
Common Goldfish Diseases - Symptoms and Treatment

Early diagnosis of the disease is an important part of total care goldfish. If you can not easily diagnose a sick goldfish see your veterinarian or pet.

Fish living by absorbing oxygen and release carbon dioxide as a waste. The plants under the influence of daylight do the opposite of what is a poison for Life gives to another. Thus adding plants to your aquarium will help keep your goldfish in good health and disease.

Prevention is always easier than cure, therefore keeping your own aquarium, feeding your fish, avoiding the wide temperature fluctuations and achieve partial water changes as necessary, you go a long way to keep your fish healthy. However, no matter how you maintain your tank, from time to time one or more of your goldfish May become stressed or ill.

Some of the most common diseases goldfish are discussed here.

Anchor to appear as a 1 / 4 to 3 / 8 inch piece of string with a forked tail. Larger anchor worms can be easily visible. They seem equally clear, brown-red, green or white-strings. After the anchor to themselves buried in the flesh of fish May open wounds appear on the skin. The anchor May to be visible in the wounds. Often this parasite is injected into the aquarium aquarium plants - especially those taken from streams or rivers, or add live food in the tank. Anchor to set in the scales of fish where they bury their anchor-shaped head under the skin causing ulceration and distress.

Anchor worms are highly contagious and must be addressed immediately. Your local store for pets can provide appropriate treatment to anchor worm, usually in the form of a gyrase inhibitor that can be added to the water tank. This should be effective to kill the parasites within three to four days.

Swim bladder disease should be suspected when a fish has difficulty to stabilize in the tank. It is not uncommon in goldfish although fancy varieties seem more susceptible to this disease. It may be genetic in origin or caused by a variety of other factors, including inadequate or improper diet, a bacterial infection or even poor quality water aquarium.

In addition to improving the condition of water if necessary, some guards fish suggest feeding your goldfish a thawed frozen peas. It should also feed the fish with food instead of sinking floating food to minimize the air intake. It May also be useful to move your disease to a goldfish shallow pool while you treat it. This May reduce stress on fish. Swim bladder disease occurs very often suddenly healthy fish.

Dropsy is not a goldfish disease, but appears as a state where fish becomes swollen abdomen due to a concentration of fluids in the body tissues or cavities. The abdominal swelling can create an effect where pinecone scales of fish protrude from the body. The cause of the swelling may be one of several conditions, including cancer, internal parasites or bacterial infection, cancer, internal parasites. According to the source of the state Dropsy May be contagious. There has been no successful treatments for Dropsy and condition is usually fatal.

Torn or frayed fins are generally indicative of the tail fin of decay or if the fish was not fighting. It is a bacterial infection that appears as a white edge on fins, fins before starting to rot away. It is easily treated with antibiotics available at your local pet store. Ensuring the drug trafficking indicates that end rot or tail. In some cases, a fungal infection secondary May occur. If so, treat the end rot before dealing with the fungal problem.

Fungus is usually a secondary infection. A fish with an open wound or sore throat caused by injury or illness May suffer from a lack of mucus in the region of the wound. This open wound can often attract a secondary infection fungus. Look for patches of gray or white fuzzy puffs attached to the skin. There are several treatments for fungal infections of the pet. Mushroom responds well to treatment quickly.

Perhaps the most common parasitic diseases in goldfish is ick. It is often found in freshwater fish tanks and infect fish that have suffered recent infection or those in poor health in general. Ick is characterized by small white dots that look like salt sprinkled on the body. Fish May Try scratching the infected areas on the tank shell that can otherwise cause damage. Cloudy eyes and rapid breathing can also be signs of ick. Go for pet ick treatment. Mal infected fish should be moved to a quarantine tank for treatment, but it is important to address the main aquarium and to ensure that the parasite has been deleted.

Goldfish are actually hardy fish, but there are many diseases that can cause stress and discomfort. If you want your goldfish to live a long and healthy life, you must make sure you treat correctly the aquarium.