Creating the perfect water conditions for a freshwater aquarium deals with much more than filling your tank with regular tap water. It is crucial to creating and maintaining a delicate balance, provides the ideal environment for your fish.
In their natural environment, fish are exposed to a natural cycle, where the water is naturally filtered and waste are swept away. In contrast, fish in an aquarium remain in contact with these wastes, until they are removed. It is the responsibility of the fish owners to eliminate this waste, maintaining a clean aquarium.
Maintaining a clean and healthy water aquarium includes pH, hardness, and oxygen content. A fish owners need all these to the live fish in the aquarium healthy.
The pH scale measures acidity in water and ranges from 0 to 14 A pH of 7 is neutral, 1 is very acidic, and 14 is very alkaline. The beginner's aquarium should have a pH of 6.5 to 7 Test kits are very easy to use and are available in most pet stores. The pH of a tank should be monitored every week or so to see changes, as any drastic change will affect the fish.
Water hardness:
Water hardness generally refers to the amount of salt in water. Water with high concentrations of salts is referred to as "hard" and vice versa, low in salt water is known as "soft." The extent of the hardness ranges from 0 to over 30, with 4-8 represented soft water and 18-30 relate to hard water. Most freshwater fish do well in water 3 to 14 degrees of hardness. Kits can be used to the hardness, when most water is usually in the order, unless the local tap water is extremely hard or soft.
Oxygen Content:
Although many filters provide ventilation, or a new supply of oxygen to the aquarium, that's a good idea to also have an air pump in the tank, so good. A rich supply of oxygen is always a good idea to have in the tank. There are two basic air pumps: diaphragm and piston. The membrane is much more common and usually a maintenance-free ventilation for the tank owners. The pump is powerful and ideal for larger aquariums. A airstone is a porous stone, with the air and penetrate into the tank. The air hose attaches the pump to airstone and is a simple plastic tube. It is of crucial importance to ensure that the hose is manufactured for use in an aquarium, so that is guaranteed, as a non-toxic.
These three things, pH balance, hardness, and oxygen content, are important for creating the ideal environment for your freshwater fish. They are relatively easy to monitor and manipulate, and often will ensure the health of your freshwater fish.
Breeding for Beginners
Probably the most gratifying thing about tropical fish is keeping watch young fish grow from birth to adulthood. You can take immense pride in this respect, but is particularly true for species more difficult to reproduce. However, beginners should be wary of jumping into the deep end (so to speak).
Mollies guppies, Swordtails and Platys are fantastic for beginners fish to reproduce. They are all live bearer types of fish, ie fish are born alive and can swim from the beginning. These fish come in a wide variety of colors and patterns and are perfect for beginners breeders to hone their newly acquired skills
Probably the most important point about breeding tropical fish that bear live young is to keep the baby fish, called fry, away from the rest of your community tank. Fish adults to consider fry foods be fantastic, "keep them apart from the outset." If you do not have your breeding efforts will be in vain. In fact, even the father and mother feed their own young as food.
The best way to avoid this fate is to use a reservoir separate breeding with lots of foliage and plants for the FRY to hide in. Once the mother gave birth, she must be returned to the main tank quickly, so that young fry can increase security in the incubator tank.
The temperature of the water and reservoirs are both very large when it comes to packaging of tropical fish. Each race has a better fish reproduction different temperatures, so that firstly determined. The fish is packaged to race when the water temperature for signals it is breeding season. If you hold the optimum temperature, fish are more likely to recur. Typically, large tanks tend to produce a greater number of fry in a birth as well.
Food is also an important factor in packaging, try to find out who is the favorite dish is your type of fish. However, it is not always possible to obtain "specialist food," today a well-balanced diet can easily be provided in the form of flakes of high quality or other foods. Bloodworms, frozen or live are excellent for the packaging of most fish.
The joy you get from farmed fish will be all the more if you follow these basic rules.
Mollies guppies, Swordtails and Platys are fantastic for beginners fish to reproduce. They are all live bearer types of fish, ie fish are born alive and can swim from the beginning. These fish come in a wide variety of colors and patterns and are perfect for beginners breeders to hone their newly acquired skills
Probably the most important point about breeding tropical fish that bear live young is to keep the baby fish, called fry, away from the rest of your community tank. Fish adults to consider fry foods be fantastic, "keep them apart from the outset." If you do not have your breeding efforts will be in vain. In fact, even the father and mother feed their own young as food.
The best way to avoid this fate is to use a reservoir separate breeding with lots of foliage and plants for the FRY to hide in. Once the mother gave birth, she must be returned to the main tank quickly, so that young fry can increase security in the incubator tank.
The temperature of the water and reservoirs are both very large when it comes to packaging of tropical fish. Each race has a better fish reproduction different temperatures, so that firstly determined. The fish is packaged to race when the water temperature for signals it is breeding season. If you hold the optimum temperature, fish are more likely to recur. Typically, large tanks tend to produce a greater number of fry in a birth as well.
Food is also an important factor in packaging, try to find out who is the favorite dish is your type of fish. However, it is not always possible to obtain "specialist food," today a well-balanced diet can easily be provided in the form of flakes of high quality or other foods. Bloodworms, frozen or live are excellent for the packaging of most fish.
The joy you get from farmed fish will be all the more if you follow these basic rules.
What Makes Fish Healthy In Aquarium?
Many fish diseases can be prevented by keeping your fish healthy in the first place, but one of the main factors that may have an adverse effect on the immune system of fish is stress. Stress is responsible or associated with, many dead fish and more is a common problem that many believe aquarist. Stress can be caused by many factors in the aquarium, and they are listed below.
The causes and signs of stress
Obviously the factors that may cause stress to the aquarium fish, such as aggression to other fish and overcrowding, but there are also invisible causes such as poor water quality or bad water. To check for signs of stress using a test kit to give a clear idea of how the system is running. Second, use your eyes to see indications of rapid movement of gills, reluctance to feed and a change of behaviour.
The treatment of stress
Some contain conditioners Aloe vera water or herbal extracts and were presented to reduce stress, especially when you are introducing or transporting fish, but normally the cause of stress must be removed if the fish is to recover.
Avoid stress
Search correctly species that you are keeping check and possibly their size and long-term compatibility. If you keep freshwater species with hard-water species, for example, one or none of these species will be really happy in the long term, causing stress.
In seemingly minor factors, such as having the light on too long, vibrations of loud music or not hiding places and pensions, can stress many species.
When you are satisfied that stress is not a factor in your tank, you can focus on long-term health of your fish. A healthy eating fish aquarium can do wonders for their health and well-fed fish can naturally fight against many diseases. So, be sure to follow the advice below when you're feeding your fish.
* Feed brand foods manufactured by reputable companies. Take the time to research so that you know you're feeding the type of foods, like seaweed wafers for eating algae, for example.
* Feed few small fish and often because they quickly metabolisms
* Food large fish larger meals less frequently
* Keep fresh food and to the extent possible, do not buy dry foods in bulk, because it has already lost much of their nutritional value.
* Remove any uneaten food immediately, as it disintegrates and affect water quality.
* To provide a varied diet of fresh, frozen and dry food for your fish as far as possible, as this will be of interest for fish and the optimal nutrition.
The water quality
Provide a good water for fish is vital and essential for their long-term health, so do not forget to observe the following rules
* Choose a size that will filter enough for the future growth of your fish.
* Never wash biological filter media under the tap, because all the good bacteria will be lost and toxic ammonia increase.
* Choose regime maintenance, as the amendment of 25 per cent of the water tank twice a week, and stick to it.
* Providing the right type of water for fish such as freshwater species from South America.
Fish Stocking
Poor storage can affect your fish and affect their health in the long term, to consider the following points when you choose your fish.
* Only buy fish that you are sure you can adequately house. Some fish growth are enormous, and it may be easy to underestimate when you purchase.
* Do not fish stock sharply. It is tempting to try to create a display screen with as many fish as possible, but it can cause stunted growth, infestations of parasites, deprivation of oxygen and a very heavy burden on your filter.
* Keep shoaling fish in groups and keep fish isolation of their own.
* To provide the right lighting conditions for fish at any time - some are sensitive or not accustomed to bright light and this can cause stress.
* Stock slowly compatible with fish from the outset. Do not keep the predators prey with fish, even if you buy when they are small.
The causes and signs of stress
Obviously the factors that may cause stress to the aquarium fish, such as aggression to other fish and overcrowding, but there are also invisible causes such as poor water quality or bad water. To check for signs of stress using a test kit to give a clear idea of how the system is running. Second, use your eyes to see indications of rapid movement of gills, reluctance to feed and a change of behaviour.
The treatment of stress
Some contain conditioners Aloe vera water or herbal extracts and were presented to reduce stress, especially when you are introducing or transporting fish, but normally the cause of stress must be removed if the fish is to recover.
Avoid stress
Search correctly species that you are keeping check and possibly their size and long-term compatibility. If you keep freshwater species with hard-water species, for example, one or none of these species will be really happy in the long term, causing stress.
In seemingly minor factors, such as having the light on too long, vibrations of loud music or not hiding places and pensions, can stress many species.
When you are satisfied that stress is not a factor in your tank, you can focus on long-term health of your fish. A healthy eating fish aquarium can do wonders for their health and well-fed fish can naturally fight against many diseases. So, be sure to follow the advice below when you're feeding your fish.
