
An Introduction To Discus Fish

The Discus is a large freshwater cichlid, a native of the Amazon in South America. They were first discovered / described by Dr. JJ Heckel, an Austrian zoologist, in 1840.

His name is now used to describe the "original" Discus variant. They are increasingly difficult to find, since most Discus currently available have been bred in captivity, but occasionally you will find some Heckel Discus imported into the pet.

The origin of the discussion were three color variations: green, brown and blue. However, with the disc become increasingly popular among fish keepers, and a lot of money in research and development of different strains of fish aquarium disc, the list of colors and variations of the model is almost endless.

The Discus is inherently social, still shy in progress. In their habitat, they live in large social groups with advanced behavoirs. It is important to keep in mind when considering the creation of a Discus Fish Tank. Never buy one or two Discus - they need a group of at least 4 - to develop their character at its best through social interaction.

Discus Fish keeping has traditionally been considered difficult. The Discus Fish can be finicky, sensitive to the disease and stressed easily if they are not kept under optimum conditions. It becomes easier, however, to keep Discus Fish. This is due to most of them have been bred in captivity, and new technologies made available to help maintain optimal water.

Due to increasing popularity, and a suite of demand, Discus Fish are now widely available, even in small stores water, so you do not have to go to more specialty stores.

The disc was called "The King of the Aquarium", while maintenance and reproduction is certainly a challenge for novices, the later can be very rewarding indeed.

Most fish Discus Keepers at some stage want to raise. There is no doubt that this is a great experience - and with luck - it will even pay for the hobby.

Aquarium Equipment Explained - Water Test Kits

Bien que l'eau du robinet est généralement un substitut pour un poisson naturel aquatique besoins, elle nécessite certaines mesures à prendre avant de pouvoir être utilisé dans l'aquarium. L'eau de notre réseau de fournitures ont été traités de manière à ce que le rend sans danger pour l'homme à boire.

Le chlore est utilisé dans nos systèmes d'approvisionnement en eau, qui tue les bactéries et désinfecte l'eau. Il peut aussi y avoir contamination par les métaux dans l'eau du robinet à cause de ce transport dans les maisons grâce à pipes-lines, de cuivre par exemple.

Produits chimiques ajoutés à nos réserves d'eau sont potentiellement mortelles pour les poissons. Ces produits chimiques peuvent attaquer les branchies et la membrane de mucus qui recouvre et protège le corps du poisson, ce qui les rend vulnérables à des bactéries et des infections fongiques. Les métaux lourds peuvent également être trouvés dans notre eau du robinet, comme le cuivre, de plomb, de zinc, qui sont toxiques pour tous les poissons tropicaux.

Il est donc nécessaire de traiter l'eau du robinet avant il va dans l'aquarium. Il existe un certain nombre de fabricants de produits qui font que la déchloruration de l'eau du robinet, ils contiennent généralement d'autres additifs condition également que la couche d'eau et les poissons avec une barrière protectrice de l'Aloe Vera.

Le suivi régulier de votre aquarium d'eau est essentielle. Il est possible de polluants nocifs qui ne peuvent pas être vu, à entrer dans l'eau de votre aquarium à votre insu. Ces polluants peuvent représenter un grand danger pour vos poissons, donc la seule façon d'être certain de son état est de faire régulièrement des tests de l'eau.

Il existe de nombreux tests qui indique votre état des eaux et de ses propriétés; ici sont les plus importantes.

Ammoniac / ammonium Test:

L'ammoniac est très soluble dans l'eau, elle est éliminée par tous les poissons, et est extrêmement toxique pour eux. Un sous-produit de l'ammoniac est ammonium, moins toxiques, il est formé par l'acceptation d'un proton d'une molécule d'ammoniac, et est présent à bas niveaux de pH.

Ammoniac seront de plus en plus toxiques à des niveaux de pH plus élevé, et à un moindre degré de la température. Ce test donne un premier avertissement à défaut d'un système de filtration, probablement en raison de stocks excédentaires de poissons, d'alimentation ou plus. Ammoniac tests mesurer l'ammoniac total, ce qui est un mélange d'ammoniac et d'ammonium.

