
Betta Fish Are Better Than Any Other Fish! Siamese Fighting Fish Rock!

Wow. Life is different and life is great. And life is very interesting and something quite different ways to feed the fish. I'm certain types of fish food to specifically said, however, feed fish any more about it. How to feed the fish to the vitality of the difference between their colors, their health and their lives. How to feed even their personality differences, and all the way through their swim in the tank.

That you can get them. Food flinging only feed in any direction from the tank or you can feed to be more precise, always from the same location. By feeding in the same corner in the tank y Wang is actually training the fish. You are given some stability. They ended up in this particular area to learn about the food, eating area and look forward to them coming when you approach a tank. Know this from personal experience. I'm small fish a day. A long time ago, I purchased a surprisingly Siamese fighting fish (a / K / slave), to treat the fish and I have decided to treat them differently depending on the pet shop. I do not believe the Hype love these fish, these tiny, locked-in bowls. So, my special treat for the fish, a huge, solid as the tank is 10 gallons. He loves the new home of the fish, is delighted. Decorate my house some of the natural plant and a small ornament. (Please be careful with decorations. Dispatch is to get rich, but more needed to remember that the decorations inside the tank to put more living space from swimming and deprive fish It is. The best decorations are sold in pet shops.

Fish need a place to hide:
One is to find a space in the tunnel or the fish to hide it, great. With fish during the day to give you the choice of a space he was hiding in the darkness of his own space. Anyway, I omit the fish. Walked for more than 10 gallons daily to feed tank. Corner of breast-feeding as soon as he came to me when I saw the approaching from that direction. This is his greeting to me, Hi, I'm here!

Thus a solid feeding and you can actually get really friendly. He said his name Fighting is not live, be friendly to him. I like my fish to be able to come and train me and he will come back to where water can be a pet. He was loved. Imagine a caress, fish? Most people do not have a pet fish. And most of the fish does not appear to the top for a pet. However, follow these steps, a solid caress might just have a fish.

Pet steps to happiness:
Buy solid.
He was 10 or 20 gallons in the tank either afford or maintain it.
Feed, he was the same time each day.
He feeds from feeding the same corner.
Trained on the solid!
He's like feeding after the last one or two months, as he tries to pet it. He is the surface of food. Once a pet He then feeds.

This most cases, the works. It worked for me. Now this is something we have learned about fish, pet store, a man not tell you. I keep reading articles more interesting facts about fish and other pets.