* Feed brand foods manufactured by reputable companies. Take the time to research so that you know you're feeding the type of foods, like seaweed wafers for eating algae, for example.
* Feed few small fish and often because they quickly metabolisms
* Food large fish larger meals less frequently
* Keep fresh food and to the extent possible, do not buy dry foods in bulk, because it has already lost much of their nutritional value.
* Remove any uneaten food immediately, as it disintegrates and affect water quality.
* To provide a varied diet of fresh, frozen and dry food for your fish as far as possible, as this will be of interest for fish and the optimal nutrition.
The water quality
Provide a good water for fish is vital and essential for their long-term health, so do not forget to observe the following rules
* Choose a size that will filter enough for the future growth of your fish.
* Never wash biological filter media under the tap, because all the good bacteria will be lost and toxic ammonia increase.
* Choose regime maintenance, as the amendment of 25 per cent of the water tank twice a week, and stick to it.
* Providing the right type of water for fish such as freshwater species from South America.
Fish Stocking
Poor storage can affect your fish and affect their health in the long term, to consider the following points when you choose your fish.
* Only buy fish that you are sure you can adequately house. Some fish growth are enormous, and it may be easy to underestimate when you purchase.
* Do not fish stock sharply. It is tempting to try to create a display screen with as many fish as possible, but it can cause stunted growth, infestations of parasites, deprivation of oxygen and a very heavy burden on your filter.
* Keep shoaling fish in groups and keep fish isolation of their own.
* To provide the right lighting conditions for fish at any time - some are sensitive or not accustomed to bright light and this can cause stress.
* Stock slowly compatible with fish from the outset. Do not keep the predators prey with fish, even if you buy when they are small.
Setting Up a Freshwater Fish Tank
Das Hinzufügen eines Süßwasser-Aquarium zu Ihnen nach Hause kann eine großartige Möglichkeit, um einen dekorativen Anlaufstelle ist, dass Spaß für jedermann. Und da Heim-Aquarien werden immer beliebter gibt es keinen Mangel an Geschäften Fisch liefert die neuesten und größten Tanks, Zubehör und natürlich Fisch. Die gute Nachricht ist, dass die meisten dieser Fische Geschäfte befinden sich im Besitz von Personen, wie ihre große Begeisterung für alle Dinge Fische mit ihren Kunden.
Wenn Sie sich entscheiden möchten Sie genießen ein Süßwasser-Aquarium gibt es ein paar Dinge müssen Sie beachten. Wo möchten Sie die neuen Aquarium und welche Größe passt am besten in der Gegend benannt. Aquarien gibt es in verschiedenen Formen und Größen, so ist es am besten an Ihren örtlichen Fisch-Shop um ein gutes Gefühl für das, was verfügbar ist, um an Ihre Bedürfnisse anzupassen. Achten Sie darauf, Fragen zu stellen über das, was Sie suchen und die Mitarbeiter-Shop können Sie zeigen in die richtige Richtung.
Wie Sie entscheiden über die Art und Größe der Behälter müssen Sie auch das Nachdenken über die Art des Fisches Sie behalten möchten. Dies ist, wo die Erforschung der verschiedenen Arten von Fisch ist ein Muss. Sie können nicht einfach nur herausgreifen die Fische euch am besten gefällt, in den Laden und mischen sie zusammen al. Wenn Sie eine Community-Tank, das ist ein Tank mit vielen verschiedenen Arten von Fischen in ihm, dann müssen Sie über das Fischen gut zurecht mit anderen. Wenn Sie sich mehr um ein Cichlid Tank dann müssen Sie vorsichtig sein, da die meisten Buntbarsche sind aggressiv gegenüber anderen Fischen.
Sobald Sie Ihr neues Süßwasser-Aquarium, es ist an der Zeit, dass es einrichten zu können. Während die meisten Menschen haben nicht die Geduld das Beste, was zu tun ist, füllen Sie Tank mit Wasser, das Sie dekorative Kies, Steinen, Pflanzen und alles andere, dass die Fangmengen Ihre Augen und lassen Sie es sich für ein paar Wochen. Seien Sie sicher, dass alle Ihre Filtrations-und Luft-Lieferungen läuft während dieser Zeit. Der Grund ist es wichtig, dies zu tun ist, damit alle zerstreuen Chlor aus dem Wasser und holen Sie sich die positiven Bakterien eine Chance, um sich zu entwickeln.
Wenn Sie Fische in einem Tank, hat Zeit, sich etabliert werden Sie am Ende mit neuen Tank-Syndrom, das kann extrem schädlich für alle Arten von Fisch und dazu führen, dass sie zu sterben. Diese Bakterien ist die wichtigste Fisch Entsorgung Ressource. Ohne sie giftig Ebenen von Ammoniak und anderen Abgasen wird aufbauen rasch im Wasser. Giving der Bakterien eine Chance zu Zyklus wird ein Fisch freundliche Umgebung, schützt Ihre Einkäufe.
Ein Süßwasser-Aquarium nimmt einiges an Arbeit, sowohl der Einrichtung und Unterhaltung. Aber die Chancen, die mit dem sein Blick in Ihrem Hause sind mehr als gelohnt.
Wenn Sie sich entscheiden möchten Sie genießen ein Süßwasser-Aquarium gibt es ein paar Dinge müssen Sie beachten. Wo möchten Sie die neuen Aquarium und welche Größe passt am besten in der Gegend benannt. Aquarien gibt es in verschiedenen Formen und Größen, so ist es am besten an Ihren örtlichen Fisch-Shop um ein gutes Gefühl für das, was verfügbar ist, um an Ihre Bedürfnisse anzupassen. Achten Sie darauf, Fragen zu stellen über das, was Sie suchen und die Mitarbeiter-Shop können Sie zeigen in die richtige Richtung.
Wie Sie entscheiden über die Art und Größe der Behälter müssen Sie auch das Nachdenken über die Art des Fisches Sie behalten möchten. Dies ist, wo die Erforschung der verschiedenen Arten von Fisch ist ein Muss. Sie können nicht einfach nur herausgreifen die Fische euch am besten gefällt, in den Laden und mischen sie zusammen al. Wenn Sie eine Community-Tank, das ist ein Tank mit vielen verschiedenen Arten von Fischen in ihm, dann müssen Sie über das Fischen gut zurecht mit anderen. Wenn Sie sich mehr um ein Cichlid Tank dann müssen Sie vorsichtig sein, da die meisten Buntbarsche sind aggressiv gegenüber anderen Fischen.
Sobald Sie Ihr neues Süßwasser-Aquarium, es ist an der Zeit, dass es einrichten zu können. Während die meisten Menschen haben nicht die Geduld das Beste, was zu tun ist, füllen Sie Tank mit Wasser, das Sie dekorative Kies, Steinen, Pflanzen und alles andere, dass die Fangmengen Ihre Augen und lassen Sie es sich für ein paar Wochen. Seien Sie sicher, dass alle Ihre Filtrations-und Luft-Lieferungen läuft während dieser Zeit. Der Grund ist es wichtig, dies zu tun ist, damit alle zerstreuen Chlor aus dem Wasser und holen Sie sich die positiven Bakterien eine Chance, um sich zu entwickeln.
Wenn Sie Fische in einem Tank, hat Zeit, sich etabliert werden Sie am Ende mit neuen Tank-Syndrom, das kann extrem schädlich für alle Arten von Fisch und dazu führen, dass sie zu sterben. Diese Bakterien ist die wichtigste Fisch Entsorgung Ressource. Ohne sie giftig Ebenen von Ammoniak und anderen Abgasen wird aufbauen rasch im Wasser. Giving der Bakterien eine Chance zu Zyklus wird ein Fisch freundliche Umgebung, schützt Ihre Einkäufe.
Ein Süßwasser-Aquarium nimmt einiges an Arbeit, sowohl der Einrichtung und Unterhaltung. Aber die Chancen, die mit dem sein Blick in Ihrem Hause sind mehr als gelohnt.
Aquarium Water Changing Tips And Guide

It is advisable to replace about 25 percent of the aquarium water per week, as this should help to maintain low nitrates. If you use tap water for the changes, test to make sure that the pH and hardness are grateful for your fish. Also check that the level of nitrate in tap water is sufficiently low. If nitrate is reading at 40 parts per million (ppm) or more, it could actually contribute to an increased level of nitrate in the main tank, and if so, you should consider to find other sources or water purifiers. If you have any doubt about the ability of your tap water, consult your local authority.
Tips: The most effective way to maintain a clean tank is combined with water filter change maintenance, wiping algae and gravel vacuuming.
Set aside some clean buckets and tubes siphon especially for water changes and not use them for other purposes, such as washing the car. If you use large containers to store water, check that they are made from food-grade plastic, because some plastics May sure your fish to die if the leaching of chemicals into the water. Keep water stored in the dark to stop the proliferation of algae and posing an air stone into it to keep it fresh. If you use water by reverse osmosis, air a stone placed in it can help to maintain the pH stable. If left too long without ventilation, May become very acidic
Tip: A natural source of the tank water is rainwater. It is naturally soft and devoid of minerals, but should be filtered through carbon to remove all traces of pollutants. If you receive stormwater runoff from a roof, make sure the roof is made from a cleaning appropriate, inert material.