Pour bien déterminer la quantité de substances toxiques d'ammoniac que mai être présents dans votre eau, vous aurez besoin de connaître son pH, la température et de faire l'essai. Vous pouvez ensuite comparer les résultats de votre test contre la carte fournie avec le kit de test pour déterminer si l'ammoniac est présent, et dans quelle mesure, l'idéal résultat doit être égal à zéro.

Nitrite de essai:

L'ammoniac est en panne et convertis en nitrites par les bactéries nitrifiantes, (nitrosomonas bactéries), bien que moins toxique que l'ammoniac, des nitrites est encore très dangereux pour les poissons. Une présence de nitrites habituellement, un bacterially immatures ou système de filtration inefficace, peut-être excessifs et / ou d'alimentation. Ce test indique le niveau de nitrite, si tout est présent. Niveaux au-dessus de 1,0 mg / L (ppm) pour les aquariums d'eau douce sont considérés comme dangereux; idéalement, comme avec de l'ammoniaque, les lectures doivent être à zéro.

Nitrate Test:

Nitrite est en panne et converti en nitrates, ce n'est que le produit final du cycle de l'azote, et est utilisé comme une source de nourriture par les plantes et les algues. Les nitrates sont relativement non-toxique, mais si élevée sont observés à partir de votre résultat de test, il est indicatif d'un changement partiel d'eau est nécessaire.

pH test:

Comme différentes espèces de poissons originaires de différentes eaux du monde, de sorte que le pH de ces eaux différentes, il est donc nécessaire de simuler ces conditions de notre mieux. Un test pH indiquer vos eaux acidité ou l'alcalinité.

Des changements soudains du pH doit être évitée, ce qui cause du stress aux poissons, ce qui réduit leur résistance aux maladies, pour cette raison, il est donc très important que tous les ajustements de pH se fait progressivement sur une période de temps.

Essais de dureté de l'eau:

La plupart des espèces de poissons n'aiment pas l'eau alcaline dur; certaines espèces ne vivent cependant dans des conditions difficiles et ont besoin d'eau alcaline pour survivre. En vertu de la mauvaise conditions espèces de poissons de tout type donné ne parviendra pas à la race, de couleur mal être, et ont une faible résistance à la maladie. Il est donc nécessaire de déterminer quel type d'eau que vous avez dans votre aquarium pour le bien de votre survie du poisson.

Il existe deux types de test de dureté, l'un de confirmer son GH (dureté général), et est une mesure de tous les sels dissous dans l'eau, ces sels sont principalement composés de calcium (Ca) et magnésium (Mg). GH peut aussi être appelée dureté totale.

L'autre test est du carbonate de dureté (KH) ou dureté temporaire, et est communément appelé l'alcalinité. Il s'agit d'une mesure de la capacité de l'eau pour neutraliser un acide, et est connu sous le nom de la capacité tampon. Par conséquent, la dureté de l'eau est étroitement lié au pH.


A Vital Factor When Caring For Gold Fish Is Knowing Whether Something Is Hot, Warm Or Cold

Here's a quick lesson in science, that interest in the care of gold fish.

May you recall the concept of thermal expansion. Perhaps you are very familiar with it, even if you learned long ago.

I will not go into details, but the effect of a substance which expands as it is hot.

If you remember scientific experiments in the same way I do, the more interesting has always been just what happened when the substance was suddenly cooled (thermal contraction) of the quenching in water.

The really hot material showed a strong reaction as he hit the ice, liquid, and then be visible by the rapid cooling.

Now, I am not suggesting that gold fish are like pieces of hot metal.

It seems, the science shared memory for my May view. It is simply that the golden fish, as any substance, it is difficult to resist the dramatic temperature drop.

Any expert in caring for golden fish, you seem to be wary of the water temperature in the aquarium fish or, if you have just cleaned, or if you're about to put a new fish in the tank.

Why? Well, it is likely that your tap water is at room temperature? Or that the fish tank or the temperature is the same as the tank facility? No to both questions.

