
Tropical Fish Aquariums

There are many types of aquariums but usually when you talk about having an aquarium people automatically think of a tropical aquarium, even if you could have fresh water, reefs or any other type of aquarium.

Choice of Aquarium

When you choose your aquarium you must take into account the time that you would be willing to spend taking care of your fish and aquarium. There are many factors to consider with maintaining as filtration, temperature and chemical composition of the environment. The saltwater aquariums are more complex to manage than the freshwater aquarium because of the complexity in testing and adaptation of salinity in the water.

The saltwater tropical fish aquarium

The color diversity in a saltwater aquarium is one of the rewards that you receive if you're willing to take time, effort and expense of creation. Add a rock or reef aquarium with tropical fish and other species that are adapted to the life of a reef.

To complete your tropical aquarium fish eco system, you can add a few popular and beautiful exotic species such as clown fish, ladies and Angelfish, dwarf or their normal size. Crustaceans, corals and sea anemones complete your aquarium.

Once you've mastered the maintenance of these fish you want to venture in May adding more complex and difficult to take care of your species to the ecosystem such as squid, octopus and jellyfish.

Do not forget snails

Adding a snail or two to your tropical aquarium is important. Snails are gastropods tiny tentacles heads. They help clean the aquarium by moving along gravel on the bottom of the tank to eat dead and decaying plants. They are also fun to watch.

Snails are hermaphrodites and, as such, are able to reproduce. One day, May you have a snail in the tank and the next you could have two. Depending on the type snail some can fertilize their own eggs while others self replicate in other ways.

You May be able to spot you snail eggs as they do in a gelatinous mass around the base of a rocky or shaded area protected if tropical fish aquarium.