Dos water in the tank and Don'ts
Take note of the following items to help you avoid problems in your water-changing routine. Poor water changes May do more harm than good.
* If you use purified water with chlorine and minerals removed, first add an addendum mineral essential to replace electrolytes, and then bring water to the appropriate temperature using a heater / thermostat and thermometer
* If you use tap water to bring the water up to the appropriate temperature using hot water from a kettle or using a heating alternative. Use a thermometer to check temperature is the same as that in the main aquarium.
* If you prepare the water for a reef aquarium, use only hot water to free copper. For this reason, the hot water tap if generally regarded as dangerous.
* Always dechlorinate the water before adding it to the main aquarium. The untreated water may kill beneficial bacteria on all surfaces, such as gravel and decorations, as well as in the filter.
Do not
* Add water that is too cold. It May source of stress and give your fish an outbreak of white spot.
* Add water that is too hot. It will have an impact on levels of oxygen in the tank and filter May kill bacteria.
Have You Got Aquarium Problems?
Like your aquarium. It is a beautiful site. You've spent a lot of time and money on him and the last thing you want is to lose that investment. That is why I am writing this article. There is an aquarium a few problems, you need to understand in order to maintain a healthy environment. If you know about these common problems aquarium and attack the beginning you'll be a very happy and enjoy your aquarium for many years to come. Here is a bed of those who are most common aquarium problems:
1. A lot o 'Snails
2. Nasty laid algae
3. Too much for dinner
4. Elevated levels of chemical
Let me explain the news ...
Aquarium Problem # 1 - lots o 'Snails
Since snails race as smallpox, you will notice over time many of them live in your tank. These crazy little critters can fertilize their own eggs and even procreate with themselves. This strange behaviour which makes them appear seemingly overnight. Do not be fooled some snails are good. They do keep some distance aquarium problems. They act as little empty pool eating all the dead and decaying things drag - yum. So how do you control the hoards approach? Simple - add loaches, in your tank. They eat the little guy and maintain their population regulated.
Aquarium Problem # 2 - Nasty Ugly Algae
I know you do not like it. It's a bit creepy aquarium problem that lurks and they laugh whenever you try to get rid of it. There are silt-brown algae blue-green algae, brown algae, green water and seaweed hair. All also detestable. Knowing the cause of these algae will help you decide on the proper remedy. This thin brown algae is caused by a lack of ammonia in water. The blue-green things is the result of water trouble. And, water and green hair algae are directly related to an excess of nitrates and nitrites.
Aquarium Problem # 3 - Too Much for dinner
Never heard the expression "He eats like a fish"? Well, why we say that because the fish do not know when to say when. Dump containing all the food in water and fish to eat and eat and eat. This could kill small darlings. Moreover, overeating fish can lead to an imbalance in nutrients in the reservoir. All the food that their lack eventually sink to the bottom of the tank and settle into the gravel to make a real state of disarray. This has led to water and trouble you guessed blue-green algae - yes, the circle of life!
Aquarium Problem # 4 - elevated chemical levels
This occurs most often when you get your new tank. Known as "new tank syndrome" you begin to see fish die mysteriously while you adjust the levels of ammonia and nitrite in the tank. A simple cure for this stock east of the tank slowly and give it time to s adapt to change. You can also try something like Algone to treat the water. Algone is used to correct imbalances in nutrients and clear water cloudy.
So, basically, in a word, avoid many problems simply keep aquarium with regular maintenance. Do not put your aquarium in the corner and forgotten. It regularly takes care to avoid these problems basic aquarium.
1. A lot o 'Snails
2. Nasty laid algae
3. Too much for dinner
4. Elevated levels of chemical
Let me explain the news ...
Aquarium Problem # 1 - lots o 'Snails
Since snails race as smallpox, you will notice over time many of them live in your tank. These crazy little critters can fertilize their own eggs and even procreate with themselves. This strange behaviour which makes them appear seemingly overnight. Do not be fooled some snails are good. They do keep some distance aquarium problems. They act as little empty pool eating all the dead and decaying things drag - yum. So how do you control the hoards approach? Simple - add loaches, in your tank. They eat the little guy and maintain their population regulated.
Aquarium Problem # 2 - Nasty Ugly Algae
I know you do not like it. It's a bit creepy aquarium problem that lurks and they laugh whenever you try to get rid of it. There are silt-brown algae blue-green algae, brown algae, green water and seaweed hair. All also detestable. Knowing the cause of these algae will help you decide on the proper remedy. This thin brown algae is caused by a lack of ammonia in water. The blue-green things is the result of water trouble. And, water and green hair algae are directly related to an excess of nitrates and nitrites.
Aquarium Problem # 3 - Too Much for dinner
Never heard the expression "He eats like a fish"? Well, why we say that because the fish do not know when to say when. Dump containing all the food in water and fish to eat and eat and eat. This could kill small darlings. Moreover, overeating fish can lead to an imbalance in nutrients in the reservoir. All the food that their lack eventually sink to the bottom of the tank and settle into the gravel to make a real state of disarray. This has led to water and trouble you guessed blue-green algae - yes, the circle of life!
Aquarium Problem # 4 - elevated chemical levels
This occurs most often when you get your new tank. Known as "new tank syndrome" you begin to see fish die mysteriously while you adjust the levels of ammonia and nitrite in the tank. A simple cure for this stock east of the tank slowly and give it time to s adapt to change. You can also try something like Algone to treat the water. Algone is used to correct imbalances in nutrients and clear water cloudy.
So, basically, in a word, avoid many problems simply keep aquarium with regular maintenance. Do not put your aquarium in the corner and forgotten. It regularly takes care to avoid these problems basic aquarium.
Fish for Beginners
While requiring a good level of commitment and maintenance, freshwater aquariums, a big hobby for potential pet owners. While fish care can be very detailed and complex, there are some useful tips for beginners, to the maximum benefit from an aquarium, preserving the health and longevity of the fish.
There are two basic types of freshwater aquariums: Community tanks tanks and species.
Species tanks contain a type of species and is often used for a species that requires special conditions tank. This type of tank is not recommended for beginners.
The other type, community tanks, it is recommended for beginners because there are several species of fish, live together peacefully in an environment. This is not just a better situation for viewing several species of fish, but in general, the tank is easier to take care of, because all of the fish should require similar, "typical" tank conditions.
The selection of compatible fish for your community freshwater tank is of crucial importance for the promotion of health and general well-being of your fish. For beginners, there are many types to choose from, and a good general rule is the mixing of three basic types of fish - topwater, midwater and bottom. By choosing fish from each of these types, you are again, which of course.
Topwater fish:
Topwater fish spend most of their time in the upper levels of the tank. A few easy to maintain species that are good for beginners are: Guppy, Black Molly, Zebra Danio and Siamese fighting fish (only one male per tank).
Midwater fish:
Midwater fish spend most of their time in the middle levels of the tanks, and most of these fish are best suited, in groups of at least 5 or 6 Some midwater fish, good for beginners: neon tetra, Angel Fish, Blue Fish and thread.
Bottom fish:
Bottom fish spend most of their time at the bottom of the tanks, which normally tank cleaner. They eat algae and can help your tank clean. A few bottom fish are good for beginners: Red-tailed Shark, Corydoras Catfish and Plecostomus.
In addition to mixing of the three basic types, there are some other general useful tips. Schooling fish, for example, should be kept in groups of at least 5 or 6, and aggressive fish should be avoided for beginners. Fish with special water condition is necessary to be avoided by beginners or those who are community tanks.
A little should be examined before they become a pet shop. It is important to know which species are compatible with your aquarium.
There are two basic types of freshwater aquariums: Community tanks tanks and species.
Species tanks contain a type of species and is often used for a species that requires special conditions tank. This type of tank is not recommended for beginners.
The other type, community tanks, it is recommended for beginners because there are several species of fish, live together peacefully in an environment. This is not just a better situation for viewing several species of fish, but in general, the tank is easier to take care of, because all of the fish should require similar, "typical" tank conditions.
The selection of compatible fish for your community freshwater tank is of crucial importance for the promotion of health and general well-being of your fish. For beginners, there are many types to choose from, and a good general rule is the mixing of three basic types of fish - topwater, midwater and bottom. By choosing fish from each of these types, you are again, which of course.
Topwater fish:
Topwater fish spend most of their time in the upper levels of the tank. A few easy to maintain species that are good for beginners are: Guppy, Black Molly, Zebra Danio and Siamese fighting fish (only one male per tank).
Midwater fish:
Midwater fish spend most of their time in the middle levels of the tanks, and most of these fish are best suited, in groups of at least 5 or 6 Some midwater fish, good for beginners: neon tetra, Angel Fish, Blue Fish and thread.
Bottom fish:
Bottom fish spend most of their time at the bottom of the tanks, which normally tank cleaner. They eat algae and can help your tank clean. A few bottom fish are good for beginners: Red-tailed Shark, Corydoras Catfish and Plecostomus.
In addition to mixing of the three basic types, there are some other general useful tips. Schooling fish, for example, should be kept in groups of at least 5 or 6, and aggressive fish should be avoided for beginners. Fish with special water condition is necessary to be avoided by beginners or those who are community tanks.