And if the difference between the temperature is too high, it is likely that the fish do not suffer, but die.

But the fish are quite tolerant of different temperatures, if it is fairly constant. It has been shown that some fish can live when it's so cold that ice floats in water, and others live in water above 80 degrees Fahrenheit for decades.

The actual temperature is not so important - they can tolerate hot and cold, as it is generally unchangeable.
But sudden warming or cooling is quite different and will be detrimental to gold fish very easily.

What does all this mean? It is clear. Looking for fish after the gold is a bit more complicated than you may have thought.

Do not worry too much, however. The temperature monitoring is not so difficult. All it takes is the presence of mind and some practice.

And whenever you work at it, you spend one more step to be an expert to take care of golden fish, even if your science knowledge is a little rusty!

Purchasing Freshwater Tropical Fish

You are the pet of your choice of tropical fish freshwater, you find what you want, and are ready to buy. Before buying, make sure the store you plan to buy care for their fish. Tropical fish get very stressed when they are moved, making them vulnerable to disease, so any store reputation quarantine new fish for a couple of weeks after delivery. I personally always check that the dealer forties tanks set aside for this purpose, and if they do not, ask what their policy is new as regards the fish.

Second, check the conditions inside the fish tanks. If they look dirty and neglected, or you see a little dead around the place, I recommend not to buy in the store, chances are that the fish you buy them not to live long.

If you are satisfied with the store you are, look closely at the fish that are caught for you. You want to have healthy specimens, and you can see at a glance. The summit should be permanent high-end, and the fish must have good form, ie well below rounded, not concave. Also make sure that this right swims and streamlined. If you want to raise your fish, make sure you know what sex is the fish, if possible. In livebearers, which are easier to reproduce, it is usually obvious by the dorsal fin, but the egg-layers are often not easy, and sometimes, depending on the species, they may be impossible to distinguish.

At this point the store with almost certainly save the tropical fish fresh water in plastic bags they tie tightened with as much air as possible inside the bag. To make sure you give your fish as little stress as possible, it is advisable to put the plastic bag in a thick paper bag, to keep tropical fish in the dark as far as possible.

Now get the fish gently and home as quickly as you can, the float and plastic bags on top of the aquarium for twenty minutes. This will allow the fish to calm down and the water temperature in the bag to match the temperature of the aquarium. After the twenty minutes is up, open the bag and release fish, with as little dirt from the water, if possible. If you have a brand new aquarium you can release the fish right, otherwise I recommend using a small pool of quarantine for a few days just so you can protect the rest of your tropical fish.


The Tiger Shrimp for the Freshwater Aquarium

Tiger shrimp Caridina cantonensis "Tiger"

The Tiger Shrimp is a species of shrimp in your collection. Its yellow head and yellow tail really compensate black bands along the body. It is in fact a kind of nature that can be reared in freshwater quite amateur is able to raise.

Like all other species, shrimp Tiger is going very well happen again and reproduce around the clock until he is healthy and happy. The water reservoir must be very clean and free of contaminants to ensure that this species is indeed happy. Each female produces about 20-25 infants and do so consistently if the shrimp is healthy. Once a batch of hatching eggs, it should not take more than a week for the same woman to have once again eggs.

Women are almost identical with the exception of men rather great "train" below the shrimp body. Once you see a pregnant woman shrimp, then you know identify other women in the colony. If you look at the last image from the Web link below for a pregnant shrimp and compare it to the picture above of a man and you can see how the part below the body is much greater among women. The coloring is the same for men and women.

As Tiger shrimp is becoming increasingly widespread in the hobby it has become a popular species for the "novice" lovers shrimp. I strongly recommend this species as the second choice for the amateur high after successfully raised shrimp Cherry Red and confidence enough to acquire a new species.

What Do I Need Fish Tank Stands For?

There is a ton of things that could cause a person to feel the need of a good aquarium stand. Just think about the weight of a 55 gallons aquarium which is full of water. This is the main reason of necessity. There is much more than many, including the need to keep your elegant room.

