
10 Easy Steps To Clean Your Fish Tank

Whether or not to buy tropical fish, the first time the buying and other tropical aquarium fish to add a certain something in order to determine whether you need to stand a chance of tropical fish whether health. Be careful not to purchase the incidence of disease and unhealthy fish tank and spread quickly to other fish to die of the disease easier.

1. Activities: Swimming tropical fish easily and should be more fish in an aquarium. If he is a fish, he was probably dying of swimming upside down. You can not fish tank at the top of the fish all the time at the bottom (below, unless he is the feeder).

Two. Eyes:The eyes of the fish should be bright and clear. Some fish is a strange looking haave the characteristic sound because they know the fish are looking to buy.

Three. Finn: dorsal fin down as it can not be folded, members of unhealthy fish. He should not SUPURITTOFIN. Fungal signs that must exist or to find a patch of white fin.

Four. Scale: free scale should be shiny white spots and excessive mucus.

Five. Aquarium: Clean and should be aquarium water should be clear. Dirty water and dirty water tanks that are signs of tropical fish are not properly cared for. Inappropriate to take care of other fish to getting sick.

Pet shops and fish shops that sell not only as an illness or unhealthy fish to maintain their reputation, they are your repeat business. More careful to buy from tropical fish breeder or private individual who is only trying to eliminate the tropical fish.