A little should be examined before they become a pet shop. It is important to know which species are compatible with your aquarium.
How Much Should You Feed Your Pet Fish?
When your feeding your fish the most important thing is not having much of it sitting on your substrate at the end of a session of food. If, in your case you have floating around food and sitting on your substrate, and fish are not eating more, then you are much to food. One of the easiest things to change when feeding your pet fish aquarium is to ensure that food is similar to the size of your pet fish mouth. For example, if you have small fish like guppies, platys, mollies, neon lights of all kinds, fish along these dimensions, it does not make sense to feed a snowflake the size of a quarter Does it now.
So if you fish along these formats is that your snowflake should be the size of a dime or so. Once you get past the first hurdle, which is the size of your diet should be, then comes the next hurdle of how long you have to feed them for food at a session. How can I judge it is I see the amount of food fish can eat without it hitting the substrate. So if you eat your fish and food is just reaching the substrate then immediately get your eating in good shape. After I do this little test of its proximity to the substrate food can fall before eating so I'll wait about 30 seconds before adding more food. This is so the fish can get what in their mouth already, where more food into the water they can eat all before it falls into the substrate where if not eaten, pollute water in the tank.
So if you fish along these formats is that your snowflake should be the size of a dime or so. Once you get past the first hurdle, which is the size of your diet should be, then comes the next hurdle of how long you have to feed them for food at a session. How can I judge it is I see the amount of food fish can eat without it hitting the substrate. So if you eat your fish and food is just reaching the substrate then immediately get your eating in good shape. After I do this little test of its proximity to the substrate food can fall before eating so I'll wait about 30 seconds before adding more food. This is so the fish can get what in their mouth already, where more food into the water they can eat all before it falls into the substrate where if not eaten, pollute water in the tank.
Common Goldfish Diseases - Symptoms and Treatment
Early diagnosis of the disease is an important part of total care goldfish. If you can not easily diagnose a sick goldfish see your veterinarian or pet.
Fish living by absorbing oxygen and release carbon dioxide as a waste. The plants under the influence of daylight do the opposite of what is a poison for Life gives to another. Thus adding plants to your aquarium will help keep your goldfish in good health and disease.
Prevention is always easier than cure, therefore keeping your own aquarium, feeding your fish, avoiding the wide temperature fluctuations and achieve partial water changes as necessary, you go a long way to keep your fish healthy. However, no matter how you maintain your tank, from time to time one or more of your goldfish May become stressed or ill.
Some of the most common diseases goldfish are discussed here.
Anchor to appear as a 1 / 4 to 3 / 8 inch piece of string with a forked tail. Larger anchor worms can be easily visible. They seem equally clear, brown-red, green or white-strings. After the anchor to themselves buried in the flesh of fish May open wounds appear on the skin. The anchor May to be visible in the wounds. Often this parasite is injected into the aquarium aquarium plants - especially those taken from streams or rivers, or add live food in the tank. Anchor to set in the scales of fish where they bury their anchor-shaped head under the skin causing ulceration and distress.
Anchor worms are highly contagious and must be addressed immediately. Your local store for pets can provide appropriate treatment to anchor worm, usually in the form of a gyrase inhibitor that can be added to the water tank. This should be effective to kill the parasites within three to four days.
Swim bladder disease should be suspected when a fish has difficulty to stabilize in the tank. It is not uncommon in goldfish although fancy varieties seem more susceptible to this disease. It may be genetic in origin or caused by a variety of other factors, including inadequate or improper diet, a bacterial infection or even poor quality water aquarium.
In addition to improving the condition of water if necessary, some guards fish suggest feeding your goldfish a thawed frozen peas. It should also feed the fish with food instead of sinking floating food to minimize the air intake. It May also be useful to move your disease to a goldfish shallow pool while you treat it. This May reduce stress on fish. Swim bladder disease occurs very often suddenly healthy fish.
Dropsy is not a goldfish disease, but appears as a state where fish becomes swollen abdomen due to a concentration of fluids in the body tissues or cavities. The abdominal swelling can create an effect where pinecone scales of fish protrude from the body. The cause of the swelling may be one of several conditions, including cancer, internal parasites or bacterial infection, cancer, internal parasites. According to the source of the state Dropsy May be contagious. There has been no successful treatments for Dropsy and condition is usually fatal.
Torn or frayed fins are generally indicative of the tail fin of decay or if the fish was not fighting. It is a bacterial infection that appears as a white edge on fins, fins before starting to rot away. It is easily treated with antibiotics available at your local pet store. Ensuring the drug trafficking indicates that end rot or tail. In some cases, a fungal infection secondary May occur. If so, treat the end rot before dealing with the fungal problem.
Fungus is usually a secondary infection. A fish with an open wound or sore throat caused by injury or illness May suffer from a lack of mucus in the region of the wound. This open wound can often attract a secondary infection fungus. Look for patches of gray or white fuzzy puffs attached to the skin. There are several treatments for fungal infections of the pet. Mushroom responds well to treatment quickly.
Perhaps the most common parasitic diseases in goldfish is ick. It is often found in freshwater fish tanks and infect fish that have suffered recent infection or those in poor health in general. Ick is characterized by small white dots that look like salt sprinkled on the body. Fish May Try scratching the infected areas on the tank shell that can otherwise cause damage. Cloudy eyes and rapid breathing can also be signs of ick. Go for pet ick treatment. Mal infected fish should be moved to a quarantine tank for treatment, but it is important to address the main aquarium and to ensure that the parasite has been deleted.
Goldfish are actually hardy fish, but there are many diseases that can cause stress and discomfort. If you want your goldfish to live a long and healthy life, you must make sure you treat correctly the aquarium.
Fish living by absorbing oxygen and release carbon dioxide as a waste. The plants under the influence of daylight do the opposite of what is a poison for Life gives to another. Thus adding plants to your aquarium will help keep your goldfish in good health and disease.
Prevention is always easier than cure, therefore keeping your own aquarium, feeding your fish, avoiding the wide temperature fluctuations and achieve partial water changes as necessary, you go a long way to keep your fish healthy. However, no matter how you maintain your tank, from time to time one or more of your goldfish May become stressed or ill.
Some of the most common diseases goldfish are discussed here.
Anchor to appear as a 1 / 4 to 3 / 8 inch piece of string with a forked tail. Larger anchor worms can be easily visible. They seem equally clear, brown-red, green or white-strings. After the anchor to themselves buried in the flesh of fish May open wounds appear on the skin. The anchor May to be visible in the wounds. Often this parasite is injected into the aquarium aquarium plants - especially those taken from streams or rivers, or add live food in the tank. Anchor to set in the scales of fish where they bury their anchor-shaped head under the skin causing ulceration and distress.
Anchor worms are highly contagious and must be addressed immediately. Your local store for pets can provide appropriate treatment to anchor worm, usually in the form of a gyrase inhibitor that can be added to the water tank. This should be effective to kill the parasites within three to four days.
Swim bladder disease should be suspected when a fish has difficulty to stabilize in the tank. It is not uncommon in goldfish although fancy varieties seem more susceptible to this disease. It may be genetic in origin or caused by a variety of other factors, including inadequate or improper diet, a bacterial infection or even poor quality water aquarium.
In addition to improving the condition of water if necessary, some guards fish suggest feeding your goldfish a thawed frozen peas. It should also feed the fish with food instead of sinking floating food to minimize the air intake. It May also be useful to move your disease to a goldfish shallow pool while you treat it. This May reduce stress on fish. Swim bladder disease occurs very often suddenly healthy fish.
Dropsy is not a goldfish disease, but appears as a state where fish becomes swollen abdomen due to a concentration of fluids in the body tissues or cavities. The abdominal swelling can create an effect where pinecone scales of fish protrude from the body. The cause of the swelling may be one of several conditions, including cancer, internal parasites or bacterial infection, cancer, internal parasites. According to the source of the state Dropsy May be contagious. There has been no successful treatments for Dropsy and condition is usually fatal.
Torn or frayed fins are generally indicative of the tail fin of decay or if the fish was not fighting. It is a bacterial infection that appears as a white edge on fins, fins before starting to rot away. It is easily treated with antibiotics available at your local pet store. Ensuring the drug trafficking indicates that end rot or tail. In some cases, a fungal infection secondary May occur. If so, treat the end rot before dealing with the fungal problem.
Fungus is usually a secondary infection. A fish with an open wound or sore throat caused by injury or illness May suffer from a lack of mucus in the region of the wound. This open wound can often attract a secondary infection fungus. Look for patches of gray or white fuzzy puffs attached to the skin. There are several treatments for fungal infections of the pet. Mushroom responds well to treatment quickly.
Perhaps the most common parasitic diseases in goldfish is ick. It is often found in freshwater fish tanks and infect fish that have suffered recent infection or those in poor health in general. Ick is characterized by small white dots that look like salt sprinkled on the body. Fish May Try scratching the infected areas on the tank shell that can otherwise cause damage. Cloudy eyes and rapid breathing can also be signs of ick. Go for pet ick treatment. Mal infected fish should be moved to a quarantine tank for treatment, but it is important to address the main aquarium and to ensure that the parasite has been deleted.
Goldfish are actually hardy fish, but there are many diseases that can cause stress and discomfort. If you want your goldfish to live a long and healthy life, you must make sure you treat correctly the aquarium.