Few people are wise enough to understand the structural requirements needed to create a good aquarium stand. This is the main reason why you need to consider buying one. The weight of the tank and the water inside, it puts too much pressure on many stands built home. Unless you're a structural engineer, stand building left to experts. There are many models available affordable because of strong steel or wood that can address structural needs of an aquarium stand.

Another reason for a stand would make the shell itself fish look more elegant. Many people resist buying a tank, because they believe it is not add to the beauty of a piece. With the proper aquarium stand, nothing could be further from the truth. Many timber is designed now focus on adding beauty and style to your room. You should be able to find a wooden stand that matches the grain or finishing of wood already in your home. This will enable the aquarium and other mixes in the room and look as if she was still there. While most people view the aquarium and not the stand, you managed to find the right one. A stand should not dominate the tank and its contents.

If you make important investment for a new aquarium, consider the additional cost of an aquarium stand. There are many choices to choose from almost stores supplies for pets, to find one that best meets your needs and budget should not be too hard. If you want to provide the most stable stand to the tank, May you need a steel structure. If you are focused on the aspect of the stand, a stand of timber is probably your best option.


Health Checklist : Choose Your Own Fresh Fish!

One of the greatest potential with food rich in proteins is fish. The fish can meet your need for protein and more meat, and you can cut the fat by eating. The fish can be served raw as sushi, modify or Fishball, nougat, or sausage.

Research has shown that fish contains omega-3, based on EPA (Eicosapentaenoat acid) and DNA (Docosahexaenoat acid). Omega-3 is popular as the remedy to maintain good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol.

What to Look for

Fish, you must choose is the one with a good condition and fresh or alive. It is important to buy the highest quality of fishery products.

Choose fish with the perfect body, no physical, and no wound on the body. Avoid buying fish with torn by the end, scratch the skin, scales or damage, because it is possible that the fish is infected with the disease.
Infectious diseases is going to fish the cause of danger by micro-organisms. They are viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites or as ectoparasite and endo.

In addition to the health of the fish must have a light color and lighting. The texture of the body of fish, yet elastic, and you can smell the fresh fish is not Stinky. When you put the fish in water, it will be drawn to the bottom.

Fish and allergies

Some people have allergies to fish in May. Therefore, you should consult your doctor to overcome these problems. On occasion, the fish arrives by allergies excesses.

Home Fish Aquariums Are Fulfilling For the Hobbyist But What Are the Costs

Home Fish Tank

If you are a beginner, it is preferable that you make a small reservoirs. It is very important because you will be a starter. Even if you broke it, or if any problem occurs in the tank because of your negligence, which you not too much, so go for a small pool of ordinary glass. If you are experienced, and then make a fiber glass, or any other material, it will be more expensive.


The plants do not add to costs too, if they are species, but if you go for very rare species, then it will cost you more. Plastic plants are more expensive than live plants, but they do not contribute to the cycle of bacteria, it is advisable to buy live plants for your fish tanks. In addition, they add to the beauty of the aquarium. If you are a beginner, go for an ordinary case. You can then update for rare species when you have lived.


Fish, the main part should be given great importance, as the aquarium will not be one without them. Although the purchase of fish, you must be very careful, you must choose according to your experience, as only an experienced person knows how to handle each case. It is better to make a regular and cheap fish. In case of loss will not cost you a lot. You can even go for a Arowana after learning about everything in an aquarium and fish.


Food habit is very important because it will determine the health of fish, and sometimes the lives of fish. It is good to go flakes, the fish community. At times, you can go for food such as brine shrimp, frozen dryworms, and other foodstuffs. Do not feed them with as much food as it becomes habitual food for fish, and if you want to spend less money, then you will not be able to afford food. Special foods are expensive, so better to go flakes and feed them twice a day.

