass must be placed after the crucial automatic filtration media.
The Secrets Of Breeding Discus As A Hobby
Discus breeding as a hobby has become so popular that the world debate keeping fish has become a multimillion dollar industry hard and aquariums is becoming the home of this exotic fish. For many farmers, to raise this as exotic fish hobby brings enormous satisfaction, especially when they manage to get discussions cute baby too. It is very gratifying to see that this early hobby raise the discussion to turn to be a life experience. Now what is special about keeping discussion as a hobby? Fish breeding is a challenge and find many aquarists that attractive. What Discus special as a pet is it unique beauty and social behavior.
It is quite a surprise to those who raise the discussion as a hobby to notice that after some discussion begin to show signs of connection to the environment outside the tank in which they reside in. You know discus breeding as a hobby need to spend time to attend to the welfare of fish (ie food, constantly monitoring the tank, lighting, etc.). It is said that the discussion owner recognize quickly enough and they can bring you as much as even eat from your hand. It was also noted by some discussion, any owner of livestock shows that the move around the room and even respond to TV noise.
Apart from their shy and generally peaceful aquarium inhabitants, discussions are susceptible to stress and disruption or lack of protection they enjoy quiet and close community with other colleagues fish of the same species. As an aquarist, May you need to pay attention in the cohabit discussion especially since they like and nearby communities living with other fish of the same species. It was also claimed by some aquarists that the maintenance of their association with other species such as Angelfish present pests or diseases and young characides tetras. It should be noted that the disc would be the first dominant side and followed by others if Aquarium water chemistry, food, lighting and other livestock conditions are met. Once you notice while the couple discus breeding, you must move the pair to another reservoir to allow them to raise the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
Those who took discus breeding as a hobby, it is important to discuss living conditions are constantly monitored. You should pay attention to lighting because too much light hot water above acceptable level and reduce the oxygen level. There is not much difference between the reproduction of the disk as a hobby or as a professional disc require the same amount of attention in respective of which side you belong.
It is quite a surprise to those who raise the discussion as a hobby to notice that after some discussion begin to show signs of connection to the environment outside the tank in which they reside in. You know discus breeding as a hobby need to spend time to attend to the welfare of fish (ie food, constantly monitoring the tank, lighting, etc.). It is said that the discussion owner recognize quickly enough and they can bring you as much as even eat from your hand. It was also noted by some discussion, any owner of livestock shows that the move around the room and even respond to TV noise.
Apart from their shy and generally peaceful aquarium inhabitants, discussions are susceptible to stress and disruption or lack of protection they enjoy quiet and close community with other colleagues fish of the same species. As an aquarist, May you need to pay attention in the cohabit discussion especially since they like and nearby communities living with other fish of the same species. It was also claimed by some aquarists that the maintenance of their association with other species such as Angelfish present pests or diseases and young characides tetras. It should be noted that the disc would be the first dominant side and followed by others if Aquarium water chemistry, food, lighting and other livestock conditions are met. Once you notice while the couple discus breeding, you must move the pair to another reservoir to allow them to raise the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
Those who took discus breeding as a hobby, it is important to discuss living conditions are constantly monitored. You should pay attention to lighting because too much light hot water above acceptable level and reduce the oxygen level. There is not much difference between the reproduction of the disk as a hobby or as a professional disc require the same amount of attention in respective of which side you belong.
Aquarium Fish Care- All About Start Up

Vermoeiend de wereldzeeën
Enkele van de meest recente wetenschappelijke studies van de wereldzeeën hebben aangetoond dat de uitputting van de vis is aan het stijgen. Dat lijkt misschien onmogelijk - de oceaan bijna geen vis. Door de toegenomen commerciële visserij ons visbestand is het leegvissen en zij heeft ernstige gevolgen voor onze oceanen als zij de natuurlijke orde. In sommige van deze gevallen zijn de daders zijn huisdieren voor de vishandel.