Activated Carbon In The Reef Aquarium
The use of activated charcoal is sometimes a very debated on most reefs online forums. There are many advantages and disadvantages of using carbon, but I think the general consensus is moving towards the positive aspects of activated carbon. To disscouse bad versus good, we need to know exactly what is activated carbon.
Activated charcoal is carbon that has been treated with oxygen to open millions of tiny pores between the carbon atoms. From carbon can be manufactured from minerals, animals or materials herbal such as bituminous coal, lignite coal, wood divers, coconut shells, peat and animal bones. There are three types of activated carbon, they are granular, powder and pellets. Granule is mainly used in the reefs while tanks and powder pellets are used in other applications.
Now that you know what its carbon is also important to know why we use in reef aquariums. Activated charcoal offers certain advantages for saltwater aquariums such as organic removal. Some people say they could use carbon instead of a skimmer and have a better rate of organic removal, as well as offering additional power does not by a skimmer. It also removes chemicals and polishing water. Soft corals are known to use chemical weapons in the tank, activated carbon is a good way to eliminate some of these chemicals.
Some reasons not to use coal assets are all organic carbons are in the source. You can see from the second paragraph that carbon is natural and, therefore, they are often rich in phosphates. One solution to this is that some companies washing acid-carbon, which prevents carbon leaching of phosphates. Some people said that the use of activated charcoal bands trace elements from there, water reservoirs. Anything that is more than likely true, it should not be much a concern if you make weekly water changes.
I use carbon in my reef tank, personally I like the "safety net", it gives me if one of my soft corals decides one day nuke the tank. I suggest the other to change the coal assets once every two weeks, so you do not give a chance to carbon release is organic in the tank.
Activated charcoal is carbon that has been treated with oxygen to open millions of tiny pores between the carbon atoms. From carbon can be manufactured from minerals, animals or materials herbal such as bituminous coal, lignite coal, wood divers, coconut shells, peat and animal bones. There are three types of activated carbon, they are granular, powder and pellets. Granule is mainly used in the reefs while tanks and powder pellets are used in other applications.
Now that you know what its carbon is also important to know why we use in reef aquariums. Activated charcoal offers certain advantages for saltwater aquariums such as organic removal. Some people say they could use carbon instead of a skimmer and have a better rate of organic removal, as well as offering additional power does not by a skimmer. It also removes chemicals and polishing water. Soft corals are known to use chemical weapons in the tank, activated carbon is a good way to eliminate some of these chemicals.
Some reasons not to use coal assets are all organic carbons are in the source. You can see from the second paragraph that carbon is natural and, therefore, they are often rich in phosphates. One solution to this is that some companies washing acid-carbon, which prevents carbon leaching of phosphates. Some people said that the use of activated charcoal bands trace elements from there, water reservoirs. Anything that is more than likely true, it should not be much a concern if you make weekly water changes.
I use carbon in my reef tank, personally I like the "safety net", it gives me if one of my soft corals decides one day nuke the tank. I suggest the other to change the coal assets once every two weeks, so you do not give a chance to carbon release is organic in the tank.
The Exoticness of Aquarium Plants
When we started keeping tropical fish - we had a major disaster that destroys the whole tank. It was particularly horrible situation that we could have avoided but I did not regarded as "our fault" ...
We had spent a long weekend and yes, you guessed it, the thermostat on the tank water heater broke, the water temperature soared - aquarium has followed the extinction ... and my family and I were in tears upon our return ...
I was so overwhelmed by the experience that for some time we kept only in our aquarium plants that we did not have the heart to start again.
Slowly, over time, we made a wonderful how well planted tank can be and how exotic plants may make it all look aquarium, a landscape of huge reservoir adds visual impact. And of course, when you add fish, plants play an important role in the life aquarium that they add oxygen to water and help them absorb nitrates which are toxic to fish.
The sun is the most important factor in the life of a plant, and in an aquarium, the lighting is just as central to preserving the health and beauty of plants.
Wayne VANDRE, horticulture specialist, comments that the light is the major source of energy used by plants in photosynthesis. But light is not just a simple, well-defined entity. The response of plants is influenced by light quality, intensity and duration. Experiments show that the maximum growth of most plants is a cool white fluorescent light.
It is important to realize that skimping on the quality of light will affect the quality of growth of plants that you get and thus the overall quality of life tank.
Landscaping a tank can be fun and it is essential for different types of plants to give the tank that exotic look. There are many lines of aquatic plants. The tubers must be anchored by the root at the bottom of the tank. Plants floating clearly floating in the tank should not be anchored and will not usually need fertilizer. Rooted plants such as tubers must be anchored to the bottom of the tank normally associated with chunks of rock or wood. These species usually grow to be big enough and help fill the aquarium.
Normally, water and fish in the reservoir will provide nutrients and fertilizers essential for plant growth. It is rare that additional supplements should be added. A key feature of the plant life healthy is the filtration system. Under gravel filters restricting the composition of gravel in which the plants are rooted and produce a steady stream of bubbles that disturb the surface. All other types of filtration systems should give good results for plants and it is good to keep movement of water in the reservoir, but not too disturbances boiled to the surface in the form of CO2 is lost, essential to survival plants.
All our reservoirs healthy now have the plant life that makes it easier to keep happy and healthy fish colorful.

I was so overwhelmed by the experience that for some time we kept only in our aquarium plants that we did not have the heart to start again.
Slowly, over time, we made a wonderful how well planted tank can be and how exotic plants may make it all look aquarium, a landscape of huge reservoir adds visual impact. And of course, when you add fish, plants play an important role in the life aquarium that they add oxygen to water and help them absorb nitrates which are toxic to fish.
The sun is the most important factor in the life of a plant, and in an aquarium, the lighting is just as central to preserving the health and beauty of plants.
Wayne VANDRE, horticulture specialist, comments that the light is the major source of energy used by plants in photosynthesis. But light is not just a simple, well-defined entity. The response of plants is influenced by light quality, intensity and duration. Experiments show that the maximum growth of most plants is a cool white fluorescent light.
It is important to realize that skimping on the quality of light will affect the quality of growth of plants that you get and thus the overall quality of life tank.
Landscaping a tank can be fun and it is essential for different types of plants to give the tank that exotic look. There are many lines of aquatic plants. The tubers must be anchored by the root at the bottom of the tank. Plants floating clearly floating in the tank should not be anchored and will not usually need fertilizer. Rooted plants such as tubers must be anchored to the bottom of the tank normally associated with chunks of rock or wood. These species usually grow to be big enough and help fill the aquarium.
Normally, water and fish in the reservoir will provide nutrients and fertilizers essential for plant growth. It is rare that additional supplements should be added. A key feature of the plant life healthy is the filtration system. Under gravel filters restricting the composition of gravel in which the plants are rooted and produce a steady stream of bubbles that disturb the surface. All other types of filtration systems should give good results for plants and it is good to keep movement of water in the reservoir, but not too disturbances boiled to the surface in the form of CO2 is lost, essential to survival plants.
All our reservoirs healthy now have the plant life that makes it easier to keep happy and healthy fish colorful.
If You Want An Aquarium That's Easy To Maintain A Freshwater Aquarium Is What You're Looking For

Freshwater tanks normally have a capacity of 30 to 60 gallons. You must be a inlet, pumps, a filter system and an outlet. It is very important that the water by a wheel filter system to the delicate ecological balance of your aquarium. The pump is used to circulate the water. You can use ordinary tap water when you fill your tank first, or top, but it is important to ensure that it is of good quality or filtered.
If you decide on a filter system for your freshwater aquarium, there are three types to choose from. These are:
# Mechanical filtration system
# Biological Filtration Systems
# Chemical filtration system
Normally, a mechanical filtration system is used to remove particles from the aquarium. Many mechanical filter also contain activated charcoal, which functions as a biological filter. The chemicals in your freshwater aquarium must be kept in balance so that zeolites are to remove ammonia, water and hardness is by ion-exchange resins. A biological filter recycled nitrogen, which is an essential condition for keeping your fish alive. It is also a good idea, an air pump, which increases the circulation of oxygen and its concentration.
When you first institution of your freshwater aquarium, it is a good idea to buy healthy, young freshwater fish. If you want to add more mature fish later, that's fine, as long as your system has time to stabilise. You might also like to head up your aquarium with some plants. They add a touch of beauty, but also help in the ecological balance in the aquarium. Some popular plants include:
# Argentine Sword (Echinodorus argentinensis)
# Amazon Sword (Echinodorus amazonicus)
# Remote Java (Microsorium pteropus)
# Hygrophila polysperma
# Umbrella Plant (Spathiphyllum wallisii)
# Vallisneria spiralis
Take the time to correct your aquarium, and you have much more success.
Setup Your Own Aquarium - Finding The Right Location
The establishment of an aquarium May not be harder than what everyone thinks. It can be very easy if you're well prepared with knowledge and learn how to react to problems. Keep in mind that patience and have a sense of tediousness are very important. There is no shortcut and people who think so often fails. If you intend to successfully implement an aquarium, he made the best of your ability.
Finding the right location for your aquarium

We will first choose the proper place to put your tank. I think this is the first step to start and novices are often a mistake of heading to your local fish store to discover that bought the aquarium does not fit in anywhere. Believe me, most people often lose perspective on this issue.