Filtration equipment
The cost of filtration equipment vary with the types of filters you use. Each type of filter have different filtering method. Make sure you choose the right one for your aquarium. In most cases,
following filters:

Canister filters,
Power filters,
Wet / dry filters,
Fluid filters,

There are three methods of filtering is going to happen, they are

Biological filtration,
Chemical filtration,
Mechanical filtration

Determine Aquarium Tank Size

When preparing your new aquarium, you must not only determine the size of the tank you want, but the size of a room in your house, you must place. You might like the 200 gallons reef tank they have in the local fish store, but if you do not have the space (and probably the experience to keep it), then you should keep on looking.

In general, you'll need to get the biggest tank you can afford and keep in your home. Contrary to common belief, with a larger tank is actually easier to maintain a smaller tank for two reasons. First, fish need a lot of space for swimming and plenty of oxygen in the water to breathe. The largest area of water in the tank, then the more oxygen can enter the tank. Secondly, the equipment to maintain a larger reservoir has a little more power to clean and maintain water quality. Small tanks are generally very cheap with filters and water pumps. The greatest need for more advanced tanks and heavy tools. Filtration methods are generally much more advanced, and therefore make a much better job keeping the water quality good for fish.

Another important factor in determining the size tank you want is to estimate the number of fish and other sea life you want to keep in your tank. You want to calculate the surface of the tank to determine the number of fish that you can store in that tank. Say you're interested in a standard size 55-gallon rectangular tank. These dimensions are typically about 14 "wide and about 48" long. While the 672 square inches (14 "wide x 48" long). A rule of thumb is 1 "of a fresh water / cold water by 30 inches square. So say you have 10 adults swordtail fish, which are usually about 2" long. While 20-inch fish (10 fish x 2 "long). So take that 20" fish x 30 "inches square that they require each squire = 600 inches. So you have enough and then some. Sounds a little complicated, but believe me, if you overcrowd your tank, you are heading for disastrous results.

As you can see, with a long, rectangular tank (which provides much surface) is much better than some of the largest reservoirs below the surface. So do not just shop for a reservoir on the basis of gallons, it may contain. The amount of the surface is also very important.

Remember, choosing the right size of your tank is the most important step you take in your path to maintain a healthy aquarium. Good luck!


Information for the New Pet Fish Owner

Ownership of fish

Most of us are familiar with the joy and excitement of a pet can make in our lives. Whether a dog or a spider, a parrot or a rodent, a pet is a friend who is always a pleasure to have. Like many others, ownership of fish is also an incomparable experience. It is a joy to watch a beautiful aquarium with fish swimming around, and get a glimpse of the lives of these magnificent creatures.

The detention and care for fish can be a difficult experience, especially at first. As much fun as an aquarium with live fish can bring you, it needs a lot of vigilance and attention to get to this point where you and your pet are happy and settled.

Before obtaining the fish house, there are some things you should keep in mind as they are essential to the success of your business

The first is to buy fish a beautiful house. The style of the aquarium depends on your personal preferences, just make sure that the aquarium has a good solid and stable stand. Place the aquarium so you have easy access for cleaning the tank. Avoid direct sunlight and near air conditioning vents. Then you'll need a good filtration and ventilation configuration mechanisms. Match the capacity of filters with the estimated number of fish, you have in your aquarium.

Before the arrival of inhabitants of conditions must be as close as possible optimally. Be sure to chlorination of water, if it is chlorinated for human use. This can be achieved by aeration of the water through activated carbon or by adding some sodium thiosulfate water. It is important to have a reservoir operation set up at least 24 hours before arrival to let people settle conditions a little.

The next and probably the most important issue regarding the ownership of fish, without a doubt, the fish go?

There are two broad categories, freshwater and saltwater fish. In general, the idea is that having a saltwater fish is more delicate than go for a freshwater fish; reason is that the survival of fish in an aquarium depends on the type of conditions that they are held and it is a bit more difficult to imitate the ocean of the river. Secondly, they are more expensive than the variety of fresh water which increases the degree of risk to your initial investment. Once you've blocked it, then you may want to be in business for salt water.

Unless the whole exercise is to obtain species of marine life, being fresh water fish would probably be a better idea for beginners. When you go to the pet store to find your own little "Nemo" keep a few things in mind:

- The purchase of a consignment of fish at once, especially when you are introducing your aquarium fish should be avoided. More fish will be more difficult to maintain optimum conditions. Maintenance of all different levels, such as pH and ammonia under control could become a challenge. This, in turn, may increase the risk of early float in your tank.

