
How to Clean a Fish Tank in 7 Easy Steps

If you are new to this, we might get confused about how to properly clean a fish tank. In fact, the most devastating to a lot of mistakes, especially beginners, when cleaning an aquarium. Fortunately, these mistakes can prevent the 7 following these simple steps:

1) First of all, empty 20 to 30 percent of the water tank.

2) Now you can. Please be careful and tropical fish. You can dip net. Use one or a small bucket depending on the size of your aquarium, make sure you do not hurt the fish along the process. Now a small fish in a container where you can pay the next time.

3) If you have a serious problem in the rest of the dirty water and algae only generally, use this opportunity to water filtration tank of fish left in the filtration system, using water or strainer Dip net to the right.

4) the artificial rocks and plants. Scrub brush or something similar to place it before the header.

5) clean the filtration system itself. If you want this machine to pieces, with always know how to put it back! Filtration system using more then one of the filters are included in the Clean only one at a time - more important biological bacterial cultures that have lost your role TACHIMASHI At the aquarium. Clean filters to one of a few weeks after the second one.

6) all together again. Check all the equipment works - the heating and filtration system and perfect for light work? If not, use this chance to fix it. Even a short time, the appropriate temperature, filtration and the fish return to the point there is no light pollution!

7) After putting the first artificial rocks and plants, fish tank and a tank of fresh water - to undo the fish to keep it, too!

These simple steps to help you get the idea that every tropical fish species in need of special attention and the requirements for the aquarium. , The steps for Clean lead in the fish tank in one case, another one that might endanger the tropical fish as they may need some special treatment by the way!