You may want to consider these important facts to find the perfect spot.
* Access to electricity supply - It is important to ensure that air pumps, heaters, lighting and filters are accessible food. The shortest distance, the better it is and, ideally, should be at a higher level compared to the aquarium arrivals for security reasons.
* Source of lighting - although natural sunbeam ensure the goodwill of propagation of plants aquarium, it is not necessary if you can stimulate artificial lighting. Last aquarium too close to windows is in fact not a good idea, that the high intensity of the sunbeam unhealthy might cause the growth of algae. Instead, use artificial lighting by which you can really control the intensity of light and stimulating day and night cycle.
* Make sure the area is quite large - It is important to ensure that no untoward incident as accidental strike could take place especially if you have to move between zones tight. Place it on a site where there are open spaces around the aquarium on the left. It is a good idea to have gaps between 12 - 15 inches from the nearest object. It is also important to ensure that the daily routine to change this water could easily be done without offending objects.
* Find a place in the room that the aquarium may be the main attraction - after all that is the objective of maintaining the aquarium, first, if not for the aesthetic and decoration reasons
* Avoid unhealthy places as too close to heat as a source of emission of heat or fire.
Finding the right location for your aquarium

We will first choose the proper place to put your tank. I think this is the first step to start and novices are often a mistake of heading to your local fish store to discover that bought the aquarium does not fit in anywhere. Believe me, most people often lose perspective on this issue.
You may want to consider these important facts to find the perfect spot.
* Access to electricity supply - It is important to ensure that air pumps, heaters, lighting and filters are accessible food. The shortest distance, the better it is and, ideally, should be at a higher level compared to the aquarium arrivals for security reasons.
* Source of lighting - although natural sunbeam ensure the goodwill of propagation of plants aquarium, it is not necessary if you can stimulate artificial lighting. Last aquarium too close to windows is in fact not a good idea, that the high intensity of the sunbeam unhealthy might cause the growth of algae. Instead, use artificial lighting by which you can really control the intensity of light and stimulating day and night cycle.
* Make sure the area is quite large - It is important to ensure that no untoward incident as accidental strike could take place especially if you have to move between zones tight. Place it on a site where there are open spaces around the aquarium on the left. It is a good idea to have gaps between 12 - 15 inches from the nearest object. It is also important to ensure that the daily routine to change this water could easily be done without offending objects.
* Find a place in the room that the aquarium may be the main attraction - after all that is the objective of maintaining the aquarium, first, if not for the aesthetic and decoration reasons
* Avoid unhealthy places as too close to heat as a source of emission of heat or fire.
With Thousands Of Types Of Tropical Fish Available - How To Choose?
Arten von tropischen Fischen - Wie kann ich wählen?
Ich liebe tropische Fische. Sie sind sehr schöne Wesen. Ein Tank ordnungsgemäß gewartet werden kann Stunden der Entspannung und Unterhaltung vorausgesetzt, Sie wählen die richtigen Arten von tropischen Fischen, die verfügbar sind. Hier sind einige Fragen zu stellen.
Welche Arten von tropischen Fischen spielen gut zusammen?
Es gibt viele tropische Fische, die sich aggressiv. Ihre Auswahl von Fisch Farbe könnte sich als eine Katastrophe. Stellen Sie sicher, dass beim Kauf der Fische, dann kaufen kompatiblen Arten. Wenn Sie ein aggressiver Fisch, achten Sie darauf, dass Sie potenzielle Schäden zu minimieren. Zum Beispiel, wenn Sie beabsichtigen zu kaufen viele kleinere Fische, beachten Sie, dass die Anbringung eines großen aggressiven Fischen in den Tank Mai schalten Sie die kleineren Fische in Fischfutter, sicherlich nicht das, was Sie beabsichtigten. Werden Sie setzen Meer Anemonen in Ihrem Tank? Wenn Sie das tun, stellen Sie sicher, dass Fische, wie zum Schwimmen in und um sie herum, ohne sich zu betäuben. Auch, wie die bunten spiny Garnelen? Ich liebe sie, sie sind wirklich interessant. Sie können zerstörerische wenig critters, also seien Sie vorsichtig bei der Auswahl der richtigen sind. Beachten Sie, dass Sie benötigen einen großen Tank, wenn Sie sich gerade zu mischen viele Arten zusammen, weil die engere die Passform, desto größer die Kampfhandlungen. Sie wollen nicht, dass Ihre teuren Fisch kämpfen miteinander und zerreißt jeweils anderen Gliedmaßen und Flossen aus.
Unterschiedliche Temperaturen für verschiedene Arten von tropischen Fischen?
Ja, es ist wahr. Verschiedene Arten von tropischen Fischen brauchen unterschiedliche Temperaturen gedeihen in. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie nicht wählen, tropische Fische, die besonders hohe oder besonders niedrige Temperatur erforderlich. Die Fische, die Sie wählen sollten alle kompatibel in Bezug auf die Temperatur. Wenn Sie Zweifel haben, haben Ihre Hausaufgaben, bevor sie zum Speicher, um zu sehen.
Inkompatible Arten tropischer Fische - Süßwasser gegen Salzwasser
Die erste Wahl müssen Sie, wenn Sie sich gerade um eine Süß-oder Salzwasser-Tank. Insgesamt ist es einfacher, ein Süßwasser-Becken. Auf diese Weise, müssen Sie sich keine Gedanken darüber zu machen, die's Salzgehaltes Tank. Der Grund, warum die meisten Fans gehen mit Salzwasser tropische Fisch ist, denn es gibt viele sehr schöne Sorten, die sind einfach nicht verfügbar, wenn Sie die Süßwasser-Route.
Ich liebe tropische Fische. Sie sind sehr schöne Wesen. Ein Tank ordnungsgemäß gewartet werden kann Stunden der Entspannung und Unterhaltung vorausgesetzt, Sie wählen die richtigen Arten von tropischen Fischen, die verfügbar sind. Hier sind einige Fragen zu stellen.
Welche Arten von tropischen Fischen spielen gut zusammen?
Es gibt viele tropische Fische, die sich aggressiv. Ihre Auswahl von Fisch Farbe könnte sich als eine Katastrophe. Stellen Sie sicher, dass beim Kauf der Fische, dann kaufen kompatiblen Arten. Wenn Sie ein aggressiver Fisch, achten Sie darauf, dass Sie potenzielle Schäden zu minimieren. Zum Beispiel, wenn Sie beabsichtigen zu kaufen viele kleinere Fische, beachten Sie, dass die Anbringung eines großen aggressiven Fischen in den Tank Mai schalten Sie die kleineren Fische in Fischfutter, sicherlich nicht das, was Sie beabsichtigten. Werden Sie setzen Meer Anemonen in Ihrem Tank? Wenn Sie das tun, stellen Sie sicher, dass Fische, wie zum Schwimmen in und um sie herum, ohne sich zu betäuben. Auch, wie die bunten spiny Garnelen? Ich liebe sie, sie sind wirklich interessant. Sie können zerstörerische wenig critters, also seien Sie vorsichtig bei der Auswahl der richtigen sind. Beachten Sie, dass Sie benötigen einen großen Tank, wenn Sie sich gerade zu mischen viele Arten zusammen, weil die engere die Passform, desto größer die Kampfhandlungen. Sie wollen nicht, dass Ihre teuren Fisch kämpfen miteinander und zerreißt jeweils anderen Gliedmaßen und Flossen aus.
Unterschiedliche Temperaturen für verschiedene Arten von tropischen Fischen?
Ja, es ist wahr. Verschiedene Arten von tropischen Fischen brauchen unterschiedliche Temperaturen gedeihen in. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie nicht wählen, tropische Fische, die besonders hohe oder besonders niedrige Temperatur erforderlich. Die Fische, die Sie wählen sollten alle kompatibel in Bezug auf die Temperatur. Wenn Sie Zweifel haben, haben Ihre Hausaufgaben, bevor sie zum Speicher, um zu sehen.
Inkompatible Arten tropischer Fische - Süßwasser gegen Salzwasser
Die erste Wahl müssen Sie, wenn Sie sich gerade um eine Süß-oder Salzwasser-Tank. Insgesamt ist es einfacher, ein Süßwasser-Becken. Auf diese Weise, müssen Sie sich keine Gedanken darüber zu machen, die's Salzgehaltes Tank. Der Grund, warum die meisten Fans gehen mit Salzwasser tropische Fisch ist, denn es gibt viele sehr schöne Sorten, die sind einfach nicht verfügbar, wenn Sie die Süßwasser-Route.
7 Parasites That Can Harm Your Tropical Fish
Fish that have parasites are highly contagious and must be separated from other fish in your aquarium. The infected fish must be treated and the aquarium, they were must be thoroughly disinfected. Some of the most common parasites that can affect your tropical fish are as follows:
1. Fish lice: These lice attach to the fish and turn around the same color as its host. Your fish rub against things in the aquarium, trying to get rid of lice.
2. Anchor Worm: The women of this parasite have an anchor-shaped head (hence the name) who will bury them in the flesh of fish. It May be some bleeding whose leader is committed and there will be a small white worm from this place.