Hebt u zich ooit afgevraagd waar de vis uit de dierenwinkels vandaan? Met betrekking tot de zoetwatervissen ze over het algemeen een captive - gefokt voorraad en dat betekent dat ze aan de orde zijn gesteld en hebben gewoond in een door de mens gecreëerde milieu al hun leven en hebben zich aangepast aan hun situatie. Bijvoorbeeld alle soorten goud aquarium vissen.
In het geval van zoutwatervissen is dit niet het geval. Ze worden gevangen als baby's of als volwassenen op zee, in containers en vervolgens worden verscheept over de hele wereld in een kunstmatige omgeving. Hun water niet kan worden gehandhaafd in het proces lang genoeg voor ze om te overleven, zodat meer dan 50% van zoutwater vis die is gevangen zullen sterven voordat ze bij de dierenwinkel. Dit is nog voordat ze worden gekocht door mensen die wel eens een flauw idee over hoe deze te handhaven.
De kosten die betrokken zijn
Saltwater aquaria zijn een dure hobby, hoewel de technologieën, zoals filtratie en water circulatie systemen hebben steeds verbeterd in de afgelopen twaalf jaar of zo. Een van de dingen die mij beletten, van de aankoop van deze vissen is het geld. De kostprijs van een clown vissen in goede gezondheid kunt u weer een paar honderd dollar in vergelijking met de kosten van een goudvis, die ongeveer vijftien cent (US).
Als u van plan om deze weg niet vergeten dat zoutwatervissen behoefte aan een grote investering van uw tijd, geld en energie. Doe een perceel van persoonlijk onderzoek in wat nodig is voor het verzorgen van deze prachtige wezens. Zorg dat u de juiste voedsel, water chemie sets filters advertentie carter pompen, overloopkanalen chillers dozen en water om ervoor te zorgen dat hun omgeving wordt gedupliceerd in uw huis.
5 Top Ways to Care For Your Betta Fish
Betta fish are very popular type of fish. They are also known as Siamese fighting against the fish. Betta fish are straightforward enough to take care of what makes a great fish to have if you do not want to have a lot of maintenance.
One of the first things you do when you bring your Betta fish house is to become familiar with his movements and moods. This is important to let you know when something is wrong with your Betta fish.
Here are 5 great ways to make sure you take care of your Betta fish.
1. Make sure you keep your Betta in the cleanest water possible. You do not need a filtration system, however, you need to keep the water clean for your Betta fish does not get any fungal or bacterial infections. The best way to keep the water clean is to replace a third of the water every two or three days. Make sure you use aged water, water set for 24 hours to replace the old water.
2. Your Betta fish should do a lot of oxygen to ensure that the bowl you keep in your Betta has a large opening at the top. Also, make sure you keep your fish in a bowl large enough where it is not bumping the edges as it swims.
3. Make sure you keep the pH levels of your tank at exactly 7.0. If you do not know what the pH levels, you can get a test kit at your local store for pets.
4. Beware of fish jump! Your Betta fish jump and the last thing you want is on the ground. Make sure you cover your tank or a bowl and keep the water level at least two inches high.
5. Of course, the best way to take care of your Betta fish is to treat it as you would yourself. Feed during the food it needs, keep clean water and bowl, and if she gets sick, take it to the veterinarian.
One of the first things you do when you bring your Betta fish house is to become familiar with his movements and moods. This is important to let you know when something is wrong with your Betta fish.
Here are 5 great ways to make sure you take care of your Betta fish.
1. Make sure you keep your Betta in the cleanest water possible. You do not need a filtration system, however, you need to keep the water clean for your Betta fish does not get any fungal or bacterial infections. The best way to keep the water clean is to replace a third of the water every two or three days. Make sure you use aged water, water set for 24 hours to replace the old water.
2. Your Betta fish should do a lot of oxygen to ensure that the bowl you keep in your Betta has a large opening at the top. Also, make sure you keep your fish in a bowl large enough where it is not bumping the edges as it swims.
3. Make sure you keep the pH levels of your tank at exactly 7.0. If you do not know what the pH levels, you can get a test kit at your local store for pets.
4. Beware of fish jump! Your Betta fish jump and the last thing you want is on the ground. Make sure you cover your tank or a bowl and keep the water level at least two inches high.
