
Anchor Worms (Lernaea)

These parasites may be visible to the naked eye. Women are 10-12mm, men are 0.8 mm.
Females are parasitic and integrate themselves into the flesh of the hosts. They are held in place with a "hold firm", where they begin feeding on fish "flesh, organs and fluids.

Reproductive potential is considered by the development of two bags of eggs on the outside / exposed part of the parasite, which gives Y / T-shaped appearance. The young pods cope swimmers are free, but soon attach themselves to the gills. The adults and eggs are introduced via live food, water infected, or plants.

Symptoms: The fish infected by these parasites can be considered "flashing" on surfaces. It is the underside of the fish that are trying to get rid of these pests. Other symptoms include localized redness, the rate of inflation of the body of fish, breathing difficulties, lethargy, ulcers, Dropsy, weight loss, loss of scales, Gill and end damage. Puncture wounds often introduce opportunistic secondary infections.

Salaries: Those infected should be removed in a quarantine tank to prevent women to release their eggs in the main tank.

1) salt has been recommended as the safest form of kidnapping carried out to fish. Use 10-30 grams per liter.

2) Trichlorfon, and Dipterex Dylox (toxic to fish and invertebrates - use with caution)

3) Current treatments of Dimilin

Anchor worms are actually crustaceans. Young people are free swimming and borrow in the skin, go to the muscles and develop for several months before displaying. They release eggs and die. The holes are ugly and May are infected.

Treatment: The anchor worm is too deeply rooted to safely delete. The treatment can be done with 10 to 30 minute bath in 10 milligrams per liter of potassium permanganate. Or treat the whole tank with 2 milligrams per liter, but this method is messy and dyes from water.