- Make sure the fish you choose has been in the shop for at least a few days. The purchase of a fish that is already under stress after being transported to the workshop will give you a fish much emphasis on your hands.

- It is very important to try to keep stress levels low when you take the fish home store. Ask a bigger bag and ensure that all of the race is over for your new boyfriend as soon as possible. Fish said normally stays near the surface, do not eat well or hide under a blanket. Stress can also be caused by injury or aggression from other fish, lack of oxygen in the tank or less than optimal conditions or illness.

- Select the type of fish with great care. But even if the fish is considered the easiest freshwater fish to work with, there are many other options open. It is interesting to note that all fish does not agree. Some fish hang with their own nature, while others are happier with other species and tend to become aggressive towards their own. Ask some questions before buying about who is who can save you a lot wrong with it.

Top Tips for Betta Fish Care!

Betta fish are beautiful freshwater fish that come in a variety of spectacular colors. They make great aquarium fish for many reasons such as those that are inexpensive to maintain and simple maintenance. Like any animal, however, a good care system is essential for good health and well-being.
Also known as Siamese Fighting against fish, Bettas are one of the most popular types of aquarium fish. They are from Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and parts of China and are usually found in water, such as rice fields and ponds.
Betta fish live for two or three years. Unlike most fish they breathe back to the surface of the water in the air. This makes them very easy to maintain because their tank does not need an air pump, filtration or ventilation.
Reservoir and water
Bettas do well in bowls - a large aquarium is not necessary. However, make sure the jar or bowl that you keep in your Betta is large enough for him to easily swim around without bumping his fins or scales. Make sure there are many surface so that it can get enough air, and be sure to keep the water clean.
Keep the container in a bowl or hot spot - Bettas are tropical fish. The temperature should be about 75 to 80 degrees. Make sure not to bowl in either direct sunlight or a current.
Changing a third of your Betta of water every three days. Use "old" tap water, the water was set to twenty four hours. Make sure that the temperature of water in the tank and use a product that eliminates chlorine as well.
* Important: Never use a fishing net to catch your Betta when you make changes of water. Their fins are very delicate and can easily get caught and pulled into the fiber of the net.
It is also a good idea to keep a lid on your Betta bowl because they can actually jump. Just make sure the lid has holes so fresh air can get in. Depending on space, hold one or more live plants in the fish bowl as well: Bettas like to rest on the leaves. There is an aquarium plant called "Betta Bulbs" available. Set the plant (s) in the gravel, and be sure to keep the gravel clean to avoid poor conditions of the reservoir.
Tank Mates and other species
Make sure not to keep the two men Bettas in a tank, because they will fight until death. They do not fight against the Siamese fish for nothing! Women, however, can be kept together. You can also keep both men and women of Bettas with other non-aggressive species of fish, but do not combine with any kind of aggression or you may have a fight on your hands! Bettas can be coupled with species such as guppies, algae or corydorus eating catfish.
Bettas should be fed once a day. Make sure not to overeat and do not leave any uneaten food in the bowl. They can be fed dried brine shrimp or worms freeze dried blood. They do not usually like worm cubes or food flakes. Check your pet food for Betta, there are many types available, and Bettas willing to eat most of them. However, they live as foods such as brine shrimp live better. For this reason, some fish Betta recommended care is to treat your fish live for some food from time to time. It's fun to watch catch and eat!
Do not leave uneaten food in water. After feeding, use a turkey Baster to clean small particles of food or uneaten debris from the bottom of your bowl Betta. If you do not, water will become cloudy and unhealthy - it smells bad and very unhealthy for fish too!
Betta fish with care, always remember that fish are living, breathing creatures like any other pet. It is your responsibility to feed and take care of your Betta and make sure he has a good environment to live, as you would a dog or a cat. If you follow a good system of care, starting with the tips in this article, your fish will be healthy and happy and add movement and color wherever you keep them!