5. Of course, the best way to take care of your Betta fish is to treat it as you would yourself. Feed during the food it needs, keep clean water and bowl, and if she gets sick, take it to the veterinarian.
Puffers - Freshwater, Brackish Or Marine?
he is right, most pumps die in the first months of captivity, is that fish can not store enormously to inform their clients about the requirements of their new fish. I saw many pumps mislabled or not labeled at all in tanks of fresh water, slowlly dying. The key is knowing what species you receive (even if your fish store does not tell you) and know what type of water they need.
It is a quick guide to determine which pumps fresh water, brackish and marine.
Freshwater pumps:
Auriglobus modestus; --- Bronze pump
Carinotetraodon borneensis; --- Bornean redeyed pump
Carinotetraodon irrubesco; --- Red Tail eyes pump
Carinotetraodon salivator; --- Striped eyes pump
Carinotetraodon travancoricus; --- Dwarf Puffer
Colomesus asellus; --- South America Puffer
Monotrete ABEI; --- Abeiez Puffer
Tetraodon baileyi; --- "Hairy" pump
Tetraodon barbatus
Tetraodon cochinchinensis; --- Crocs Puffer
Tetraodon cutcutia; --- Common Puffer
Tetraodon dubois; --- Dubois' Freshwater Puffer
Tetraodon lineatus; --- Fahaka pump
Tetraodon MBU; --- MBU Puffer
Tetraodon miurus; --- Congo Puffer
Tetraodon palembangensis; --- Palembang Puffer
Tetraodon pustulatus; --- Cross River Puffer
Tetraodon suvattii; --- Arrowhead Puffer
Tetraodon turgidus; --- Brown Puffer
Brackish pumps
Colomesus Psittacus; --- Banded Puffer
Tetraodon biocellatus; --- eight Puffer
Tetraodon erythrotaenia; --- red-striped Toadfish
Tetraodon fluviatilis; --- Ceylon Puffer
Tetraodon nigroviridis; --- Green Spotted Puffer
Tetraodon Sabahensis; --- giant spotted Puffer
Marine pumps
Arothron caerulopunctatus; --- Blue-spotted Puffer
Arothron diadematus; --- Masked Puffer
Arothron hispidus; --- White points pump
Arothron manilensis; --- closely bordered Puffer
Arothron mappa; pump Map ---
Arothron meleagris; --- Guineafowl Puffer
Arothron nigropunctatus; --- Dog-face Puffer
Arothron reticularis; --- Reticulated Puffer
Arothron stellatus; --- Star Toadfish
Canthigaster Bennett; --- Bennett's Sharpnose Puffer
Canthigaster coronata; --- Crowned Puffer
Canthigaster Papua; --- Toby Papuan
Canthigaster rostrata; --- Caribbean Sharpnose Puffer
Canthigaster solandri; --- Spotted Sharpnose
Canthigaster Valentini; --- saddled Puffer
Diodon holocanthus; --- Porcupine Puffer
Sphoeroides annulatus; --- Bullseye Puffer
Sphoeroides marmoratus; --- Guinea Puffer
Takifugu niphobles; --- Niphobles Puffer
Takifugu oblongus; --- Lattice Blaasop
Takifugu ocellatus; --- Fugu Puffer
Takifugu pardalis; --- Panther Puffer
Takifugu rubripes; --- Tiger Puffer
It is a quick guide to determine which pumps fresh water, brackish and marine.
