
Temperature For Freshwater Aquariums

tropicals names, places too much emphasis on the idea of a maximum temperature of all the exotic fish. They include some come from the tropics has not been, and some people are coming from the tropics, especially in warm water comes from.

It is understood the majority of exotic aquarium fish, can not stand cold water, so of course, getting sick fish for easy, on the other hand, many of them, unprosperous temperatures More likely to be needed to carry oxygen from the water.

All placed in the water about 80 degrees, Aquarius is not considered friendly, who likes high temperature. One should not believe that, in specie, to be exact, for each degree of heat. Forgiving, most of them are at least 10 - and fifth-degree change in the stands more than eight hours, with no injuries.

As long as individual species are concerned, the most delicate fish and put integrity is the most warm, and, hardier is the cooler spots. I have a lot of unnecessary costs are concerned, and given an aquarium tank, and seek to incorporate it in a room with two fixed points.

This is not to supply natural environment, and that is to observe fish, some motivated by changes in temperature. You can not worry too much about the aquarists, fluctuations between the thermal aquariums at the top and bottom. Native waters are significant changes in the fish look like, but without a deal with the problem. What you can choose the level of their water.

It all comes down to this: the average exotic aquarium fish is happy with an average temperature of 72-76 degrees. At times, you will never be the drop-down temperature under 70 - degree, and if you are not hurt, but an increase in temperature. Shooting on the temperature is interested in this or 8 o - time, they have enough oxygen in the water.

Most of the fish breeding and other means to raise the water temperature is 80 - degree. If through unruly please down because of the low temperature of 60 degrees or 50 degrees, the thing to do is to gradually increase to about 80 degrees to keep it there for 24 hours or more.

The aquarium is the best way to maintain an appropriate temperature of the heater. Equalizes the temperature at the top and bottom aeration. The most asked question is, "What kind of heater is the size of a given gallon capacity is needed?" This can not be answered intelligently without knowing the amount to overcome the cold. General rule, each 5-gallon 2 watts - raise the ambient temperature. Conservative size I favor Heating units, if the thermostat fails to enter the function may be fried fish.

Fish swim in it or be interested in the fish tank water warmer than the air conditioner on the exchange's totally different to the one tank to another, of which some degree of temperature changes, either on Or below. This is one thing that must be performed only. Apparent effect at once can not escape it is rare. Usually bring about the "shake" or "shimmies," white spot disease (ick), fungus, or a general decline in the downhill. Should be changed to 2 degrees. IRUKA thermometer to check that can be up to 4 - the same degree as much.