
How to Clean a Fish Tank With Natural Means

Tropical aquarium fish cleaning up the hard work, especially in cloudy and dirty, the aquarium to get back in a short time! It is great if there was no way to minimize the work of the Clean water tank itself? Fortunately, mother nature's creatures have learned how to take advantage of any kind of dirt and some algae that specializes in fish and 'food', which means the dirty water tank.

Fight algae problem is to add the algae-consuming fish tank!

Algae eater, Chinese (gyrinocheilus) to large-scale algae Sucks mouth, especially in your aquarium on the ground. SATO dirty water to survive various temperatures, algal gyrinocheilus problem is easy to decline. But be careful: in peace and to enhance productivity, the younger years, this sort of thing is very positive after the attacks, and other fish in the tank. In addition to confirm that do not directly feed the fish - Food artificial legs might have to completely stop consuming algae!

FURAINGUFOKKUSU fish (epalzeorhynchos kalopterus), another to eat green algae species-specific. Flying foxes loan might be a challenge, but the other fish habitat, they are less aggressive under the algae eater than people living in the Chinese and other species usually do well. They are particularly useful for them under the Clean it should be consumed in a fish tank leftovers and to prevent bacterial bloom this way, the aquarium cloudy.

Cleaner shrimp can be added to salt water fish tank in order to improve the health of other fish to clean the shrimp since the parasite other organisms - the perfect symbiosis! Tiny particles of organic eating, fish, it is useful for cleaning the tank.

Snail is a controversial creatures. One hand, you can search Clean your fish tank, while the very problem you can not time itself. Snail to reproduce quickly and does not have natural enemies to the customer in an aquarium can be easily overwhelmed. Note that the snails are annoying, as well as biological particles are eating the plant, as well as to maintain the aquarium life may be!

A lot more fish in your tank can be clean and without any degree you can sit down and look at the usefulness of life is how to work with all manner of fascinating! Still, you should know that fish will never But Clean your fish tank like that is what you need to do from time to time. To do this, please look at how to clean the tank before the tendency to do this common mistake beginners!