Freshwater pumps:
Auriglobus modestus; --- Bronze pump
Carinotetraodon borneensis; --- Bornean redeyed pump
Carinotetraodon irrubesco; --- Red Tail eyes pump
Carinotetraodon salivator; --- Striped eyes pump
Carinotetraodon travancoricus; --- Dwarf Puffer
Colomesus asellus; --- South America Puffer
Monotrete ABEI; --- Abeiez Puffer
Tetraodon baileyi; --- "Hairy" pump
Tetraodon barbatus
Tetraodon cochinchinensis; --- Crocs Puffer
Tetraodon cutcutia; --- Common Puffer
Tetraodon dubois; --- Dubois' Freshwater Puffer
Tetraodon lineatus; --- Fahaka pump
Tetraodon MBU; --- MBU Puffer
Tetraodon miurus; --- Congo Puffer
Tetraodon palembangensis; --- Palembang Puffer
Tetraodon pustulatus; --- Cross River Puffer
Tetraodon suvattii; --- Arrowhead Puffer
Tetraodon turgidus; --- Brown Puffer
Brackish pumps
Colomesus Psittacus; --- Banded Puffer
Tetraodon biocellatus; --- eight Puffer
Tetraodon erythrotaenia; --- red-striped Toadfish
Tetraodon fluviatilis; --- Ceylon Puffer
Tetraodon nigroviridis; --- Green Spotted Puffer
Tetraodon Sabahensis; --- giant spotted Puffer
Marine pumps
Arothron caerulopunctatus; --- Blue-spotted Puffer
Arothron diadematus; --- Masked Puffer
Arothron hispidus; --- White points pump
Arothron manilensis; --- closely bordered Puffer
Arothron mappa; pump Map ---
Arothron meleagris; --- Guineafowl Puffer
Arothron nigropunctatus; --- Dog-face Puffer
Arothron reticularis; --- Reticulated Puffer
Arothron stellatus; --- Star Toadfish
Canthigaster Bennett; --- Bennett's Sharpnose Puffer
Canthigaster coronata; --- Crowned Puffer
Canthigaster Papua; --- Toby Papuan
Canthigaster rostrata; --- Caribbean Sharpnose Puffer
Canthigaster solandri; --- Spotted Sharpnose
Canthigaster Valentini; --- saddled Puffer
Diodon holocanthus; --- Porcupine Puffer
Sphoeroides annulatus; --- Bullseye Puffer
Sphoeroides marmoratus; --- Guinea Puffer
Takifugu niphobles; --- Niphobles Puffer
Takifugu oblongus; --- Lattice Blaasop
Takifugu ocellatus; --- Fugu Puffer
Takifugu pardalis; --- Panther Puffer
Takifugu rubripes; --- Tiger Puffer
Japanese Koi Fish Breeding
Koi are domesticated ornamental varieties of common carp Cyprinus carpio. They are not red, just very closely related to goldfish, and the style of breeding and ornamentation has become very similar, probably through the efforts of Japanese breeders to emulate goldfish.
If you travel to Japan and tell friends that you like koi, your friends can invite you to eat the dull gray fish inhabiting the waters of the islands as Japanese, the word simply means Koi "carp". If you say that you enjoy Koi, they May you and your camera to the pond in the garden. This article is about Nishikigoi, and uses the English word koi to refer to the color of the fish.
If a Chinese book of the Western Jin Dynasty mentions carp with different colors, breeding Koi is generally thought to have begun during the 19th century in the Niigata prefecture in Japan. Farmers who work the rice fields noticed that some carp were more brightly colored than others, they capture and breed them. This would invariably saved their lives as normally the color bright fish would be more likely eaten by birds and other predators.
By the 20th century, a number of modes of color has been put in place, including red and white Kohaku. The outside world did not realize the degree of development until 1914, when the Niigata Koi were exhibited in Tokyo. Some of them were also presented to Crown Prince Hirohito. At that time, interest in Koi exploded throughout Japan.
Nishikigoi have been called the fish of Japan. Today, Nishikigoi are high, not only in their place of origin, Niigata, but Japan, and are exported worldwide. Nishikigoi continue to gain popularity worldwide as the ultimate garden pond or fish.
As Nishikigoi have been developed in Japan, the language of Nishikigoi is Japanese. Japanese is used not only for the name of varieties, but also for many terms used to describe their traits and colors.
Koi varieties differ in color, design, and Scalata.
Kohaku are white koi with red marks. Probably the most common variety. The salvation must be deep red with well defined edges (KIWA), where he met the white must be pure and bright. A Tancho Kohaku is a white koi with a red dot on her head. Inazuma a Kohaku has a red mark from head to tail, but with variation (Inazuma means "thunderbolt"). A nidan (two) Kohaku has two red marks, a sandan (three) Kohaku three red marks and a Yondan (four) Kohaku has four red marks.
