
Breeding for Beginners

Probably the most gratifying thing about tropical fish is keeping watch young fish grow from birth to adulthood. You can take immense pride in this respect, but is particularly true for species more difficult to reproduce. However, beginners should be wary of jumping into the deep end (so to speak).

Mollies guppies, Swordtails and Platys are fantastic for beginners fish to reproduce. They are all live bearer types of fish, ie fish are born alive and can swim from the beginning. These fish come in a wide variety of colors and patterns and are perfect for beginners breeders to hone their newly acquired skills

Probably the most important point about breeding tropical fish that bear live young is to keep the baby fish, called fry, away from the rest of your community tank. Fish adults to consider fry foods be fantastic, "keep them apart from the outset." If you do not have your breeding efforts will be in vain. In fact, even the father and mother feed their own young as food.

The best way to avoid this fate is to use a reservoir separate breeding with lots of foliage and plants for the FRY to hide in. Once the mother gave birth, she must be returned to the main tank quickly, so that young fry can increase security in the incubator tank.

The temperature of the water and reservoirs are both very large when it comes to packaging of tropical fish. Each race has a better fish reproduction different temperatures, so that firstly determined. The fish is packaged to race when the water temperature for signals it is breeding season. If you hold the optimum temperature, fish are more likely to recur. Typically, large tanks tend to produce a greater number of fry in a birth as well.

Food is also an important factor in packaging, try to find out who is the favorite dish is your type of fish. However, it is not always possible to obtain "specialist food," today a well-balanced diet can easily be provided in the form of flakes of high quality or other foods. Bloodworms, frozen or live are excellent for the packaging of most fish.

The joy you get from farmed fish will be all the more if you follow these basic rules.