It will be necessary to remove the worm with tweezers. It is a very delicate procedure because it is easy to injure fish with tweezers.
3. Leeches: wormlike parasite that attaches to both ends of fish. Remove as soon as possible.
4. Douves: Gill moat turn pink and red gills and fish will always near the surface where it can easily get air. Skin moat cause localized swelling and sores.
5. Ichthyophthirius: Known as Ich white patch or abbreviated. You will see raised white spots on fish the size of a grain of salt. Ich is probably the most common parasite found in aquariums.
6. Oodinium: Also known as velvet because it creates a layer of gold velvet on the body and fins of fish. Because of its golden color, it is difficult to see on the gold fish.
7. Hexamita: Also known as the hole in the head disease. It is an internal parasite that is harmful to your fish when it is weakened by stress, age or poor water conditions. Filandreux pus white and pus-filled lesions on the head are signs of hexamita.
Taking care of your fish with proper nutrition and maintenance of your aquarium is a long way to keep your fish healthy.
1. Fish lice: These lice attach to the fish and turn around the same color as its host. Your fish rub against things in the aquarium, trying to get rid of lice.
2. Anchor Worm: The women of this parasite have an anchor-shaped head (hence the name) who will bury them in the flesh of fish. It May be some bleeding whose leader is committed and there will be a small white worm from this place.
It will be necessary to remove the worm with tweezers. It is a very delicate procedure because it is easy to injure fish with tweezers.
3. Leeches: wormlike parasite that attaches to both ends of fish. Remove as soon as possible.
4. Douves: Gill moat turn pink and red gills and fish will always near the surface where it can easily get air. Skin moat cause localized swelling and sores.
5. Ichthyophthirius: Known as Ich white patch or abbreviated. You will see raised white spots on fish the size of a grain of salt. Ich is probably the most common parasite found in aquariums.
6. Oodinium: Also known as velvet because it creates a layer of gold velvet on the body and fins of fish. Because of its golden color, it is difficult to see on the gold fish.
7. Hexamita: Also known as the hole in the head disease. It is an internal parasite that is harmful to your fish when it is weakened by stress, age or poor water conditions. Filandreux pus white and pus-filled lesions on the head are signs of hexamita.
Taking care of your fish with proper nutrition and maintenance of your aquarium is a long way to keep your fish healthy.
Tropical Fish Aquariums
There are many types of aquariums but usually when you talk about having an aquarium people automatically think of a tropical aquarium, even if you could have fresh water, reefs or any other type of aquarium.
Choice of Aquarium
When you choose your aquarium you must take into account the time that you would be willing to spend taking care of your fish and aquarium. There are many factors to consider with maintaining as filtration, temperature and chemical composition of the environment. The saltwater aquariums are more complex to manage than the freshwater aquarium because of the complexity in testing and adaptation of salinity in the water.
The saltwater tropical fish aquarium
The color diversity in a saltwater aquarium is one of the rewards that you receive if you're willing to take time, effort and expense of creation. Add a rock or reef aquarium with tropical fish and other species that are adapted to the life of a reef.
To complete your tropical aquarium fish eco system, you can add a few popular and beautiful exotic species such as clown fish, ladies and Angelfish, dwarf or their normal size. Crustaceans, corals and sea anemones complete your aquarium.
Once you've mastered the maintenance of these fish you want to venture in May adding more complex and difficult to take care of your species to the ecosystem such as squid, octopus and jellyfish.
Do not forget snails
Adding a snail or two to your tropical aquarium is important. Snails are gastropods tiny tentacles heads. They help clean the aquarium by moving along gravel on the bottom of the tank to eat dead and decaying plants. They are also fun to watch.
Snails are hermaphrodites and, as such, are able to reproduce. One day, May you have a snail in the tank and the next you could have two. Depending on the type snail some can fertilize their own eggs while others self replicate in other ways.
You May be able to spot you snail eggs as they do in a gelatinous mass around the base of a rocky or shaded area protected if tropical fish aquarium.
Choice of Aquarium
When you choose your aquarium you must take into account the time that you would be willing to spend taking care of your fish and aquarium. There are many factors to consider with maintaining as filtration, temperature and chemical composition of the environment. The saltwater aquariums are more complex to manage than the freshwater aquarium because of the complexity in testing and adaptation of salinity in the water.
The saltwater tropical fish aquarium
The color diversity in a saltwater aquarium is one of the rewards that you receive if you're willing to take time, effort and expense of creation. Add a rock or reef aquarium with tropical fish and other species that are adapted to the life of a reef.
To complete your tropical aquarium fish eco system, you can add a few popular and beautiful exotic species such as clown fish, ladies and Angelfish, dwarf or their normal size. Crustaceans, corals and sea anemones complete your aquarium.
Once you've mastered the maintenance of these fish you want to venture in May adding more complex and difficult to take care of your species to the ecosystem such as squid, octopus and jellyfish.
Do not forget snails
Adding a snail or two to your tropical aquarium is important. Snails are gastropods tiny tentacles heads. They help clean the aquarium by moving along gravel on the bottom of the tank to eat dead and decaying plants. They are also fun to watch.
Snails are hermaphrodites and, as such, are able to reproduce. One day, May you have a snail in the tank and the next you could have two. Depending on the type snail some can fertilize their own eggs while others self replicate in other ways.
You May be able to spot you snail eggs as they do in a gelatinous mass around the base of a rocky or shaded area protected if tropical fish aquarium.
Tips to an Appreciative Freshwater Aquarium
Who would not that a neat and organized at home?
Everyone wants a house that is clean and well kept. It will not only bring a sense of relaxation, you will also gain positive feedback from each guest, visit your home.
Just like you, your pet fresh water fish must include adequate accommodation. A proper freshwater aquarium offers not only peace in their fish, but also food. Moreover, those, your aquarium will also complete satisfaction.
Appreciative freshwater aquariums may be obtained with the following proposed and helpful tips:
1st The inhabitants. What types of freshwater fish are for pets? There are numerous species of freshwater fish. You can select the fish that bear offspring or those containing egg. It is recommended that you have a fish specialist in relation to this matter.
2nd The home. You must plan and organize an aquarium tank. How many fish are you? If it is small or large fish? You must also consider how much water will be stored in the tank. You have to mull over the above issues, since it is your critical factor for the type and size of containers to be used.
3rd Home decoration. A house without jewelry is a dull place to live in. This is why it is best to decorate your aquarium with water plants, colored stones, shells or even underwater figures.
4th The location of the aquarium. If your aquarium is located in the courtyard or in the living room? You have to consider where your aquarium will be found. Choose a location will not be stressful for your pet.
5th Home maintenance. Never your freshwater aquarium will be grateful if you behind, after it up. Learn to maintain it. Here are some possibilities that will help you in maintaining a clean and healthy home:
• feed your pet. This will prevent you lose your freshwater fish.
• Do you have a regular cleaning schedule your tank. Make sure to clean the filter system. Wash the plants and other decorations. Please do not forget the water, if necessary.
It feels better if you have a clean and green environment. Not only will you appreciate the benefits it brings, but also the people around you will most likely be pleased about it.
After all, everyone needs a well-organised and dirt free home… not only people… even fish.
Everyone wants a house that is clean and well kept. It will not only bring a sense of relaxation, you will also gain positive feedback from each guest, visit your home.
Just like you, your pet fresh water fish must include adequate accommodation. A proper freshwater aquarium offers not only peace in their fish, but also food. Moreover, those, your aquarium will also complete satisfaction.
Appreciative freshwater aquariums may be obtained with the following proposed and helpful tips:
1st The inhabitants. What types of freshwater fish are for pets? There are numerous species of freshwater fish. You can select the fish that bear offspring or those containing egg. It is recommended that you have a fish specialist in relation to this matter.
2nd The home. You must plan and organize an aquarium tank. How many fish are you? If it is small or large fish? You must also consider how much water will be stored in the tank. You have to mull over the above issues, since it is your critical factor for the type and size of containers to be used.
3rd Home decoration. A house without jewelry is a dull place to live in. This is why it is best to decorate your aquarium with water plants, colored stones, shells or even underwater figures.
4th The location of the aquarium. If your aquarium is located in the courtyard or in the living room? You have to consider where your aquarium will be found. Choose a location will not be stressful for your pet.
5th Home maintenance. Never your freshwater aquarium will be grateful if you behind, after it up. Learn to maintain it. Here are some possibilities that will help you in maintaining a clean and healthy home:
• feed your pet. This will prevent you lose your freshwater fish.
• Do you have a regular cleaning schedule your tank. Make sure to clean the filter system. Wash the plants and other decorations. Please do not forget the water, if necessary.
It feels better if you have a clean and green environment. Not only will you appreciate the benefits it brings, but also the people around you will most likely be pleased about it.
After all, everyone needs a well-organised and dirt free home… not only people… even fish.
Types Of Artificial Plants For Aquariums And Their Cleaning Tips
Artificial plants have come a long way since they were first introduced and now seems more realistic than ever. Their durability makes it as likely to be kept with fish that would destroy the plants alive and those who eat the real thing. They are useful to hide equipment and making areas feel safer for fish nervous and, of course, they tolerate any type of water.
Why use artificial plants?
