
The Exoticness of Aquarium Plants

When we started keeping tropical fish - we had a major disaster that destroys the whole tank. It was particularly horrible situation that we could have avoided but I did not regarded as "our fault" ...

We had spent a long weekend and yes, you guessed it, the thermostat on the tank water heater broke, the water temperature soared - aquarium has followed the extinction ... and my family and I were in tears upon our return ...

I was so overwhelmed by the experience that for some time we kept only in our aquarium plants that we did not have the heart to start again.

Slowly, over time, we made a wonderful how well planted tank can be and how exotic plants may make it all look aquarium, a landscape of huge reservoir adds visual impact. And of course, when you add fish, plants play an important role in the life aquarium that they add oxygen to water and help them absorb nitrates which are toxic to fish.

The sun is the most important factor in the life of a plant, and in an aquarium, the lighting is just as central to preserving the health and beauty of plants.

Wayne VANDRE, horticulture specialist, comments that the light is the major source of energy used by plants in photosynthesis. But light is not just a simple, well-defined entity. The response of plants is influenced by light quality, intensity and duration. Experiments show that the maximum growth of most plants is a cool white fluorescent light.

It is important to realize that skimping on the quality of light will affect the quality of growth of plants that you get and thus the overall quality of life tank.

Landscaping a tank can be fun and it is essential for different types of plants to give the tank that exotic look. There are many lines of aquatic plants. The tubers must be anchored by the root at the bottom of the tank. Plants floating clearly floating in the tank should not be anchored and will not usually need fertilizer. Rooted plants such as tubers must be anchored to the bottom of the tank normally associated with chunks of rock or wood. These species usually grow to be big enough and help fill the aquarium.

Normally, water and fish in the reservoir will provide nutrients and fertilizers essential for plant growth. It is rare that additional supplements should be added. A key feature of the plant life healthy is the filtration system. Under gravel filters restricting the composition of gravel in which the plants are rooted and produce a steady stream of bubbles that disturb the surface. All other types of filtration systems should give good results for plants and it is good to keep movement of water in the reservoir, but not too disturbances boiled to the surface in the form of CO2 is lost, essential to survival plants.

All our reservoirs healthy now have the plant life that makes it easier to keep happy and healthy fish colorful.