
Choosing The Right Fish Habitat For Your Aquarium

If you decided to bring the pet fish at home, the first thing one must determine whether the type of habitat, you have created. Surprised to learn that, although it may actually be many different types of habitats. In addition, select the type of habitat to create the type of fish to determine the tank can be placed.

Community tanks, tanks for a variety of fish can be different, but all the fish tank to a community with each other must be non-aggressive Iraq. In this way the fish can live in one of the same injury to another tank. This does not mean, however, it is active, you can not fish in the tank. Rather, you will need to fish. With local residents to choose a caution. Thus, one kind of harm is not dominate the other species. Some kinds of communities to create the tank is recommended that:
• Cichlid tanks
• Tetra tank and liverbearer
• fast moving tank
The right kind of fish with a combination of them to live peacefully with it.

Cichlid Tanks
Cichlid There are two main forms: Africa and South America. cichlids of the African variety of mix you can. cichlids can be mixed with cichlids along with a variety of South America. You can not, however, a mix of African cichlids South American cichlids. If so, in May, different types of disasters strike as the two cichlids fight over territory.

And African cichlids, certain fish need to be sufficient places to hide. These fish tend to enjoy rock, cave, and you can hide in the plant. Ideally, the pH is 8.0 to maintain the balance of African cichlids. South American cichlids, on the other hand, you have plenty of space to move a tendency to get very big. Some fish may fall into this category and the Oscar severums included. Very large, tend to get the tank, at least in the Big 50 gallons in order to maintain happiness.

Tetra fish tank and embryonic
Tetra livebearers and tanks than can be stored in smaller, what used cichlids. In fact, the tank is only 10 to 29 gallons size is large enough. The pH should be the mid-7 s, most livebearers, though it is tetras pH somewhere between 6.5 to 7. In any case, it is best to keep a lot of plants and ornaments in the tank, these fish playing in their tendency to enjoy the decorations.

Fast Moving Tanks
Fast moving fish include fish such as tiger barbs, zebra danios,, and shark. These fish will get higher if the tank to provide more space to walk around. These fish do not really go anywhere, but they like to get faster. The tank's temperature is about 70 to 80 degrees somewhere in custody.