Controlling Pests In Your Aquarium


Why is Aiptasia a parasite?

Aiptasia are a kind of sea anemones, can enter your reef aquarium hitchhiking on live rock or other material that you introduce into the tank. Aiptasia are not harmful when they are present in the reef tank in a few, but they can grow very rapidly. Being anemones, they are animals and can take up the resources of the tank very quickly. This deprives the fish of the safe and healthy aquatic environment you have built for them. Shortly, Aiptasia will begin very unsightly in your beautiful reef tank. That is why they are parasites that must be lifted as soon as possible.

How can we control Aiptasia?

Aiptasia must be nipped in the bud for effective control. It becomes very difficult to remove when they proliferate. The most effective method in such times is to inject anemones with chemical solutions. A very cheap method of treatment is to inject them with lemon juice concentrate. Other chemicals that can be used bleach and caustic soda and caustic potash solutions.


Why are Flatworms pests?

Planaria dishes are like parasites in the aquarium habitat. These dishes are particularly undesirable in a reef aquarium, because they have a bad habit of carpet over coral in the reef and stop their supply of sunlight and nutrients.

How can we control Flatworms?

Most people use biological control for the elimination of flat reef aquarium. Organizations such as Chelidonuria are known to feed on food. Therefore, the introduction of Chelidonuria in the reef tank could be a solution. There are also flatworm control solutions available on the market, which is introduced into the reef tank when a new coral or live rock is introduced.


Why are Flatworms pests?

The Flatworms are a kind of sea snails which are parasitic on corals belonging to the genus Montipora, sometimes known as Monti. Sometimes, the proliferation can be so broad that Flatworms may even kill Montis.

How can we control Flatworms?

The biological method of controlling Flatworms is to introduce some wrasse in the reef aquarium, especially the six wrasse doubled. Some chemicals are effective in repelling Flatworms too, the most prominent of which is potassium permanganate and even garlic.


Why are Redbugs pests?

Redbugs parasites are common on Acropora corals. Redbugs may actually serve as cleaners for corals because they can feed on waste and other metabolic products that corals produce. But in large numbers, they upset the ecological balance maintained in the aquarium habitats.

How can we control Redbugs?

Dragonface pipefish can act as a natural deterrent to redbugs in the reservoir and, therefore, are used for biological control. Another method is to clean the coral itself with a solution of iodine and cleaning the aquarium means.

Anchor Worms (Lernaea)

These parasites may be visible to the naked eye. Women are 10-12mm, men are 0.8 mm.
Females are parasitic and integrate themselves into the flesh of the hosts. They are held in place with a "hold firm", where they begin feeding on fish "flesh, organs and fluids.

Reproductive potential is considered by the development of two bags of eggs on the outside / exposed part of the parasite, which gives Y / T-shaped appearance. The young pods cope swimmers are free, but soon attach themselves to the gills. The adults and eggs are introduced via live food, water infected, or plants.

Symptoms: The fish infected by these parasites can be considered "flashing" on surfaces. It is the underside of the fish that are trying to get rid of these pests. Other symptoms include localized redness, the rate of inflation of the body of fish, breathing difficulties, lethargy, ulcers, Dropsy, weight loss, loss of scales, Gill and end damage. Puncture wounds often introduce opportunistic secondary infections.

Salaries: Those infected should be removed in a quarantine tank to prevent women to release their eggs in the main tank.

1) salt has been recommended as the safest form of kidnapping carried out to fish. Use 10-30 grams per liter.

2) Trichlorfon, and Dipterex Dylox (toxic to fish and invertebrates - use with caution)

3) Current treatments of Dimilin

Anchor worms are actually crustaceans. Young people are free swimming and borrow in the skin, go to the muscles and develop for several months before displaying. They release eggs and die. The holes are ugly and May are infected.

Treatment: The anchor worm is too deeply rooted to safely delete. The treatment can be done with 10 to 30 minute bath in 10 milligrams per liter of potassium permanganate. Or treat the whole tank with 2 milligrams per liter, but this method is messy and dyes from water.


