
Interesting Facts About Goldfish

Here are some interesting facts about the goldfish is already known of the following:

Native living in a goldfish pond, and other stationary or slowly moving body of water is the maximum depth of 20 m (65 ft). The climate is tropical and subtropical country to live in fresh water, pH of 6.0? 8.0, if possible, pH 7.5, 5.0, the hardness of the water? 19.0 dgh, and temperature ranges from 40 to 90 * f (4-41?? C) will not survive a temperature higher than long. Despite the goldfish bowls, bowls like a human is a cute idea. Tank put his companion goldfish is a compatible.

Goldfish is the most versatile and beautiful species of fish are kept as pets today; hobby and fishkeeping, they offer something for everyone. What level of experience, you must fishkeeping, goldfish, to meet customer needs. Goldfish swim in the room is required. You can get stuck between or undecorated. Goldfish and green food requires time, a time to help digest food.

Goldfish are cold-blooded, so the water temperature depends on the metabolic rate. Feed is 50 degrees below Fahrenheit. Goldfish and tropical fish can not be mixed, and indeed is not a good idea to mix with other fish. Most catfish (ie PUREKO) in cold water can be stored in large tanks, you must have, and they are a danger to the goldfish. Diggers and goldfish is littered with fine sand, leaves, lightly injuring a few hardy plants. Roots rock river and harmonious addition to the aquarium is good.