Sanke Taisho (known as sanke), salvation (red) and Sumi (black) on a white background. A maruten sanke has a red spot on the head with marks on the body. A Tancho sanke has a red dot on the head and a white body with black marks.
Showa Sanshoku (known as the Showa), red and white markings on a black background. A Showa salvation is essentially a red Showa. A kind Showa has a white ground. A Tancho Showa has a red dot on the head and a black body with white markings.
Bekko are white, red, yellow or black with koi (sumi) brands. Shiro bekko is a white koi with black marks. Aka bekko is a koi with red inscriptions in black (alias is another word for red). Ki is a koi bekko yellow with black marks (rare variety).
Utsurimono are often confused with bekko but are mostly black in white, red or yellow markings. Shiro is a koi Utsuri black with white markings. Utsuri salvation is black with red marks. Ki Utsuri is black with yellow markings (rare variety).
Asagi are blue-gray koi with red on the sides and belly and fins.
Koromo literally means "dress". This article describes the salvation, set in a darker color, which varies depending on the variety. Ai Goromo Kohaku which is a balance of blue borders. Sumi have Goromo black on the salvation of brands. Budo Goromo have sumi covering the salvation is a purple / brown.
Kawarimono welcomes all non-metallic koi that do not fall into the above groups:
Karasugoi is a black koi with white or orange belly. Hajiro is a black white koi with advice on the tail and pectoral fins. Hageshiro is a black koi with white tips to its fins and white head and nose. Kumonryu Doitsu is a koi that is black with white markings on the head, fins and body. Aka Matsuba is a red koi with black centers to its scales, creating a pine cone effect. Goshiki are white, red, black, blue and dark blue, which gives a purple. Kigoi is a yellow koi. Chagoi is a light brown / olive koi. Soragoi is a blue-gray koi. Midorigoi is a green koi. Benigoi is a deep red koi. Shiro Muji is a white koi, alias Muji is a red koi. Ochibi shigure is blue-gray-brown with a pattern.
The Hobby Koi keeping spread around the world following the dispatch of Koi became both fast and safe for fish. Koi are now sold in most pet shops, with better quality, available from fish to dealers.
If you travel to Japan and tell friends that you like koi, your friends can invite you to eat the dull gray fish inhabiting the waters of the islands as Japanese, the word simply means Koi "carp". If you say that you enjoy Koi, they May you and your camera to the pond in the garden. This article is about Nishikigoi, and uses the English word koi to refer to the color of the fish.
If a Chinese book of the Western Jin Dynasty mentions carp with different colors, breeding Koi is generally thought to have begun during the 19th century in the Niigata prefecture in Japan. Farmers who work the rice fields noticed that some carp were more brightly colored than others, they capture and breed them. This would invariably saved their lives as normally the color bright fish would be more likely eaten by birds and other predators.
By the 20th century, a number of modes of color has been put in place, including red and white Kohaku. The outside world did not realize the degree of development until 1914, when the Niigata Koi were exhibited in Tokyo. Some of them were also presented to Crown Prince Hirohito. At that time, interest in Koi exploded throughout Japan.
Nishikigoi have been called the fish of Japan. Today, Nishikigoi are high, not only in their place of origin, Niigata, but Japan, and are exported worldwide. Nishikigoi continue to gain popularity worldwide as the ultimate garden pond or fish.
As Nishikigoi have been developed in Japan, the language of Nishikigoi is Japanese. Japanese is used not only for the name of varieties, but also for many terms used to describe their traits and colors.
Koi varieties differ in color, design, and Scalata.
Kohaku are white koi with red marks. Probably the most common variety. The salvation must be deep red with well defined edges (KIWA), where he met the white must be pure and bright. A Tancho Kohaku is a white koi with a red dot on her head. Inazuma a Kohaku has a red mark from head to tail, but with variation (Inazuma means "thunderbolt"). A nidan (two) Kohaku has two red marks, a sandan (three) Kohaku three red marks and a Yondan (four) Kohaku has four red marks.