Many species of fish are nearby plants live in the natural world, but they are there to eat, and use them for cover. The use of artificial plants in place of live plants provide an effective solution to this problem, because they can provide coverage without being on the menu.
In any event, more and more live plants is not always easy and can turn an aquarium functional into something resembling a nursery, involving the use of lighting specifications and fertilization. For those who want an easy life, artificial plants are a good idea, as all they need is an opportunity to clean.
Plastic Plant
There is a wide range of plastic plants, and they reproduce most species of aquatic plants and terrestrial plants. They come in different sizes for planting in the foreground, mid-field and bottom of the tank, and specimen plants are also available. You will find that most types of plastic plants are modular in design, so that parts can be removed a rod and added to another. They are impervious to all medicines and water, and because of that almost always last.
Silk plants
The silk is a material substitution for aquarium plants reply, and because it is thinner than plastic, plants move in the water naturally and more realistic leaf forms. They are inexpensive and can be mixed with live plants and not as false. Many types are available and they are easily embedded in gravel.
Treadmills plants
Plastic plants are also available on place mats designed to be placed on the substrate. Each carpet contains a number of plants, imitating all planting schemes used for display aquariums, and the effect can be quite dramatic. Each plant can be removed to put in place irregularity in the design or to take account of other decorations, such as rocks or wood.
Cleaning artificial plants
A plastics factory cleaning solution especially for use with aquariums is available, but in the absence of plastic plants can be simply washed under the tap. Use an old toothbrush to reach areas stubborn. Otherwise, add a little bleach in tap water to make a slight solution. Make sure the solution is deep enough to completely cover the plants, put them in the solution, and should soon be clean and looking new. Complete solution to separate the tap water in which to plunge plants and eliminate the residue of bleach. To make sure that all traces of bleach are removed, give them a long rinse under the tap and they are ready to be placed in the aquarium. Always wear gloves to protect your hands while cleaning this way.
Silk plants are very durable and can be cleaned with abrasive pad or a plastics factory cleaning solution made for water.
Tips: There are many species of algae-eating fish, including Bristle nose and catfish red-tailed black shark, which are well adapted to consume algae that form on the leaves of artificial plants. By adding some of these fish in your tank, May well they do the job cleaning for you and obtain a food source at the same time.
Why use artificial plants?
Many species of fish are nearby plants live in the natural world, but they are there to eat, and use them for cover. The use of artificial plants in place of live plants provide an effective solution to this problem, because they can provide coverage without being on the menu.
In any event, more and more live plants is not always easy and can turn an aquarium functional into something resembling a nursery, involving the use of lighting specifications and fertilization. For those who want an easy life, artificial plants are a good idea, as all they need is an opportunity to clean.
Plastic Plant
There is a wide range of plastic plants, and they reproduce most species of aquatic plants and terrestrial plants. They come in different sizes for planting in the foreground, mid-field and bottom of the tank, and specimen plants are also available. You will find that most types of plastic plants are modular in design, so that parts can be removed a rod and added to another. They are impervious to all medicines and water, and because of that almost always last.
Silk plants
The silk is a material substitution for aquarium plants reply, and because it is thinner than plastic, plants move in the water naturally and more realistic leaf forms. They are inexpensive and can be mixed with live plants and not as false. Many types are available and they are easily embedded in gravel.
Treadmills plants
Plastic plants are also available on place mats designed to be placed on the substrate. Each carpet contains a number of plants, imitating all planting schemes used for display aquariums, and the effect can be quite dramatic. Each plant can be removed to put in place irregularity in the design or to take account of other decorations, such as rocks or wood.
Cleaning artificial plants
A plastics factory cleaning solution especially for use with aquariums is available, but in the absence of plastic plants can be simply washed under the tap. Use an old toothbrush to reach areas stubborn. Otherwise, add a little bleach in tap water to make a slight solution. Make sure the solution is deep enough to completely cover the plants, put them in the solution, and should soon be clean and looking new. Complete solution to separate the tap water in which to plunge plants and eliminate the residue of bleach. To make sure that all traces of bleach are removed, give them a long rinse under the tap and they are ready to be placed in the aquarium. Always wear gloves to protect your hands while cleaning this way.
Silk plants are very durable and can be cleaned with abrasive pad or a plastics factory cleaning solution made for water.
Tips: There are many species of algae-eating fish, including Bristle nose and catfish red-tailed black shark, which are well adapted to consume algae that form on the leaves of artificial plants. By adding some of these fish in your tank, May well they do the job cleaning for you and obtain a food source at the same time.
What Not To Do When Setting Up A New Aquarium
There are many advantages of owning an aquarium, the pride of a beautiful environment established in your living room, to the satisfaction of rewarding hobby. Science has also shown that watching an aquarium can actually reduce your lower your blood pressure! But if you are not careful, you will not have a happy experience, and although the fish seem warm May, small things can erase your tank carefully planned. You can ensure that this does not happen to you ensuring that you follow a few simple rules and make sure you do not make mistakes.
Cleaning your aquarium
Many years ago, I came to the house dead dead aquarium. Aghast, I asked my family what had happened while I was there. Guilty faces, my husband explained that he thought he would clean the tank. But instead of doing so in the right direction, he dumped all the fish in a bucket of water (that I used for washing floors) and washing tanks, with a glass ammonia-based clean. This is the last time someone hit me, but reservoirs.
To keep my own aquarium, I use scraper and algae. If the tank is too green, I empty quarter of the tank, using an aspiration to collect excess waste and replenish with water that has sat overnight. If you really think that it is indeed necessary to clean your entire aquarium, fish and save half the water in a bucket of food security and to dump the tank. Wash all under the clean running water. If you feel you need to use abrasive salt. Nothing else.
Underfeed rather than Overfeed
Now, I do not advocate your hungry fish, but one of the worst things you can do to an aquarium is more than feed your fish. When you overfeed, fish passes more waste. This makes not only a reservoir dirty mess, but the chemical composition of water in your aquarium and also clog your filtration system. The fish should be fed what they can eat in 3 minutes for the top fish, or 15 minutes for bottom feeding fish or timid. Yes, people will come as piranhas hungry every time you go through the tank, but you feed your cat or dog all the time, he asked for more? Of course not, to realize that fish too begging. May It seems like you are not feeding your fish anything, but if you think about the size of their stomachs are you will realize that they must actually little food
Do not put too many fish in the tank
It is easy to overcrowd your aquarium, as it seems May large and small fish to consider and, of course, there are so many fish in the aquarium pet, but the aquarium is generally a dual filtration system. The general rule is four gallons in each fish and if you assume the fish are only an inch long each (excluding tail fins), so that should be 5 fish in a tank 20 gallons. Remember that in most elderly care books aquarium is different, but the 4 gallons to each fish is the most reliable amount.
Get a large tank.
Even if you think May, a smaller reservoir will be easier to clean, this is not the case at all. More aquarium, the tank is more to follow. Small tankers and vessels cleaning should be kept because they get dirty very quickly, but with the right amount of fish there, the greater the aquarium, after less research they need.
With these few steps, you'll be on your way to have a beautiful, trouble-free as the aquarium with a minimum of care, will be central to your decor.
Cleaning your aquarium
Many years ago, I came to the house dead dead aquarium. Aghast, I asked my family what had happened while I was there. Guilty faces, my husband explained that he thought he would clean the tank. But instead of doing so in the right direction, he dumped all the fish in a bucket of water (that I used for washing floors) and washing tanks, with a glass ammonia-based clean. This is the last time someone hit me, but reservoirs.
To keep my own aquarium, I use scraper and algae. If the tank is too green, I empty quarter of the tank, using an aspiration to collect excess waste and replenish with water that has sat overnight. If you really think that it is indeed necessary to clean your entire aquarium, fish and save half the water in a bucket of food security and to dump the tank. Wash all under the clean running water. If you feel you need to use abrasive salt. Nothing else.
Underfeed rather than Overfeed
Now, I do not advocate your hungry fish, but one of the worst things you can do to an aquarium is more than feed your fish. When you overfeed, fish passes more waste. This makes not only a reservoir dirty mess, but the chemical composition of water in your aquarium and also clog your filtration system. The fish should be fed what they can eat in 3 minutes for the top fish, or 15 minutes for bottom feeding fish or timid. Yes, people will come as piranhas hungry every time you go through the tank, but you feed your cat or dog all the time, he asked for more? Of course not, to realize that fish too begging. May It seems like you are not feeding your fish anything, but if you think about the size of their stomachs are you will realize that they must actually little food
Do not put too many fish in the tank
It is easy to overcrowd your aquarium, as it seems May large and small fish to consider and, of course, there are so many fish in the aquarium pet, but the aquarium is generally a dual filtration system. The general rule is four gallons in each fish and if you assume the fish are only an inch long each (excluding tail fins), so that should be 5 fish in a tank 20 gallons. Remember that in most elderly care books aquarium is different, but the 4 gallons to each fish is the most reliable amount.
Get a large tank.
Even if you think May, a smaller reservoir will be easier to clean, this is not the case at all. More aquarium, the tank is more to follow. Small tankers and vessels cleaning should be kept because they get dirty very quickly, but with the right amount of fish there, the greater the aquarium, after less research they need.
With these few steps, you'll be on your way to have a beautiful, trouble-free as the aquarium with a minimum of care, will be central to your decor.
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