
Adding Angelfish To Your Freshwater Fish Tank

Angelfish are beautiful and graceful - a great addition to any aquarium, but you must be careful that you do not put them in a fish tank that is that they do not get along. Although these fish seem peaceful and quiet, they can be mildly aggressive and might tend to eat smaller fish!

A member of the Cichlid family, Angelfish come in many varieties and colors. They can be a bit fragile when they are young, but as they grow older, they can pretty tough. You want to keep, in groups of six or more, but if only two or three is not a good mix and you may find that the stronger the weaker bullies a fish, but if you see them in large schools they should be fine.

You need a large aquarium for these fish, or 29 liters or more, depending on how many fish you want total coverage. Make sure you have gravel that at least 1 / 4 "thick. You'll have to keep the temperature of the tank between 70 and 82 ° F so be sure your Angelfish mix with other fish that thrive in this temperature. Make sure your tank is at least 24 inches deep - the deeper the better and the deeper you aquarium, the greater your fish will grow. Some angel fish have been reported to grow as large as 12 inches.

Angelfish are not that difficult to feed and they do not really need any special food. You can give them the floating flake food that you find in any pet store and must be replaced in some freeze dried blood worms. If you want to give them a treat, try a few live brine shrimp or black worms, but be sure to select worms that are in good condition. Although the aggressive Angelfish is mild, there are many other fish that may very well get along in the tank with them. Large Tetras (not the small neons) and Silver Dollar fish get along great as do Sword and Mollies Tails Platies. You'd better not Guppies in your Angelfish Angels do tend to eat them. Other fish that you can include in the tank include Gouramis, Clown Loaches, Bala Sharks and Giant Danios.

Although easy to care for and quite tough, Angelfish may be the victim to other fish that want to run their long fins. In addition, they are susceptible to a common aquarium disease "hole in the head, the disease manifests itself as a wound to the head and fish spreads alarming eventually killing the fish.

If you treat your Angelfish right, do not overcrowd the tank, make sure you regular maintenance, feeds him well and keep the tank at the proper temperature of your fish can live for 10 years!