Sanke Taisho (known as sanke), salvation (red) and Sumi (black) on a white background. A maruten sanke has a red spot on the head with marks on the body. A Tancho sanke has a red dot on the head and a white body with black marks.
Showa Sanshoku (known as the Showa), red and white markings on a black background. A Showa salvation is essentially a red Showa. A kind Showa has a white ground. A Tancho Showa has a red dot on the head and a black body with white markings.
Bekko are white, red, yellow or black with koi (sumi) brands. Shiro bekko is a white koi with black marks. Aka bekko is a koi with red inscriptions in black (alias is another word for red). Ki is a koi bekko yellow with black marks (rare variety).
Utsurimono are often confused with bekko but are mostly black in white, red or yellow markings. Shiro is a koi Utsuri black with white markings. Utsuri salvation is black with red marks. Ki Utsuri is black with yellow markings (rare variety).
Asagi are blue-gray koi with red on the sides and belly and fins.
Koromo literally means "dress". This article describes the salvation, set in a darker color, which varies depending on the variety. Ai Goromo Kohaku which is a balance of blue borders. Sumi have Goromo black on the salvation of brands. Budo Goromo have sumi covering the salvation is a purple / brown.
Kawarimono welcomes all non-metallic koi that do not fall into the above groups:
Karasugoi is a black koi with white or orange belly. Hajiro is a black white koi with advice on the tail and pectoral fins. Hageshiro is a black koi with white tips to its fins and white head and nose. Kumonryu Doitsu is a koi that is black with white markings on the head, fins and body. Aka Matsuba is a red koi with black centers to its scales, creating a pine cone effect. Goshiki are white, red, black, blue and dark blue, which gives a purple. Kigoi is a yellow koi. Chagoi is a light brown / olive koi. Soragoi is a blue-gray koi. Midorigoi is a green koi. Benigoi is a deep red koi. Shiro Muji is a white koi, alias Muji is a red koi. Ochibi shigure is blue-gray-brown with a pattern.
The Hobby Koi keeping spread around the world following the dispatch of Koi became both fast and safe for fish. Koi are now sold in most pet shops, with better quality, available from fish to dealers.
How to Prevent Betta Fish Fin Rot

The first thing you should know is that end rot is a bacterial infection that occurs when a tear behind late in the gravel. The tail is the most common for that to happen. Your Betta fins of the rest on the tank or the floor and absorb bad bacteria.
The simple solution for this is that both clean water and gravel. A trick you can do so is toys like caves, silk plants, snail shells, or other things that your Betta can rely on. Bettas like the rest of the way is an excellent way to ensure that their stay in the gravel.
Thus, on the gravel and water cleaning. Use a turkey Baster gravel to eliminate foam. Do it as often as you think. Regarding water, change it every one to two days and add a little salt water aquarium in less hospitable to bacteria.
You can use drugs to end rot, but these drugs can often have side effects that could make things even more. That is why we recommend using fresh water and salt as your first line of defense against decay end.
Tropical Fish Tanks

People are more attracted to the maintenance of such tanks because tropical fish are beautiful and bright in color and is for cold water fish freshwater group. It is also very easy to take care of all tropical fish. There are some advantages and disadvantages of maintaining them. The current fish tanks create an artistic appeal to the house where one can design their own tank and ecosystems. They are also easy to maintain, they are less expensive than fish feed is not expensive. Keep it may be useful for education learning experience. Through this we can learn about the biology of fish and the ecosystem where fish persists. Fish can be left alone for short trips or weekends because it is easy to address.
Some drawbacks of tropical fish are dying very easily if some difficulty with the tropical aquarium. But tropical fish require much care as a factory in this case, water should be replaced with clean water from time to time. To maintain keep tropical fish tank needed to do research work before, because without research, it may be embarrassing. The investment is necessary for tropical fish need a few accessories to keep the tank.
Some points should be covered in order to maintain a tropical aquarium at home, the fish must be fed properly and water should be well ventilated and a virgin. In addition, the baby fish should be maintained properly if the big fish to reproduce.
Some of the importance of tropical fish are guppy, swordtail Green Platy and many others.
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