
Have You Got Aquarium Problems?

Like your aquarium. It is a beautiful site. You've spent a lot of time and money on him and the last thing you want is to lose that investment. That is why I am writing this article. There is an aquarium a few problems, you need to understand in order to maintain a healthy environment. If you know about these common problems aquarium and attack the beginning you'll be a very happy and enjoy your aquarium for many years to come. Here is a bed of those who are most common aquarium problems:

1. A lot o 'Snails

2. Nasty laid algae

3. Too much for dinner

4. Elevated levels of chemical

Let me explain the news ...

Aquarium Problem # 1 - lots o 'Snails

Since snails race as smallpox, you will notice over time many of them live in your tank. These crazy little critters can fertilize their own eggs and even procreate with themselves. This strange behaviour which makes them appear seemingly overnight. Do not be fooled some snails are good. They do keep some distance aquarium problems. They act as little empty pool eating all the dead and decaying things drag - yum. So how do you control the hoards approach? Simple - add loaches, in your tank. They eat the little guy and maintain their population regulated.

Aquarium Problem # 2 - Nasty Ugly Algae

I know you do not like it. It's a bit creepy aquarium problem that lurks and they laugh whenever you try to get rid of it. There are silt-brown algae blue-green algae, brown algae, green water and seaweed hair. All also detestable. Knowing the cause of these algae will help you decide on the proper remedy. This thin brown algae is caused by a lack of ammonia in water. The blue-green things is the result of water trouble. And, water and green hair algae are directly related to an excess of nitrates and nitrites.

Aquarium Problem # 3 - Too Much for dinner

Never heard the expression "He eats like a fish"? Well, why we say that because the fish do not know when to say when. Dump containing all the food in water and fish to eat and eat and eat. This could kill small darlings. Moreover, overeating fish can lead to an imbalance in nutrients in the reservoir. All the food that their lack eventually sink to the bottom of the tank and settle into the gravel to make a real state of disarray. This has led to water and trouble you guessed blue-green algae - yes, the circle of life!

Aquarium Problem # 4 - elevated chemical levels

This occurs most often when you get your new tank. Known as "new tank syndrome" you begin to see fish die mysteriously while you adjust the levels of ammonia and nitrite in the tank. A simple cure for this stock east of the tank slowly and give it time to s adapt to change. You can also try something like Algone to treat the water. Algone is used to correct imbalances in nutrients and clear water cloudy.

So, basically, in a word, avoid many problems simply keep aquarium with regular maintenance. Do not put your aquarium in the corner and forgotten. It regularly takes care to avoid these problems basic aquarium.