
To Buy Koi Or Not to Buy Koi?

Love is a unique fish in the world. Let's face it ... Most of the fish in an aquarium to maintain a clean look, but as a pet, they are very negative. Love is, however, actually has a personality and dialogue. Buy at once in love, they will steal your heart bright patterns, intelligence and friendship.

Before you run out to buy fish, one of the nearest store is several things, first you need to do this. If you fall in love with the growth is large enough to be effective, you need a large outdoor ponds. Do you have one you do not have the building to see one, you'll need to make sure that the appropriate filter to maintain a happy and healthy love. Hiding in the pond, please make sure to love the new spots in love, you can avoid predators such as the possibility of a large blue heron and other birds who predatory fish. Other sex offenders are included in need of protection from raccoons, raccoons, snakes and kingfishers. It will also need to check the pond is safe from water runoff that may contain pesticides and herbicides. Experience has grown into a regular basis to learn how to test the chemical composition of water, food and fish waste to be converted to ammonia and other harmful chemicals are in love.

Construction of the pond in the preparation of fish, to survive more about how you must love. Love is known for his longevity. However, these beautiful carp prepared to take care of more than 20 years? Yes, please read that right. Most of the tropical aquarium fish, unlike your love, live a long time, in May and also in some cases to ride out! 1965, Love was considered very large in Japan as a professor and declared to be 215 years old, the survey said the scale of light under the microscope. Before you buy, love, you need to know is the right kind of high-protein food. Feeding time is usually the expert's favorite time of day in love. Learn about love coming to eat from your hand. They can also perform acrobatics and enthusiasm to create a small feeding can be very interesting. Love to be able to taste, smell and hear very well. They also stressed the blush if it is to have a way of communicating when something is wrong.

You can not love. Only interesting and unique pets, can become a profitable hobby if you have the room. Have enough space, and they love to easily generate a lot of money to bring well-marked. There are many variations on classification can be described, these colorful fish and fish a lot of fun trying to identify patterns. Enthusiasts for the first time, decorated with bright shows where the carp to compete.

Most of the lovers in love, but enough to enjoy these SUMATOKEPASU and attractive fish and watermelon rinds to jeopardize their favorites, and is treated like spinach. Help to see the fish swim, in fact, reduce tension and stress daily. Now you'll find the love addiction and look forward to a timeout in the pond fish and relax while watching these fascinating.