Maintaining A Freshwater Aquarium

Here are the milestones, you'll have to perform for the care of your freshwater inhabitants:

1. Removal of organic debris from the tank.

There is much pollution in aquarium tanks, if they house freshwater fish or saltwater fish. This pollution comes from waste products of fish, and from fragments of food that was uneaten by the fish. When micro-organisms in your freshwater tank die, they will also contribute to pollution in the tank. You must remove all of the tank on a regular basis. Vacuuming is the most appropriate method for this purpose. You can get inexpensive aquarium pumps at any store pet considered. Empty your freshwater tank at least once a month.

2. Check the conditions of water in the tank.

You must understand that fish live in water, and for them the water is just as important as air is to us. That is why you should make every effort to check the status of water. This is done by enhancing the pH of your tank. You should ask your provider aquarium which will be the pH of your fish, as the pH value differs for different types of fish. Then you must obtain a pH of filter that will help you keep the proper pH value. But in the first two months, you'll need to check the status of the water once every few days. This can be reduced to a monthly after the first two months longer. It's time your aquarium will be completely set in.

3. Check your aquarium filtration.

There are different types of filtration for your aquarium, and you'll need mechanical, chemical and biological filters for your tank. The mechanical filters are made of tampons and sponges, and their job is to filter impurities from particles of the tank, while the chemical filters will eliminate the unbearable odors and colors. The biological filters are a complex of micro-organisms bed in your tank - most bacteria - that your tank with the natural environment it needs. However, as time passes, mechanical filters are choked, chemical filters will lose their power adsorption and biological filters could simply disappear. So you'll need to verify the effectiveness of your aquarium filters from time to time. Monthly cleaning is sufficient for aquarium filter maintenance.

4. Change the water in the aquarium.

You'll have to change your water tank periodically. You must replace about one-tenth of water each week, a quarter of water once a month and about half the water once every six months. Will ensure that water in your tank remains pure. However, we must never replace the water in your tank because you'll lose out on the biological value of ecosystems that are already established in your tank.

Aquarium Decor

You have the aquarium tank, it is now time to decorate. Tanks looked so beautiful in the store for pets, but if you're like me, they left you wondering where to begin. First, you need to decide on a theme, nothing Disney ships sunk. The theme you choose for your aquarium decor is a matter of personal choice. The next suggestion is to create a little chart and scale to any size. This will ensure that you have room for anything you want and help eliminate gaps in the tank.

There are many aquarium decorations there. There are hundreds if not thousands, to choose. Coral, driftwood, gravel, plants, artificial plants, rocks and ceramic decorations are just a few types of aquarium décor. So, once you decide your topic, you should have no trouble filling your tank. You want to make sure you put all the smaller objects and plants in front and take the biggest backwards so that it can be seen.

It should be noted that you can put in your aquarium items that are marked "for use in aquariums, so as not to contaminate the reservoir. Driftwood, rocks and plants for your garden or elsewhere May contain harmful ingredients such as pesticides or chemicals and minerals that can be toxic to the life of the aquarium.

It is also important when the care and maintenance of your tank. Soap, bleach and other "cleaning products are harmful to fish tanks. The tank decor and ornaments should be cleaned once a month using a cleaner specially designed for cleaning fish tanks and aquariums. Cleaners that eliminate biological and mineral deposits should be used. Cleaning aquarium decorations on the average is very low maintenance. Make sure before you add or delete any aquarium decoration or ornament that you turn off and unplug all equipment first.

Aquarium decor is more than just ornaments and decorations in your tank. It can be used to hide some of the plumbing for the aquarium disgracieux and, more importantly, need to provide shelter for sea life thriving in your aquarium. It can also provide a place for fish to lay eggs and go and brood.

Rocks and other structures used as aquarium decor often become territorial limits of certain fish in the tank. When selecting rocks and larger structures to decorate the tank, keep in mind that fish love to explore, so that the ridges and holes better. It is also a good idea to rearrange the scenery every time you clean. She held the aquarium experience new and fun for you and the fish.